G DATA是一家专门开发安全软件的德国(security software)软件公司(software company)的简称。该公司成立于 1985 年,以作为世界上第一个防病毒软件(antivirus software)的创造者而闻名。如今,他们最完整的安全解决方案(security solution)- G DATA Total Security - 提供了防病毒模块(antivirus module),防火墙模块(firewall module),以及一系列其他安全工具。我们想看看这款防病毒软件是否可以保护您免受现代恶意软件和在线威胁(malware and online threats)的侵害,因此我们试了一下,并对其进行了几天的测试。阅读这篇评论,看看我们从中学到了什么:
G DATA Total Security 擅长(G DATA Total Security good)什么?
G DATA Total Security是一个很好的安全套件,适用于:
- 想要获得最佳反恶意软件保护的人
- 希望在他们喜欢使用的任何网络浏览器中获得相同安全性的人
- 想要一个不需要很多系统资源来运行的安全套件的人(security suite)
G DATA Total Security与G DATA Internet Security
G DATA Total Security和G DATA Internet Security都提供相同的核心保护(core protection)组件以及针对恶意软件和网络威胁(malware and network threats)的相同安全级别。但是,G DATA Total Security还包括自动备份(Automatic Backup)、密码管理器(Password Manager)和设备控制(Device Control),这是一个可以让您阻止未经授权的设备的工具。如果您需要这些附加工具中的任何一个,那么G DATA Total Security可能是您的不错选择。如果您不需要它们,那么G DATA Internet Security可能更适合您。
以下是我们确定的关于G DATA Total Security的积极因素:
- 防病毒模块(antivirus module)在检测和删除计算机中的恶意软件方面非常有效
- 网络防护罩可阻止您在您喜欢使用的任何网络浏览器中访问危险网站
- 安全套件(security suite)对计算机性能的负面影响可以忽略不计
- 扫描计算机以查找恶意软件威胁时,防病毒模块速度很快(antivirus module)
- 许多捆绑的工具可能对他们的用户有用
- 默认(default configuration)配置很好
- 防火墙将所有网络视为受信任的网络,即使您告诉它您连接的网络不受信任,它也会让您容易受到中间人攻击
- 用户界面(user interface)在触摸屏上不容易使用
- 不包含VPN 服务(VPN service),因此当您连接到危险的公共WiFi网络时,您不能依靠G DATA Total Security来保护您的连接(G DATA Total Security)
G DATA Total Security是一款值得您关注的安全产品。(security product)首先(First),它为用户提供了一个防病毒模块(antivirus module),可以保护他们免受任何恶意软件或在线威胁。它同时使用两个防病毒引擎,并且在我们所有的防病毒测试中表现出色。
该产品对性能的影响(performance impact)很小,您获得的其他工具可能很有用。然而,防火墙模块(firewall module)并不那么出色,它值得在未来的版本中进行改进,无论是在可用性还是它提供的保护质量方面。此外,用户界面看起来过时了,而且很难在触摸屏上使用。G DATA Total Security是一款安全产品(security product),如果您没有带触控功能的设备,它可能是一个很好的选择。
下载安装体验(download and installation experience)
要在您的Windows 计算机上安装(Windows computer)G DATA Total Security,您必须首先从G DATA 的网站(G DATA's website)下载其安装程序。你得到的是一个名为GDATA_TOTALSECURITY_WEB_WEU.exe的小型可执行文件,大小为 14.2 MB。然后,向导会询问您要使用的语言以及要安装的安全模块。当然,您可以选择进行标准安装,这意味着将安装所有可用的模块和工具。该向导还允许您选择是否要“参与恶意软件信息倡议”("Participate in the Malware Information Initiative,"),我们建议您这样做,因为它有助于软件(software react)更快地对恶意软件威胁做出反应。
安装过程顺利进行,下载了近 700 MB 的数据。这很多,拥有计量互联网连接的人应该从一开始就知道这一点。还值得注意的是,下载包括可用的最新病毒定义。
完成后,G DATA Total Security会要求您激活产品。如果您想使用试用版(trial version),公司要求您至少向他们提供姓名和电子邮件地址(email address)。
然后,安装完成,安全套件(security suite)会要求您重新启动计算机。大多数现代防病毒产品会在您安装它们后立即开始保护您,并且不需要重新启动计算机(computer reboot)。
下载和安装 G DATA Total Security 相对容易。我们对这个过程有两点欣赏:安全套件可让您自定义安装,唯一需要的个人信息是您的姓名和电子邮件地址。但是,另一方面,您必须下载大量数据。(Downloading and installing G DATA Total Security is relatively easy. There are two things that we appreciate about this process: the security suite lets you customize your installation and the only personal information required is your name and email address. On the other hand, though, you have to download lots of data.)
与Windows、Web 浏览器和通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序集成
G DATA Total Security与Windows完美集成。它会自动禁用Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)和Windows Defender,这很好,因为它消除了可能的冲突和性能问题。G DATA还可以很好地与(G DATA )Windows提供的网络功能配合使用。我们可以毫无问题地创建和加入家庭组,可以与网络共享文件,还可以下载、安装和更新通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序。
不幸的是,G DATA Total Security不会将其防火墙保护级别(firewall protection level)调整为您在Windows中设置的网络配置文件(network profile)。在我们的笔记本电脑上,它总是说我们连接的网络是Trusted。而且,我们从安全套件(security suite)中得到的唯一问题是我们是否想要“通过网络加载更新 [...]”("updates [to] be loaded via network [...]")。老实说,我们不知道安全套件(security suite)想在此消息中说什么。我们想使用我们的网络连接来保持安全套件(security suite)是最新的,这不是很明显吗?
为了在您使用网络浏览器(web browser)上网时保护您,G DATA Total Security会过滤您计算机上的所有网络流量(web traffic)。它不安装任何网络浏览器插件(browser add-on)。这是一个很好的方法,因为这意味着无论您喜欢使用哪种浏览器或应用程序,您都受到保护。(browser or app)
我们还检查了G DATA Total Security(G DATA Total Security)需要多少RAM才能保持其所有进程正常运行。平均而言,我们的测试计算机需要大约 160 MB 的(test computer)RAM。这不会对现代Windows 计算机(Windows computer)造成任何问题。我们还查看了安装此安全套件后(security suite)测试计算机(test computer)的启动时间增加了多少,但似乎保持不变。
为了检查互联网或本地网络速度是否受到G DATA Total Security的影响,我们还使用Speedtest.net和LAN Speed Test进行了一些测试。安装安全套件(security suite)前后速度相同,这意味着它对互联网或本地网络数据传输没有不利影响。这是一个极好的结果!
G DATA 提供了一款与 Windows 及其网络功能完美集成的安全产品,而且它对系统资源的占用也很轻。我们喜欢它扫描计算机上所有网络流量的事实,但我们不喜欢它不会根据您在 Windows 中设置的网络配置文件自动调整其防火墙保护的事实。(G DATA offers a security product that is well integrated with Windows and its networking features, and it is also quite light on system resources. We like the fact that it scans all the web traffic that goes on the computer, but we do not like the fact that it does not automatically adjust its firewall protection according to the network profile you set in Windows.)
与许多其他德国产品一样,您在G DATA Total Security(G DATA Total Security)中获得的用户界面结构和组织良好。它很容易理解,很容易从一个地方到另一个地方,而且里面的一切都很容易定制。但是,用户界面感觉过时了,因为它具有与现代(user interface)用户界面(user interface)不匹配的保守设计。许多链接和按钮使用一些用户难以看到的小字体显示。我们希望用户界面(user interface)提供大按钮、磁贴、开关或复选标记。就像现在一样,它旨在完美地在带有鼠标和键盘的计算机上工作。但是,它可能很难在触摸屏上使用,而且许多现代Windows如今,设备都有触摸屏。
关于帮助和支持选项(help and support options),G DATA Total Security提供在线文档、访问常见问题(Frequently Asked Questions)页面以及通过电子邮件或电话联系公司寻求支持的选项。不幸的是,我们找不到任何离线帮助(offline help)文件,没有支持论坛,也没有可用的实时聊天服务(chat service)。
用户在G DATA Total Security肯定会欣赏的一件事是日志中提供的详细信息。涵盖了所有主要的安全模块,并记录了安全套件(security suite)采取的每一个动作。但另一方面,我们找不到任何视觉统计数据。
当您的计算机上一切正常时, G DATA Total Security(G DATA Total Security)不是一个健谈的程序,但它会在发生与您的安全相关的事情时提醒您,例如发现恶意软件或防火墙检测到网络攻击(network attack)时。
G DATA 提供了一个组织良好且易于理解的用户界面。不幸的是,它看起来过时了,就像几年前设计的一样。此外,它在触摸屏上效果不佳。小字体、按钮和链接很难点击,有时也难以阅读。(G DATA offers a user interface that is well organized and easy to understand. Unfortunately, it looks dated, like it had been designed some years ago. Also, it does not work well on touchscreens. The small fonts, buttons, and links are tricky to tap and sometimes also hard to read.)
在这篇评论的下一页上,您可以看到G DATA Total Security保护您的计算机免受网络攻击和恶意软件的能力。您还可以查看此安全套件(security suite)中包含哪些附加功能,并查看我们对您应该调整哪些设置的建议。
Security for everyone - Review G DATA Total Security
G DATA is the short name of a German software company that specializes іn developing security softwаre. The compаny was founded back in 1985 and it is known for being thе crеator of the first antiviruѕ software in the world. Nowadays, their most complete securіty sоlutіon - G DATA Total Security - offers an antivirus module, a firewall module, and also a range of other security tools. We wanted to see whether this antivirus can protect you against modern-day malware and online threats, so we took it for a spin and we have tested it for a few days. Read this review to see what we have learned about it:
What is G DATA Total Security good at?
G DATA Total Security is a good security suite for:
- People who want the best anti-malware protection they can get
- People who want to get the same security in any web browser they prefer using
- People who want a security suite that does not need many system resources to run
G DATA Total Security vs. G DATA Internet Security
Both G DATA Total Security and G DATA Internet Security offer the same core protection components and the same level of security against malware and network threats. However, G DATA Total Security also includes Automatic Backup, Password Manager and Device Control, which is a tool that lets you block unauthorized devices. If you need any of these additional tools, then G DATA Total Security can be a good choice for you. If you do not need them, then G DATA Internet Security is probably a better deal in your case.
Pros and cons
Here are the positives we identified about G DATA Total Security:
- The antivirus module is very efficient at detecting and removing malware from your computer
- The web shield stops you from visiting dangerous websites, in any web browser you prefer using
- The security suite has a negligible negative effect on your computer's performance
- The antivirus module is fast when scanning your computer for malware threats
- Many of the bundled tools can be useful to their users
- The default configuration is very good
On the other hand, there are also some negative aspects:
- The firewall treats all the networks as trusted networks, and it leaves you vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks even if you tell it that the networks to which you connect are untrusted
- The user interface is not easy to use on touchscreens
- There is no VPN service included, so you cannot rely on G DATA Total Security to secure your connections when you connect to dangerous public WiFi networks
G DATA Total Security is a security product that deserves your attention. First of all, it offers users an antivirus module that can protect them from any malware or online threat. It uses two antivirus engines simultaneously, and it performed great in all our antivirus tests.
The performance impact of this product is minimal, and the additional tools you get can be useful. However, the firewall module is not as awesome, and it deserves improvement in future versions, both regarding usability and the quality of the protection that it offers. Also, the user interface looks dated, and it is difficult to use on a touchscreen. G DATA Total Security is a security product that can be a very good choice, if you do not have a device with touch.
The download and installation experience
To get G DATA Total Security on your Windows computer, you must first download its installer from G DATA's website. What you get is a small executable file called GDATA_TOTALSECURITY_WEB_WEU.exe, with a size of 14.2 MB. The wizard then asks you about the language you want to use and about the security modules that you want installed. Of course, you can choose to go for a standard installation, meaning that all the available modules and tools will be installed. The wizard also lets you choose whether you want to "Participate in the Malware Information Initiative," which we recommend you do, because it helps the software react faster to malware threats.
The installation takes its course and downloads almost 700 MB of data. That is a lot, and people with metered internet connections should know that from the start. It is also worth noting that the download includes the latest virus definitions available.
When done, G DATA Total Security asks you to activate the product. If you want to use the trial version, the company requires you to provide them with at least a name and an email address.
Then, the installation is done, and the security suite asks you to reboot the computer. Most modern antivirus products start protecting you as soon as you install them and do not require a computer reboot.
Downloading and installing G DATA Total Security is relatively easy. There are two things that we appreciate about this process: the security suite lets you customize your installation and the only personal information required is your name and email address. On the other hand, though, you have to download lots of data.
Integration with Windows, web browsers, and universal Windows platform apps
G DATA Total Security is well integrated with Windows. It automatically disables Windows Firewall and Windows Defender, and that is good because it eliminates possible conflicts and performance issues. G DATA also works well with the networking features that are offered by Windows. We could create and join a homegroup without problems, we could share files with the network, and we were able to download, install and update universal Windows platform apps.
Unfortunately, G DATA Total Security does not adjust its firewall protection level to the network profile you set in Windows. On our laptop, it always said that the networks to which we connected were Trusted. And, the only question we got from the security suite was whether we want "updates [to] be loaded via network [...]". To be honest, we have no idea what the security suite wants to say in this message. Is it not evident that we want to use our network connections to keep the security suite up to date?
To protect you when you surf the internet in a web browser, G DATA Total Security filters all the web traffic that goes on your computer. It does not install any web browser add-on. This is a good approach because it means that you are protected regardless of the browser or app you prefer using.
We also checked how much RAM is needed by G DATA Total Security to keep all its processes up and to run. On average, it needed about 160 MB of RAM on our test computer. This should not pose any problems to a modern Windows computer. We also took a look at how much the boot time of our test computer increased after installing this security suite, but it appears that it remained the same.
To check whether the internet or local network speeds are affected by G DATA Total Security, we also ran a few tests with Speedtest.net and with LAN Speed Test. The speeds were the same before and after installing the security suite, which means that it has no adverse effect on internet or local network data transfers. This is an excellent result!
G DATA offers a security product that is well integrated with Windows and its networking features, and it is also quite light on system resources. We like the fact that it scans all the web traffic that goes on the computer, but we do not like the fact that it does not automatically adjust its firewall protection according to the network profile you set in Windows.
Ease of use & configuration
The user interface you get in G DATA Total Security is well structured and organized, like many other German products. It is easy to understand, it is easy to get from one place to another, and everything in it is easy to customize. However, the user interface feels dated, because it has a conservative design that does not match modern user interfaces. Many links and buttons are displayed using small fonts which are hard to see by some users. We wish that the user interface offered large buttons, tiles, switches or check marks. As it is now, it is designed to work flawlessly on a computer with a mouse and a keyboard. However, it can be hard to use on a touchscreen, and many modern Windows devices have touchscreens these days.
However, things are a bit better when you enter the Settings, as many of them are controlled by check marks and drop-down selectors which are easy to use.
Regarding help and support options, G DATA Total Security offers online documentation, access to a Frequently Asked Questions page, and an option to email or contact the company for support on the phone. Unfortunately, we could not find any offline help files, no support forums and there is no live chat service available.
One thing users will surely appreciate at G DATA Total Security is the details available in the logs. All the main security modules are covered, and every action taken by the security suite is recorded. On the other hand, though, we could not find any visual statistics.
G DATA Total Security is not a talkative program when everything is OK on your computer, but it does alert you when something related to your security takes place, like when malware is found or when a network attack is detected by the firewall.
G DATA offers a user interface that is well organized and easy to understand. Unfortunately, it looks dated, like it had been designed some years ago. Also, it does not work well on touchscreens. The small fonts, buttons, and links are tricky to tap and sometimes also hard to read.
On the next page of this review, you can see how capable G DATA Total Security is to protect your computer from network attacks and malware. You can also see what additional features are included in this security suite, and check our recommendations for what settings you should adjust.