ROCCAT是一家知名的游戏公司(gaming company),他们的设备通常质量上乘。最近,我们收到了他们最新款游戏鼠标之一的测试:ROCCAT Kone AIMO。这是一款设计大胆、照明强大的大型鼠标。您可能会问自己:在现实游戏(real-life gaming)中它有多好?一般电脑用(computer use)呢?在玩了几个星期之后,我们在这篇评论中为您提供了答案:
ROCCAT Kone AIMO:它对谁有好处?
ROCCAT Kone AIMO是以下设备的绝佳选择:
- 想要高品质鼠标(high-quality mouse)的普通用户和游戏玩家
- 想要大鼠标并喜欢(mouse and prefer)使用手掌握把(palm grip)的游戏玩家
- 想要一款能够大胆说明其游戏用途(gaming purpose)的鼠标的游戏玩家
- 喜欢设备上强大照明的用户
ROCCAT Kone AIMO有许多积极的方面:
- 它是一款符合人体工程学的大鼠标,可让您的手(hand rest)放在上面
- 照明大胆而有力
- 它具有 12000 dpi 的高端光学传感器
- 上面的附加按钮很容易找到和使用
- 鼠标表面柔软,不会让你的手出汗(hand sweat)
- Swarm 软件(Swarm software)可让您详细自定义鼠标
- 您可以将宏操作分配给鼠标按钮
- ROCCAT Kone AIMO没有左手版本
- 它的尺寸对于手小的人来说太大了
ROCCAT Kone AIMO是一款出色的鼠标,适合喜欢使用(Kone AIMO)手掌(palm grip)的游戏玩家。符合人体工程学的外形和大胆的设计,加上明亮的照明,只是我们喜欢这款鼠标的一些属性。ROCCAT Kone AIMO以合理的价格提供性能、人体工程学和制造质量。除非您的手小或左撇子,否则我们建议您购买或至少试用ROCCAT Kone AIMO 游戏(ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming)鼠标。
ROCCAT Kone AIMO 游戏(ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming)鼠标开箱
ROCCAT Kone AIMO游戏鼠标采用精美的包装盒,由优质纸板制成(high-quality cardboard)。盒子采用哑光深灰色(matte dark grey)印刷,正面以鼠标的大光泽图像为主。
包装盒内有ROCCAT Kone AIMO 游戏(ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming)鼠标、快速安装指南(installation guide)、信息手册和一些贴纸。
拆箱 ROCCAT Kone AIMO 是一种愉快的体验。盒子看起来很高级,对细节的关注显而易见。(Unboxing the ROCCAT Kone AIMO is a pleasant experience. The box looks premium, and the attention to details is evident.)
ROCCAT Kone AIMO是一款专为游戏玩家设计的鼠标,因此它受益于高端硬件。鼠标采用人体工学设计,但仅适用于惯用右手的游戏玩家。
任何鼠标中最重要的硬件规格(hardware specs)之一是其传感器的精度。Kone AIMO配备了ROCCAT Owl-Eye光学传感器,12000 dpi,这是一个非常高的价值。传感器的 dpi 可以以 100 dpi 为单位进行调整,从最小 100 到最大 12000。但是,该公司建议用户使用 400 - 3000 dpi 之间的范围。
在左手拇指区域,ROCCAT Kone AIMO具有三个按钮:两个朝向鼠标顶部的宽键和一个朝向鼠标底部的大键。
在滚轮(scroll wheel)下方,鼠标还有两个额外的小按钮,您可以使用它们来调整 dpi。此外,滚轮(scroll wheel)还可以左右倾斜,以充当不同的附加按钮。
ROCCAT Kone AIMO 游戏(ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming)鼠标在三个不同的区域提供RGB照明(RGB illumination),每个区域都可以独立配置。
对于技术含量更高的用户来说,鼠标具有 1000 Hz 的轮询速率、1 ms 的响应时间(ms response time)、50 G(G acceleration)的加速度、最高 250 ips(英寸/秒)的速度可能也会很有趣。它还可以在具有 512 kB 板载内存的ARM Cortex-M0 50 MHz 处理器上运行。(MHz processor)
ROCCAT Kone AIMO重4.58 盎司或 130 克,要连接到您的 PC,它使用长度为 5.9 英尺或 1.8 米的USB 2.0编织电缆。(USB 2.0)
如果您想了解更多有关ROCCAT Kone AIMO 游戏(ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming)鼠标的所有技术规格和详细信息(specs and details),请访问其官方网页:ROCCAT Kone AIMO。
ROCCAT Kone AIMO 的硬件规格是高端游戏鼠标的规格,这只能让我们感到高兴。让我们看看它在现实生活中的使用情况:(The hardware specifications for the ROCCAT Kone AIMO are those of a high-end gaming mouse, and that can only make us happy. Let's see how it fares in real life use:)
使用ROCCAT Kone AIMO 游戏(ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming)鼠标
当我们第一次看到ROCCAT Kone AIMO游戏鼠标时,我们对三件事印象深刻:它的体积大、设计大胆、上面有很多灯。它仅适用于右手用户,因为没有左手版本。真正意义上的老鼠很大,但这不是否定的。除非您的手很小,否则您会情不自禁地喜欢让您的手(hand sit)舒适地放在上面的符合人体工程学的形状。即使在我的电脑上工作了一整天后,这款鼠标也没有让我觉得我的手很累。
ROCCAT Kone AIMO的外形使其非常适合喜欢在鼠标上使用手掌抓握的用户。(palm grip)你所有的手都放在它上面,我们喜欢这样。
ROCCAT Kone AIMO的另一个优点是它的照明。灯光(Lights)从左右两侧的两个纵向区域以及滚轮(scroll wheel)的两侧射出。所有这些区域都很厚,颜色变化和循环,从一端到另一端没有任何明显的损失。这是它的外观的一个小示例:
ROCCAT Kone AIMO的表面柔软,手感好,更重要的是,它不会让你的手出汗(hand sweat)。这是任何游戏外围设备的基本属性,因为游戏玩家往往会在电脑前花费大量时间。
在玩游戏时,我们发现鼠标上的按钮正是我们想要的位置和位置。它们都很大,在行动时不可能错过。滚轮(scroll wheel)也很大,很容易用手指找到,而且您还可以倾斜它,这使其非常适合为其分配各种游戏中的动作。
左上角的两个按钮也很容易识别和按下,因为它们很宽,正好在你右手拇指的位置。位于鼠标底部的更大的EasyShift 按钮(EasyShift button)可帮助您在分配给鼠标其他按钮的辅助功能之间切换。老实说,我们并没有太多地使用它,但它对那些喜欢使用宏的人来说非常有用。
在我们对ROCCAT Kone AIMO进行测试期间,我们玩了几个小时的游戏。鼠标表现出色,响应能力一流。
ROCCAT Kone AIMO 是一款大而大胆的游戏鼠标,任何人都会喜欢。它的外观几乎是在宣扬它对游戏世界的忠诚,其上的灯饰相当壮观。我们喜欢它的设计和人体工程学。(The ROCCAT Kone AIMO is a big and bold gaming mouse that anyone can love. Its looks almost yell its allegiance to the gaming world, and the illumination on it is quite spectacular. We like its design and its ergonomy.)
ROCCAT Swarm 软件
您可以借助ROCCAT的Swarm软件自定义您的ROCCAT Kone AIMO的工作方式和外观。使用Swarm 应用程序(Swarm app),您可以:
- 更新ROCCAT(ROCCAT)设备上的固件
- 更改照明(Change illumination)主题和颜色
- 记录和分配宏动作
- 创建(Create)和存储多达五个不同的游戏配置文件
对于您的ROCCAT Kone AIMO 鼠标(ROCCAT Kone AIMO mouse),Swarm可让您调整垂直滚动速度(scroll speed)、水平倾斜速度(tilt speed)、Windows 指针(Windows pointer)速度和双击速度等内容。此外,您还可以设置五个不同的 dpi 值,然后您可以通过按下鼠标上的 dpi 加号和减号按钮进行切换。
ROCCAT Kone AIMO上的所有按钮都可以设置为执行不同的操作。这可以从Swarm 应用程序的(Swarm app)按钮分配(Button Assignment)页面轻松完成,您可以在其中通过查看鼠标图片并从右侧的列表中选择您希望它们执行的操作来识别和配置每个按钮。这也是您可以记录宏操作并将宏操作分配给鼠标按钮的地方。
在高级设置(Advanced Settings)页面,您可以控制轮询率(polling rate)、角度捕捉或距离控制单元(control unit)等细节。还有一个声音反馈选项(sound feedback option),每当您更改 dpi、调高或调低音量或切换配置文件时都会触发声音。
至于鼠标照明(mouse illumination)设置,Swarm允许您使用几种不同的配置文件:AIMO、Wave、Snake、Fully Lit、Heartbeat和Breathing。
Swarm 应用程序可用于自定义鼠标的工作方式。固件更新过程很简单,将按钮分配给不同的操作或创建宏操作也是如此。(The Swarm app is useful for customizing how your mouse works. The firmware updating process is easy, and so is assigning buttons to different actions or creating macro actions.)
你喜欢ROCCAT Kone AIMO游戏鼠标吗?
我们喜欢ROCCAT Kone AIMO 游戏(ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming)鼠标,我们打赌你也会喜欢,除非你是左撇子或者你的手很小。您对这款鼠标的印象如何?你会为自己或家里的游戏玩家购买它吗?在下面的评论部分分享(Share)您的意见。我们很想听听你要说什么。
ROCCAT Kone AIMO review: An excellent gaming mouse with bold design and illumination
ROCCAT is a well-known gaming company, and their devices are usually of excellent quality. Recently, we received in teѕting one of their newest gaming mouses: the ROCCAT Kone AIMO. It is a large mouse with a bold design and powerful illumination. Υou might ask yourself: how goоd is it in real-life gaming? What about for general computer usе? After a few weeks of playing with it, we have answers for yоu, in this review:
ROCCAT Kone AIMO: Who is it good for?
The ROCCAT Kone AIMO is an excellent choice for:
- Regular users and gamers alike, who want a high-quality mouse
- Gamers who want a big mouse and prefer to use a palm grip
- Gamers who want a mouse that boldly states its gaming purpose
- Users who love powerful illumination on their device
Pros and cons
There are many positive aspects regarding the ROCCAT Kone AIMO:
- It is a large mouse with an ergonomic shape that lets your hand rest on it
- The illumination is bold and powerful
- It has a high-end optical sensor with 12000 dpi
- The additional buttons found on it are easy to find and use
- The surface of the mouse is soft and does not make your hand sweat
- The Swarm software allows you to customize the mouse in detail
- You can assign macro actions to the mouse's buttons
There are a few downsides too:
- The ROCCAT Kone AIMO does not have a left-handed version
- Its size is too big for people with small hands
The ROCCAT Kone AIMO is an excellent mouse for gamers who prefer using a palm grip. The ergonomic shape and the bold design, plus the bright illumination, are just some of the attributes that we loved about this mouse. The ROCCAT Kone AIMO offers performance, ergonomy, and build quality, at a decent price. Unless you have small hands or you are left-handed, we recommend that you buy or at least try the ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming mouse.
Unboxing the ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming mouse
The ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming mouse comes in a good looking box, that is built from high-quality cardboard. The box is printed in matte dark grey colors, and the front side is dominated by a large glossy image of the mouse.
On the other sides of the box, you can find information about the device, such as its main features and specifications.
Inside the box, there is the ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming mouse, a quick installation guide, a leaflet with information, and a few stickers.
Unboxing the ROCCAT Kone AIMO is a pleasant experience. The box looks premium, and the attention to details is evident.
Hardware specifications
The ROCCAT Kone AIMO is a mouse designed for gamers, and as such, it benefits from high-end hardware. The mouse has an ergonomic design, but it is available only for right-handed gamers.
One of the most important hardware specs in any mouse is the precision of its sensor. Kone AIMO comes with a ROCCAT Owl-Eye optical sensor of 12000 dpi, which is a very high value. The sensor's dpi can be adjusted in steps of 100 dpi, from a minimum of 100 to the maximum 12000. However, the company recommends users to use a range between 400 - 3000 dpi.
On the left thumb area, the ROCCAT Kone AIMO has three buttons: two wide buttons towards the top and one large button towards the bottom of the mouse.
Beneath the scroll wheel, the mouse also has two small additional buttons that you can use to adjust the dpi. Furthermore, the scroll wheel can also be tilted to the left and to the right, to act like different additional buttons.
The ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming mouse features RGB illumination on three different zones, and each of them can be configured independently.
For the more technical users, it might also be interesting that the mouse has a polling rate of 1000 Hz, 1 ms response time, 50 G acceleration, a maximum speed of 250 ips (inches per second). It also functions on an ARM Cortex-M0 50 MHz processor with 512 kB onboard memory.
The ROCCAT Kone AIMO weighs 4.58 oz or 130 grams and, to connect to your PC, it uses a USB 2.0 braided cable with a length of 5.9 feet or 1.8 meters.
If you want to read more about all the technical specs and details of the ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming mouse, visit its official webpage, here: ROCCAT Kone AIMO.
The hardware specifications for the ROCCAT Kone AIMO are those of a high-end gaming mouse, and that can only make us happy. Let's see how it fares in real life use:
Using the ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming mouse
When we first saw the ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming mouse we were impressed by three things: it is large, it has a bold design and a lot of lights on it. It is designed for right-handed users only, as there is no left-handed version. The mouse is big, in the true sense of the word, but that is not a negative. Unless you have small hands, you cannot help but love the ergonomic shapes that let your hand sit comfortably on it. Even after a full day of working on my computer, this mouse did not make me feel that my hand was tired.
The shape of the ROCCAT Kone AIMO makes it perfect for users who like to use a palm grip on their mice. All your hand rests on it and we like that.
Another positive feature of the ROCCAT Kone AIMO is its lighting. Lights come out through two longitudinal areas on the left and right sides, and through the scroll wheel's sides. All these areas are thick and colors change and cycle without any noticeable loss from one end to the other. Here is a small sample of what it looks like:
The surface of the ROCCAT Kone AIMO is soft and nice to touch and, more importantly, it does not make your hand sweat. That is an essential attribute for any gaming peripheral, as gamers tend to spend a lot of time in front of their computers.
While playing games, we found that the buttons on the mouse to be exactly what and where we want them to be. All of them are large and impossible to miss while in action. The scroll wheel is also large and easy to find with your finger, and the fact that you can also tilt it makes it perfect for assigning various in-game actions to it.
The two upper-left side buttons are also easy to identify and press, as they are wide and exactly where your right thumb is. The even larger EasyShift button that sits towards the bottom of the mouse helps you switch between secondary functions that you assigned to the other buttons on the mouse. To be honest, we did not use it that much, but it can be very useful to those of you who like using macros.
During the time in which we had the ROCCAT Kone AIMO in testing, we played a few hours of games. The mouse performed great, with top-notch responsiveness.
The ROCCAT Kone AIMO is a big and bold gaming mouse that anyone can love. Its looks almost yell its allegiance to the gaming world, and the illumination on it is quite spectacular. We like its design and its ergonomy.
The ROCCAT Swarm software
You can customize the way that your ROCCAT Kone AIMO works and looks with the help of ROCCAT's software, which is called Swarm. With the Swarm app, you can:
- Update the firmware on your ROCCAT devices
- Change illumination themes and colors
- Record and assign macro actions
- Create and store up to five different game profiles
For your ROCCAT Kone AIMO mouse, Swarm lets you adjust things like the vertical scroll speed, horizontal tilt speed, Windows pointer speed, and double-click speed. Additionally, you can also set five different dpi values which you can then switch through by pressing the dpi plus and minus buttons found on the mouse.
All the buttons on the ROCCAT Kone AIMO can be set to do different things. This is easily done from the Button Assignment page of the Swarm app, where you can identify and configure each button by looking at a picture of the mouse and selecting what you want them to do from the lists on the right. This is also the place where you can record and assign macro actions to the mouse's buttons.
On the Advanced Settings page, you can control details such as the polling rate, angle snapping or distance control unit. There is also a sound feedback option which triggers a sound whenever you change the dpi, turns the volume up or down, or switches profiles.
As for the mouse illumination settings, Swarm lets you use a few different profiles: AIMO, Wave, Snake, Fully Lit, Heartbeat, and Breathing.
The Swarm app is useful for customizing how your mouse works. The firmware updating process is easy, and so is assigning buttons to different actions or creating macro actions.
Do you like the ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming mouse?
We like the ROCCAT Kone AIMO gaming mouse, and we bet you will do too, unless you are left-handed or if your hands are small. What are your impressions of this mouse? Would you buy it for yourself or the gamer in your home? Share your opinion in the comments section below. We would love to hear what you have to say.