Gmail无法正常工作的问题可能会以多种形式出现。有时,Gmail 应用(Gmail app)不会将电子邮件发送到您的收件箱。其他时候,您的Gmail 收件箱(Gmail inbox)反复无法在您的网络浏览器(web browser)中加载。电子邮件通知问题在(Email notification)Gmail中也很常见。
本文介绍了针对移动设备(Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS))和台式计算机上的几个Gmail问题的故障排除修复。(Gmail)
1. 您的互联网连接(Internet Connection) 正常(Working)吗?
如果您的互联网连接出现问题,您的设备不会丢失Gmail 应用或收件箱。(Gmail app or inbox)如果您在网络浏览器中访问(web browser)Gmail ,请在新标签页中打开其他网站并确保它们正确加载。
在您的智能手机或平板电脑(smartphone or tablet)上执行相同的操作。或者,在您的设备上打开其他依赖互联网的应用程序并检查它们是否正常工作。如果问题在所有应用程序或网页(apps or web pages)中持续存在,则您的互联网连接(internet connection)可能是罪魁祸首。
如果您使用的是移动数据或蜂窝数据,请确保您拥有有效的数据计划(data plan)。让您的手机进入和退出飞行模式(airplane mode)也有助于刷新您的互联网连接。
要对 Wi-Fi 连接进行故障排除(troubleshoot a Wi-Fi connection),请将您的设备移近(device closer)路由器,更新路由器的固件,或者如果您仍然无法访问互联网,请重新启动路由器。同样(Likewise),检查网络的管理仪表板并确认您的设备(device isn)未列入黑名单。
有关更多故障排除解决方案,请参阅我们关于修复慢速移动数据连接和通过 Wi-Fi 获得高速互联网的教程。(getting high-speed internet over Wi-Fi)
如果您的互联网连接不是Gmail无法正常工作的问题,请检查Gmail服务器是否出现临时停机或中断(downtime or outage)。前往Google Workspace 状态信息中心(Google Workspace Status Dashboard)并确认Gmail可用。
Gmail旁边的绿色复选标记(green checkmark)表示电子邮件服务(email service)可用且运行顺利。黄色感叹号(yellow exclamation)或红色“ X”图标(red “X” icon)分别表示Gmail由于服务中断或服务中断(disruption or service outage)而停机。
您还可以在DownDetector(DownDetector)等网站监控平台上检查服务中断(service disruption)。前往DownDetector 上的 Gmail 状态页面(Gmail’s status page on DownDetector),检查是否报告了任何Gmail问题。
3. 使用支持的浏览器
Gmail可能无法在未针对电子邮件服务(email service)进行优化的网络浏览器上正常运行。为获得最佳用户体验,Google建议在最新版本的Google Chrome、Mozilla Firefox、Safari或Microsoft Edge上访问(Microsoft Edge)Gmail。
此外,您必须在所使用的任何浏览器上启用cookie 和Javascript 。否则(Otherwise),Gmail可能无法加载,并且您可能无法使用某些Gmail功能。上述推荐的浏览器默认启用cookie 和Javascript 。因此,除非您之前禁用了 cookie 或Javascript,否则您不必手动打开它们。
4. 在隐身模式下试用 Gmail
有缺陷的浏览器(Buggy browser)扩展程序或加载项可能会干扰某些Gmail功能并阻止电子邮件服务正常工作。以隐身模式访问Gmail有助于诊断问题是否由有害扩展程序或应用程序引起。
隐身模式(或隐私浏览(Private Browsing))禁用所有浏览器扩展,防止任何不良扩展影响Gmail 性能(Gmail performance)。如果Gmail和其他网站在隐身模式下正常工作,请一次禁用一个浏览器扩展程序以检测有问题的扩展程序或插件(extension or add-on)。
我们建议阅读有关仅安装安全浏览器扩展(installing only safe browser extensions)的指南,以了解有关低风险、中风险和高风险浏览器扩展的更多信息。
如果日期或时间(date or time)不正确,您的设备可能无法与 Gmail 服务器建立连接。前往设备的设置菜单,确保日期和时间设置(date and time settings)设置为自动更新。
在 Android 中,转到Settings > System > Date & time并同时切换Use network-provided time和Use network-provided time zone。
要更新 iPhone 和 iPad 的日期和时间,请前往“设置”(Settings) > “通用(General)” > “日期和时间”(Date & Time),然后打开“自动设置(Set Automatically)” 。
6. 在 Gmail 中启用 IMAP
IMAP(互联网消息访问协议(Internet Message Access Protocol))是一个电子邮件程序,可让您从其他电子邮件客户端/应用程序访问您的Gmail 收件箱。(Gmail inbox)如果您没有在Apple Mail、Yahoo Mail、Outlook或其他使用IMAP访问Gmail的应用程序中收到(Gmail)Gmail邮件,请检查您的Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)设置中是否启用了IMAP 。
- 在网络浏览器(web browser)中打开您的Gmail 收件箱(Gmail inbox),选择齿轮图标(gear icon),然后选择查看所有设置(See all settings)。
- 转到Forwarding and POP/IMAP选项卡,滚动到“IMAP 访问”部分(” section),然后选择启用 IMAP(Enabled IMAP)。
- 选择页面底部的保存更改按钮。(Save Changes)
7. 检查Gmail 通知设置(Gmail Notification Settings)
如果Gmail不会在您的设备上发送新电子邮件通知,请检查您的帐户设置并选择您希望收到通知的电子邮件类型。同样(Likewise),确保在系统级别启用(system level)Gmail 通知(Gmail notification)。
在 Android 中更改 Gmail 通知设置(Change Gmail Notification Settings in Android)
在您的设备上打开Gmail 应用程序(Gmail app),然后按照步骤检查和更改电子邮件通知设置。
- 点击左上角的汉堡菜单图标(hamburger menu icon),然后选择设置(Settings)。
- 选择您要更改其通知设置的帐户。
- 在“通知”部分选择通知(Notifications),然后点击全部(All)。
- 返回“通知”部分,点击管理通知(Manage notifications),打开显示通知(Show notifications),然后选择警报(Alerting)通知传递。
在 iOS 中更改 Gmail 通知设置(Change Gmail Notification Settings in iOS)
首先,您需要确保在 iPhone 的设置菜单中允许(Settings menu)Gmail 通知(Gmail notification)。之后(Afterward),打开Gmail 应用(Gmail app)并配置您的收件箱通知首选项。
- 转到设置(Settings),选择Gmail,选择通知(Notifications),然后打开允许通知(Allow Notifications)。
确保您还打开了“警报”部分中的声音(Sounds)、徽章(Badges)、锁定屏幕(Lock Screen)、通知中心(Notification Center)和横幅(Banners)。
- 打开 Gmail,点击左上角的汉堡菜单图标(hamburger menu icon),然后选择设置(Settings)。
- 选择您要更改其通知设置的电子邮件帐户。(email account)
- 滚动到“通知”部分,然后选择您想要收到通知的电子邮件类型。
“所有新邮件(All new mail)”选项将为您收件箱中的所有新电子邮件发送通知,而“仅主要(Primary)”将仅通知您有关收件箱主要部分(Primary section)中的新电子邮件。仅(High priority only)当您希望收到Gmail识别为高优先级的电子邮件的通知时,才选择高优先级。
在网络上更改 Gmail 通知设置(Change Gmail Notification Settings on Web)
在网络浏览器(web browser)上打开您的Gmail 收件箱(Gmail inbox),然后按照以下步骤操作。
- 选择搜索栏(search bar)旁边的齿轮图标(gear icon),然后选择查看所有设置(See all settings)。
- 在常规(General)选项卡中,滚动到“桌面通知”部分(” section),然后选择单击此处为 Gmail 启用桌面通知(Click here to enable desktop notifications for Gmail)。
- 在地址栏(address bar)下方弹出的“显示通知”提示中选择允许(Allow)。
- 接下来,选择新邮件通知(New mail notifications on)或重要邮件通知(Important mail notifications on),然后在邮件通知声音(Mail notification sounds)下拉菜单中选择首选通知警报。(notification alert)
8. 强制关闭并重新打开 Gmail
在您的移动设备上强制关闭(Force closing) Gmail可以解决导致应用程序冻结、崩溃或无响应的临时系统故障。
在 iPhone 或 iPad 上强制关闭 Gmail(Force Close Gmail on iPhone or iPad)
强制关闭应用程序的步骤取决于您的iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)型号。
- 打开iOS 或 iPadOS 应用切换器 —(iOS or iPadOS App Switcher—swipe)从设备屏幕底部向上滑动到中间。
如果您的iPhone 或 iPad(iPhone or iPad)有Home 按钮(Home button),请双击该按钮以打开App Switcher。
- 找到 Gmail并在(Locate Gmail)应用预览(app preview)上向上滑动。这将强制关闭您iPhone 或 iPad上的(iPhone or iPad)Gmail。
- 前往您设备的主屏幕或应用程序库(Home Screen or App Library),重新打开Gmail并检查它现在是否按预期工作。
在 Android 中强制关闭 Gmail(Force Close Gmail in Android)
请按照以下步骤在Android 设备(Android device)上强制关闭Gmail。
- 转到设备的主屏幕(Home Screen)或应用启动器,按住Gmail 应用(Gmail app)图标,然后选择信息(info )图标。
或者,打开设置(Settings)应用程序,转到应用程序和通知(App & notifications)>查看所有应用程序(See All Apps)(或应用程序信息(App info)),然后选择Gmail。
- 点击强制停止(Force Stop),在确认提示(confirmation prompt and tap)中选择确定,然后点击(OK)打开(Open)以重新启动 Gmail。
9. 清除 Gmail 缓存和应用数据
损坏的缓存文件(corrupt cache files)和应用程序数据的累积可能会导致Gmail 应用程序崩溃(Gmail app to crash)并出现其他形式的故障。
- 转到设置(Settings)>应用程序和通知(Apps & notifications)>查看所有应用程序(See All Apps)(或应用程序信息(App info))> Gmail并选择存储和缓存(Storage & cache)。
- 点击清除缓存(Clear Cache)选项。
打开Gmail并检查它现在是否正常工作。否则(Otherwise),如果清除其缓存存储(cache storage doesn)无法解决问题,请从您的设备中删除Gmail的数据。(Gmail)
- 点击清除存储(Clear Storage)(或清除数据(Clear Data))并在确认提示中选择确定。(OK)
10. 更新 Gmail
软件(Software)错误或设备不兼容(device incompatibility)是值得注意的失败原因。如果您设备上安装的应用版本已过时或与您的设备不兼容,您在使用Gmail时可能会遇到问题。
前往您设备的应用商店(Google Play Store或Apple App Store)并将Gmail更新到最新版本。如果问题仍然存在,请从您的设备卸载并重新安装Gmail 。这也有助于解决较小的性能问题。
您的设备上有最新版本的 Gmail(Gmail version)吗?更新应用后Gmail 是否(Does Gmail)仍无法正常工作?重新启动设备可以解决问题。关闭(Shut)您的设备,然后重新打开,然后再次尝试使用Gmail。
联系 Google 支持
如果这些故障排除修复都无法解决问题,请访问Gmail 帮助中心,了解更多针对(Gmail Help Center)Gmail问题的潜在解决方案。
What to Do If Gmail Is Not Working? 11 Quick Fixes
Issues with Gmail not working can play out in many forms. Sometimes, the Gmail app won’t deliver emails to your inbox. Other times, your Gmail inbox repeatedly fails to load in your web browser. Email notification problems are also quite common with Gmail.
This article covers troubleshooting fixes for several Gmail issues on mobile devices (Android and iOS) and desktop computers.
1. Is Your Internet Connection Working?
Your device won’t lose the Gmail app or inbox if there’s a problem with your internet connection. If you’re accessing Gmail in a web browser, open other websites in a new tab and ensure they load correctly.
Do the same on your smartphone or tablet. Alternatively, open other internet-dependent apps on your device and check if they work without issues. If the problem is persistent across all apps or web pages, your internet connection likely is the culprit.
If you’re using mobile or cellular data, make sure you have an active data plan. Putting your phone in and out of airplane mode could also help refresh your internet connection.
To troubleshoot a Wi-Fi connection, move your device closer to the router, update the router’s firmware, or reboot the router if you still can’t access the internet. Likewise, inspect the network’s admin dashboard and confirm that your device isn’t blacklisted.
Refer to our tutorials on fixing slow mobile data connections and getting high-speed internet over Wi-Fi for more troubleshooting solutions.
2. Check Gmail Service Status
If your internet connection isn’t the problem with Gmail not working, check that the Gmail servers aren’t experiencing a temporary downtime or outage. Head to the Google Workspace Status Dashboard and confirm that Gmail is available.
A green checkmark next to Gmail means the email service is available and working smoothly. A yellow exclamation or red “X” icon indicates that Gmail is down due to service disruption or service outage, respectively.
You can also check for service disruption on website monitoring platforms like DownDetector. Head to Gmail’s status page on DownDetector and check if any Gmail problems are reported.
3. Use a Supported Browser
Gmail may not work correctly on web browsers that aren’t optimized for the email service. For optimum user experience, Google recommends accessing Gmail on the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.
Additionally, you must have cookies and Javascript enabled on whatever browser you’re using. Otherwise, Gmail may not load, and you may be unable to use some Gmail features. The recommended browsers mentioned above have both cookies and Javascript enabled by default. So, unless you previously disabled cookies or Javascript, you don’t have to turn them on manually.
If Gmail still isn’t working in your browser, close and reopen the browser and try again. You should also ensure the browser is up-to-date.
4. Try Gmail in Incognito Mode
Buggy browser extensions or add-ons can interfere with some Gmail functionalities and prevent the email service from working correctly. Accessing Gmail in incognito mode can help diagnose if the problem is caused by harmful extensions or applications.
Incognito Mode (or Private Browsing) disables all browser extensions, preventing any bad extension from affecting Gmail performance. If Gmail and other websites work correctly in incognito mode, disable your browser extensions one at a time to detect the problematic extension or add-on.
We recommend reading this guide on installing only safe browser extensions to learn more about low, medium, and high-risk browser extensions.
5. Adjust Date and Time Settings
Your device might be unable to establish a connection with Gmail’s servers if its date or time is incorrect. Head to your device’s settings menu and ensure the date and time settings are set to update automatically.
In Android, go to Settings > System > Date & time and toggle on both Use network-provided time and Use network-provided time zone.
To update your iPhone and iPad’s date & time, go to Settings > General > Date & Time and toggle on Set Automatically.
6. Enable IMAP in Gmail
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is an email program that lets you access your Gmail inbox from other email clients/apps. If you aren’t getting Gmail messages in the Apple Mail, Yahoo Mail, Outlook, or other apps that use IMAP to access Gmail, check that IMAP is enabled in your Gmail account settings.
- Open your Gmail inbox in a web browser, select the gear icon, and select See all settings.
- Go to the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab, scroll to the “IMAP access” section, and choose Enabled IMAP.
- Select the Save Changes button at the bottom of the page.
7. Check Gmail Notification Settings
If Gmail won’t deliver notifications for new emails on your device, check your account settings and select the type of emails you want to be notified about. Likewise, make sure Gmail notification is enabled at the system level.
Change Gmail Notification Settings in Android
Open the Gmail app on your device and follow the steps to check and change email notification settings.
- Tap the hamburger menu icon in the top-left corner and select Settings.
- Select the account whose notification settings you want to change.
- Select Notifications in the “Notifications” section and tap All.
- Return to the “Notifications” section, tap Manage notifications, toggle on Show notifications, and select the Alerting notification delivery.
Change Gmail Notification Settings in iOS
First, you need to ensure Gmail notification is allowed in your iPhone’s Settings menu. Afterward, open the Gmail app and configure your inbox notification preferences.
- Go to Settings, select Gmail, select Notifications, and toggle on Allow Notifications.
Make sure you also toggle on Sounds, Badges, Lock Screen, Notification Center, and Banners in the “Alerts” section.
- Open Gmail, tap the hamburger menu icon in the top-left corner, and select Settings.
- Select the email account whose notification settings you want to change.
- Scroll to the “Notifications” section and select the type of emails you want to be notified about.
The All new mail option will send notifications for all new emails in your inbox, while “Primary only” will only notify you about new emails in the Primary section of your inbox. Select High priority only if you want notifications for emails that Gmail identifies as high priority.
Change Gmail Notification Settings on Web
Open your Gmail inbox on a web browser and follow the steps below.
- Select the gear icon next to the search bar, and select See all settings.
- In the General tab, scroll to the “Desktop notifications” section, and select Click here to enable desktop notifications for Gmail.
- Select Allow on the “Show notifications” prompt that pops up below the address bar.
- Next, choose either New mail notifications on or Important mail notifications on and then select a preferred notification alert in the Mail notification sounds drop-down menu.
8. Force Close and Reopen Gmail
Force closing Gmail on your mobile device can resolve temporary system glitches causing the app to freeze, crash, or go unresponsive.
Force Close Gmail on iPhone or iPad
The steps to force close an app depend on the model of your iPhone or iPad.
- Open the iOS or iPadOS App Switcher—swipe up from the bottom to the middle of your device’s screen.
If your iPhone or iPad has a Home button, double-click the button to open the App Switcher.
- Locate Gmail and swipe up on the app preview. That’ll force-close Gmail on your iPhone or iPad.
- Head to your device’s Home Screen or App Library, reopen Gmail and check if it now works as expected.
Force Close Gmail in Android
Follow the steps below to force-close Gmail on an Android device.
- Go to your device’s Home Screen or app launcher, press and hold the Gmail app icon, and select the info icon.
Alternatively, open the Settings app, go to App & notifications > See All Apps (or App info), and select Gmail.
- Tap Force Stop, select OK on the confirmation prompt and tap Open to relaunch Gmail.
If the problem persists, clear the app’s cache file and storage data and try again. Jump to the next section for detailed instructions.
9. Clear Gmail Cache & App Data
Accumulation of corrupt cache files and app data could cause the Gmail app to crash and exhibit other forms of malfunction.
Force close Gmail and follow the steps below to clear the app’s cache and storage data.
- Go to Settings > Apps & notifications > See All Apps (or App info) > Gmail and select Storage & cache.
- Tap the Clear Cache option.
Open Gmail and check if it now works correctly. Otherwise, delete Gmail’s data from your device if clearing its cache storage doesn’t resolve the problem.
- Tap Clear Storage (or Clear Data) and select OK on the confirmation prompt.
Note that you’ll have to re-do all customizations made to Gmail (e.g., notification settings, theme, swipe actions, etc.) after clearing the app’s data.
10. Update Gmail
Software bugs or device incompatibility are noteworthy causes for failure. You might encounter issues using Gmail if the app version installed on your device is outdated or incompatible with your device.
Head to your device’s app store (Google Play Store or Apple App Store) and update Gmail to the latest version. If the problem continues, uninstall and reinstall Gmail from your device. That could also help resolve minor performance issues.
11. Restart Your Device
Do you have the latest Gmail version on your device? Does Gmail still fail to work correctly after updating the app? Rebooting your device could fix the problem. Shut down your device, turn it back on, and try using Gmail again.
Contact Google Support
If none of these troubleshooting fixes resolve the problem, visit the Gmail Help Center for more potential solutions to Gmail issues.