免费防病毒产品的世界由几家公司主导,其中之一就是流行的Avast。他们开发和分发了您能找到的最好的免费防病毒应用程序之一,但这并不是他们产品组合中唯一的安全产品。(security product)他们销售的高级安全解决方案(security solution)称为Avast Premier,它为用户提供防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)、防火墙模块(firewall module)和各种其他旨在保护您的Windows设备的安全模块。我们已经对其进行了几天的测试,在了解了它的所有优点和缺点之后,我们现在准备在这篇评论中与您分享我们的发现:
Avast Premier 擅长什么?
Avast Premier是一款安全产品(security product),擅长:
- 看起来不错且易于使用
- 从您的计算机中查找(Finding)和删除恶意软件
- 当您连接到公共网络时,保护您免受网络攻击
Avast Premier与Avast Internet Security
Avast Premier和Avast Internet Security都提供相同的核心组件,并且都可以为您提供同样的保护。但是,与稍便宜的Avast Internet Security相比,Avast Premier还可以:
- 阻止恶意软件和黑客(Stop malware and hackers)访问您的网络摄像头,
- 永久删除敏感文件,以及
- 自动更新安装在您计算机上的第三方软件。
考虑到所有这些,如果您可以多花几美元,Avast Premier是一个更好的选择。但是,如果每一分钱对您来说都很重要,那么您也可以使用Avast Internet Security。
以下是Avast Premier的一些积极功能:
- 防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)可快速有效地清除计算机中的病毒
- 当您连接到公共网络时,防火墙模块可提供出色的保护(firewall module)
- 用户界面(user interface)设计精美,初学者易于使用
- 还有许多高级设置供有经验的用户享用
以下是Avast Premier不那么积极的方面:
- 网络防护模块(shield module)无法正常工作,它不会阻止您加载危险的网络钓鱼网站
- 没有关于您计算机上发生的事情的详细信息的日志
- 防病毒模块(antivirus module)不会自动扫描,也不会询问您是否要扫描可移动驱动器中的病毒
- 安全套件(security suite)安装了一个与安全无关的网络浏览器扩展:Avast Safe (web browser extension)Price(Avast Safe Price)。这只是一种通过用户获利的方法,即使他们已经为Avast Premier付费(Avast Premier)
- 如果您需要通过电话获得复杂的支持,您可能需要向Avast支付更多费用(Avast)
Avast Premier会减慢计算机的启动时间
- 一些捆绑的应用程序需要(apps cost)额外付费,包括VPN 服务(VPN service)
- 安全套件(security suite)不提供家长控制
Avast Premier是一个安全套件(security suite),它有许多优点和缺点。积极的一面是,您将获得一个可以清除任何感染的优秀防病毒引擎(antivirus engine),一个可以保护您免受任何网络威胁的优秀(network threat)防火墙模块(firewall module),以及一个看起来不错且易于使用的用户界面,尤其是对于初学者而言。但是,当您使用可移动媒体时,防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)不会做出反应,防火墙模块(firewall module)仅在您使用专用网络配置文件(network profile)时处于平均水平,并且用户界面缺少良好的日志和统计部分(logs and statistics section)。如果您还考虑到电话支持(phone support)或与套件捆绑在一起的VPN 服务(VPN service)需要额外付费,我们得出的结论是,这是一种安全产品(security product),您应该在购买前进行测试。我们不认为Avast Premier是我们可以向所有人推荐的安全产品。(security product)
下载安装体验(download and installation experience)
要在您的Windows 计算机(Windows computer)上安装Avast Premier,您必须首先从其官方网站下载它,您可以在此处(here)找到该网站。您将获得一个名为avast_premier_antivirus_setup_online.exe(avast_premier_antivirus_setup_online.exe)的小型可执行文件,大小为 6.84 MB。值得注意(Noteworthy)的是,Avast不会要求您提供任何个人信息来让您下载和安装Avast Premier的试用版(trial version)。
Avast Premier的奇怪之处在于它会尝试将Google Chrome与其保护模块捆绑在一起。捆绑(Bundling)附加软件是您对免费产品的期望,而不是付费产品。如果您不想使用Google Chrome作为您的网络浏览器(web browser),请在开始安装Avast Premier时(Avast Premier)注意(pay attention)并禁用此选项。
运行安装程序意味着您可以下载大约 65 MB 的文件。但是,下载的确切大小会根据您选择安装的保护模块而有所不同。因为是的,此安全产品(security product)可让您选择要安装的内容和不安装的内容。
在选择要安装的组件时,请三思而后行SafePrice 浏览器扩展(browser extension),它对您的安全性没有任何帮助。SafePrice浏览(SafePrice) 器扩展(browser extension)只为您提供在不同购物网站上在线搜索产品的替代品。
在我们的测试计算机上(test computer),下载和安装过程(download and installation processes)没有任何中断或问题。最后,安装向导(installation wizard)会询问您是否也想在您的Android 智能手机上安装(Android smartphone)Avast的安全套件(security suite)。
然后,安全套件(security suite)加载其用户界面并询问您连接的网络。当防火墙检测到一个新网络时,它总是询问它是私有网络还是公共网络。根据您的回答,防火墙会自动调整其保护级别(protection level),并且还会更改在Windows中设置的网络配置文件(network profile)。
首先看一下用户界面(user interface),我们还注意到Avast Premier已经在使用公司服务器上可用的最新病毒定义,这是一件好事。
我们对 Avast Premier 的下载和安装体验非常好。我们感谢您不必提供任何个人信息来测试安全套件,并且您可以选择(The download and installation experience we had for Avast Premier was a good one. We appreciated the fact that you do not have to provide any personal information to test the security suite, and that you can choose )要安装(protection modules you want to install. However, we do not appreciate the fact that Avast Premier tries to install a web browser extension (SafePrice) that has nothing to do with your security. It is just a way to make )的保护模块。(which )但是,我们不理解 Avast Premier 尝试安装与您的安全无关的 Web 浏览器扩展程序 (SafePrice)。这只是代表付费客户为 Avast赚(money for Avast on behalf of paying customers.)更多钱的一种方式。(more )
与Windows、网络浏览器和通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序集成
当我们在测试计算机(test computer)上安装它时,Avast Premier自动禁用了Windows Defender和Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)。这是一件好事,因为它有助于避免不必要的性能问题和可能的冲突。Avast Premier还与Windows的网络功能完美集成 - 在创建或加入家庭组、共享文件和文件夹或使用通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序时,我们没有遇到任何问题。
当您连接到一个新网络时,防火墙模块(firewall module)会询问这是什么类型的网络。您可以在每个网络的公共和私人配置文件之间进行选择,就像在Windows中一样。
在您的在线安全方面,Avast Premier借助其网络防护模块(shield module)保护您,该模块过滤来自您计算机的所有Internet 流量(internet traffic)并阻止所有(computer and blocks everything)可疑内容。但是,Avast Premier还提供了两种不同的 Web 浏览器扩展,它们应该提供更高的安全性。它们被称为Avast Online Security和Avast SafePrice。Avast Online Security Web 浏览器扩展(web browser extension)旨在阻止您的访问,并在您即将访问受感染的网站时通知您。
然而,另一个 - Avast SafePrice - 是为了在您在线购物时为您提供更好的交易,通过向Avast发送信息并为您提供有针对性的广告作为回报。在Windows 10中,这些 Web 浏览器扩展默认为Google Chrome 和 Mozilla Firefox(Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox)安装。我们的建议是禁用和卸载Avast SafePrice,因为它不会提高您的安全性。
我们还查看了Avast Premier(Avast Premier)增加了多少我们测试计算机的(test computer)启动时间(boot time)。为此,我们使用BootRacer来测量安装此安全套件(security suite)前后的启动时间(boot time)。不幸的是,增幅很大,约为 30%。但另一方面,我们发现Avast Premier消耗的RAM很少,平均消耗为 65 MB RAM。
为了检查互联网或本地网络速度是否受到Avast Premier的影响,我们还使用Speedtest.net和LAN Speed Test进行了一些测试。我们运行的测试表明,下载和上传速度都不受安全套件(security suite)的影响。换句话说,它对网络传输(network transfer)速度没有负面影响,对互联网数据传输也没有影响。
Avast Premier 似乎是一种与 Windows 及其网络功能完美集成的安全产品。但是,当安全产品捆绑承诺“安全价格、更优惠的交易”的网络浏览器扩展时,以及当它增加我们计算机的启动时间时,我们不(Avast Premier appears to be a security product that is well integrated with Windows and its networking features. However, we do not )喜欢(like )它,就像 Avast Premier 似乎正在做的那样。(it when a security product is bundling web browser extensions that promise "safe prices, better deals," and when it increases the boot time of our computer, like Avast Premier appears to be doing.)
Avast Premier的(Avast Premier)用户界面(user interface)非常漂亮,其设计基于平滑渐变和细线。选择的强调色是绿色和紫色,主控制台一目了然地告诉您计算机的状态,同时还让您“运行智能扫描”。("Run Smart Scan.")当您按下此按钮时,您会在您的计算机上触发对病毒、过时软件、声誉不佳的浏览器插件、网络威胁、性能问题和弱密码的扫描。
用户界面的左侧是几个按钮,可让您访问套件提供的最重要的功能、工具和设置。例如,您可以在此处启动防病毒扫描、启动与安全套件(security suite)捆绑的任何工具或打开Avast Premier的设置。
说到设置,它们中的大多数都很容易理解和配置,因为Avast Premier提供了开关和复选标记列表。
Avast Premier也非常擅长帮助您了解其工具和设置的作用。例如,更具技术性的设置在其右侧有一个小信息图标。(information icon)如果单击它,您将获得有关设置作用的更多详细信息。此外,如果您需要更深入的帮助或支持(help or support),Avast Premier 可以满足(Avast Premier)您的需求:您可以浏览详细的帮助文档(help documentation)、通过联系人发送支持请求或寻求电话支持(phone support)。但是,后一个选项(latter option)仅涵盖安装和配置您的Avast 产品(Avast product)。如果您有更复杂的问题,例如由计算机上的病毒引起的问题,Avast的技术人员只有在您支付额外订阅费用时才能提供帮助,而且价格绝对不容忽视。
如果您好奇,您可能还对Avast Premier显示的日志和统计数据感兴趣。不幸的是,我们不能说我们对它提供的东西感到满意。日志很难找到,至少可以说,它们提供的信息很差。如果您想要报告,您必须手动配置安全套件(security suite)来生成它们,这意味着您会获得一些文本文件,您必须使用文件资源管理器(File Explorer)在您的计算机上找到这些文件。这根本不是一种友好的方法。
关于警报和通知,Avast Premier比其他类似软件更健谈。我们已经看到在我们的测试计算机(test computer)上检测到与恶意软件相关的弹出窗口,以及关于其他事情的通知。
Avast Premier 有一个漂亮的用户界面,并且很容易找到你的方式。我们赞赏使用开关和复选标记设置,但我们不喜欢缺少日志和统计信息。此外,仅当您购买花费大量资金的单独订阅时,才能获得深入的支持。(Avast Premier has a good-looking user interface and finding your way through it is fairly easy. We appreciated the use of switches and checkmark settings, but we did not like the lack of logs and statistics. Also, in-depth support is available only if you buy a separate subscription that costs a lot of money.)
在这篇评论的下一页上,您可以看到Avast Premier在保护您的 Windows 计算机免受网络攻击和恶意软件攻击方面的能力。您还可以查看此安全套件(security suite)中包含哪些附加功能,并查看我们对您应该调整哪些设置的建议。
Security for everyone - Review Avast Premier
The world of freе antivirus products is dоminated by a few companies, one of them being the popular Avast. Τhey develop and distribute one of the best free antiνirus applіcations you can find, but that is not the only security prоduct they have in their portfolio. The premium security sоlution they sell is called Avast Premier, and it offers users an antivirus engine, a firewall module and all sorts of other security modules destined to protect your Windows devices. We have tested it for a couple of days and, after seeing all its pros and cons, we are now ready to share our findings with you, in this review:
What is Avast Premier good at?
Avast Premier is a security product that is good at:
- Looking good and being easy to use
- Finding and removing malware from your computer
- Protecting you well against network attacks, when you are connected to public networks
Avast Premier vs. Avast Internet Security
Both Avast Premier and Avast Internet Security offer the same core components, and both can protect you just as well. However, compared to the slightly cheaper Avast Internet Security, Avast Premier can also:
- Stop malware and hackers from accessing your webcam,
- Permanently delete sensitive files, and
- Automatically update third-party software installed on your computer.
Considering all that, if you can spare a few dollars more, Avast Premier is a better deal. However, if every penny matters to you, you can do just as well with Avast Internet Security.
Pros and cons
Here are some of the positive features of Avast Premier:
- The antivirus engine is fast and efficient at cleaning viruses from your computer
- The firewall module offers excellent protection when you are connected to public networks
- The user interface has a nice design and is easy to use by beginners
- There are also many advanced settings for experienced users to enjoy
Here are the not so positive aspects of Avast Premier:
Avast Premier is a security suite that has many positives as well as negatives. For positives, you get a good antivirus engine that can clean any infection, an excellent firewall module that can protect you against any network threat, and a user interface that looks good and is easy to use, especially for beginners. However, the antivirus engine does not react when you use removable media, the firewall module is only average when you use a private network profile, and the user interface lacks a good logs and statistics section. If you also take into consideration that the phone support or the VPN service that are bundled with the suite are things that cost additional money, we conclude that this is a security product that you should test before you buy. We do not feel that Avast Premier is a security product that we can recommend to everyone.
The download and installation experience
To install Avast Premier on your Windows computer, you must first download it from its official website, which you can find here. You get a small executable file named avast_premier_antivirus_setup_online.exe, with a size of 6.84 MB. Noteworthy, Avast does not ask for any personal information to let you download and install a trial version of Avast Premier.
What's strange about Avast Premier is that it will try to bundle Google Chrome alongside its protection modules. Bundling additional software is something you would expect from a free product, but not from a paid one. If you do not want to use Google Chrome as your web browser, pay attention when starting the installation of Avast Premier and disable this option.
Running the installer means that you get to download approximately 65 MB of files. However, the exact size of the download differs according to the protection modules that you choose to install. Because yes, this security product lets you select what you want to install and what not.
When choosing what components you want to install, think twice about the SafePrice browser extension, which does nothing for you regarding security. The SafePrice browser extension only gives you alternatives to the products you search online, on different shopping websites.
On our test computer, the download and installation processes took place without any interruptions or problems. At the end, the installation wizard asks whether you want to install Avast's security suite on your Android smartphone too.
Then, the security suite loads its user interface and asks about the networks to which you are connected. When the firewall detects a new network, it always asks whether it is a private or a public one. Depending on your answer, the firewall adjusts its protection level automatically, and it also changes the network profile set in Windows.
Taking a first look at the user interface, we also noticed that Avast Premier was already using the latest virus definitions available on the company's servers, and that is a good thing.
The download and installation experience we had for Avast Premier was a good one. We appreciated the fact that you do not have to provide any personal information to test the security suite, and that you can choose which protection modules you want to install. However, we do not appreciate the fact that Avast Premier tries to install a web browser extension (SafePrice) that has nothing to do with your security. It is just a way to make more money for Avast on behalf of paying customers.
Integration with Windows, web browsers and universal Windows platform apps
When we installed it on our test computer, Avast Premier automatically disabled both Windows Defender and Windows Firewall. That is a good thing because it will help avoid unwanted performance issues and possible conflicts. Avast Premier is also well integrated with Windows' networking features - we had no problems when creating or joining a homegroup, when sharing files and folders or when using universal Windows platform apps.
When you connect to a new network, the firewall module asks what kind of network that is. You can choose between a public and a private profile for each network, just like in Windows.
When it comes to your online security, Avast Premier protects you with the help of its web shield module, which filters all the internet traffic from your computer and blocks everything suspicious. However, Avast Premier also offers two different web browser extensions that should provide even more security. They are called Avast Online Security and Avast SafePrice. The Avast Online Security web browser extension is designed to block your access and notify you when you are about to visit an infected website.
The other one though - Avast SafePrice - is created to give you better deals when you are shopping online, by sending information to Avast and giving you targeted ads in return. In Windows 10, these web browser extensions are installed by default for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Our recommendation is to disable and uninstall Avast SafePrice because it does nothing to improve your security.
We also looked at how much Avast Premier increased the boot time of our test computer. To do that, we used BootRacer to measure the boot time before and after installing this security suite. Unfortunately, the increase was significant, about 30 percent. On another note though, we found that Avast Premier consumes little RAM, the average consumption being 65 MB of RAM.
To check whether the internet or local network speeds are affected by Avast Premier, we also ran a few tests with Speedtest.net and with LAN Speed Test. The tests that we ran showed that neither the download nor the upload speed was affected by the security suite. In other words, it has no negative effect on network transfer speeds and no effect on internet data transfers.
Avast Premier appears to be a security product that is well integrated with Windows and its networking features. However, we do not like it when a security product is bundling web browser extensions that promise "safe prices, better deals," and when it increases the boot time of our computer, like Avast Premier appears to be doing.
Ease of use & configuration
Avast Premier has a very good-looking user interface, with a design based on smooth gradients and thin lines. The accent colors of choice are green and purple, and the main console tells you in a glimpse what your computer's status is, while also letting you "Run Smart Scan." When you press this button, you trigger a scan on your computer for viruses, outdated software, browser add-ons with a bad reputation, network threats, performance issues, and weak passwords.
The left side of the user interface is home to a few buttons that let you access the most important features, tools, and settings offered by the suite. For instance, this is the place from which you can launch antivirus scans, start any of the tools bundled with the security suite or open the settings of Avast Premier.
Speaking of settings, most of them are easy to understand and configure, as Avast Premier offers both switches and check mark lists.
Avast Premier is also quite good at helping you understand what its tools and settings do. For instance, the settings that are a bit more technical have a small information icon on their right sides. If you click on it, you get more details about what the setting does. Also, if you need more in-depth help or support, Avast Premier has you covered: you can browse through detailed help documentation, send support requests via a contact, or ask for phone support. However, the latter option only covers installing and configuring your Avast product. If you have more complex issues, like the ones caused by a virus on your computer, Avast's technicians can help only if you pay an additional subscription, with a price that is definitely not negligible.
In case you are curious, you might also be interested in the logs and statistics displayed by Avast Premier. Unfortunately, we cannot say that we are satisfied with what it offers. The logs are hard to find, and the information they offer is poor, to say the least. If you want reports, you must manually configure the security suite to generate them, and that means that you get some text files which you must find on your computer using File Explorer. It is not a friendly approach at all.
Regarding alerts and notifications, Avast Premier is a bit more talkative than other similar software. We have seen popups related to malware being detected on our test computer but also notifications about other things.
Avast Premier has a good-looking user interface and finding your way through it is fairly easy. We appreciated the use of switches and checkmark settings, but we did not like the lack of logs and statistics. Also, in-depth support is available only if you buy a separate subscription that costs a lot of money.
On the next page of this review, you can see how capable Avast Premier is at protecting your Windows computer from network attacks and malware. You can also see what additional features are included in this security suite, and check our recommendations for what settings you should adjust.