趋势科技是一家在(Trend Micro)计算机安全市场上(computer security market)享有盛誉的公司。他们的产品通常提供可靠的保护,同时在系统要求方面保持低调。它们在想要简单易用的安全产品(security product)的用户中也很受欢迎。他们为消费者提供的最完整的安全产品称为(security product)Trend Micro Maximum Security,它承诺为用户提供保护,使其免受各种病毒、勒索软件、危险网站、网络威胁等的侵害。我们想看看它对保护您的安全有多大好处Windows 计算机和设备,因此我们已经使用并测试了一周。在这篇评论中,我们将分享我们对趋势科技最高安全(Trend Micro Maximum Security)性和我们的测试结果:
Trend Micro Maximum Security 擅长(Trend Micro Maximum Security good)什么?
Trend Micro Maximum Security是一款出色的安全产品,适用于:
- 想要具有易于理解和使用的简单用户界面的(user interface)安全套件的人(security suite)
- 希望有效保护免受危险网站侵害的人,无论他们使用何种网络浏览器
- 想要良好的反恶意软件保护的人(anti-malware protection)
趋势科技最高安全性与(Trend Micro Maximum Security vs). 趋势科技网络安全(Trend Micro Internet Security)
趋势科技(Trend Micro)面向家庭用户的顶级安全产品是Trend Micro Maximum Security和Trend Micro Internet Security。您从两者获得的核心安全组件是相同的。(core security)但是,它们之间存在一些本质区别。对于初学者,Maximum Security订阅可让您将其安装在最多五台设备上,而Internet Security只能安装在三台设备上。此外,Maximum Security还捆绑了密码管理器(password manager),可以安装在移动设备上。考虑到,在撰写本评论时,趋势科技最大安全性(Trend Micro Maximum Security)与Trend Micro Internet Security(Trend Micro Internet Security)的价格相同,很明显,Trend Micro Maximum Security更划算。
总体而言,Trend Micro Maximum Security是一款具有许多积极功能的安全产品:(security product)
- 防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)擅长检测和清除 Windows 中的恶意软件威胁
- 网络防护罩可高效保护您免受危险网站的侵害
- 用户界面看起来不错,简单的设计使初学者易于使用
- 大多数附加工具可能对他们的用户有用
Trend Micro Maximum Security是一款安全产品(security product),主要目标用户是想要简单高效的防病毒产品的用户。它具有强大的防病毒引擎(antivirus engine)、良好的网络防护(web shield)和非常易于使用的用户界面。如果您是初学者或非技术用户,您一定会喜欢Trend Micro Maximum Security。另一方面,如果您正在寻找最好的安全产品(security product),具有许多高级保护功能、比Windows 防火墙更好的(Windows Firewall)防火墙模块(firewall module)和许多高级自定义选项,趋势科技最大安全性(Trend Micro Maximum Security)可能不是您想要的,您应该尝试其他安全产品。
下载安装体验(download and installation experience)
要在您的计算机上安装Trend Micro Maximum Security,您必须首先下载(download)其安装程序。它是一个名为TrendMicro_12.0_HE_Full.exe的可执行文件,大小为 299 MB。与其他安全公司不同,如果您只想下载其产品的试用版,(trial version)趋势科技(Trend Micro)不需要任何个人信息。我们喜欢这种方法。
我们在安装过程中注意到,Trend Micro Maximum Security需要相当长的时间来解压其文件。但是,在两三分钟后,您应该会看到它即将结束。
您可以选择套件使用的语言、自定义安装位置(custom install location),以及是否要安装捆绑的密码管理器(Password Manager)。
安装完成后,您可以向趋势科技(Trend Micro)提供一个电子邮件地址(email address),用于向您发送新闻和优惠。这是可选的,这是一件好事。
一切安装完毕并正常工作后,趋势科技最大安全(Trend Micro Maximum Security)性会启动一个欢迎演示文稿,并询问您是否要“设置文件夹防护”("Set Up Folder Shield"),这是一个可以保护您免受勒索软件侵害的工具。如果您想这样做,您必须选择要防止未经授权使用的文件夹。请注意,您也可以稍后关闭此演示文稿并处理(presentation and deal)勒索软件相关设置。
然后,趋势科技(Trend Micro)加载其用户界面并开始更新病毒定义数据库。这是一件好事,这意味着您将从一开始就拥有最新的保护。在我们的测试计算机上(test computer),第一次更新意味着我们必须再下载 66 MB 的数据。
下载和安装 Trend Micro Maximum Security 是简单直接的过程。我们感谢公司在这些步骤中不要求提供任何个人信息。(Downloading and installing Trend Micro Maximum Security are easy and straightforward processes. We appreciate that the company does not ask for any personal information during these steps.)
与Windows、网络浏览器和通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序集成
当您安装Trend Micro Maximum Security时,安全套件会禁用Windows Defender,以消除在您尝试运行两种类似的安全产品时可能出现的问题和冲突。但是,它不会禁用Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)。原因是Trend Micro Maximum Security使用Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall)来保护您免受网络威胁。我们很好奇是否有任何添加到Windows 防火墙的(Windows Firewall)默认(default set)功能集中。在深入研究其设置时,我们发现趋势科技(Trend Micro)有一个名为Firewall Booster的功能,它承诺“增强 Windows 防火墙提供的保护并检测可以通过远程控制劫持您的计算机的僵尸网络程序。” ("enhance the protection given by the Windows Firewall and detect botnet programs that can hijack your computer by remote control.")由于Trend Micro Maximum Security依赖于Windows 防火墙(Windows Firewall ),这意味着您在使用Windows的网络功能时应该没有问题。在创建或加入家庭组时,或者当我们使用通用Windows 平台(Windows platform)应用程序时,我们没有遇到任何问题。
谈到在线安全,Trend Micro Maximum Security选择自动扫描和过滤您计算机上的所有互联网流量。(internet traffic)这意味着您在您可能喜欢使用的任何网络浏览器中都受到保护。该安全套件(security suite)还捆绑了名为Trend Micro Toolbar的 Web(Trend Micro Toolbar, )浏览器扩展(browser extension),您应该能够在支持的 Web 浏览器中使用它:Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox和Internet Explorer。如果您启用它,工具栏应为您提供与您访问的网站和您执行的网络搜索相关的其他安全信息。(security information)
趋势科技最大安全性对(Trend Micro Maximum Security)计算机性能(computer performance)有一些负面影响。为了更好地了解这个问题,我们在一个名为BootRacer的工具的帮助下检查了我们的测试笔记本电脑(test laptop)在安装安全套件(security suite)后是否增加了启动时间(boot time)。我们的计算机的启动时间(boot time)增加了 2 秒,增加了 11%(percent increase)。我们还查看了安全套件(security suite)运行其进程需要多少RAM,我们发现它需要大约 125 MB,这对于任何现代Windows 计算机(Windows computer)来说都不是什么大问题。
为了检查 Internet 或本地网络速度是否受到Trend Micro Maximum Security的影响,我们还使用Speedtest.net和LAN Speed Test进行了一些测试。我们使用Speedtest.net获得的结果显示互联网速度没有变化。但是,我们使用LAN Speed Test进行的测试显示,本地网络上传速度慢了 6%,安装Trend Micro Maximum Security后(Trend Micro Maximum Security)下载速度(download speed)慢了 5% 。
Trend Micro Maximum Security 是一款与 Windows 及其所有网络功能完美集成的产品。但是,主要原因是它依赖于 Windows 防火墙,而不是提供自己的防火墙模块。该产品可以降低您电脑的启动时间和网络传输速度。(Trend Micro Maximum Security is a product that is well integrated with Windows and all its networking features. However, the main reason for that is the fact that it relies on the Windows Firewall, instead of offering a firewall module of its own. This product can lower your PC's boot time and network transfer speed.)
趋势科技(Trend Micro)是一家以构建简单(building simple)易用的安全产品而闻名的公司,我们在Trend Micro Maximum Security中获得的用户界面证实了这一点。中央控制台分为几个主要部分,试图涵盖有关您的安全性的所有基本方面:设备、隐私、数据(Device, Privacy, Data,)和家庭(Family)。不过,最吸引你注意的是位于它中间的一个巨大的圆形按钮:(popping-round button)扫描(Scan )按钮。单击或点击它,Trend Micro Maximum Security会立即开始扫描您的系统以查找恶意软件和其他威胁。
用户界面(user interface)还从一开始就告诉您您的Windows计算机(Windows computer)是否受到保护。如果一切正常,您会看到以轻松的绿色显示的消息,当出现问题时,消息会迅速变为红色。
如果您想对安全套件(security suite)的工作方式进行配置,请单击或点击(click or tap)扫描(Scan)按钮旁边的齿轮图标。通过选中或取消选中选项或移动滑块来配置所有可用设置。一切都很容易找到和设置,即使在带有触摸屏的设备上也是如此。
您在Trend Micro Maximum Security(Trend Micro Maximum Security)中获得的功能、选项和设置都很简单,因此几乎没有人不了解某事的作用。但是,如果有不清楚的地方,您可以通过将鼠标光标悬停在分散在(mouse cursor)用户界面(user interface)周围的信息图标上来获取更多信息。如果您需要详细的帮助和支持(help and support),您可以查找文档、通过电子邮件请求帮助、与(request help)支持工程师(support engineer)实时聊天,甚至可以通过电话联系趋势科技(Trend Micro)。
Trend Micro Maximum Security是一款具有如此简单用户界面的(user interface)安全产品(security product),我们没想到它会提供详细的日志。然而,趋势科技(Trend Micro )不仅为用户提供了视觉上吸引人的统计数据,而且还提供了详细的日志,这些日志分享(share plenty)了有关您的安全状态的大量详细信息,这是一件很棒的事情。
在我们使用Trend Micro Maximum Security的(Trend Micro Maximum Security)时间范围(time frame)内,我们不仅看到了关于恶意软件威胁的警报,还看到了其他类型的通知。
Trend Micro Maximum Security 是一款具有简单用户界面的安全产品。它面向喜欢简单而谨慎的防病毒软件以保护其安全性的人。(Trend Micro Maximum Security is a security product with a simple user interface. It is targeted at people who like simple and discreet antivirus software to take care of their security.)
在这篇评论的下一页,您可以看到趋势科技最大安全(Trend Micro Maximum Security )性如何保护您的 Windows 计算机免受网络攻击和恶意软件的侵害。您还可以查看此安全套件(security suite)中包含哪些附加功能,并查看我们对您应该调整哪些设置的建议。
Security for everyone - Review Trend Micro Maximum Security
Trend Micrо is a comрany with a solid reрutation in the computer security market. Their products usuаlly offer reliable protection, while at the same time keeping a low profile regarding syѕtem requirements. They are also рopular among users who want security products that are simple and easy to use. Their most complete security product for consumers is called Trend Micro Maximum Security, and it promises to give its users protection against viruses of all kinds, ransomware, dangerous websites, network threats, etc. We wanted to see exactly how good it is for protecting your Windows computers and devices, so we have used and tested it for a week. In this review, we will share our opinion about Trend Micro Maximum Security and the results of our tests:
What is Trend Micro Maximum Security good at?
Trend Micro Maximum Security is a good security product for:
- People who want a security suite with a simple user interface that is easy to understand and use
- People who want to be protected efficiently against dangerous websites, regardless of the web browsers they use
- People who want good anti-malware protection
Trend Micro Maximum Security vs. Trend Micro Internet Security
The top security products for home users from Trend Micro are Trend Micro Maximum Security and Trend Micro Internet Security. The core security components you get from both are the same. However, there are a few essential differences between them. For starters, a Maximum Security subscription lets you install it on up to five devices, while the Internet Security can be installed only on three devices. Additionally, the Maximum Security also bundles a password manager and can be installed on mobile devices. Considering that, at the time this review is written, Trend Micro Maximum Security has the same price as Trend Micro Internet Security, it is evident that the better deal is Trend Micro Maximum Security.
Pros and cons
Overall, Trend Micro Maximum Security is a security product with plenty of positive features:
- The antivirus engine is good at detecting and removing malware threats from Windows
- The web shield is highly efficient at protecting you from dangerous websites
- The user interface looks good, and the simple design makes it easy to use by beginners
- Most of the additional tools can be useful to their users
On the other hand, there are also a few negative aspects:
Trend Micro Maximum Security is a security product that has as its primary target users who want an antivirus product that is simple and efficient. It has a capable antivirus engine, a good web shield and a user interface that is incredibly easy to use. If you are a beginner or a non-technical user, you will definitely like Trend Micro Maximum Security. On the other hand, if you are looking for the best security product there is, with many advanced protection features, a firewall module that is better than Windows Firewall and lots of advanced customization options, Trend Micro Maximum Security might not be what you are looking for, and you should try other security products.
The download and installation experience
To get Trend Micro Maximum Security on your computer, you must first download its installer. It is an executable file called TrendMicro_12.0_HE_Full.exe, with a size of 299 MB. Unlike other security companies, Trend Micro does not require any personal information if all you want is to download a trial version of its products. We like this approach.
We noticed during its installation that Trend Micro Maximum Security needs a rather long time to unpack its files. However, in two or three minutes you should see that coming to an end.
You can select the language used by the suite, a custom install location, and also whether you want to install the bundled Password Manager or not.
After the installation is done, you can provide Trend Micro with an email address that will be used for sending you news and offers. This is optional, and that is a good thing.
After everything is installed and working, Trend Micro Maximum Security launches a welcoming presentation and asks you if you want to "Set Up Folder Shield", a tool which can protect you against ransomware. If you want to do it, you must choose the folders that you want to be protected against unauthorized use. Take note that you can also close this presentation and deal with the ransomware related settings later.
Then, Trend Micro loads its user interface and starts updating the virus definitions database. This is a good thing, and it means that you will have up-to-date protection right from the start. On our test computer, the first update meant we had to download another 66 MB of data.
Downloading and installing Trend Micro Maximum Security are easy and straightforward processes. We appreciate that the company does not ask for any personal information during these steps.
Integration with Windows, web browsers and universal Windows platform apps
When you install Trend Micro Maximum Security, the security suite disables Windows Defender to eliminate the possible issues and conflicts that could appear when you try to run two similar security products. However, it does not disable the Windows Firewall. The reason is that Trend Micro Maximum Security uses Windows Firewall to protect you against network threats. We were curious to see if there is anything added to the default set of features in Windows Firewall. While digging through its settings, we found that Trend Micro has a feature called Firewall Booster, which promises to "enhance the protection given by the Windows Firewall and detect botnet programs that can hijack your computer by remote control." Because Trend Micro Maximum Security relies on Windows Firewall it means that you should have no issues while using the networking features from Windows. We had no problems when creating or joining a homegroup, or when we used universal Windows platform apps.
When it comes to the online security, Trend Micro Maximum Security chooses to automatically scan and filter all the internet traffic that goes on your computer. That means that you are protected in any web browser you might prefer using. The security suite also bundles web browser extension called Trend Micro Toolbar, which you should be able to use in the supported web browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. If you enable it, the toolbar should provide you with additional security information related to the websites that you visit and the web searches that you perform.
Trend Micro Maximum Security has some negative effect on computer performance. To get a better idea on this matter, we checked whether our test laptop increased its boot time after installing the security suite, with the help of a tool called BootRacer. Our computer's boot time went up by 2 seconds, which is an 11 percent increase. We also took a look at how much RAM is required by the security suite to run its processes, and we found out that it needs about 125 MB, which is not a big deal for any modern Windows computer.
To check whether the internet or local network speeds are affected by Trend Micro Maximum Security, we also ran a few tests with Speedtest.net and with LAN Speed Test. The results we got with Speedtest.net showed no changes to the internet speeds. However, the tests we ran with LAN Speed Test showed that the local network upload speed was slower by 6 percent, and the download speed was 5 percent slower after we installed Trend Micro Maximum Security.
Trend Micro Maximum Security is a product that is well integrated with Windows and all its networking features. However, the main reason for that is the fact that it relies on the Windows Firewall, instead of offering a firewall module of its own. This product can lower your PC's boot time and network transfer speed.
Ease of use and configuration
Trend Micro is a company with a reputation for building simple and easy to use security products, and that is confirmed by the user interface we get in Trend Micro Maximum Security. The central console is divided into a few main sections that try to cover all the essential aspects regarding your security: Device, Privacy, Data, and Family. What grabs your attention though, is the big popping-round button sitting in the middle of it all: the Scan button. Click or tap on it, and Trend Micro Maximum Security immediately starts scanning your system for malware and other threats.
The user interface also tells you right from the start whether your Windows computer is protected or not. If all is fine, you see messages displayed in relaxing green colors, and when something is wrong, the messages quickly turn to red.
If you want to configure something about the way the security suite works, click or tap on the cog-wheel icon next to the Scan button. All the settings available are configured by checking or unchecking options or by moving sliders. Everything is easy to find and set, even on a device with a touchscreen.
The features, options, and settings you get in Trend Micro Maximum Security are all simple, so there is little chance that someone does not understand what something does. However, if something is unclear, you can get more information by hovering your mouse cursor on the information icons scattered around the user interface. If you need detailed help and support, you can find documentation, request help via email, live to chat with a support engineer or even call Trend Micro on the phone.
Trend Micro Maximum Security is a security product with such a simple user interface that we did not expect it to offer detailed logs. However, Trend Micro gives its users not only visually appealing statistics, but also detailed logs that share plenty of details on the state of your security, and that is an excellent thing.
During the time frame in which we used Trend Micro Maximum Security, we saw alerts not just about malware threats but also other types of notifications.
Trend Micro Maximum Security is a security product with a simple user interface. It is targeted at people who like simple and discreet antivirus software to take care of their security.
On the next page of this review, you can see how capable Trend Micro Maximum Security is of protecting your Windows computer from network attacks and malware. You can also see what additional features are included in this security suite, and check our recommendations for what settings you should adjust.