Razer是世界上最受欢迎的游戏设备(gaming gear)和外围设备制造商之一。他们的产品一直都经过精心设计和设计,在过去几年中,随着生活方式设备(可穿戴设备、椅子等)的增加,他们的产品阵容不断壮大。(product lineup)其Lifestyle系列中较非传统的产品之一是Razer Zephyr可穿戴空气净化器 - 一种带有风扇和RGB照明的面罩。(face mask)试用Zephyr让我非常兴奋,并没有让我失望。以下是我的发现:
Razer Zephyr可穿戴空气净化器(air purifier):它对谁有好处?
Razer Zephyr可穿戴空气净化器(air purifier)是以下情况的绝佳选择:
- 对灰尘或花粉过敏(dust or pollen allergies)的节日观众
- 希望引人关注的人
- Razer 品牌(Razer brand)的粉丝,他们需要保护自己免受空气传播的病原体的侵害,并希望以时尚的方式做到这一点
- 想要针对COVID-19增加一层保护的人(COVID-19)
在测试Razer Zephyr可穿戴空气净化器(air purifier)时,我发现了以下优点:
- 对细节的关注令人惊叹,这适用于包装、产品和配件
- 提供的过滤器很好
- 电池在风扇关闭的情况下持续超过 8 小时,在风扇开启的情况下持续大约 5 小时
- 风扇对吸气有很大帮助,它们就像你的肺部的涡轮增压器🙂
- 空气净化器令人头晕目眩
- 连接有时不稳定
- 用户的声音很模糊,但这个问题可以通过购买即将推出的Pro 型号(Pro model)轻松解决,该型号具有语音放大功能(voice amplification)
- 它的价格非常高(审查时为99美元)(USD)
Razer Zephyr可穿戴空气净化器(air purifier)无疑是极客、游戏玩家或音乐节观众的酷炫小工具。佩戴起来并不像看起来那么不舒服,而且蓝牙控制(Bluetooth control)可以让您轻松根据自己的喜好进行定制。除此之外,它的过滤器可以很好地保留气味和灰尘,风扇有助于透气,电池可以持续一整天。如果您想给朋友留下深刻印象,同时保护自己免受病原体、花粉和灰尘的侵害,我强烈推荐Zephyr 。真正(Truly)的,由游戏玩家制造的产品,为游戏玩家。
Razer Zephyr可穿戴空气净化器(air purifier)开箱
就像Razer的大多数(如果不是全部)产品一样,Zephyr被包装在一个彩色的、华丽的盒子里,正面印有产品图片。包装上的信息描述了它的一些功能,打开它我真的很兴奋。戴口罩很酷,配备蓝牙控制的 RGB 照明的(Bluetooth-controlled RGB lighting)N95 级(N95 grade)可穿戴空气净化器(air purifier)更酷。该盒子略小于鞋盒(9.64 x 5.7 x 3.93 英寸或 245 x 145 x 100 毫米),重量约为 0.7 磅(320 克)。
雷蛇 Zephyr 的盒子
在我看来,外包装(outer packaging)滑开,露出一个看起来更酷的黑盒子。盒子上有净化器的图纸、产品名称和Razer 徽标(Razer logo)。
一打开它,你就可以享受一种享受:说明书在一个单独的口袋里,面膜包装在一个带有绿色绳子的黑色袋子里,你还可以看到一个小塑料瓶(plastic bottle)。想知道那是为了什么。
打开Razer Zephyr的包装是一次令人满意的体验
好吧,事实证明,瓶子里装有防雾液体,因为净化器是透明的,并且内部有防雾涂层(您可以在清洁过滤器后重新涂抹)。该包装还包含一根 1 米(3.2 英尺)长的编织USB到USB-C 电缆(USB-C cable)、一套Razer贴纸和三套过滤器 - 稍后会详细介绍。对细节的关注令人难以置信:USB 线(USB cable)有一条带有Razer 名称的(Razer name)橡胶表带(rubber strap),其末端有塑料盖保护,USB 插头(USB plugs)的内部是Razer绿色!
Razer Zephyr:包装内容
拆箱 Razer Zephyr 可穿戴空气净化器是一种令人满意的体验。所有的材料都是高品质的,配件都经过精心包装,整个过程感觉很特别。(Unboxing the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier is a satisfying experience. All the materials are high-quality, accessories are carefully packaged, and the whole process feels special.)
从包装袋中取出空气净化器/面罩后,我测量了设备的重量。它重 0.45 磅或大约 200 克——客观地说,它很轻,但比任何类型的医用口罩都要重得多。顺便说一句,Razer明确指出Zephyr不是医疗设备,也不是N95(NOT)面罩(N95 mask),它只是具有 N95 等效过滤器。净化器有三个过滤位置:两个在侧面,一个在下巴部分。所有过滤器都必须安装到位,以便设备保护您免受颗粒物的侵害。过滤器可以使用三天(基于每天使用 8 小时),因此这三组应该持续大约 9 天。非常适合(Perfect)一两个节日。🙂
Razer Zephyr 看起来很酷
提示:(TIP:) N95等级(N95 rating)意味着过滤器可以截留超过 95% 的大于 0.3 微米的颗粒。这些包括花粉、灰尘、细菌和香烟烟雾(cigarette smoke)中的细颗粒。
所有零件都经过精心设计,具有低公差和优质材料。取下侧面过滤器的两个盖子后,您会发现Razer Zephyr的下一个令人敬畏的功能:风扇。是的,你没看错,Zephyr有两个小风扇,每侧一个,用于将新鲜空气吸入净化器。风扇有两种速度(4200 或 6200 rpm),也可以完全关闭。
看着面罩的背面,您可以看到可拆卸的面罩(face seal)和可调节的头带。我注意到对细节的同样关注,即使是在肩带方面。
雷蛇 Zephyr 的背面
密封件由医用级不含 BPA 的硅胶制成(BPA-free silicone),并通过磁铁固定在净化器的主体上。一个出色的设计选择(design choice),使净化器相关部件的清洁变得轻而易举(purifier trivial)。
Razer Zephyr有两个独立的光区,可以独立控制:两个RGB环围绕横向滤光片组件,还有一组RGB LED(RGB LEDs)位于面罩内侧,可照亮您的嘴部区域。该设备底部有一个多功能按钮(multifunction button)(开/关、风扇速度(fan speed)、配对)和一个USB 端口(USB port)。该端口由连接在净化器主体上的橡胶帽保护。(rubber cap)
根据Razer的说法,在风扇处于(Razer)低电平(Low)且灯光关闭的情况下,电池应该可以使用长达 8 小时,并且应该在大约 3 小时内充电。如果您想了解有关这款神奇产品的更多详细信息,请访问专用页面:可穿戴式空气净化器 - Razer Zephyr(Wearable Air Purifier - Razer Zephyr)。
Razer Zephyr 可穿戴空气净化器的设计令人惊叹。RGB 灯效、风扇、所有组件均可通过蓝牙控制、各种组件的磁力锁定、USB-C 充电……在仔细检查设备后,我对 Razer 的工程水平和对细节的关注印象深刻。(The design of the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier is amazing. RGB lighting, fans, all controllable via Bluetooth, magnetic locking for the various components, USB-C charging… After a close inspection of the device, I was impressed with the level of engineering and the attention to detail on Razer’s part.)
设置和使用Razer Zephyr可穿戴式空气净化器(air purifier)
设置净化器相对简单。你把它从袋子里拿出来,取下保护性塑料薄膜(plastic film),按照说明将过滤器插入各自的位置,重新盖上盖子,然后开始将面罩固定在脸上。
Razer Zephyr 横向过滤器
要启用RGB 控制(RGB control),您应该下载适用于Android和iOS的(iOS)Zephyr 应用程序(Zephyr app)。在您的智能手机上安装并启用蓝牙(Bluetooth)后,启动应用程序。配对(Pairing)很简单:在设备关闭的情况下,按住Zephyr上的多功能按钮(multifunction button)(位于右侧过滤器外壳上)四秒钟。这会在配对模式下(Pairing mode)打开Zephyr。开始(Start)在应用程序中搜索设备以完成该过程。配对后,您可以访问多个开关和设置。您可以监控电池电量(battery level),打开和关闭每个照明区域,以及风扇,您还可以更新固件。
您几乎可以通过Zephyr 应用程序(Zephyr app)完全控制净化器
按任何设置的名称都会显示其他选项。对于照明,您可以设置颜色、照明模式和强度(lighting pattern and intensity),而对于风扇,您可以选择两种速度中的一种。
(Advanced)颜色、照明强度和风扇速度的(intensity and fan speed)高级设置
使用该设备是一种了不起的体验。对于初学者来说,它会让你的游戏玩家朋友大吃一惊。戴着面具和连帽衫,你看起来像真人快打(Mortal Kombat)中的角色。在弱光条件下,Zephyr看起来超级酷,非常适合音乐会或节日。出色的过滤有助于保护您免受病原体(室内)和灰尘颗粒(室外)的侵害。
我做了一个小实验:我带着面具走进一家酒吧,所有的灯都亮着。结果?当我穿过房间时,我真的听到有人跟着我的脖子折断了。很有趣,真的,那里有很多情侣,而那些家伙在句子中停下来,完全被Zephyr迷住了。如果不是GDPR 规则(GDPR rules),我会发布它的视频。
Razer Zephyr 引起(Razer Zephyr)了许多(极客)的注意
过滤效果很好,阻止了大部分香烟烟雾(cigarette smoke)进入我的肺部。我也使用了通风,它确实有所作为。您可以更好地呼吸,此功能将Razer Zephyr从一个花哨的面罩变成一个真正的空气净化器(air purifier)。您可以站在汗流浃背(sweaty crowd)的大量吸烟者中轻松呼吸:)。只有在安静的环境中才能听到风扇的声音。
起初戴上Zephyr有点不舒服,但在习惯了它(不可忽略的)重量并调整了肩带后,我习惯了把它戴在脸上。说话或打哈欠是一个挑战,因为硅胶密封件(silicone seal)在一定程度上阻碍了下巴的运动,但看起来很酷,这是一个很小的代价。我的声音很低沉,但还没有到我无法沟通的程度。电池持续使用了 8 个多小时,主要是在没有风扇的情况下使用它,只有RGB 照明(RGB lighting)在两个区域都处于最大亮度。该应用程序非常易于使用,尽管它有一些小问题。我有时需要在一段时间不使用后重新配对,有时设备会不记得上次使用的配色方案(color scheme). 防雾涂层完美无瑕,使面罩的透明部分保持清晰。更换过滤器轻而易举,清洁净化器也是如此。最后,为净化器充电需要三个多小时,符合规格。
我非常喜欢使用 Razer Zephyr 可穿戴式空气净化器。令人惊叹的因素是通过屋顶,过滤器发挥作用,风扇将新鲜的过滤空气带入面罩。连接和内存问题很小,并没有破坏体验。(I thoroughly enjoyed using the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier. The Wow factor is through the roof, the filters do their job, and the fans bring fresh, filtered air inside the mask. The connectivity and memory issues were minor and did not ruin the experience.)
您如何看待Razer Zephyr可穿戴式空气净化器(air purifier)?
现在您知道我对Razer Zephyr可穿戴空气净化器(air purifier)的看法了:对于极客、游戏玩家或音乐节观众来说,它是一款很酷的小工具。在你离开这篇文章之前,我真的很好奇:你觉得Razer Zephyr怎么样?你会(Will)买吗?在评论中让我知道,如果你买了,告诉我你的感受。
Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier review: protection with style!
Rаzer is one of the most popular gaming gear and peripheral manufacturers in the world. Their products have alwаys beеn exceptiоnally well designed and engineered, and during the last years, their product lineup has grown with the addition of lifestyle devices (wearables, chairs, etc.). One of the more unconventional products in their Lifestyle range is the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier - a face mask with fans and RGB lighting. I was very excited to try out the Zephyr, and I was not disappointed. Here are my findings:
Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier: Who is it good for?
The Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier is an excellent choice for:
- Festival-goers with dust or pollen allergies
- Attention seekers
- Fans of the Razer brand who need to protect themselves from airborne pathogens and want to do it in style
- People who want an added layer of protection against COVID-19
Pros and cons
While testing the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier, I discovered the following strongpoints:
- The attention to detail is mind-blowing, and this applies to the package, the product, and the accessories
- The supplied filters are good
- The battery lasts more than eight hours with the fans off and around five with them on
- The fans help a lot with breathing in, they act like turbochargers for your lungs 🙂
- The air purifier is a head-turner
There are also some minor issues that can be easily addressed:
- Connectivity is flaky at times
- The user’s voice is muffled, but this issue can be easily fixed by buying the upcoming Pro model, which has voice amplification
- Its price is quite steep (99 USD at the time of the review)
The Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier is, undoubtedly, a cool gadget for geeks, gamers, or festival-goers. It’s not as uncomfortable to wear as it may seem, and Bluetooth control makes it easy to customize to your liking. Beyond that, its filters do a good job of retaining smells and dust, the fans help with breathability, and the battery lasts enough for a whole day. I would highly recommend the Zephyr if you want to impress your friends, while at the same time protecting yourself from pathogens, pollen, and dust. Truly, a product made by gamers, for gamers.
Unboxing the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier
Just like most (if not all) of the products from Razer, the Zephyr is packaged in a colored, flashy box, with a picture of the product on the front. The information on the package describes some of its functions, and I was really excited to open it. Having a mask is cool, having an N95 grade wearable air purifier with Bluetooth-controlled RGB lighting is cooler. The box is slightly smaller than a shoebox (9.64 x 5.7 x 3.93 inches or 245 x 145 x 100 mm), and it weighs roughly 0.7 lbs (320 grams).
The box of the Razer Zephyr
The outer packaging slides away to reveal a black box which looks even cooler, in my opinion. The box has a drawing of the purifier, the name of the product, and the Razer logo on it.
The quality of the packaging is excellent
Once you open it, you are in for a treat: the manual is in a separate pocket, the mask is packaged inside a black pouch with a green string, and you can also notice a small plastic bottle. Wonder what that’s for.
Unpacking the Razer Zephyr is a satisfying experience
Well, as it turns out, the bottle contains an anti-fogging liquid, because the purifier is see-through, and it has an anti-fogging coating on the inside (which you can reapply after cleaning the filter). The package also contains a 1 meter (3.2 feet) long, braided USB to USB-C cable, a set of Razer stickers, and three sets of filters - more on that later. The attention to detail is incredible: the USB cable has a rubber strap with the Razer name on it, its ends are protected with plastic covers, and the interior of the USB plugs is colored in Razer green!
Razer Zephyr: package contents
Unboxing the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier is a satisfying experience. All the materials are high-quality, accessories are carefully packaged, and the whole process feels special.
Hardware specifications and design
After taking the air purifier/mask out of its pouch, I measured the weight of the device. It weighs 0.45 lbs or roughly 200 grams - light, objectively, but a lot heavier than any sort of medical mask. By the way, Razer clearly states that the Zephyr is NOT a medical device, and it’s not an N95 mask, it just has N95-equivalent filters. The purifier has three filter locations: two on the sides and one on the chin part. All filters must be in place for the device to protect you from particles. The filters are good for three days (based on 8 hours of use per day), so the three sets should last around nine days. Perfect for a festival or two. 🙂
The Razer Zephyr looks cool
TIP: The N95 rating means that the filters can retain more than 95% of particles larger than 0.3 microns. These include pollen, dust, bacteria, and fine particles like the ones in cigarette smoke.
The filter locations are accessed by removing the plastic grilles/covers. The covers are secured in place with magnets, which makes them more robust and less prone to failure than using hinges or physical retainers.
The plastic covers are secured using magnets
All the parts are carefully engineered, with low tolerances and premium materials. Once you remove the two covers for the lateral filters, you discover the next awesome feature of the Razer Zephyr: the fans. Yes, you read that right, the Zephyr has two small fans, one on each side, that pull fresh air inside the purifier. The fans have two speeds (4200 or 6200 rpm) and can also be turned completely off.
The fans are located underneath the side covers
Looking at the back of the mask, you can see the removable face seal and the adjustable head straps. I noticed the same amount of attention to detail, even in regards to the straps.
The back of the Razer Zephyr
The seal is made of medical-grade BPA-free silicone and is also secured to the body of the purifier with magnets. An excellent design choice that makes cleaning the relevant parts of the purifier trivial.
The silicone seal is removable
The Razer Zephyr has two separate light zones that can be controlled independently: two RGB rings around the lateral filter assemblies and a pack of RGB LEDs on the inside of the mask, which lights up your mouth area. The device has a multifunction button (on/off, fan speed, pairing) and a USB port on the bottom. The port is protected with a rubber cap that’s attached to the body of the purifier.
The purifier looks even cooler with the lights on
The battery should last, according to Razer, up to eight hours with the fans on Low and the lighting off, and it should recharge in around three hours. If you want more details about this amazing product, visit the dedicated page: Wearable Air Purifier - Razer Zephyr.
The design of the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier is amazing. RGB lighting, fans, all controllable via Bluetooth, magnetic locking for the various components, USB-C charging… After a close inspection of the device, I was impressed with the level of engineering and the attention to detail on Razer’s part.
Setting up and using the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier
Setting up the purifier is relatively simple. You take it out of the pouch, remove the protective plastic film, follow the instructions to insert the filters in their respective locations, put the covers back on, then start fastening the mask on your face.
The Razer Zephyr lateral filter
You need to adjust the elastic straps and position them correctly in order to enjoy a comfortable fit. I strongly recommend reading the detailed manual, it will help significantly.
The elastic straps are comfortable
To enable RGB control, you should download the Zephyr app, available both for Android and iOS. After installing it on your smartphone and enabling Bluetooth, start the app. Pairing is simple: press the multifunction button on the Zephyr (located on the right filter casing) for four seconds with the device off. This turns on the Zephyr in Pairing mode. Start searching for the device in the app to finalize the process. After pairing, you have access to several switches and settings. You can monitor the battery level, turn each lighting zone on and off, as well as the fans, and you can also update the firmware.
You have almost full control over the purifier from the Zephyr app
Pressing the name of any setting brings up additional options. For the lighting, you can set the color, the lighting pattern and intensity, while for the fans, you can select one of the two speeds.
Advanced settings for color, lighting intensity and fan speed
Using the device is an amazing experience. For starters, it will blow your gamer friends’ minds. With the mask and a hoodie, you look like a character from Mortal Kombat. In low light conditions, the Zephyr looks super cool, which makes it perfect for concerts or festivals. The excellent filtering helps protect you from pathogens (indoors) and dust particles (outdoors).
I tried a little experiment: I entered a pub with the mask on my face and with all the lights on. The result? I literally heard some necks snap from following me as I was passing through the room. It was funny, really, there were a lot of couples there, and the guys were stopping mid-sentence and were completely enthralled by the Zephyr. If not for the GDPR rules, I would have posted a video of it.
The Razer Zephyr turns many (geek) heads
Filtering was good, stopping most of the cigarette smoke from entering my lungs. I also used the ventilation, and it really makes a difference. You can breathe in much better, and this feature turns the Razer Zephyr from a fancy mask into a true air purifier. You can stand in a sweaty crowd of heavy smokers and breathe easily :). The sound of the fans is only audible in quiet environments.
Wearing the Zephyr was a little uncomfortable at first, but after getting used to its (not negligible) weight and adjusting the straps, I got used to having it on my face. Talking or yawning was a challenge, as the silicone seal impedes somewhat the movement of the jaw, but it’s a small price to pay for looking so cool. My voice was muffled, but not to the extent that I was having trouble communicating. The battery lasted for more than eight hours, using it mostly without the fans on, with just the RGB lighting at maximum brightness on both zones. The app was super easy to use, although it had a few hiccups. I sometimes needed to re-pair after not using it for a while, and at times, the device would not remember the last used color scheme. The anti-fogging coating worked flawlessly, keeping the see-through part of the mask clear. Replacing the filters was a breeze, as was cleaning the purifier. Finally, charging the purifier took a little over three hours, in line with the specs.
It may look like a toy, but it's a truly magnificent piece of engineering
I thoroughly enjoyed using the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier. The Wow factor is through the roof, the filters do their job, and the fans bring fresh, filtered air inside the mask. The connectivity and memory issues were minor and did not ruin the experience.
What do you think of the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier?
Now you know my opinion on the Razer Zephyr wearable air purifier: it’s a cool gadget for geeks, gamers, or festival-goers. Before you leave this article, I’m really curious: what do you think of the Razer Zephyr? Will you buy it? Let me know in the comments and, if you do buy it, tell me how it feels for you.