360 Total Security是由一家名为奇虎 360的中国公司开发的(Qihoo 360)安全套件(security suite)。该公司成立于 2005 年,业务发展良好,2014 年全球有超过 4.96 亿用户在使用其安全产品。如今,这个数字可能更加重要。该公司的顶级免费防病毒产品(antivirus product)名为360 Total Security,并承诺为用户清理并加速Windows。当然,我们很好奇它是否能做到这一点。经过几天的测试,下面是我们对360 全方位安全(360 Total Security)的评测:
360 Total Security是一款出色的安全软件(security software),适用于以下用户:
- 不想为杀毒软件买单(antivirus software)
- 轻松修补它以获得体面的防病毒保护(antivirus protection)
- 想要一个免费的VPN工具(VPN tool),并且愿意在有限的流量下凑合
以下是我们确定的关于360 Total Security的优点:
- 这是免费的
- 它有一个简单易用的界面
- 它提供了一个VPN工具
- 除非您手动启用Bitdefender(Bitdefender )和Avira AntiVir防病毒引擎,否则它无法有效地保护您免受恶意软件的侵害
- 它不会阻止您访问危险网站
- 它没有防火墙模块(firewall module),尽管它被命名为 Total Security
- 有很多广告显示
- 它会减慢计算机的启动时间和本地网络中的文件传输速度
- 捆绑的许多附加工具要么没用,要么无法使用,除非您购买订阅
360 Total Security可能是我们评测过的最差的安全套件。(security suite)它在纸上看起来不错,但现实是丑陋的并且充满了问题。它默认使用的防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)很弱,无法阻止恶意软件和勒索软件(malware and ransomware)破坏您计算机上的所有内容,并且浏览器安全扩展(browser security extension)无法阻止您访问危险网站。下载并安装此安全套件(security suite)的普通用户实际上无法抵御各种威胁。360 Total Security未能实现保护用户免受网络威胁的最重要目的。当然,您可以修改它并启用Bitdefender和Avira AntiVir引擎,但这不是普通用户会做的事情。我们不能向任何人推荐该产品。您最好使用Windows 中的Windows Defender(Windows Defender)。
下载安装体验(download and installation experience)
要在您的计算机上安装360 Total Security,您首先必须下载它。您可以选择获取一个小的可执行文件,在安装过程中下载所有需要的数据,或者您可以从一开始就下载完整的离线安装程序(offline installer right),其中包含安装产品所需的一切。无论哪种方式,您都将从 Internet 下载大约 71.7 MB 的数据。我们必须提到的一个积极因素是,没有要求您提供任何个人信息。
安装向导(installation wizard)简单明了,它让您选择的唯一内容是您是否要“加入 360 用户体验改善计划”("Join 360 User Experience Improvement Program")和“安装安全快速的 Opera 浏览器”。("Install Safe and Fast Opera Browser.")默认情况下,这两个选项都被选中,但都不是强制性的。我们建议您取消选中安装Opera的选项,除非您希望在您的计算机上安装此Web 浏览器(web browser)。您还可以选择安全套件的安装文件(security suite)夹(installation folder)。
安装完成后,360 全方位安全(360 Total Security)会要求您重新启动计算机。为了得到保护,你应该这样做。
电脑开机后,360安全卫士(360 Total Security)用一个叫做360启动定时器(360 Startup Timer)的窗口欢迎我们,在这个窗口中,在大量广告下方显示了一些新闻项目。这是一个可怕的开始。
然后我们尝试打开安全套件(security suite)的主界面, 360全方位安全(360 Total Security)并没有看到它,而是认为打开360即时设置(360 Instant Setup)会更好。这是一个附加工具,可帮助您“单击”安装第三方软件,其方式与Ninite类似。这是一个有用的工具,但不是用户在尝试打开360 全方位安全(360 Total Security)时所需要的。
关闭360 即时设置(360 Instant Setup)后,我们终于可以看到360 全方位安全(360 Total Security)的主界面了。乍一看,它似乎非常简单易用。
在您的 Windows 计算机上下载和安装 360 Total Security 非常简单直接。我们喜欢这样一个事实,即您可以使用离线安装程序,并且在安装之前不需要用户提供个人信息。但是,我们不喜欢安装程序尝试安装您没有要求的其他软件,即使该软件是合法的。此外,我们不喜欢用户桌面上存在广告,并且我们不喜欢您第一次接触 360 Total Security 不是通过其主要用户界面,而是通过附加工具。(Downloading and installing 360 Total Security on your Windows computer is easy and straightforward. We liked the fact that you can use an offline installer, and that there is no personal information required from the user before installing it. However, we do not like the fact that the installer tries to install additional software that you did not ask for, even if that software is legitimate. Also, we do not appreciate the presence of ads on the user's desktop, and we dislike the fact that the first encounter you have with 360 Total Security is not with its primary user interface, but with an additional tool.)
与Windows(Windows)、网络浏览器和通用Windows 应用程序(Windows apps)集成
360 Total Security在安装过程中禁用了Windows Defender,这是一件好事,因为同时运行两个防病毒应用程序可能意味着冲突和性能问题。但是,它不会禁用Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall),但这没关系,因为它不包含自己的防火墙模块(firewall module)。因为它没有防火墙模块(firewall module),所以我们在Windows 10中使用网络功能没有任何问题。我们能够创建和加入家庭组,我们可以通过网络访问网络(access network)共享和流媒体文件,并且我们在下载、安装或使用通用Windows 应用程序(Windows apps)方面没有任何问题。
我们还检查了360 Total Security如何选择保护其用户免受在线威胁。我们发现它是通过安装一个名为“360 Internet Protection”的("360 Internet Protection")网络浏览器扩展(web browser extension)来实现的。它适用于Chrome、Firefox、Opera、Microsoft Edge和Yandex 浏览器(Yandex Browser)。如果您不使用这些网络浏览器之一,360 全方位安全(360 Total Security)不会采取任何措施来保护您免受在线危险。
我们使用任务管理器来监控(Task Manager)360 Total Security运行其进程需要多少RAM 。在我们的测试计算机上(test computer),它只使用了大约 66 MB 的RAM,这是一个很小的值。
接下来,我们检查了它对启动时间(boot time)的影响程度。使用BootRacer,我们测量到360 Total Security增加了超过 7 秒的系统启动时间。这比原始启动时间(boot time)增加了 38% 。如果您想知道,我们使用的是快速NVMe 三星 SSD(NVMe Samsung SSD),因此在使用传统硬盘驱动器的系统上,这个时间增加可能会更高。(time increase)
为了检查网速(internet speed)是否受到360 全方位安全(360 Total Security)的影响,我们使用Speedtest.net进行了一些测试。安装安全套件(security suite)之前和之后的传输速率相同,这非常好。然而,当我们测试通过本地网络移动文件的上传和下载速度时, (upload and download speeds)LAN Speed Test显示安全套件(security suite)将上传速度降低了 23%,下载速度(download speed)降低了 7%。这些是本地网络内的数据传输速度明显较慢。
360 Total Security 不提供防火墙模块,但这意味着您在使用 Windows 的网络功能时应该不会遇到问题。不幸的是,它也不包含互联网流量过滤引擎,以保护您免受危险网站的侵害。但是,有一个 Web 浏览器扩展程序可以在您上网时保护您,但前提是您使用它支持的流行浏览器。最后,我们很失望地看到 360 Total Security(360 Total Security does not offer a firewall module, but that means that you should not have issues using the networking features from Windows. Unfortunately, it does not include an internet traffic filtering engine either, to protect you from dangerous websites. However, there is a web browser extension that should secure you when you surf the web, but only if you use a popular browser that is supported by it. Finally, we were disappointed to see that 360 Total Security )大大降低(slowed )了我们测试计算机的启动时间和数据传输速度。(the boot times and data transfers of our test computer down a lot.)
第一印象,360全方位安全(360 Total Security)提供的用户界面(user interface)看起来不错,使用起来也很方便。在窗口的左侧,有一个菜单,您可以在其中访问安全套件(security suite)的主要功能,在窗口的右侧,您可以看到它们的详细信息。您可以启动全面检查(Full Check)以进行调整以使您的计算机更快,以及从中删除病毒、清除垃圾文件或使您的WiFi 连接(WiFi connection)更安全。
360全方位安全(360 Total Security)提供的杀毒模块使用公司的杀毒引擎(antivirus engine),但也可以使用Bitdefender和Avira AntiVir杀毒引擎。正如您将在本评论后面看到的那样,它们在工作方面做得更好。但是,如果要使用它们,则必须手动下载它们,方法是单击用户界面病毒扫描(Virus Scan)部分底部的图标。
然后,要将它们用于恶意软件检测(malware detection),您必须打开主界面的保护(Protection)部分并选择安全(Security)保护模式。
如果您想详细了解,可以从左侧选择病毒扫描、加速、清理(Virus Scan, Speedup, Cleanup)或工具箱(Tool Box)部分,然后在界面右侧开始检查或进行更改。但是,有些内容更易于访问或只能从应用程序窗口(app window)右上角的“设置”(Settings)菜单中访问。除了找到所有可用的设置(Settings)之外,这也是您可以更快地进入隔离区(Quarantine)、查看日志、发送反馈(Feedback)或检查更新的(Check for updates)地方。
如果您喜欢在允许您这样做的每个应用程序和设备上使用主题,您可能会喜欢(app and device)360 Total Security提供此功能的事实。单击(Click)或点击主界面右上角的 T 恤图标,然后选择您喜欢的主题。这在安全软件(security software)中并不常见。
还值得一提的是,用户界面(user interface)和其中的所有设置都应该易于在任何设备上使用,即使在带有触摸屏的设备上也是如此。大多数事情都是由一个大按钮、一个开关或一个复选标记来控制的,从人体工程学的角度来看,这是一件好事。
360 Total Security中的大部分功能和设置都很容易理解。但是,安全套件(security suite)中没有提供帮助信息(help information)。如果你想了解这个产品,你必须上网并访问它的网站(visit its website)。另一方面,安全套件(security suite)提供了一种寻求支持的简单方法,您可以通过打开其设置(Settings)菜单然后单击反馈(Feedback)选项来访问该支持。
关于报告,360 Total Security向其用户提供其记录的安全事件日志。日志很详细,但它们只是文本,所以如果你想要更直观的东西,那你就不走运了。
从用户交互的角度(interaction point)来看,我们必须告诉您,我们在识别出恶意软件时看到了警报,但也看到了许多不知从何而来的广告。这就是为什么使用360 Total Security对我们来说是一种烦人的体验。
360 Total Security 提供简单易用的用户界面,无论是在带有鼠标和键盘的计算机上,还是在带有触摸屏的设备上。但是,用户体验并不愉快,因为用户界面充满了广告,这些广告显示在该产品的各个角落以及您的桌面上。(360 Total Security offers a user interface that is simple and easy to use, both on computers with a mouse and a keyboard, and on devices with touchscreens. However, the user experience is unpleasant, as the user interface is filled with advertisements that are displayed in all the corners of this product, and also on your desktop.)
阅读评论的下一页,了解360 Total Security在保护您免受恶意软件和在线威胁方面的效率。您还可以了解它捆绑了哪些附加工具,以及您应该考虑调整哪些设置。
Security for everyone - Review 360 Total Security
360 Total Security is a security suite that is developed by a Chinese company called Qihoo 360. The company was founded in 2005, and its business is doing very well, as more than 496 million users worldwide were using its security products in 2014. Nowadays, that number could be even more significant. The company's top free antivirus product is called 360 Total Security and promises to clean up, and also speed up Windows for its users. Of course, we were curious to see whether it can do that well. After testing it for a few days, here is our review of 360 Total Security:
What is 360 Total Security good at?
360 Total Security is good security software for users who:
- Do not want to pay for antivirus software
- Feel at ease with tinkering with it to get decent antivirus protection
- Want a free VPN tool, and are willing to make do with limited traffic
Pros and cons
Here are the good things that we identified about 360 Total Security:
- It is free
- It has a simple and easy to use interface
- It offers a VPN tool
There are many negatives though:
- It cannot efficiently protect you from malware unless you manually enable the Bitdefender and Avira AntiVir antivirus engines
- It does not stop you from visiting dangerous websites
- It has no firewall module, even though it is named Total Security
- There are a lot of advertisements displayed
- It slows down the boot time of your computer and the file transfers within your local network
- Many of the additional tools bundled are either not useful or cannot be used unless you buy a subscription
360 Total Security is probably the worst security suite that we have ever reviewed. It looks nice on paper, but the reality is ugly and full of issues. The antivirus engine that it uses by default is weak and cannot stop malware and ransomware from destroying everything you have on your computer, and the browser security extension does nothing to stop you from visiting dangerous websites. Casual users who download and install this security suite are practically left unprotected against all sorts of threats. 360 Total Security fails at its most important purpose of protecting users from cyber threats. Sure, you can tinker with it and enable the use of the Bitdefender and Avira AntiVir engines, but that is not something casual users will do. We cannot recommend this product to anyone. You are better off using the Windows Defender from Windows.
The download and installation experience
To get 360 Total Security on your computer, you first have to download it. You can choose to get a small executable file that downloads all the required data during installation, or you can download the full offline installer right from the start, which has everything you need to install the product. Either way, you are going to download about 71.7 MB of data from the internet. A positive that we have to mention is that there is no personal information requested from you.
The installation wizard is simple and straightforward, and the only things it lets you choose is whether you want to "Join 360 User Experience Improvement Program" and "Install Safe and Fast Opera Browser." Both these options are checked by default, but none of them are mandatory. We recommend you to uncheck the option that installs Opera unless you want this web browser on your computer. You can also select the installation folder for the security suite.
When the installation is done, 360 Total Security asks to reboot your computer. To get protected, you should do that.
After our computer booted, we were welcomed by 360 Total Security with a window called 360 Startup Timer, in which there were displayed a few news items beneath a lot of ads. This is a terrible start.
Then we tried opening the primary interface of the security suite, and instead of seeing it, 360 Total Security thought it would be better to open 360 Instant Setup. That is an additional tool that helps you install third-party software "with a single click," in a similar manner to Ninite. It is a useful tool, but not what the user needs when he or she tries to open 360 Total Security.
After we closed down 360 Instant Setup, we could finally see the main interface of 360 Total Security. At first look, it seemed quite simple and easy to use.
Downloading and installing 360 Total Security on your Windows computer is easy and straightforward. We liked the fact that you can use an offline installer, and that there is no personal information required from the user before installing it. However, we do not like the fact that the installer tries to install additional software that you did not ask for, even if that software is legitimate. Also, we do not appreciate the presence of ads on the user's desktop, and we dislike the fact that the first encounter you have with 360 Total Security is not with its primary user interface, but with an additional tool.
Integration with Windows, web browsers and universal Windows apps
360 Total Security disables Windows Defender during its installation, and that is a good thing because having two antivirus applications running simultaneously can mean conflicts and performance issues. However, it does not disable Windows Firewall, but that is OK because it does not include a firewall module of its own. Because it has no firewall module, we had no issues using the networking features in Windows 10. We were able to create and join a homegroup, we could access network shares and stream media files over the network, and we had no problems in downloading, installing or using universal Windows apps.
We also checked how 360 Total Security chooses to protect its users against online threats. We found out that it does that by installing a web browser extension called "360 Internet Protection". It is available for Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge, and the Yandex Browser. If you do not use one of these web browsers, 360 Total Security does not do anything to protect you from online dangers.
We used Task Manager to monitor how much RAM is needed by 360 Total Security to run its processes. On our test computer, it used only about 66 MB of RAM, which is a small value.
Next, we checked how much it affects the boot time. Using BootRacer, we measured that 360 Total Security added over 7 seconds to our system's boot. That is 38% more time added to the original boot time and. In case you are wondering, we are using a fast NVMe Samsung SSD, so this time increase is likely to be even higher on a system that uses a traditional hard-disk drive.
To check whether the internet speed is affected by 360 Total Security, we ran a few tests with Speedtest.net. The transfer rates were the same before and after installing the security suite, and that is excellent. However, when we tested the upload and download speeds for moving files through the local network, LAN Speed Test showed that the security suite slowed down the upload by 23 percent, and the download speed by 7 percent. These are significantly slower data transfers within the local network.
360 Total Security does not offer a firewall module, but that means that you should not have issues using the networking features from Windows. Unfortunately, it does not include an internet traffic filtering engine either, to protect you from dangerous websites. However, there is a web browser extension that should secure you when you surf the web, but only if you use a popular browser that is supported by it. Finally, we were disappointed to see that 360 Total Security slowed the boot times and data transfers of our test computer down a lot.
Ease of use & configuration
At first impression, the user interface offered by 360 Total Security looks good and feels easy to use. On the left side of the window, there is a menu in which you can access the main functions of the security suite, and on the right side of the window, you can see their details. You can start a Full Check for adjustments that can be made to make your computer faster, as well as remove viruses from it, clean junk files from it or make your WiFi connection safer.
The antivirus module offered by 360 Total Security uses the company's antivirus engine, but it can also use the Bitdefender and Avira AntiVir antivirus engines. These are much better at doing their job, as you will see later in this review. However, if you want to use them, you must download them manually, by clicking on their icons from the bottom of the Virus Scan section of the user interface.
Then, to use them for malware detection, you must open the Protection section of the primary interface and select the Security protection mode.
If you want to go into details, you can select the Virus Scan, Speedup, Cleanup or Tool Box sections from the left, and start the checks or make changes on the right side of the interface. However, some things are more accessible or only available from the Settings menu that you can access from the top-right side of the app window. Other than locating all the Settings available, this is also the place from where you can enter the Quarantine faster, see the logs, send Feedback or Check for updates.
If you like using themes on every app and device that allows you to do that, you might like the fact that 360 Total Security offers this feature. Click or tap on the t-shirt icon from the top-right of the main interface and select the theme you prefer. That is not something that you often see in security software.
It is also worth mentioning that the user interface and all the settings in it, should be easy to use on any device, even on those with a touchscreen. Most things are controlled either by a large button, a switch or a checkmark, and that is a good thing from an ergonomics point of view.
Most features and settings available in 360 Total Security are easy to understand. However, there is no help information provided in the security suite. If you want to educate yourself about this product, you have to go online and visit its website. On the other hand, the security suite offers an easy way to ask for support, which you can access by opening its Settings menu and then clicking on the Feedback option.
Regarding reports, 360 Total Security gives its users logs of the security events recorded by it. The logs are detailed but they are text only, so if you wished for something more visual, you are out of luck.
From a user interaction point of view, we have to tell you that we saw alerts when malware was identified, but also many advertisements that popped out of nowhere, all the time. That is why using 360 Total Security was an annoying experience for us.
360 Total Security offers a user interface that is simple and easy to use, both on computers with a mouse and a keyboard, and on devices with touchscreens. However, the user experience is unpleasant, as the user interface is filled with advertisements that are displayed in all the corners of this product, and also on your desktop.
Read the next page of the review to see how efficient 360 Total Security is at protecting you from malware and online threats. You can also find out what additional tools are bundled with it, and which are the settings that you should consider adjusting.