Roblox 上 26 款最佳大亨游戏(26 Best Tycoon Games on Roblox)
数以千计的动作、模拟、恐怖、冒险、赛车、射击、社交聚会和社交聚会游戏已经在Roblox平台上发布。除此之外,Roblox还有很多大亨游戏。有适合所有技能水平的游戏,从管理热带度假村到经营您的商店。这些是 Roblox 最受欢迎的一些游戏,您可以在其中拥有餐厅、经营车库或做任何您想做的事情。当您阅读以下一些最好的 Roblox 大亨游戏列表时,您就会明白我们的意思。
1. 医院大亨(Hospital Tycoon)
医院大亨(Hospital Tycoon)最近首次亮相,现在是 Roblox 最受欢迎的大亨游戏之一,全新的圣诞节更新包含新的节日主题产品和化妆品。
- (Hospital Tycoon)如果您喜欢涉及建筑和规划(constructing and planning)的大亨游戏,那么医院大亨就是您的理想之选。
- 在服务器上运行最好的医院时,您将解锁新房间和医院设备,结识新患者,帮助他们解决问题,并与朋友一起玩乐。
- 这里没有真正的竞争;目标是尽可能大!
- 该游戏还具有私人服务器,因此您不必依赖拥有数百名玩家的缓慢公共服务器。
2. 汽车经销商大亨(2. Car Dealership Tycoon)
Car Dealership Tycoon比此页面上的其他一些游戏更逼真。
- 您不会在这里找到任何超级英雄或动漫人物,但您将能够像现实生活中的惠勒经销商一样买卖汽车。(buy and sell automobiles)
- 该游戏现在正在举办以冬季为主题的冰上竞赛活动(Winter-themed Ice Race event),这解释了为什么它如此受欢迎。
- 如果您想创建、发展和经营您的经销商,这是一个很好的资源。
- 有许多汽车和颜色可供选择。
3. 零售大亨(3. Retail Tycoon)
Roblox上最好的大亨游戏列表中的另一个是零售大亨(Retail Tycoon)。
- 要建立您的商店,您必须首先购买一块空地。
- 要开始为您的商店赚取收入,请开始创建货架来存放物品。根据需要继续更换机架,随着业务的增长,您将能够聘请更多专家来帮助完成各种任务。
收银员、厨师、看门人、补货员和看门(Cashiers, chefs, janitors, restockers, and gatekeepers)人都是工人。
- 您的商店还会有各种各样的访客,包括顾客和犯罪分子。
- 客户是来您的商店购买产品并留下反馈的人。如果他们没有看到他们正在寻找的东西或者如果您的队伍太长,他们就会离开。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Roblox 管理员命令列表(A List Of Roblox Admin Commands)
4. 健身房大亨(4. Gym Tycoon)
Gym Tycoon是Roblox大亨游戏的全部内容,该平台庞大的健身房大亨游戏库已在当前游戏中达到顶峰,使其成为Roblox上最好的大亨游戏之一。
- 任务很简单:锻炼、变大、赚钱并控制(work out, grow bigger, earn money, and gain control)服务器最大最好的健身房!
- 如果你锻炼更多,你会赚更多的钱。
- 您将从一个简单的Roblox用户开始,在海滩上举起小重量。
- 几个小时后,你的体型就会变大,购买更强大的设备,并能够灵活应对服务器上的其他玩家。
Gym Tycoon是一款为你的努力付出代价的游戏,所以开始举重吧!
5.主题公园大亨2(5. Theme Park Tycoon 2)
当我们谈论Roblox上最好的大亨游戏时,我们总是喜欢一些游乐园的狂欢。主题公园大亨 2(Theme Park Tycoon 2)是Roblox上最好的大亨游戏之一。
- 承担主题公园经理的角色,并确定增加公园收入的最合适和最有利可图的方式。
- 是的,游乐园充满了浮华和华丽,但不要忘记拉动绳子让人们从自己的口袋里掏钱,因为我们最终都想要钱。
- 您可以利用您的创造力来装饰您的公园,并通过44 种游乐设施(44 rides)、不同的滑梯摊位和其他许多东西来吸引更多的顾客。如果你有很多,那就更好了。
6.动漫大亨(6. Anime Tycoon)
你喜欢动漫吗?动漫大亨(Anime Tycoon)是一款动漫爱好者的最佳选择。
- 这个游戏的目标是收集尽可能多的动漫角色(collection of anime characters)。
- 为了赚更多的钱和发展你的动漫帝国,买卖角色。
- 您可以玩德库、悟空和火影忍者(Deku, Goku, and Naruto)等动漫角色。
- 有与NPC(NPCs)的战斗来测试你的新角色的剑和咒语。
7. 金字塔大亨(7. Pyramid Tycoon)
金字塔大亨(Pyramid Tycoon)通过从头开始建造繁荣的金字塔,让您体验强大法老的生活。(life of a mighty pharaoh)
- 一开始,你没有多少,只有一个料斗来产生微薄的利润。
- 它最终会成长为一个大帝国,您可以利用它来创建您的金字塔(create your pyramid)。
- 当你准备好放松时,看看你的金字塔外面,欣赏你的辛勤工作,并邀请朋友和竞争对手做同样的事情。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Roblox 错误 279(How to Fix Roblox Error 279)
8.地牢探索大亨(8. Dungeon Quest Tycoon)
这款大型多人在线角色扮演游戏的灵感来自暗黑破坏神系列和 Gauntlet(Diablo series and Gauntlet)等地牢爬行者。
- 您将时间花在探索地牢、收集宝藏、升级库存和重复循环(exploring dungeons, gathering treasure, upgrading your inventory, and repeating the cycle)上。
- 该游戏令人惊叹的视觉效果将其与其他MMO(MMOs)区别开来。
- Dungeon Quest对新手来说不像魔兽世界这样的(World of Warcraft)游戏那么可怕,它提供了广泛的设备和地图,但它并不适合所有人。
- 尽管游戏节奏快,但游戏完美融合了策略和动作,适合休闲玩家和经验丰富的砍杀玩家。
- 这是具有流畅动画的独一无二的创作。
- 游戏在单人和多人模式下都很有趣。
- 很难停止一起玩。
9.军事大亨(9. Military Tycoon)
(Military Tycoon)InfinityInteractive的《军事大亨》是一款独一无二的射击游戏,它要求玩家比传统的第一人称射击游戏更具战略性。
- 建立对抗其他在线玩家的世界统治战略的第一步是建立一支军队和一个基地(build an army and a base)。
军事游戏玩家(Military gamers)可以从不同的国家中进行选择,并登上全球霸主地位。
- 玩家必须赚钱建造基地,招募人员组建军队,甚至部署直升机(helicopters)、坦克(tanks)和船只(boats)等车辆。
- 他们可以利用战争和统治来与他人作战,获得石油钻井平台,并增加国家的经济收入。
10. 比萨店大亨(10. Pizza Place Tycoon)
我们很确定您已经猜到了答案:您必须在比萨店工作(pizza parlor),但这在Pizza Place Tycoon可不是一份简单的工作。
- 在这个引人入胜的游戏中,您可以从各种独特的工作中进行选择。管理层、供应商、收银员、比萨拳击手和送货员(management, supplier, cashier, pizza boxer, and delivery person)都可供您选择。
- 为了优化商店的收入,您必须从不同的角度分析每个选项。
- 这款游戏是在Roblox(Roblox)上消磨时间的绝佳方式。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在游戏中检查 FPS(每秒帧数)的 4 种方法(4 Ways to Check FPS (Frames Per Second) In Games)
11.百万富翁帝国大亨(11. Millionaire Empire Tycoon)
百万富翁帝国大亨(Millionaire Empire Tycoon)游戏的目标很简单:尽可能赚到最多的钱(make the most money possible)。
- EQ Productions 的百万富翁帝国大亨就是为了赚钱和将你的基地从一砖一瓦扩展到一座巨大的塔楼(single brick to a massive tower)。
- 当他们建立自己的帝国时,Robloxians必须与其他玩家作战。
- 他们将拥有更强大的武器和防御,他们变得更富有。
- 玩家必须不断升级他们的传送带才能继续赚取现金。
- 和你的朋友一起玩,看看谁能在服务器上建立最强大的帝国。
12. 薄荷大亨(12. Mint Tycoon)
Mint Tycoon游戏的主要重点是创建和维护您的铸币厂(creating and maintaining your mint)。
- 您将从一开始就这样做,并且您将有多种选择。
- 您将尝试将一系列不同的货币形式(monetary forms)工业化,然后在公开市场上进行交易。
- 但是,请小心,因为您的金库可能会被盗,您的钱可能会被盗。
- 您可以采取谨慎的态度并维护您的保险库,使其永远不会受到攻击或掠夺,或者您可以通过从他人那里偷钱而成为犯罪分子。找出建立银行的最佳方法取决于您。
13. 大城市大亨(13. Big City Tycoon)
大城市大亨(Big City Tycoon)准备好,设置(Set),更多!是一款大亨游戏,有足够的空间与他人进行角色扮演。
- 他们广阔的地理环境非常适合探索、发现隐藏的宝藏和建立帝国(exploring, uncovering hidden treasures, and establishing an empire)。
- 玩家可以通过建造他们的财产并看到他们扩展成一个庞大的帝国来控制城市。
- 他们可以节省足够的钱来购买可以更轻松地探索地图的车辆。
- 此外,City Tycoon还经常为玩家举办活动以增加他们的收入,例如带有隐藏礼物的全球活动,一旦收集,就会提供免费的游戏内物品。
14. 机场大亨(14. Airport Tycoon)
机场大亨(Airport Tycoon)的目标是管理一个大型机场(manage a large airport)。
- 定期添加新的(New)飞机、化妆品和建筑物。
- 除了经营机场外,您还可以乘坐飞机往返机场进行激动人心的冒险。
- 在最近的升级中,新(New)飞机、新景点(例如长廊(promenade)和摩天(Ferris) 轮(wheel))以及在您的一架飞机上探索的新迷人地点都已添加到游戏中。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 13 款适用于 Android 的最佳 PS2 模拟器(13 Best PS2 Emulator for Android)
15. 浮桥大亨(15. Boardwalk Tycoon)
假设您是海滩所有者,您的工作是吸引顾客到海滩(attract customers to the beach)。你怎么做呢?Boardwalk Tycoon是(Boardwalk Tycoon)Roblox上最好的大亨游戏。
创建商店(Create shops)和小屋(shacks)以吸引客户和宾果游戏!
- 使其具有吸引力,使其成为旅游胜地。毕竟,更多的游客意味着更多的钱,因此也意味着更多的利润。
- 此外,该游戏还允许您获得额外的许可证,通过创建特殊商店使其更具吸引力,因此请尽情享受并准备玩 Roblox 最伟大的大亨游戏之一。
16. 商场大亨(16. Mall Tycoon)
Mall Tycoon是一款出色的大亨游戏,适合喜欢建造、装饰和购物的(building, decorating, and shopping)Roblox粉丝。
- 商场大亨(Tycoon)会吸引那些喜欢稍微奇怪的模拟器游戏的人,因为他们装饰商场以取悦客户。
- 该游戏非常适合房间装饰模拟游戏迷,因为它允许玩家创建多达十二层和多达 35 家著名零售商的独特商场。
- 顾客会表达他们对商场的渴望,玩家必须据此建造。
- 如果他们让客户满意,他们就可以建立一个庞大的帝国并经营一项有利可图的业务。(build a large empire)
17. 超级英雄大亨(17. Super Hero Tycoon)
Superheroes 制作了游戏Super Hero Tycoon。
- 在这个游戏中,用户购买和发展他们的大亨。
蚁人、蝙蝠侠、黑豹、绿灯侠、钢铁侠、蜘蛛侠、超人、闪电侠、绿巨人和雷神(Ant-Man, Batman, Black Panther, Green Lantern, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Superman, The Flash, The Hulk, and Thor)是游戏中可用的角色。
- 要享受这款游戏,您需要采取全新的态度,因为它考验您的逻辑推理能力和业务技能。
- 那么,我们应该期待什么呢?在这里,您必须与其他玩家竞争金钱以提高您的生产力。
- 除了解锁新服装外,您还可以不断升级基地、学习新工具和方法、购买新服装。
- 您可以自定义您的角色,并且可以升级其他东西。
- 每隔一段时间,一箱箱的钱和枪就会从天上掉下来。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用 MAME 在 Windows PC 上玩街机游戏(How to use MAME to Play Arcade Games on Windows PC)
18. 召唤师大亨(18. Summoner Tycoon)
Roblox上最好的大亨游戏列表中的另一个是Summoner Tycoon。
- 利用(Make)你的战斗部队并掠夺野兽。
- 使用战利品来改造你的怪物大亨(mogul),购买新武器,并积累大量传奇。
- 您还可以购买法术来帮助您的传奇造成更多伤害。
- 大多数情况下,这是一个简单的规则,变成一个充满活力的游戏,如果有人想体验更多的传奇动作,这就是玩的游戏。
- 您可以通过升级大亨来征服敌人来获取新武器并获得战利品。( acquire new weapons)
- 你可以用你拥有的武器与敌人作战。你的宠物会跟着你,向范围内的对手开火。
19. 海军战争大亨(19. Navy War Tycoon)
建立海军并非易事,但《海军战争大亨(Navy War Tycoon)》允许您指挥庞大的舰队来攻击其他玩家和他们的石油破布(command a vast fleet of ships to attack other players and their Oil Rags)。
- 主要目标是指挥服务器最大和最强大的海军。
- 你有成为最好的海军上将的条件吗?您首先选择一个国家。
- 之后,您开始升级结构并与您的舰队进行少量突袭。
- 随着您的进步,您将能够指挥庞大的航空母舰( aircraft carriers)和驱逐舰舰队。
20. 克隆大亨 2(20. Clone Tycoon 2)
这是第一款克隆大亨(Clone Tycoon)游戏的续集,由同一游戏创建者开发。
- 克隆大亨 2 允许你通过谋杀你的克隆同伴来控制你的自我死亡。(control your self-demise)
- 杀死其他用户的克隆体将为您赚取金钱,您可以用这些钱来增强您的大亨并加强您的克隆体。
- 当你已经拥有一支庞大的军队时,为什么还需要更多的军队?这场比赛从一个小小的克隆军队(little clone army)开始,并逐渐扩大它。
- 随着您在阶梯上的进步,您将获得更多的东西和车辆。
- 通过三个保存空间,您可以尝试不同的游戏风格。
- 您还可以通过杀死克隆来获得东西和奖励。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 20+ Hidden Google Games You Need to Play
21. 学校大亨(21. School Tycoon)
你喜欢管理学校吗?然后,学校大亨(School Tycoon)应该在你的名单上。
- 作为School Tycoon的新管理员,您将负责监督教师(overseeing teachers)确保所有学生都接受教育,并且看门(janitors)人保持学校清洁。
- 通过拥有更多的学生,您将能够赚取更多的钱,您可以使用这些钱来个性化学校内部、更换校服以及管理学生的日常日程安排。
- 您将能够建造学校的许多楼层,包括评分室、储物柜、外部树木( grading rooms, lockers, external trees,)和可定制的办公室(customizable office)。
22. 餐厅大亨(22. Restaurant Tycoon)
你梦想拥有一家餐厅吗?所以,这是您作为酒店经营者(hotelier)大放异彩的时刻。餐厅大亨(Restaurant Tycoon)是Roblox上最好的大亨游戏之一。
- 您可以在这个简单而合乎逻辑的游戏中创建和升级餐厅。
- 无论您是从头开始构建还是使用预制插座( pre-made outlets),这完全取决于您。
- 随着您在食物链上的发展,您将拥有更多的食物选择和更多的控制权,从而提高客户满意度,当然还有更多的钱。
- 该游戏中丰富的内容让您保持娱乐且永不过时,使其成为 Roblox 最受欢迎和最伟大的大亨游戏之一。
23. 城市生活大亨(23. City Life Tycoon)
城市生活大亨(City Life Tycoon)与任何大亨游戏类似,但您需要在这里建造一座新城市。
- 在城市生活大亨中,您可以为您的朋友和您邀请的任何访客建造您的城市。(build your city)
- 您可以聘请人员来监督您开发的结构,并且您在游戏中拥有很大的自由度。
- 尽管从一个孤独、孤立的岛屿开始,周围几乎没有竞争,但你可以快速从头开始建造道路和结构,只有你的想象力作为限制。
- 当您感到压力时,乘坐直升飞机(helicopter ride)飞越您的杰作或驾驶您喜欢的任何汽车。
- 您可以选择雇用您想要的人员。
- 您可以创建您的城市计划并由您的员工实施。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 150 款最佳在线 Flash 游戏(The 150 Best Online Flash Games)
24.太空采矿大亨(24. Space Mining Tycoon)
他们说你应该去月球然后回来,但为什么不比眼睛能看到和感知的更远一点呢?我的朋友,这是你的私人空间。对于这种情况,太空采矿大亨(Space Mining Tycoon)是Roblox上最好的大亨游戏之一。(Games)
- 要在这个游戏中取得进展,你必须开采矿石(mine ores)。
- 探索新的个性让您可以创造和共同创造令人兴奋和冒险的太空冒险。
- 你可以去其他星球(other planets),发现远比你想象的要多。
25. 奥林匹亚众神大亨(25. Olympian Gods Tycoon)
有没有想过扮演一个上帝(God)?如果你玩的兴奋,你必须尝试奥神大亨(Olympian God Tycoon)。
- 您在 Olympian Gods Tycoon中扮演六位希腊神(six Greek gods)之一,您的目标是建造一座寺庙(construct a temple)以获得更多的金币和金钱。
- 游戏的目的是让你获得新的能力和装备来对抗其他玩家。
- 当你升级你的神殿时,你会获得更多的力量,你最终将能够雇佣守卫来保护它。
- 如果你有足够的实力,你可以挑战泰坦之王克洛诺斯(Kronos, the King of the Titans)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何破解 Chrome 恐龙游戏(How to Hack the Chrome Dinosaur Game)
26. 小镇大亨(26. Tiny Town Tycoon)
如果您喜欢并喜欢玩City Life Tycoon,那么是时候尝试另一个类似的游戏了,即Tiny Town Tycoon。
- Tiny Town Tycoon让您在一个小角度探索规模化的市中心,如果您不需要大城市就可以四处走动。
- 随着您扩展城镇并满足他们的需求,您将能够看着您的居民成长。
- 你从一个不起眼的街区开始,逐渐发展街道、住宅和建筑物(streets, residences, and buildings),使你的城镇成为一个微型城市。
- 您花在改善城市的时间越多,就会有越多的人参观并选择住在那里。
Roblox是一个非常独特的游戏平台,如果您是第一次阅读它的游戏,我们希望本文能帮助您在 Roblox(best Tycoon games on Roblox)上享受一些最好的 Tycoon 游戏。在下面的评论部分分享您玩游戏的经验。此外,请分享您对您希望我们在未来涵盖的主题的建议。如果您想了解更多关于Roblox游戏的信息,请直接与我们联系!
26 Best Tycoon Games on Roblox
We’re pretty sure that you all know and alreаdy love Roblox gaming. This platform induces out-of-the-box creativity, who won’t like to іntroducе their personally created games. The platform is for all age groups and provides аn interface for desіgners and dig out manаgemеnt skills amongst the gamers. Τhere is a miѕperception that this is a рlatform for children only. There arе many titles that adults may enjoy, and today we’ve compiled a list оf some of the best tycoon games on Roblox for individuals of all ages to enjoy. So, make sure you keep up your potter heads while we first define the specialty of Roblox tycoon games.
26 Best Tycoon Games on Roblox
Thousands of actions, simulations, horror, adventure, racing, shooter, social hangouts, and social hangout games have already been released on the Roblox platform. Apart from these, Roblox has a lot of tycoon games. There are games for all skill levels, ranging from managing a tropical resort to operating your store. These are a few of Roblox’s most popular games where you can own a restaurant, run a garage, or do anything else you desire. When you read the following list of some of the finest Roblox tycoon games, you’ll understand what we mean.
1. Hospital Tycoon
Hospital Tycoon debuted recently and is now one of Roblox’s most popular tycoon games, with a brand-new Xmas update featuring new holiday-themed products and cosmetics.
- Hospital Tycoon is the game for you if you enjoy tycoon games that involve constructing and planning.
- While running the best hospital on the server, you’ll unlock new rooms and hospital equipment, meet new patients, help them with their problems, and have fun with friends.
- There’s no genuine competition here; the goal is to grow as big as possible!
- This game also features private servers, so you don’t have to rely on sluggish public servers with hundreds of players.
2. Car Dealership Tycoon
Car Dealership Tycoon is more realistic than some of the other games on this page.
- You won’t find any superheroes or anime characters here, but you will be able to buy and sell automobiles much like a real-life wheeler dealer.
- The game is now hosting a Winter-themed Ice Race event, which explains why it’s so popular.
- If you want to create, develop, and run your dealership, this is a great resource to look at.
- There are many automobiles and colors to pick from.
3. Retail Tycoon
Another in the list of the best tycoon games on Roblox is Retail Tycoon.
- To build your store, you must first purchase an empty plot of land.
- To begin raking in income for your store, start creating racks to stock items. Continue to replace racks as needed, and as your business grows, you’ll be able to bring on more experts to help with various tasks.
Cashiers, chefs, janitors, restockers, and gatekeepers are among the workers.
- You’ll also have a variety of visitors to your store, including customers and criminals.
- Clients are the ones who come to your store to buy products and leave feedback. They’ll depart if they don’t see what they’re looking for or if your lines are too long.
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4. Gym Tycoon
Gym Tycoon is what Roblox tycoon games are all about, and the platform’s massive library of gym tycoon games has culminated in this current game, making it amongst the best tycoon games on Roblox.
- The mission is simple: work out, grow bigger, earn money, and gain control of the server’s largest and best gym!
- You’ll earn more money if you work out more.
- You’ll begin as a simple Roblox user lifting small weights on the beach.
- You’ll have grown in size, purchased stronger equipment, and be able to flex on the other players on the server after a few hours.
Gym Tycoon is a game that pays you for your efforts, so start lifting!
5. Theme Park Tycoon 2
We’re always up for some amusement park hijinks when we’re talking about the best tycoon games on Roblox. Theme Park Tycoon 2 is one of best tycoon games on Roblox.
- Assume the role of the theme park manager and determine the most appropriate and profitable ways to increase the park’s revenue.
- Yes, the amusement park is all glitz and glam, but don’t forget to tug the strings to get people to pay out of their own pockets because we all desire money in the end.
- You can use your creative talents to decorate your park and attract more customers with 44 rides, different slide stalls, and other numerous things. It’s better if you have a lot of them.
6. Anime Tycoon
Do you enjoy anime? Anime Tycoon is a game that would be the best choice for anime lovers.
- The goal of this game is to amass the largest possible collection of anime characters.
- To make more money and develop your anime empire, buy and sell characters.
- You can play Deku, Goku, and Naruto, among other anime characters.
- There are battles with NPCs to engage your new characters’ swords and spells to the test.
7. Pyramid Tycoon
The Pyramid Tycoon allows you to experience the life of a mighty pharaoh by building a prosperous pyramid from the ground up.
- You don’t have much, to begin with, merely a single hopper to generate a modest profit.
- It will eventually grow into a large empire, which you can utilize to create your pyramid.
- When you’re ready to relax, take a look around the outside of your pyramid to admire your hard work and invite friends and competitors to do the same.
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8. Dungeon Quest Tycoon
This massively multiplayer online role-playing game is inspired by dungeon crawlers like the Diablo series and Gauntlet.
- You spend your time exploring dungeons, gathering treasure, upgrading your inventory, and repeating the cycle.
- The game’s stunning visuals distinguish it from other MMOs.
- Dungeon Quest is less scary to newbies than games like World of Warcraft, and it offers a wide range of equipment and maps, but it isn’t for everyone.
- Despite its fast-paced nature, the game has the perfect blend of strategy and action, making it suitable for both casual and seasoned hack-and-slash players.
- It’s a one-of-a-kind creation with a smooth animation.
- The gameplay is entertaining in both single-player and multiplayer modes.
- It’s difficult to stop playing jointly.
9. Military Tycoon
Military Tycoon by InfinityInteractive is a one-of-a-kind shooter that requires players to be even more strategic than traditional first-person shooters.
- The first step in building a world dominance strategy against other online players is to build an army and a base.
Military gamers can choose from various countries and ascend to global dominance.
- Players must earn money to construct a base, recruit men to form an army, and even deploy vehicles like helicopters, tanks, and boats.
- They can use warfare and domination to combat others, acquire oil rigs, and increase their nation’s economic revenues.
10. Pizza Place Tycoon
We’re pretty sure you already guessed the answer: you must work for a pizza parlor, but this isn’t a simple job in the Pizza Place Tycoon.
- In this fascinating game, you can select from a variety of unique jobs. The management, supplier, cashier, pizza boxer, and delivery person are all available for you to choose from.
- To optimize the earnings at the store, you must analyze each option from its distinct perspective.
- This game is a fantastic way to kill time on Roblox.
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11. Millionaire Empire Tycoon
The objective of the Millionaire Empire Tycoon game is simple: make the most money possible.
- EQ Productions’ Millionaire Empire Tycoon is all about making money and expanding your base from a single brick to a massive tower.
- As they establish their empire, Robloxians must fight off other players.
- They will have stronger weaponry and defense the wealthier they become.
- Players have to keep upgrading their conveyor belts to keep raking in cash.
- Play with your friends to see who can build the most powerful empire on the server.
12. Mint Tycoon
Mint Tycoon game’s primary focus is on creating and maintaining your mint.
- You will do so from the start, and you will have various options.
- You’ll try to industrialize a slew of different monetary forms and then trade them on the open market.
- However, be cautious, as your vault could be broken into, and your money could be stolen.
- You can either take a cautious approach and maintain your vault such that it is never attacked or plundered, or you can become a criminal by stealing money from others. It’s up to you to figure out the best approach to build your bank.
13. Big City Tycoon
Big City Tycoon by Ready, Set, More! is a tycoon game with plenty of room for role-playing with others.
- Their expansive geography is ideal for exploring, uncovering hidden treasures, and establishing an empire.
- Players can take control of the city by constructing their properties and seeing them expand into a vast empire.
- They can save enough money to purchase vehicles that make exploring the map easier.
- In addition, City Tycoon frequently hosts events for players to increase their earnings, such as a worldwide event with hidden presents that, once gathered, provide free in-game goodies.
14. Airport Tycoon
The goal of the Airport Tycoon is to manage a large airport.
- New planes, cosmetic items, and buildings to play with are added regularly.
- You can fly planes to and from the airport on exciting adventures in addition to running the airport.
- New planes, new attractions (such as a promenade and a Ferris wheel), and new fascinating locations to explore in one of your planes have all been added to the game in recent upgrades.
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15. Boardwalk Tycoon
Let’s pretend you’re the beach owner and your job is to attract customers to the beach. How do you go about doing that? Boardwalk Tycoon is the best tycoon game on Roblox for this.
Create shops and shacks to attract clients and bingo!
- Make it appealing so that it becomes a tourist attraction. After all, more tourists mean more money and hence more profit.
- Additionally, the game allows you to get additional licenses to make it even more appealing by creating special stores, so drink up and prepare to play one of Roblox’s greatest tycoon games.
16. Mall Tycoon
Mall Tycoon is an excellent tycoon game for Roblox fans who enjoy building, decorating, and shopping.
- Mall Tycoon would appeal to those who prefer slightly strange simulator games as they decorate their malls to delight their clients.
- This game is ideal for room decoration simulation games fans because it allows players to create their unique mall with up to twelve stories and up to thirty-five famous retailers.
- Customers will express their desires for the mall, and players must build accordingly.
- They can build a large empire and run a profitable business if they keep their clients pleased.
17. Super Hero Tycoon
Superheroes produced the game Super Hero Tycoon.
- In this game, users purchase and develop their tycoons.
Ant-Man, Batman, Black Panther, Green Lantern, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Superman, The Flash, The Hulk, and Thor are the characters available in the game.
- To enjoy this game, you’ll need to adopt an entirely new attitude since it tests your logical reasoning and business skills.
- So, what should we expect? Here, you must compete for money with other players to improve your productivity.
- You may keep upgrading your base, learning new tools and methods, and buying new outfits in addition to unlocking new costumes.
- You can customize your character, and additional things can be upgraded.
- At random intervals, crates of money and guns fall from the sky.
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18. Summoner Tycoon
Another in the list of best tycoon games on Roblox is Summoner Tycoon.
- Make use of your fighting troops and loot the beasts.
- Use the loot to rework your monstrous mogul, buy new weapons, and amass a great number of legends.
- You can also buy spells to help your legendary deal more damage.
- Mostly, it’s a simple rule that turns into an energetic game, and if someone wants to experience more legendary action, this is the game to play.
- You can acquire new weapons and get loot by conquering enemies by upgrading the tycoon.
- You can combat foes with the weapon you have. Your pets will follow you around and fire at opponents within range.
19. Navy War Tycoon
It’s no easy task to build a navy, but Navy War Tycoon allows you to command a vast fleet of ships to attack other players and their Oil Rags.
- The primary goal is to command the server’s largest and most powerful navy.
- Do you have what it takes to be the best admiral there is? You begin by selecting a country.
- After that, you begin upgrading structures and conducting little raids with your fleet.
- As you progress, you’ll be able to command a large fleet of aircraft carriers and destroyers.
20. Clone Tycoon 2
It’s the sequel to the first Clone Tycoon game, developed by the same game creator.
- Clone Tycoon 2 allows you to control your self-demise by murdering your fellow clones.
- Killing the clones of other users will earn you money, which you may spend to enhance your tycoon and strengthen your clones.
- Why would you need more troops when you already have a large army? This game begins with a little clone army and gradually expands it.
- As you progress up the ladder, you’ll be granted more things and vehicles.
- With three save spaces, you may experiment with different gameplay styles.
- You can also obtain stuff and rewards by killing your clones.
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21. School Tycoon
Do you love administrating a school? Then, School Tycoon should be on your list.
- As a new administrator in School Tycoon, you’ll be responsible for overseeing teachers ensure that all pupils are being taught and janitors to maintain the school clean.
- You’ll be able to earn more money by having more students, which you can use to personalize the inside of your school, change the uniform, and manage your students’ daily schedules.
- You’ll be able to build numerous floors of your school, complete with grading rooms, lockers, external trees, and a customizable office.
22. Restaurant Tycoon
Do you dream of owning a restaurant? So, here’s your moment to shine as a hotelier. Restaurant Tycoon is one of best tycoon games on Roblox for this.
- You create and upgrade a restaurant in this easy and logical game.
- Whether you build from the ground up or use pre-made outlets, it is entirely up to you.
- As you progress up the food chain, you’ll have more food selections and more control over what you serve, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and, of course, more money.
- The abundance of content in this game keeps you entertained and never gets old, making it one of Roblox’s most popular and greatest tycoon games.
23. City Life Tycoon
City Life Tycoon is similar to any tycoon game, but you need to build a new city here.
- In City Life Tycoon, you can build your city for your friends and any visitors you invite.
- You can hire people to oversee the structures you develop, and you have a lot of freedom within the game.
- Despite starting on a lonely, isolated island with little surrounding competition, you may quickly construct roads and structures from the ground up, with only your imagination as a restriction.
- When you’re feeling stressed, take a helicopter ride over your masterpiece or drive about in any car you like.
- You have the option of hiring the personnel you want.
- You can create your city plans and have them implemented by your employees.
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24. Space Mining Tycoon
They say you should go to the moon and back, but why not go a little beyond than the eye can see and perceive? My friend, this is your private place. Space Mining Tycoon is one of best Tycoon Games on Roblox for this case.
- To progress in this game, you must mine ores.
- Exploring new personalities allows you to create and co-create an exciting and adventurous adventure into space.
- You can go to other planets and discover far more than you can imagine.
So, are you ready to go on Space Mining Tycoon’s voyage into space? On the other hand, we’ll see you on the other side.
25. Olympian Gods Tycoon
Ever thought of playing a God? If you are excited to play, you have to try Olympian God Tycoon.
- You play as one of the six Greek gods in Olympian Gods Tycoon, and your goal is to construct a temple to get more gold and money.
- The game’s object is for you to earn new abilities and equipment to fight other players.
- You’ll obtain more powers as you upgrade your temple, and you’ll eventually be able to hire guards to safeguard it.
- If you have enough strength, you can take on Kronos, the King of the Titans.
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26. Tiny Town Tycoon
If you loved and enjoyed playing City Life Tycoon, then it’s time to try another one similar to it i.e. Tiny Town Tycoon.
- Tiny Town Tycoon puts you in a small viewpoint to explore a scaled downtown if you don’t need a large city to go around in.
- As you expand your town and provide for their wants, you will be able to watch your residents grow up.
- You start with a modest block and gradually develop the streets, residences, and buildings to make your town into a miniature city.
- The more time you spend enhancing the city, the more people will visit and opt to live there.
Roblox is quite an exclusive gaming platform, and if you were reading first time about its games, we hope this article helped you with some best Tycoon games on Roblox to enjoy. Share your experiences playing the games in the comment section below. Also, share your suggestions for the topics you want us to cover in the future. If you want to know more about Roblox games, reach out to us directly!