ROCCAT Horde AIMO是一款游戏键盘,呈现为membranical。这个概念背后的想法是键盘上的按键使用(keyboard use)薄膜而不是物理机械开关,并且体验应该类似于机械键盘。除其他附加功能外,它还配备了RGB 照明,并具有(lighting and features)专用的宏键和类似于Microsoft的(Microsoft)Surface Dial的调音轮(tuning wheel)。您可以想象,我们很想知道ROCCAT Horde AIMO的全部内容。使用一段时间后,以下是我们喜欢和不喜欢这款键盘的地方:
ROCCAT Horde AIMO:它对谁有好处?
ROCCAT Horde AIMO是一款出色的键盘,适用于:
- ROCCAT品牌(ROCCAT brand)粉丝的游戏玩家和用户
- 想要打字时快速静音的薄膜键盘的用户(membrane keyboard)
- 不喜欢键盘上的机械开关的人
ROCCAT Horde AIMO游戏键盘有几个优点:
- 打字时静音且准确
- ROCCAT Swarm 软件(ROCCAT Swarm software)实用且易于使用
- 游戏时提供愉快的体验
- 它带有一个调音轮(tuning wheel),您可以使用它来访问Windows 10 Dial
- 它的按键采用岛式布局(island layout),这意味着它很容易清洁(灰尘、污垢和其他东西)
- 与其他游戏键盘相比,照明的最大亮度(maximum brightness)较低,这使得它在白天不太明显
- 它没有单独点亮的按键。它仅配备 12 个LED(LEDs),可点亮 6 个区域
- 调音轮(tuning wheel)的响应性不是很好。此外,如果将它放在键盘的左侧会更有用
- 建造质量可能会更好
当您阅读ROCCAT Horde AIMO游戏键盘的规格时,它看起来很有希望。它提供了一种新型的“膜”键、RGB 照明(RGB illumination)和一个调音轮(tuning wheel),可以让我们的生活更轻松。使用一段时间后,我们发现了一些降低用户体验(user experience)质量的缺点,以及积极的第一印象。调音轮(tuning wheel)应该更好地放置以使其更有用,并且照明系统(illumination system)不如同等价位的键盘好。此外,构建质量(build quality)可能会更好。积极的一面是,我们喜欢键盘在打字时的舒适度和相对安静的程度,以及(user experience)玩游戏时获得的用户体验。对于不关心单独点亮的按键、喜欢静音键盘、响应时间(response time)快且不使用机械开关的游戏玩家来说,这是一个不错的选择。ROCCAT Swarm 软件(ROCCAT Swarm software)易于使用,可用于个性化键盘和更新固件。ROCCAT Horde AIMO不是我们测试过的最好的键盘,也不是最差的。如果您对它的弱点感到满意,那么它就是您可以享受使用的产品。
ROCCAT Horde AIMO游戏键盘开箱
ROCCAT Horde AIMO游戏键盘采用优质纸板制成。它的背景颜色(background color)是深灰色,在它的上侧,你可以看到键盘的大图,上面印有光泽的颜色。当您查看包装盒时,您会觉得自己刚刚购买了一台高级设备。您还可以看到键盘支持AIMO,根据ROCCAT的说法,该功能通过适应和学习您使用它们的方式来增强兼容设备的照明效果。
在包装盒内,您可以找到键盘及其可拆卸腕垫(wrist pad)、一些ROCCAT贴纸、快速入门指南(start guide)和一些传单。
ROCCAT Horde AIMO 的拆箱体验是一款高级游戏配件。盒子看起来很棒,对细节的关注显而易见。(The unboxing experience you get for the ROCCAT Horde AIMO is that of a premium gaming accessory. The box looks great, and the attention to details is evident.)
ROCCAT Horde AIMO是一种新型键盘。它不是带机械开关的键盘,也不是带薄膜开关的键盘。ROCCAT开发了一种将膜与机械相结合的新型技术。该公司将其开关命名为 membranical,这个术语源于开关使用薄膜的事实,但您在打字时获得的感觉更接近于机械开关。
膜键还提供快速的中途旅行驱动(midway travel actuation),既快速又静音。键盘采用岛式布局设计(island layout design),这意味着按键的高度低于普通机械键盘。这也意味着污垢和灰尘(dirt and dust)不应该像其他键盘那样快速聚集。
ROCCAT Horde AIMO按键的触发速度(actuation speed)为 7.8 毫秒,左侧的五个低调宏键的触发速度(actuation speed)仅为 5.0 毫秒。相比之下,标准薄膜按键的启动速度(actuation speed)通常为 9.0 毫秒。
键盘的另一个有趣的补充是右上角的调音轮。与键盘右上角的 11 个特殊按钮一起,您可以控制多媒体内容(multimedia content)、音量(sound volume)、照明亮度(illumination brightness)、颜色和效果等内容。您还可以使用Windows 10 拨号(Dial)。后一种功能是游戏键盘领域的首创。
ROCCAT还表示它致力于改进防重影技术,并表示键盘可让您按任意数量的键,并且每个键都已注册,但仅限于游戏区域(gaming area),如下图所示.
对于技术含量更高的用户,ROCCAT Horde AIMO使用50 MHz的(MHz)ARM Cortex-M0+处理器、512 kB 板载内存和 1000Hz 的轮询率可能会很有趣。照明由键盘的六个区域中的 12 个RGB LED(RGB LEDs)提供,这意味着按键不是单独点亮的。
要连接到您的计算机,键盘使用5.9 英尺或 1.8 米长的编织USB 2.0电缆。(USB 2.0)键盘是全塑料的,但它仍然重 2.42 磅或 1.1 公斤。
ROCCAT Horde AIMO官方支持Windows 10、Windows 7和Windows 8,需要联网(internet connection)才能安装驱动和软件(driver and software installation)。有关ROCCAT Horde AIMO的更多官方规格,请访问此页面:ROCCAT Horde AIMO。
至少可以说,ROCCAT Horde AIMO 的硬件规格很有趣。它专为游戏而设计,具有“膜”键,并带有一个支持 Windows 10 Dial 的调音轮。您在其他最近的游戏键盘上看不到这一点。(The hardware specs of the ROCCAT Horde AIMO are interesting, to say the least. It is made for gaming, it features "membranical" keys, and it comes with a tuning wheel that supports the Windows 10 Dial. You don't see that on other recent gaming keyboards.)
使用ROCCAT Horde AIMO游戏键盘
ROCCAT Horde AIMO看起来很坚固,其设计绝对是为游戏玩家设计的。它在桌子上的占地面积很大,虽然它的形状很流畅,但看起来还是有点笨重(bit bulky)。一些游戏玩家可能会喜欢这样,但如果您的桌面空间很小,那么您可能不会是其中之一。ROCCAT Horde AIMO并没有遵循我们近年来在其他游戏键盘中看到的趋势,即保持最小化并更多地适应功能而不是形式。这款键盘充满了各种角度和形状,明显强调了它的游戏用途(gaming purpose)。
不幸的是,我们不喜欢ROCCAT Horde AIMO是全塑料的这一事实。上面没有一点金属。如果您在键盘的顶部中心区域施加一点压力,您会看到它是如何弯曲的。
掌托(palm rest)也由塑料制成。它很擅长让你的手离开桌子,但它也很擅长让他们出汗。但是,如果在上面涂上橡胶表面会更好。
我们喜欢ROCCAT Horde AIMO提供的打字体验。如果您每天打字很多,中等高度的按键轮廓和快速启动点使其成为一个不错的选择。(actuation point)键的微凹形状也有助于解决这个问题。
照明也是任何键盘的一个很好的补充,ROCCAT Horde AIMO也有它。但是,ROCCAT实现它的方式不如其他游戏键盘。按键不是单独点亮的。取而代之的是,键盘上有 12 个LED(LEDs),用于照亮上面的六个不同区域。你可以习惯这一点,但它有两个大问题。
调音轮(tuning wheel)位于键盘的右上角,旨在更轻松、更快速地控制和调整播放多媒体内容(multimedia content)、音量、亮度和照明等内容。它还允许您访问Windows 10 Dial。这个想法很棒,但实施可能会更好。
不幸的是,调音轮(tuning wheel)没有应有的灵敏。当你向任何方向转动它时,你得到的反馈都很好,你可以感觉到步骤。但是,如果您尝试使用它来微调音量或照明(volume or illumination),例如,您会注意到需要大量转动轮子才能看到结果。至少需要转几圈才能注意到任何差异。
如果您想访问Windows 10(Windows 10) 拨号(Dial)盘,调音轮会很有用,而且您可能喜欢这样一个事实,即您只需转动它就可以进行滚动、缩放或调整音量等操作。但是,调音轮的响应能力令人失望。我们尝试使用它进行滚动和缩放等。然而,启动这些动作需要很多转身,一旦发生,就好像你无法再控制它们一样。例如,如果你想在网页上进行缩放,可能需要转几步,甚至转一圈才能进入缩放模式(zoom mode)。恢复正常变焦通常是偶然的(hit and miss). 此外,如果您的右手放在鼠标上,则将调音轮放在键盘的右上角会使其难以使用。如果放在ROCCAT Horde AIMO的左上角就更好了。
我们使用ROCCAT Horde AIMO 键盘(ROCCAT Horde AIMO keyboard)玩了一些我们最喜欢的游戏。您从中获得的感觉和游戏体验很好,您从其“膜”开关中获得的反馈也很好。它比普通的薄膜键盘(membrane keyboard)好很多,尽管它无法匹配您从机械开关获得的反馈。
ROCCAT Horde AIMO 是一款不错的键盘,可以让您在打字和玩游戏时感到愉悦。但是,它在某些方面存在不足,例如全塑料结构和较差的照明。它的调音轮没有放在最佳位置,并且缺乏响应能力。(The ROCCAT Horde AIMO is a nice keyboard that can make you happy when typing on it, as well as when playing games. However, it falls short in some aspects, such as its all-plastic build, and inferior illumination. Its tuning wheel's is not placed in the best position and it lacks in responsiveness.)
ROCCAT Swarm 软件
您可以借助ROCCAT 的(ROCCAT's)Swarm软件自定义您的ROCCAT Horde AIMO的工作方式和外观。使用Swarm 应用程序(Swarm app),您可以:
- 更新ROCCAT(ROCCAT)设备上的固件
- 更改照明(Change illumination)主题和颜色
- 记录和分配宏动作
- 创建(Create)和存储多达五个不同的游戏配置文件
此外,如果您有ROCCAT Horde AIMO 键盘(ROCCAT Horde AIMO keyboard),Swarm还可以让您启用声音反馈和字符重复(feedback and character repeat)。
声音反馈(sound feedback)是一项功能,可让您的计算机在您每次按下某个键时播放不同的声音。我们不完全是这个功能的粉丝,但有些人可能希望他们的电脑听起来像打字机。
字符重复(character repeat)设置可让您自定义重复延迟(repeat delay)、重复率(repeat rate)和光标闪烁率(cursor blink rate)等基本内容。这些也是您可以在Windows中执行的操作,因此它们不会为ROCCAT Swarm 应用程序(ROCCAT Swarm app)增加太多价值。
至于关键照明设置,Swarm允许您使用几种不同的配置文件:AIMO、Wave、Snake、Fully Lit、Heartbeat、Breathing和Custom Mode。
我们发现 Swarm 应用程序在个性化键盘方面很有用。它提供了一个简单的固件更新过程和快速创建宏操作。它在照明配置方面也做得很好。(We found the Swarm app to be useful in personalizing the keyboard. It offers an easy firmware updating process and quick creation of macro actions. It does its job well for illumination configuration too.)
你喜欢ROCCAT Horde AIMO游戏键盘吗?
在阅读ROCCAT Horde AIMO 键盘(ROCCAT Horde AIMO keyboard)的官方规格时,它看起来是一款很棒的设备。然而,使用它之后,我们有点失望。这个键盘有一些很棒的想法,但它们的实施质量并不是那么好。在结束此评论之前,我们想阅读您的观点。你喜欢这个键盘吗?在下面分享(Share)您的意见,让我们一起讨论。
ROCCAT Horde AIMO review: A gaming keyboard for everyday use!
ROCCAT Horde AIMO is a gaming keyboard that is presented as being membranical. The idea behind this concept it is that the keys on the keyboard use membranes instead of physical mechanical switches, and the experience should resemble that of a mechanical keyboard. Among other extras, it is also equipped with RGB lighting and features dedicated macro keys and a tuning wheel that resembles the Surface Dial from Microsoft. As you can imagine, we were curious to see what ROCCAT Horde AIMO is all about. After using it for a while, here is what we liked and did not like about this keyboard:
ROCCAT Horde AIMO: Who is it good for?
The ROCCAT Horde AIMO is a good keyboard for:
- Gamers and users who are fans of the ROCCAT brand
- Users who want a membrane keyboard that is fast and silent when typing
- People who do not like mechanical switches on their keyboards
Pros and cons
There are several positives about the ROCCAT Horde AIMO gaming keyboard:
- It is silent and accurate when typing
- The ROCCAT Swarm software is useful and easy to use
- It offers a pleasant experience when gaming
- It comes with a tuning wheel which you can use to access the Windows 10 Dial
- Its keys use an island layout, and that means that it is easy to clean (from dust, dirt, and other things)
On the other hand:
- The illumination has a low maximum brightness when compared to other gaming keyboards, which makes it less visible during daylight
- It does not have individually lit keys. It comes with only 12 LEDs that light up 6 zones
- The responsiveness of the tuning wheel is not great. Also, it would have been more useful if it were placed on the left side of the keyboard
- The build quality could be better
When you read the specifications of the ROCCAT Horde AIMO gaming keyboard, it looks promising. It offers a new type of "membranical" keys, RGB illumination, and a tuning wheel that could make our lives easier. After using it for a while, we discovered some shortcomings that lower the quality of the user experience, and the positive first impression. The tuning wheel deserves a better placement to make it more useful, and the illumination system is not as good as on similarly priced keyboards. Also, the build quality could have been better. As positives, we like how comfortable and relatively silent the keyboard is when typing, and the user experience you get when playing games. It is a good choice for gamers who do not care for individually lit keys, and who appreciate a silent keyboard, with a fast response time that does not use mechanical switches. The ROCCAT Swarm software is easy to use for personalizing the keyboard, and updating the firmware. ROCCAT Horde AIMO is not the best keyboard that we tested, and it is not the worst either. If you are OK with its weaknesses, it is a product that you can enjoy using.
Unboxing the ROCCAT Horde AIMO gaming keyboard
The ROCCAT Horde AIMO gaming keyboard comes in a box made of premium cardboard. Its background color is dark gray, and on its upper side, you can see a large picture of the keyboard, printed in glossy colors. When you look at the box, you get the feeling that you just bought a premium device. You can also see that the keyboard supports AIMO, a feature that, according to ROCCAT, enhances the lighting effects across compatible devices by adapting and learning the way you use them.
On the back of the box, you can find more details about the specifications and main features of the keyboard.
Inside the box, you find the keyboard and its detachable wrist pad, some ROCCAT stickers, the quick start guide, and some leaflets.
The unboxing experience you get for the ROCCAT Horde AIMO is that of a premium gaming accessory. The box looks great, and the attention to details is evident.
Hardware specifications
The ROCCAT Horde AIMO is a new type of keyboard. It is not a keyboard with mechanical switches, and it is not a keyboard with membrane switches. ROCCAT developed a new kind of technology that combines membrane and mechanical. The company names its switches as membranical, a term born from the fact that the switches use a membrane but the feeling you get when typing on them is closer to mechanical switches.
The membranical keys also offer fast midway travel actuation and are both fast and silent. The keyboard has an island layout design, which means that the keys have a lower height than on regular mechanical keyboards. It also means that dirt and dust should not gather as fast as on other keyboards.
The keys on the ROCCAT Horde AIMO have an actuation speed of 7.8 ms, and the five low-profile macro keys found on its left side have an actuation speed of only 5.0 ms. In comparison, standard membrane keys usually have an actuation speed of 9.0 ms.
Another interesting addition to the keyboard is the tuning wheel found on its top-right corner. Together with the 11 special buttons from the top-right area of the keyboard, it lets you control things like multimedia content, the sound volume, illumination brightness, color, and effects. You can also use the Windows 10 Dial. This latter function is a first in the world of the gaming keyboards.
ROCCAT also says that it worked on improving the anti-ghosting technology and says that the keyboard lets you press as many keys as you want and every one of them is registered, but only in the gaming area, which you can see in the picture below.
For the more technical users, it might be interesting that the ROCCAT Horde AIMO uses an ARM Cortex-M0+ processor at 50 MHz, 512 kB onboard memory, and it has a polling rate of 1000Hz. The illumination is provided by 12 RGB LEDs in six zones of the keyboard, which means that the keys are not individually lit.
To connect to your computer, the keyboard uses a braided USB 2.0 cable that is 5.9 feet or 1.8 meters long. The keyboard is all-plastics, but it still weighs 2.42 pounds or 1.1 kg.
Officially, the ROCCAT Horde AIMO supports Windows 10, Windows 7, and Windows 8, and it needs an internet connection for driver and software installation. For more official specs about the ROCCAT Horde AIMO, visit this page: ROCCAT Horde AIMO.
The hardware specs of the ROCCAT Horde AIMO are interesting, to say the least. It is made for gaming, it features "membranical" keys, and it comes with a tuning wheel that supports the Windows 10 Dial. You don't see that on other recent gaming keyboards.
Using the ROCCAT Horde AIMO gaming keyboard
The ROCCAT Horde AIMO looks robust, and its design is definitely created with gamers in mind. It has a large footprint on the desk, and although its shape is fluid, it still looks a bit bulky. Some gamers might like that, but if you have only little desk space to spare, you might not be one of them. The ROCCAT Horde AIMO does not follow the trend we have seen in other gaming keyboards during recent years, which is to keep things minimal and adapt more to function than to form. This keyboard is full of angles and shapes that evidently underline its gaming purpose.
Unfortunately, we do not like the fact that the ROCCAT Horde AIMO is all-plastics. There is not a bit of metal on it. If you apply a bit of pressure on the top-center area of the keyboard, you see how it bends.
The palm rest is also made of plastic. It is good at keeping your hands off the table, but it is also good at making them sweat. However, it would have been nicer to have a rubberized surface on it.
We liked the typing experience that ROCCAT Horde AIMO offers. The medium-height profile of the keys and the fast actuation point makes it a good choice if you type a lot every day. The slightly concave shape of the keys also helps in this matter.
The illumination is also a nice addition for any keyboard, and the ROCCAT Horde AIMO has it too. However, the way ROCCAT implemented it is not as good as on other gaming keyboards. The keys are not individually lit. Instead, the keyboard has 12 LEDs that are used to illuminate six different zones on it. You could get used to that, but there are two big issues with it.
First, the illumination has a low brightness, which makes it more difficult to see during daylight. Also, if you are looking at the etched characters on the keys, you can see that the backlight does not spread evenly, and that makes them look rather ugly.
Secondly, dividing the lighting into areas is OK for everyday use, but it is not that great for gaming. You cannot, for instance, light up only the keys that you use in first-person shooters or MOBA games.
The tuning wheel is placed at the top-right corner of the keyboard, and it is designed to make it easier and faster to control and adjust things like playing multimedia content, the volume, the brightness, and the illumination. It also lets you access the Windows 10 Dial. The idea is great but the implementation could have been better.
Unfortunately, the tuning wheel is not as sensitive as it should be. When you turn it in any direction, the feedback you get is nice, with steps that you can feel. However, if you try using it to finetune volume or illumination, for example, you notice that it takes a lot of turning the wheel to see results. It takes at least a few turns to notice any difference.
The tuning wheel can be useful if you want to access the Windows 10 Dial, and you might like the fact that you can do things like scrolling, zooming or adjusting the volume simply by turning it. However, the tuning wheel's responsiveness is disappointing. We tried using it for scrolling and zooming, among other things. However, it takes a lot of turning to initiate those actions, and once they happen, it is almost as if you cannot control them anymore. For example, if you want to zoom on a web page, it can take a few turn steps or even a whole rotation to enter the zoom mode. Getting back to normal zoom is often a hit and miss. Also, having the tuning wheel placed on the top-right corner of the keyboard makes it difficult to use if your right hand is on your mouse. It would have been a better if it were placed on the top-left corner of the ROCCAT Horde AIMO.
We used ROCCAT Horde AIMO keyboard to play a few of our favorite games. The feeling and gaming experience you get from it is nice, and the feedback you get from its "membranical" switches is good. It is a lot better than a regular membrane keyboard, although it cannot match the feedback you get from mechanical switches.
The ROCCAT Horde AIMO is a nice keyboard that can make you happy when typing on it, as well as when playing games. However, it falls short in some aspects, such as its all-plastic build, and inferior illumination. Its tuning wheel's is not placed in the best position and it lacks in responsiveness.
The ROCCAT Swarm software
You can customize the way that your ROCCAT Horde AIMO works and looks with the help of ROCCAT's software, which is called Swarm. With the Swarm app, you can:
- Update the firmware on your ROCCAT devices
- Change illumination themes and colors
- Record and assign macro actions
- Create and store up to five different game profiles
Additionally, if you have a ROCCAT Horde AIMO keyboard, Swarm also lets you enable sound feedback and character repeat.
The sound feedback is a feature that makes your computer play different sounds each time you press a key on it. We are not exactly fans of this feature, but some people might like their computers to sound like a typewriter for instance.
The character repeat settings let you customize basic things like the repeat delay, repeat rate, and the cursor blink rate. These are things that you can do from Windows too, so they do not add much value to the ROCCAT Swarm app.
As for the key illumination settings, Swarm lets you use a few different profiles: AIMO, Wave, Snake, Fully Lit, Heartbeat, Breathing, and Custom Mode.
We found the Swarm app to be useful in personalizing the keyboard. It offers an easy firmware updating process and quick creation of macro actions. It does its job well for illumination configuration too.
Do you like the ROCCAT Horde AIMO gaming keyboard?
When reading the official specs of the ROCCAT Horde AIMO keyboard, it looked like a great device. However, after using it, we were a bit disappointed. This keyboard has some great ideas but the quality of their implementation is not that great. Before closing this review, we would like to read your perspective. Do you like this keyboard? Share your comments below and let's discuss.