如果您喜欢手机游戏(mobile gaming),您就会知道拥有一部游戏手机是必不可少的。得益于内置的冷却系统,游戏手机可以更好地管理热量并允许长时间稳定的游戏过程。但是,这些智能手机通常会牺牲日常使用所需的其他重要功能。
Nubia(Nubia RedM) RedMagic 7 是新一代游戏手机,似乎是这条规则的一个例外。据称它是第一款速度最快的游戏手机,不会影响您在游戏之外的日常使用。我们亲身体验了新的RedMagic 7,以直接检查这些说法是否属实,以及它是否真的是 2022 年最好的游戏手机(best gaming phone of 2022)。这是我们学到的。
RedMagic 7:第一印象和规格(RedMagic 7: First Impressions & Specs)
- 手机在非制冷芯片持续使用过程中会过热,影响智能手机的性能。
- 开发人员只关注手机的游戏组件,使其无法在您的日常生活中使用。
- 由于硬件昂贵,游戏手机价格高。
中兴的努比亚(Nubia)似乎已经用新的RedMagic手机解决了这些问题。RedMagic 7(RedMagic 7)是第一款运行高端芯片组——骁龙 8 (Snapdragon 8) Gen 1的游戏智能手机,内置冷却风扇,可以长时间舒适地玩游戏,并针对不同的需求提供不同的价格等级。
RedMagic 7(RedMagic 7)有 3 种版本:Obsidian 售价 629 美元(12GB RAM + 128GB),Pulsar售价 729 美元(16GB + 256GB),Supernova售价 799 美元(18GB + 256GB)。我们有用于测试的RedMagic 7 Pulsar模型。
- 尺寸:6.72 x 3.08 x 0.37 英寸(170.5 x 78.3 x 9.5 毫米)
- 重量:7.58 盎司(215 克)
- CPU:高通骁龙 8 Gen 1
- 内存:16GB(LPDDR5)
- 存储:256GB
- 操作系统:RedMagic OS 5.0基于Android 12
- 显示:Full HD+,AMOLED,6.8 英寸,165Hz 刷新率,分辨率 1080 x 2400 像素
- 电池:4500 mAh,带 65W 快速充电器
- 端口:USB-C、3.5 毫米耳机插孔、双 SIM 卡(Dual SIM)插槽
- 连接性:5G、蓝牙 5.2(Bluetooth 5.2)、NFC
- 前置摄像头:8MP自拍相机
- 后置摄像头:64MP 主摄像头、8MP 超广角和 2MP 微距
- 扬声器:带DTS X Ultra的立体声扬声器(DTS X Ultra)
- 特殊功能:内置冷却风扇、触控式肩部触发器、强大的快速充电器
RedMagic 7(RedMagic 7)配备了一组令人印象深刻的规格。这是一款价格实惠的手机,配备旗舰级硬件。但是,您会发现现代高端智能手机缺少一些您期望的东西:没有 IP 等级(由于冷却风扇系统)或无线充电。这意味着你不能带着这款手机去游泳,而不得不求助于有线快速充电。
设计与开箱(Design & Unpacking)
游戏智能手机在外观方面倾向于遵循特定的设计趋势。虽然游戏玩家喜欢赛博朋克的外观和明亮的配色方案,但普通用户可能会觉得它具有侵略性和过分夸张。虽然 RedMagic 7 似乎遵循相同的设计趋势,但感觉就像一个不同的故事。
根据努比亚(Nubia)的说法,这款智能手机的背板类似于脉冲星的颜色。最后,Supernova手机是最强大的(配备 18GB内存(RAM)),但如果我们谈论设计,它也是最史诗般的。它带有一个透明的背板,可让您在使用时看到由RGB灯点亮的冷却风扇之类的东西。
如果您不惜一切代价追求极简主义,您可以使用随附的硅胶套来隐藏一些彩色背面 - Gorilla Glass 5。
RedMagic 7(RedMagic 7)采用时尚的黑色盒子,顶部和侧面印有漫画。在包装盒内,您会发现:
- (RedMagic 7)预装屏幕保护膜的 RedMagic 7智能手机
- 硅胶(silicone case)保护壳
- SIM卡托销
- USB-C 转 USB-C 充电线
- 65瓦快速充电器
这款手机采用 700 尼特 6.8 英寸FHD+ 1080×2400屏幕,配备AMOLED显示屏和令人印象深刻的 165Hz 刷新率。在侧面,您会发现两个响应迅速的触摸板肩部触发器,以及背面的内置冷却风扇 - 两者都旨在改善您的游戏体验。
查看基准数据就足以了解RedMagic 7的速度和强大程度。我们将RedMagic 7通过Geekbench 5测试应用程序进行测试,以找出基准测试结果,并了解它与其他顶级智能手机的比较情况。
RedMagic 7在CPU性能方面获得了 1251 的单核和 3874 的多核得分。这使得大多数小米手机(908 和 3062)和三星 Galaxy S21 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra)(924 和 3085)都尘埃落定。RedMagic 7的得分也超过了配备相同Snapdragon 8 Gen 1芯片的(Gen 1)三星 Galaxy S22 Ultra(Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra) ,分别为1240 和 3384。唯一显示更好数字的智能手机是苹果的旗舰 iPhone 13 Pro,分别为 1668 和 4436 分。
游戏体验(Gaming Experience)
RedMagic 7(RedMagic 7)是一款游戏手机,它的设计理念是让您在游戏世界中超越对手。其中有不少,您可以在手机的游戏空间(Game space)中找到它们。
游戏空间(The Game Space)
要访问游戏空间,请打开(Game space)RedMagic 7左侧的红色(或洋红色)开关按钮。这将打开您的游戏大厅(Game lobby)。选择Super Power Base >插件库(Plugin library)。在那里你会发现你可以在各种游戏中使用的所有超级大国,从放大屏幕中心以找到任何隐藏目标的能力,到能够反转屏幕颜色以检测伪装的敌人。这些插件中的大多数都适用于所有游戏,尽管其中一些仅限于某些游戏。
借助游戏(Game)空间快捷方式,您还可以调整大量不同的设置,从而在游戏时获得更流畅的体验。您可以将刷新率从 60Hz 切换到 90Hz、120Hz 和 165Hz。60Hz 设置非常适合节省电池电量,而 165Hz 为您提供最佳图像质量。
165Hz 刷新率和 720Hz 触摸采样率启用将使您的RedMagic手机在游戏过程中对输入和点击更加敏感。您不会在任何游戏中注意到这一点,但如果您正在玩像Genshin Impact这样的图形要求高的游戏,您会感受到不同。
使用游戏内菜单,您可以将RedMagic 7设置为在游戏时阻止消息和电话,以避免分心并专注于游戏。或者,打开弹幕消息(Barrage Message)功能,让任何传入消息在屏幕上滑动,而不是挡住您的视线。
另一个重要的功能是充电分离(Charge Separation),它可以让您的手机直接从充电器中获取电力。在手机插入时启用此模式意味着电池不会充电,也不会增加热量水平。
肩部触发器(The Shoulder Triggers)
设备侧面的高响应肩部触发器也增加了RedMagic 7的响应能力。打开肩部触发器,手机感觉就像一个游戏控制器。
内置冷却风扇(The Built-in Cooling Fan)
如果您担心您的智能手机在游戏过程中过热,那么RedMagic 7就不是问题。连续玩了 3 个小时的Genshin Impact之后,手机只稍微发热了一点,整体保持了正常的温度。(Genshin Impact)每当您开始玩游戏或将手机切换到游戏(Game)空间模式时,内置的散热风扇会自动开启并帮助RedMagic 7冷却。
RedMagic 游戏配件 (RedMagic Gaming Accessories )
RedMagic还为那些渴望更身临其境的游戏体验的人生产各种游戏配件和套装。配件包括单独的涡轮冷却器(Turbo Cooler)、冷却冰底座(Ice Dock)、TWS Cyberpods、游戏底座等。您可以在RedMagic(RedMagic)官方网站 上单独或捆绑订购其中任何一种。
游戏之外的表现(Performance Outside Gaming)
RedMagic 7(RedMagic 7)是一款出色的游戏手机,但它在日常使用中的表现如何?
软件和应用程序(Software & Apps)
RedMagic 7在配备(RedMagic 7)RedMagic 5操作系统的最新 Android 12 上运行。虽然在RedMagic 7前辈中发现的许多错误已得到修复(如RedMagic启动器),但罕见的软件更新仍然存在问题。与大多数游戏手机一样,RedMagic 7的更新周期并不十分清晰,这对某些人来说可能是个问题。在测试过程中,我们发现必须对手机进行两次擦除才能安装最新更新并让所有功能正常工作。
否则,RedMagic 5操作系统就是您对游戏手机操作系统的期望。您会注意到手机上很少有英国媒体报道软件(bloatware on your phone),这绝对是一个加分项。您只会找到常用的Google应用程序和一些预装的RedMagic应用程序,因此您不必担心在开始使用之前清理手机。
音频和扬声器(Audio & Speakers)
RedMagic 7(RedMagic 7)保留了 3.5 毫米耳机插孔,这在现代旗舰机型上是罕见的。这使您可以使用有线游戏耳机进行身临其境的游戏。
相机性能 (Camera Performance )
RedMagic 7配备一个 8MP 前置自拍摄像头和一个背面三重摄像头设置:一个 64MP 主摄像头、一个 8MP 超广角摄像头和一个 2MP 微距摄像头。虽然您无法将图像质量与三星 S22 Ultra(Samsung S22 Ultra)或 iPhone 13 进行比较,但这款智能手机仍然可以拍摄出不错的照片和视频。
主 64MP 摄像头能够在良好的照明条件下拍摄出色的照片。前置摄像头可以拍出好看的自拍。专用的微距相机不会让您大吃一惊,但仍然可以拍摄出具有足够细节的体面图像。
相机应用程序中有一个专业(Pro)模式,您可以使用它来选择自己的白平衡、ISO、对焦和其他设置。您还可以在夜间模式下拍摄,以及从相机应用程序中选择其他 20 种创意照片模式中的任何一种:从全景(Pano)到定格(Freeze)照片,再到证件照。
RedMagic相机系统的主要卖点是其视频拍摄能力。这款智能手机拥有强大的处理能力,可以拍摄具有令人印象深刻的图像稳定性的 8K 视频。
电池寿命(Battery Life)
RedMagic 7(RedMagic 7)配备 4500mAh 电池。如果将其与其前身RedMagic 6s Pro的 5050mAh 电池或(Pro)华硕 ROG(ASUS ROG)手机 5的 6000mAh 电池进行比较,这似乎是一个很大的降级。然而,我们的测试表明,在日常使用过程中(没有大量游戏时间),即使您使用它拨打多个电话、查看您的社交媒体以及拍摄一些照片和视频,这款手机也可以轻松持续一整天或更长时间。
当然,使用RedMagic 7进行长时间的游戏时,您会很快耗尽电池电量。一小时的 165Hz 风冷游戏消耗了大约 25% 的电池。不过,这应该不是 65W 快速充电器的问题。您可以在 30 分钟内为RedMagic 7充满电。(RedMagic 7)因此,即使您的电池在您需要离开家时完全没电,您也可以将其充电,并且在您完全准备好之前它会达到 100%。您还可以使用快速充电器为其他小工具(包括笔记本电脑、平板电脑或电池组)供电。
您应该购买 RedMagic 7 吗?(Should You Buy the RedMagic 7?)
RedMagic 7专为游戏而生,如果您正在寻找这种手机,那么RedMagic 7就是一个绝佳的选择。散热风扇、165Hz 显示屏和肩部触发器——他们真的考虑到了每一个细节,使RedMagic 7成为 2022 年迄今为止最好的游戏手机。
如果您正在寻找一款功能齐全的顶级旗舰智能手机,那么缺乏 IP 等级、游戏风格和稍弱的摄像头可能会让您不愿购买这款设备。但是,即使您不喜欢游戏,这款智能手机仍然有很多值得喜爱的地方。出色(Great)的音质、8K 视频拍摄能力,当然还有价格。RedMagic 7起价 629 美元,是市场上运行Snapdragon 8 Gen 1的最实惠的手机。
Is RedMagic 7 the Best Gaming Phone of 2022?
If you’re into mobile gaming, you know that owning a gaming phone is essential. Thanks to built-in cooling systems, gaming phones manage heat better and allow for long and stable gaming sessions. However, these smartphones often sacrifice other important features needed for everyday use.
The Nubia RedMagic 7 is a new generation gaming phone that seems to be an exception to this rule. It’s claimed to be the first and fastest gaming phone that doesn’t compromise your day-to-day use outside gaming. We got our hands on the new RedMagic 7 to check firsthand if these claims are true and if it’s really the best gaming phone of 2022. Here’s what we learned.
RedMagic 7: First Impressions & Specs
Some of the most common issues that users have with gaming phones are:
- The phone overheats during the continuous use of the uncooled chip, which affects the smartphone’s performance.
- The developers only pay attention to the gaming components of the phone, making it unusable in your daily life.
- Gaming phones are high priced due to the expensive hardware.
It seems like ZTE’s Nubia has solved these problems with the new RedMagic phone. The RedMagic 7 is the first gaming smartphone running the high-end chipset – the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, has a built-in cooling fan that allows for long comfortable gaming sessions and has different price tiers for different needs.
The RedMagic 7 comes in 3 variations: Obsidian for $629 (12GB RAM + 128GB), Pulsar for $729 (16GB + 256GB), and Supernova for $799 (18GB + 256GB). We had the RedMagic 7 Pulsar model for testing.
- Dimensions: 6.72 x 3.08 x 0.37 in (170.5 x 78.3 x 9.5mm)
- Weight: 7.58 oz (215g)
- CPU: Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1
- Memory: 16GB (LPDDR5)
- Storage: 256GB
- Operating System: RedMagic OS 5.0 based on Android 12
- Display: Full HD+, AMOLED, 6.8 inches, 165Hz refresh rate, resolution 1080 x 2400 pixels
- Battery: 4500 mAh with 65W fast charger
- Ports: USB-C, 3.5mm headphone jack, Dual SIM slot
- Connectivity: 5G, Bluetooth 5.2, NFC
- Front Camera: 8MP selfie camera
- Rear Cameras: 64MP main camera, 8MP ultrawide, and 2MP macro
- Speakers: Stereo speakers with DTS X Ultra
- Special features: built-in cooling fan, touch-sensitive shoulder triggers, powerful fast charger
The RedMagic 7 comes with an impressive set of specifications. It’s an affordable phone with flagship-level hardware. However, you’ll find that a few things that you expect from a modern high-end smartphone are missing: There’s no IP rating (due to the cooling fan system), or wireless charging. That means you can’t go swimming with this phone and have to resort to wired fast charging.
Design & Unpacking
Gaming smartphones tend to follow specific design trends when it comes to their appearance. While gamers love the cyberpunk look and bright color schemes, an ordinary user might find it aggressive and over-the-top. While RedMagic 7 seemingly follows the same design tendencies, it feels like a different story.
The phone comes in three different color schemes, so if you want to keep it toned down, you can choose the cheaper Obsidian version with the modest black back panel. The Pulsar version is definitely out there when it comes to colors, and would fit in perfectly with someone who’s really into cyberpunk culture.
The backplate of this smartphone resembles the colors of the pulsar star according to Nubia. Finally, the Supernova phone is the most powerful of all (comes with 18GB of RAM) but also the most epic if we’re talking about design. It comes with a transparent backplate that allows you to see things like the cooling fan lit up by RGB lights when in use.
If you’re into minimalism at all costs, you can use the included silicone case that will hide some of the colorful back – Gorilla Glass 5.
What’s in the Box
The RedMagic 7 comes in a stylish black box with comic strips printed on top and the sides. Inside the box, you’ll find:
- RedMagic 7 smartphone with a pre-installed screen protector
- Protective silicone case
- SIM card tray pin
- USB-C to USB-C charging cable
- 65-watt fast charger
The phone features a 700-nit 6.8-inch FHD+ 1080×2400 screen with an AMOLED display and an impressive 165Hz refresh rate. On the sides, you’ll find two highly responsive touchpad shoulder triggers, and a built-in cooling fan on the back – both aiming to improve your gaming experience.
How Fast Is It?
It’s enough to look at the benchmark numbers to understand how fast and powerful the RedMagic 7 really is. We put the RedMagic 7 through the Geekbench 5 testing app to find out the benchmark results and see how it compares to other top smartphones.
The RedMagic 7 received a 1251 single-core and a 3874 multi-core score for CPU performance. This leaves most Xiaomi phones (908 & 3062) and the Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra (924 & 3085) in the dust. The RedMagic 7 also outscores the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra with the same Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip that showed 1240 and 3384. The only smartphone that showed better numbers is Apple’s flagship iPhone 13 Pro with 1668 and 4436 points.
Gaming Experience
The RedMagic 7 is a gaming phone, and it’s built with the idea of giving you an advantage over your opponents in the gaming world. There are quite a few of these, and you can find them in the phone’s Game space.
The Game Space
To access the Game space, turn on the red (or magenta) switch button on the left side of the RedMagic 7. This will open your Game lobby. Select Super Power Base > Plugin library. There you’ll find all of the superpowers that you can use in various games, from an ability to zoom in at the center of your screen to find any hidden targets, to being able to invert your screen’s colors to detect camouflaged enemies. Most of these plugins work in all games, though some of them are limited to certain titles.
Thanks to the Game space shortcut, you can also adjust a ton of different settings that will allow for a smoother experience while gaming. You can switch the refresh rate from 60Hz to 90Hz, 120Hz, and 165Hz. The 60Hz setting is perfect for conserving your battery, while 165Hz provides you with the best possible image quality.
The 165Hz refreshing rate together with the 720Hz touch sampling rate enabled will make your RedMagic phone more responsive to inputs and taps during your gaming sessions. You won’t notice this with just any game but if you’re playing a graphically demanding game like Genshin Impact, you’ll feel the difference.
Using the in-game menu, you can set the RedMagic 7 to block messages and calls while gaming to avoid distractions and focus on playing. Alternatively, switch the Barrage Message function on to have any incoming messages slide across the screen instead of blocking your view.
One more important feature is Charge Separation, which allows your phone to draw power directly from the charger. Enabling this mode while your phone’s plugged in means that the battery won’t charge and won’t increase the heat level.
The Shoulder Triggers
The highly responsive shoulder triggers on the side of the device also add to the responsiveness of the RedMagic 7. With the shoulder triggers on, the phone feels almost like a gaming controller.
The Built-in Cooling Fan
If you’re worried about your smartphone overheating during gaming sessions, that’s not an issue with the RedMagic 7. After playing Genshin Impact non-stop for 3 hours, the phone only got slightly warmer and maintained a normal temperature overall. Whenever you start playing a game or switch the phone into the Game space mode, the built-in cooling fan switches on automatically and helps the RedMagic 7 cool down.
RedMagic Gaming Accessories
RedMagic also produces a variety of gaming accessories and bundles for those who crave a more immersive gaming experience. The accessories include a separate Turbo Cooler, a cooling Ice Dock, TWS Cyberpods, a gaming dock, and more. You can order any of these separately or in a bundle on the RedMagic official site.
Performance Outside Gaming
The RedMagic 7 is an outstanding gaming phone but how does it perform in everyday use?
Software & Apps
RedMagic 7 runs on the latest Android 12 with the RedMagic 5 OS. While many bugs found in the RedMagic 7 predecessors have been fixed (like the RedMagic launcher), there’s still a problem with the rare software updates. Like with most gaming phones, the update cycle isn’t crystal clear with the RedMagic 7 and that could be a problem for some. During testing, we found that the phone had to be wiped twice before we managed to install the latest update and get all of the features working correctly.
Otherwise, the RedMagic 5 OS is what you’d expect from the operating system on a gaming phone. You’ll notice very little bloatware on your phone and that’s definitely a plus. You’ll only find the usual Google apps and a few RedMagic apps pre-installed, so you don’t have to worry about cleaning up your phone before you can start using it.
Audio & Speakers
The RedMagic 7 retains the 3.5mm headphone jack which is a rare find on modern flagship models. This allows you to use your wired gaming headphones for immersive play.
The headphone jack is located at the top of the device, together with one of the mics. The other mic is found at the bottom of the phone which also houses a SIM card slot, USB-C port, and a speaker grill.
The speaker at the bottom combined with the front-facing earpiece that doubles as a loudspeaker create a rather impressive stereo sound. Perfect for when you want to enjoy the game in the comfort of your home without a set of headphones with loud and detailed sound.
Camera Performance
RedMagic 7 comes with an 8MP front selfie camera, and a triple camera setup on the back: a 64MP main camera, an 8MP ultrawide camera, and a 2MP macro camera. While you can’t compare the image quality with that of the Samsung S22 Ultra or the iPhone 13, this smartphone still produces decent photos and videos.
The main 64MP camera is capable of taking great pictures in good lighting conditions. The front camera can take a good-looking selfie. The dedicated macro camera won’t blow your mind but can still take a decent image with enough detail.
There’s a Pro mode in the camera app that you can use to choose your own white balance, ISO, focus, and other settings. You can also shoot in night mode, as well as choose any of the 20 other creative photo modes from the camera app: from Pano to Freeze frame, to ID photos.
The main selling point of the RedMagic camera system is its video shooting abilities. This smartphone can shoot 8K videos with impressive image stabilization due to all of the processing power that it packs.
Battery Life
The RedMagic 7 packs a 4500mAh battery. If you compare it to the 5050mAh battery of its predecessor RedMagic 6s Pro, or the 6000mAh battery of the ASUS ROG phone 5, it might seem like a big downgrade. However, our tests showed that during everyday use (without extensive gaming sessions) the phone easily lasts all day and longer, even if you use it to make multiple calls, check your social media, and shoot some photos and videos.
Of course, you’ll run out of battery sooner when using the RedMagic 7 for lengthy gaming sessions. One hour of 165Hz air-cooled gaming consumed about 25% of the battery. Although, this shouldn’t be a problem with the 65W fast charger. You can fully charge your RedMagic 7 in less than 30 minutes. So even if your battery’s completely empty when you need to leave the house, you can put it to charge and it’ll be at 100% before you get fully ready. You can also use the fast charger to power up your other gadgets, including laptops, tablets, or battery packs.
Should You Buy the RedMagic 7?
The RedMagic 7 is built for gaming, and if that’s the kind of phone you’re looking for, the RedMagic 7 is a fantastic find. The cooling fan, the 165Hz display, and the shoulder triggers – they really thought of every detail, making the RedMagic 7 the best gaming phone of 2022 so far.
If you’re looking for a top-notch flagship smartphone that does it all, the lack of IP rating, gaming stylistics, and somewhat weak cameras might put you off buying this device. However, there’s still a lot to love about this smartphone even if you’re not into gaming. Great sound quality, 8K video shooting abilities, and of course the price. Starting at $629, the RedMagic 7 is the most affordable phone running Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 on the market.