您拥有完美的GIF动画,但您想访问和使用被困在里面的图片。如果您尝试打印动画GIF 文件(GIF file),您得到的只是最后一帧。为了能够打印所有帧,您需要运行提取过程(extraction process)。虽然这听起来很复杂,但我们在本教程中展示了一种从动画文件中提取GIF(GIF)帧的简单有效的方法,以便您可以轻松地打印它们。
对于提取过程(extraction process),我们使用名为GIMP的免费(GIMP)图像编辑器(image editor),在此之上我们安装了一个名为Export Layers的免费插件。您可以从GIMP 官方网页下载(the GIMP official webpage)GIMP。下载后,运行安装文件(setup file)并按照在您的计算机上安装GIMP所需的步骤进行操作。(GIMP)

除了GIMP,您还需要一个名为Export Layers的免费(Export Layers)GIMP插件。从Export Layers README 页面(Export Layers README page)下载最新版本,选择Windows可执行文件。打开它,然后按照安装过程进行操作(installation process)。

在安装GIMP和导出图层(Export Layers)期间,您可能必须提供管理员权限(administrator permission)。安装GIMP和导出图层(Export Layers)插件后,您就可以开始提取过程(extraction process)了。
如何从动画GIF 文件中提取 gif 帧(GIF file)
我们为我们的指南选择了一个来自 giphy.com 的很酷的例子(a cool example from giphy.com)。让我们来看看如何捕捉龙(Dragons)之母(Mother)设法从她的孩子那里偷走场景的每一刻:
首先从“开始”菜单(Start Menu)打开GIMP。


然后,在“打开图像”(Open Image)窗口中,浏览到动画GIF 文件(GIF file)所在的位置,选择它,然后单击或点击“打开(Open)” 。

GIMP加载您的动画GIF 文件(GIF file)。接下来,再次打开“文件(File)”菜单,然后单击或点击“导出图层...”("Export Layers…")选项。

GIMP 会(GIMP)打开一个新窗口,名为Export Layers。在这里,浏览到要保存动画GIF中的帧的位置,选择要用于帧的(GIF)文件扩展名(file extension),最后单击或点击(click or tap) 导出(Export)。

根据您选择使用的图像格式, (image format)GIMP在下一个对话框窗口(dialog window)中显示其他保存选项。如果您选择使用默认PNG 格式(PNG format),您可以在下面看到您可以更改的内容。如果您想对要保存的文件进行任何更改,请进行更改。然后,单击或点击导出(Export)按钮。

我们与GIMP的合作已经完成,您现在可以关闭它。然后,打开您选择用于保存提取的GIF帧的文件夹。在里面,您可以找到原始动画GIF 文件(GIF file)中的所有帧,并保存为单独的图像文件。

如何从动画GIF 文件打印帧(GIF file)
现在您已将所有帧保存为单独的图像,您可以像从计算机上打印任何其他文件一样打印它们。最简单的方法是使用文件资源管理器(File Explorer)导航到保存图像的文件夹,然后右键单击或点击(right-click or tap)并按住要打印的图像。(image or images)从上下文菜单(context menu)中,选择打印(Print)。

如果您想了解更多在Windows中打印的方法,请阅读从任何Windows 应用程序或程序(Windows app or program)进行打印的6种方法(Ways)。
您是否从动画(Did)GIF 文件(GIF file)中提取了GIF帧?
正如您在本教程中所见,只要您拥有正确的工具,提取GIF帧就很容易。(GIF)幸运的是,GIMP既免费又易于使用,而且它的插件库(plugin repository)非常大。通过在下面发表评论,让我们知道您提取GIF帧的经验。
How to export and print frames from an animated GIF file
You haνe the perfect animated GIF, but you would like to access and use the pictures that are trapped inside. If you try to print the animatеd GIF file, аll you get is the last frame. To be able to print all the frаmes, you need to run an extraction process. While this sоunds complicatеd, we show in this tutorial a simple and effectіve way to extract GIF frames from your animated file, so that you can then easilу print them.
Install the applications needed to extract GIF frames
For the extraction process, we use the free image editor called GIMP on top of which we install an also free plugin called Export Layers. You can download GIMP from the GIMP official webpage. After you download it, run the setup file and follow the steps needed to install GIMP on your computer.

Besides GIMP, you also need a free GIMP plugin called Export Layers. Download the latest release from the Export Layers README page, choosing the Windows executable file. Open it, and follow the installation process.

During installation for both GIMP and Export Layers, you might have to provide administrator permission. After installing GIMP and the Export Layers plugin, you are ready to start the extraction process.
How to extract gif frames from an animated GIF file
We have chosen for our guide a cool example from giphy.com. Let's find out how to catch every moment of the clip where the Mother of Dragons manages to steal the scene from her children:
Begin by opening GIMP from the Start Menu.

In GIMP's main window, open the File menu and select "Open…."

Then, in the Open Image window, browse to the location where your animated GIF file is located, select it, and then click or tap Open.

GIMP loads your animated GIF file. Next, open the File menu again, and click or tap the "Export Layers…" option.

GIMP opens a new window, called Export Layers. In here, browse to the location where you want the frames from your animated GIF to be saved, select the file extension you want to use for the frames and, finally, click or tap Export.

Depending on the image format you chose to use, GIMP displays additional saving options in the next dialog window. You can see below what you might be able to change if you choose to use the default PNG format. If you want to make any changes to the files you're about to save, make them. Then, click or tap the Export button.

Our work with GIMP is done, and you can close it now. Then, open the folder that you chose to save the extracted GIF frames. Inside you find all the frames from the original animated GIF file, saved as individual image files.

How to print the frames from an animated GIF file
Now that you have all the frames saved as individual images, you can print them just like any other file from your computer. The easiest way is to navigate to the folder with the saved images using File Explorer, and right-click or tap and hold on the image or images that you want to print. From the context menu, choose Print.

If you want to learn more ways to print in Windows, read 6 Ways to print from any Windows app or program.
Did you extract GIF frames from your animated GIF file?
As you have seen in this tutorial, extracting GIF frames is easy as long as you have the right tools. Fortunately, GIMP is both free and easy to use, and its plugin repository is quite large. Let us know your experience in extracting GIF frames by leaving a comment below.