今天,我想发表对我们的一位读者的采访:米兰·贝内斯(Milan Benes)。几周前他联系了我,从那时起我们就定期联系。我们一起为Windows 8(Windows 8)谜题找到了一些出色的解决方案。Milan是我们最近两篇文章的灵感来源,因此,我认为将他介绍给7 Tutorials的其他读者会很棒。这是为了证明我们的读者既聪明又厉害。
告诉我们一些关于你自己的事情。您希望 7 个教程的其他读者了解您什么?
首先,我想说:"Hi Ciprian! Hi other readers of 7 Tutorials!"
除了是大公司的系统管理员(system administrator),我和其他人一样是个普通人。我最大的爱好是修复不起作用的东西。我从小就开始使用电脑,当时我父母给我买了一台 8 位Commodore C64,主要用于玩游戏。
从那时起,我就对电脑着迷了。我还是个孩子,和所有孩子一样,我从玩游戏开始。我完成了大约 300-400 款不同的 8 位游戏,例如Dizzy、The Last Ninja、Head over Heels等。
与看电视不同,我发现使用电脑互动(computer interactive)非常适合训练我的脑细胞。即使在今天,我也根本不看电视,但我仍然喜欢经常尝试使用PC(PCs)。还有什么好说的?我在学校度过了 20 年:我拥有IT 硕士学位和经济学(Master)博士学位(PhD)。
图片:Dizzy 3 是在过去将我带到计算机的游戏之一。(Pic: Dizzy 3 is the one of the games that brought me to computers in the deep past.)
我有很多不同的兴趣:我喜欢游泳,我下棋,我有大约 4000 本书的大图书馆,而且我经常阅读。
目前,在我的办公桌上,我正在阅读三本不同的书:一本来自梅勒的(Mailer)战争小说(war novel)——“裸体与死者……”(根据它制作了一部电影。拍摄得很好,值得这本书的粉丝观看流派)...,最新的Photoshop指南(我喜欢修改各种类型的图像)和关于Internet 协议版本 6(Internet Protocol version 6) - IPv6 的第三本书(与我作为系统管理员(system administrator)的工作有关)。
我是车迷(car fan)。我最近买了最新版的本田雅阁(Honda Accord)(欧洲(European)),我花了很多时间改装这辆车。🙂
在我们的谈话中,您提到您是一名IT 经理(IT Manager),并且您不喜欢被视为经理。这是为什么?
嗯,这反映了捷克劳动力(Czech labor)市场的具体情况:当一个公司不想给你更多的钱时,它往往会在你的职位头衔(position title)中加上“经理”这个词,并“给”你一堆人作为下属。他们试图通过称您为经理来“满足”您的自我,并说服(manager and convince)您接受一份薪水较低的工作,假设该职位在您的简历上看起来不错,并在搬到新职位/公司时有助于您的职业生涯。
您分享说您正在努力将公司的网络计算机和设备迁移到Windows 8。您如何看待Windows 8?
我不是您的普通用户,因为我在任务栏上同时打开了大约 20 个程序,在我的Opera 浏览器(Opera browser)中打开了大约 100 个选项卡。因此,我将单独运行“股票市场(stock market)”应用程序或我的电子邮件客户端,占据整个屏幕空间(screen space)的想法并不是让我高兴的事情。但我知道还有其他用户会喜欢这种方法。我还认为,使用ARM平板电脑和Windows RT的人会对这种体验感到满意。
不过,就Windows 8(Windows 8)应用程序而言,我会很感激,它带有实时通知、实时磁贴等,是一款专为网络管理员(network administrator)设计的应用程序,它显示有关网络、系统性能(system performance)、重要警报等的实时数据。类似于系统管理员(system administrator)的全屏仪表板。
关于新界面,我认为微软会对其进行改进,并在(Microsoft)Windows 9中创建更高级的版本。我们应该会看到使用Windows 9(Windows 9)完成的更令人兴奋的事情。
现在,由于我是系统管理员(system administrator),Windows 8中的一些重要内容让我在新界面之外感兴趣。在我看来,Windows 8 的核心与Windows 7(Windows 8)没有(Windows 7)太大区别。
在我写这篇文章时,我已经安装并测试了Windows 8的最终版本。(Windows 8)首先(First),Windows 8的版本从(Windows 8)Windows 7中的 6.1 变为 6.2 。这非常重要,因为在“ Microsoft 词汇表(Microsoft vocabulary)”中,它意味着Windows 8是一个相当小的更新。这是真的。如果你分析Windows 8的核心,与(Windows 8)Windows 7相比并没有太大的区别,就像Windows 7与(Windows 7)Windows Vista并没有什么不同。
图片:测试 Windows 8 x64 Enterprise 的最终版本。(Pic: Testing the final build of Windows 8 x64 Enterprise.)
基本上,在商业网络中实现(business network)Windows 8应该没有什么大问题,特别是如果你做一些工作来定制Windows 8,使其看起来尽可能像人们非常熟悉的Windows 7 。
在我们的迁移项目(migration project)中,我们使用了一个名为“ FreeLaunchBar ”(免费版)或“TrueLaunchBar”(付费版)的特殊程序来显示“类似于旧的开始菜单(Start Menu)”,这样人们就不会被新的操作吓到系统(operating system)并有一些看起来接近旧开始菜单(Start Menu)的东西。一旦(Once) 用户(users)适应了Windows 8,他们对它更加熟悉,我们将提供一个更标准的Windows 8版本,我们做的定制更少。
图片:我们早期的建议之一是关于如何修改 Windows 8 使其看起来像 Windows 7。它包括直接启动到桌面和开始菜单的外观。(Pic: One of our early proposals on how Windows 8 should be modified to look like Windows 7. It included booting directly to the desktop and a Start-Menu look-a-like.)
您最喜欢Windows 8的哪些方面?
首先,我想澄清一下:对我来说,Windows Server 2012(以前代号为Windows Server 8)和 Windows 8 是同一个系统。我定期交替使用它们。而且,它们极其相似。因此,我将讨论这两种操作系统。
我的第一个功能是:ReFS(弹性文件系统)(ReFS (Resilient File System)) -具有错误自动更正功能的新文件系统。(file system)它仅在Windows Server 2012中可用,而在Windows 8中不可用,所以在我的个人计算机上,我什至会安装此Windows Server 2012,如果它更贵的话。
图片:如果发生任何不好的事情,ReFS 将在后台进行错误自动更正。(Pic: ReFS will do error autocorrects in background if anything bad happens. )
第二个最佳功能是Windows To Go(仅在Windows 8 Enterprise中可用),可用于创建可启动的Windows 8闪存驱动器,您可以将其插入许多不同的计算机,新硬件将在几秒钟内安装//更新,并且您可以使用Windows 8。
当然,我更喜欢技术性更强的新功能,例如:DirectX v11.1、新的Windows 显示驱动程序模型 (WDDM) 1.2(Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2)、网络驱动程序接口规范 (NDIS) 6.3(Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) 6.3)和Hyper-V等。这些新功能使事情在更好的方法,但普通用户看不到。所以它们对大多数人来说意义不大。
另外,我觉得有趣的是Windows 8和Windows Server 2012之间的区别。我对BIOS 修改(BIOS modding)充满热情,这是我的爱好之一。在测试这两种操作系统时,我了解到Windows 8和Windows Server 2012将使用不同的激活方法。有趣的是,Windows 8使用了比(Windows 8)Windows Server 2012更难攻击的更好的系统。
Windows Server 2012使用类似于 Windows 7 的系统,但有一些小的改进:SLIC - 软件许可说明表(SLIC - Software Licensing Description Table)v2.2 与Windows 7中的SLIC v2.1。这应该很容易破解,就像Windows 7一样。
另一方面,Windows 8 使用微软(Microsoft)的第三版激活服务(Activation service),这似乎是他们迄今为止最强大的服务。我很想知道他们是否会设法减少盗版并给黑客带来困难。
Windows 8 在迁移过程中(migration process)让您的生活变得艰难吗?
到目前为止,我们发现了一些微软(Microsoft)必须尽快解决的问题。一个这样的问题使屏幕在使用不同的应用程序时闪烁,并将用户踢到锁定屏幕(lock screen)。
图片:Windows 8 中的图形故障 - 最终版本。(Pic: A graphical glitch in Windows 8 - the final build.)
我在Windows 8(Windows 8)的所有测试版本以及最终版本中都遇到过它。似乎其他用户在不同的论坛和社区上报告了类似的问题。
此外,我注意到Microsoft Office 2013 Consumer Preview中的图形工件。我希望他们在最终版本发布之前得到修复。
图片:Microsoft Office 2013 Consumer Preview 存在严重的图形故障。(Pic: Microsoft Office 2013 Consumer Preview has serious graphical glitches.)
您打算在家中的计算机上使用Windows 8吗?(Windows 8)
我将安装Windows Server 2012并将所有硬盘驱动器转换为ReFS 文件(ReFS file)系统。
您喜欢 7 个教程的哪些方面?
如果您要更改或改进有关 7 个教程的内容 - 您会是什么?
如果我是您,我会考虑撰写有关Windows Server 2012的文章,而不仅仅是 Windows 8 或 Windows 7。我很确定您会发现很多 IT 专业人士(例如我自己)对这些文章感兴趣。您还应该尝试找到更多关于不常见的特定问题的利基文章。这样,您将成为唯一涵盖实际问题的网站,而其他网站将引用您或窃取您的工作。🙂
我有时会问其他系统管理员或 IT 专业人员一个问题:您经常访问的“十大”网站是什么?由于这个问题,我发现了许多新的有用的资源。🙂
我很高兴有机会与您讨论并与您网站的所有读者分享。保重(Take care),我希望你有很多新的和很棒的读者。
Ciprian 排名前 5 的网站
我没有 10 个最喜欢的网站。但我确实有 5 个我非常喜欢并定期阅读的网站:
Ars Technica - 我非常感谢它深入的文章、分析和新闻。他们不讨论所有事情。他们坚持重要的事情,毫不犹豫地比其他网站更深入。
超级用户(Super User)- 一个很棒的 Windows 专家社区。有很多有趣的讨论正在进行,您可以从中获得宝贵的知识。此外,关于超级用户的一些讨论也成为我们一些文章的灵感来源。
Ed Bott 报告(The Ed Bott Report)- 我认为 Ed Bott 是有史以来最好的 Windows 专家之一,也是一位了不起的作者。我很欣赏他的作品,我的目标是在我的写作中达到同样的质量水平,无论是作为博主还是作家。
How-To Geek - 我知道我们的许多读者都喜欢 How-To Geek。我很欣赏他们的写作和专业精神。我很高兴与他们团队的一些成员成为朋友。他们是很棒的人,很高兴不时与他们聊天和协作。
H(The H) - 虽然我不经常写关于开源的文章,但我很欣赏开源软件和它背后的社区。这是一个专注于开源、安全和开发的网站。您将找到在许多其他网站上找不到的新闻和文章。
在我们出发之前,我要感谢Milan的这次采访,感谢他用他的 Windows 8 迁移问题挑战我,并与我一起为一些有趣的问题创建了一些很酷的解决方案。下面,我推荐阅读米兰(Milan)通过我们的对话启发的文章。
Meet Our Readers: Milan Benes from the Czech Republic
Today, I would like to publish an intervіew with one of our readers: Milan Benes. He contacted me a few weeks ago and since then we have been in touch on a regular basis. Together we have found some great solutions for Windows 8 puzzles. Milаn is the inspiration behind two of our recent articles and because of that, І thоught it would be great to introduce him to other readers of 7 Tutorials. This is to prove that our readers are both smart and awesome.
Tell us a bit about yourself. What would you like the other readers of 7 Tutorials to know about you?
First of all, I would like to say: "Hi Ciprian! Hi other readers of 7 Tutorials!"
Apart of being system administrator in big company, I am a normal guy like anyone else. My biggest hobby is to fix things that don't work. I started using computers in my childhood, when my parents bought me an 8-bit Commodore C64, mainly for playing the games.
Since then, I have been fascinated by computers. I was a child and like all children, I started by playing games. I finished about 300-400 different 8-bit games like Dizzy, The Last Ninja, Head over Heels, etc.
I found working with the computer interactive and great for training my brain cells, unlike watching the TV. Even today, I don't watch TV at all, but I still like to experiment with PCs quite often. What else to say? I have spent 20 years in schools: I have a Master's degree in IT and a PhD in economics.
Pic: Dizzy 3 is the one of the games that brought me to computers in the deep past.
What do you love to do in your spare time?
I have many different interests: I like to swim, I play chess, I have big library of about 4000 books and I read very often.
Currently, on my desk there are three different books I am reading: one war novel from Mailer - "Naked and the dead..." (a movie was made based on it. It was nicely filmed, worth watching for the fans of this genre)..., a guide to newest Photoshop (I love to mod images of all kinds) and a third book about the Internet Protocol version 6 - IPv6 (connected to my job as a system administrator).
I am big car fan. I recently bought the newest version of Honda Accord (European) and I spend quite a lot of time to mod the car. 🙂
In our talks, you mentioned that you are an IT Manager and that you don't like being considered a manager. Why is that?
Well, this reflects the specific situation of the Czech labor market: when a company doesn't want to give you more money, it often puts the word "manager" into your position title and "gives" you bunch of people as subordinates. They try to "feed" your ego by calling you a manager and convince you to accept a less paid job on the assumption that the position will look good on your resume and help your career when moving to a new position/company.
Personally, I do not appreciate this approach. Also, the economical crisis has revealed many high-level managers and executives that were not exactly shining stars, worthy of their positions. This has made me and others appreciate managers even less. Thus my reluctance to be called a manager.
You shared that you are working on migrating your company's network computers and devices to Windows 8. What do you think about Windows 8?
I am somewhat surprised, how much Microsoft let the mobile and "touch-screen" technologies "invade" to the desktop.
I am not your regular user, since I have about 20 opened programs simultaneously on the taskbar and about 100 opened tabs in my Opera browser. Therefore, the idea that I will run "the stock market" application or my email client alone, taking the whole screen space, isn't something that makes me happy. But I do understand that there are other users who will enjoy this approach. I also think that people with ARM tablets and Windows RT on them will be pleased with the experience.
What I would appreciate though, in terms of Windows 8 apps, with live notifications, live tiles, etc is an app designed for the network administrator, that shows live data about the network, the system performance, important alerts, etc. Something like a full-screen dashboard for a system administrator.
Regarding the new interface, I think Microsoft will improve on it and create a more advanced version in Windows 9. We should see even more exciting things done with Windows 9.
Now, since I am a system administrator, there are important things in Windows 8 that interest me outside the new interface. From my perspective, the core of Windows 8 isn't so much different from Windows 7.
I already have the final build of Windows 8 installed and tested as I write this. First, the version of Windows 8 is 6.2 from 6.1 in Windows 7. This is very important as in the "Microsoft vocabulary" it means that Windows 8 is a rather minor update. And that's true. If you analyze the core of Windows 8 there is not a major difference compared to Windows 7, just like Windows 7 isn't all that different from Windows Vista.
Pic: Testing the final build of Windows 8 x64 Enterprise.
Basically, there should be no major problem in implementing Windows 8 in a business network, especially if you do some work to customize Windows 8 so that it looks as much as possible like Windows 7, with which people are very familiar.
In our migration project, we use a special program called "FreeLaunchBar" (free version) or "TrueLaunchBar" (paid version) for showing "something similar to the old Start Menu", so that people don't get scared by the new operating system and have something that looks close to the old Start Menu. Once users adapt to Windows 8, they get more familiar with it, we will provide a more standard version of Windows 8, with less customisation being done by us.
Pic: One of our early proposals on how Windows 8 should be modified to look like Windows 7. It included booting directly to the desktop and a Start-Menu look-a-like.
What do you like most about Windows 8?
First, I would like to make a clarification: for me Windows Server 2012 (formerly codenamed Windows Server 8) and Windows 8 are the same system. I used them interchangeably on a regular basis. Also, they extremely similar. Therefore I will talk about both operating systems.
My number one feature is: ReFS (Resilient File System) - a new file system with error autocorrection. It will only be available in Windows Server 2012 and not in Windows 8, so on my personal computer I'll have this Windows Server 2012 installed even, it if it is a lot more expensive.
Pic: ReFS will do error autocorrects in background if anything bad happens.
The second best feature is Windows To Go (available only in Windows 8 Enterprise), which can be used to create bootable Windows 8 flash drives, that you can plug into many different computers, the new hardware will be installed//updated in seconds and you can use Windows 8.
Of course I love the more technical new features like: DirectX v11.1, the new Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) 1.2, the Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) 6.3 and Hyper-V, etc. These new features make things run in a better way but are not visible to the normal user. So they won't mean much to most people.
Also, there is something I find interesting, as a difference between Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. I am passionate about BIOS modding, it is one of my hobbies. While testing both operating systems I have learned that Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 will use different activation methods. It is interesting that Windows 8 uses a better system that is harder to attack than Windows Server 2012.
Windows Server 2012 uses a system similar to Windows 7 that has some small improvements: SLIC - Software Licensing Description Table v2.2 vs SLIC v2.1 in Windows 7. This should be fairly easy to crack, just like Windows 7 was.
Windows 8 on the other hand uses Microsoft's 3rd version of their Activation service which seems to be their strongest service yet. I am curious to learn if they will manage to reduce piracy and give hackers a tough time.
What about Windows 8 makes your life hard during the migration process?
So far we have discovered a few problems that must be fixed by Microsoft as soon as possible. One such problem makes the screen flicker while using different apps and kicks the user to the lock screen.
Pic: A graphical glitch in Windows 8 - the final build.
I have encountered it in all test versions of Windows 8 as well as in the final version. It seems that other users have reported similar issues on different forums and communities.
Also, I have noticed graphical artifacts in Microsoft Office 2013 Consumer Preview. I hope they do get fixed until the final version is released.
Pic: Microsoft Office 2013 Consumer Preview has serious graphical glitches.
Do you plan to use Windows 8 at home, on your computer?
I will install Windows Server 2012 and convert all my hard-drives to the ReFS file system.
What do you enjoy about 7 Tutorials?
I found the site via Google, when I was searching for a solution to some problem I had. I like the fact that you publish articles that I find interesting, on topics that are relevant to me, the most recent being encrypting your system with TrueCrypt.
If you were to change or improve something about 7 Tutorials - what would it be?
If I were you, I would consider also writing articles about Windows Server 2012, not only Windows 8 or Windows 7. I'm pretty sure you will find lots of IT professionals such as myself being interested in those articles. You should also try to find more niche articles about specific problems that are not so common. This way, you will be the only website covering real problems and other websites will either reference you or steal your work. 🙂
You also have to create a forum and a bigger community. A forum will help readers interact with each other more often.
Do you have any question/curiosity you would like us to answer?
There is a question I sometimes ask other system administrators or IT professionals: What are your "top ten" websites, that you visit regularly? I've found many new & useful resources thanks to this question. 🙂
I am happy, that I had an opportunity to have discussion with you and share it with all the readers of your website. Take care and I wish you many new & awesome readers.
Ciprian's Top 5 Websites
I don't have 10 favorite websites. But I do have 5 websites I absolutely love and read on a regular basis:
Ars Technica - I appreciate it a lot for its in-depth articles, analysis and news. They don't discuss everything. They stick to the important things and don't hesitate to go more in-depth than other websites do.
Super User - a great community of Windows experts. There are lots of interesting discussions going on, from which you gain valuable knowledge. Also, some discussions on Super User have been a source of inspiration for a few of our articles.
The Ed Bott Report - I consider Ed Bott to be one of the best Windows experts ever and an awesome author. I admire his work and I aim to achieve the same level of quality in my writing, both as a blogger and author.
How-To Geek - I know for a fact that many of our readers enjoy How-To Geek. I appreciate their writing and professionalism. I'm very happy to be friends with some members of their team. They are awesome people with whom is a pleasure to chat and collaborate from time to time.
The H - While I don't write often about open source, I do appreciate open source software and the community behind it. This is a website that focuses on Open Source, Security and Development. You will find news and articles that you won't find on many other websites.
Thanks Milan Benes
Before we go, I would like to thank Milan for this interview, for challenging me with his Windows 8 migration problems and for working with me to create some cool solutions to a few interesting problems. Below, I recommend reading the articles that Milan inspired through our dialogue.