我们将介绍几种导出或下载Gmail电子邮件的方法。您可以将它们导入到(import them into apps)Outlook或Thunderbird等应用程序或Yahoo或ProtonMail等在线电子邮件服务中。您还可以创建Gmail备份以存储在硬盘驱动器或Google Drive、Dropbox或Microsoft OneDrive等云服务中。

如何使用Google Takeout(Google Takeout)下载所有电子邮件(Download All Emails)
您可以轻松地将Gmail(Gmail)中的单个电子邮件下载为.eml 文件(.eml file)或将电子邮件另存为 .eml 文件。pdf文件(pdf files)。但是,从Google(Google)帐户批量导出Gmail电子邮件的最佳方法是使用Google Takeout。

Google Takeout是由(Google Takeout)Google Data Liberation Front创建的一个项目,您可以使用它来将Google服务中的数据导出到可下载的存档文件中。这是Gmail 用户(Gmail users)保存Gmail邮件和下载数据的好方法。无论您使用的是 PC 还是Mac ,这些说明都适用。
- (Log)通过网络浏览器 登录您的Gmail帐户。(Gmail)
- 在页面右上角选择您的个人资料图片。
- 在下拉菜单中,单击管理您的 Google 帐户(Manage your Google account)按钮。

- 在左侧菜单中,选择数据和隐私(Data & privacy)。

- 向下滚动到您使用的应用程序和服务中的数据(Data from apps and services you use)部分。
- 选择下载您的数据(Download your data)。

- (或者,您可以直接导航到https://takeout.google.com。)
- 如果您只想从您的Google帐户导出Gmail(Gmails)而不是任何其他类型的数据,请单击取消全(Deselect all)选。(如果需要,您也可以从其他Google服务导出数据,但请注意导出的存档文件可能会变得非常大。)

- 向下滚动(Scroll)按字母顺序排列的Google服务列表,直到您看到邮件(Mail)并确保选中该框。

- Google Takeout将默认为 All Mail。如果您选择仅导出带有选定标签的对话中的电子邮件,请选择包含的所有邮件数据(All Mail data included)按钮。从那里,您可以选择导出的Gmail标签。
- 向下滚动(Scroll)到页面底部,然后选择下一步(Next step)按钮。
- 接下来,选择导出的交付方式。您可以选择通过电子邮件发送下载链接(Send download link via email)、添加到 Drive(Add to Drive)、添加到 Dropbox(Add to Dropbox)、添加到 OneDrive(Add to OneDrive)或添加到 Box(Add to Box)。如果您选择通过电子邮件将下载链接发送给您,Google会给您一周的时间来下载文件。

- 在“频率(Frequency)”下,选择是要导出数据一次还是每两个月导出一次数据,为期一年。
- 接下来,选择要用于压缩MBOX文件的(MBOX)文件格式(file format )。您可以选择 zip 文件或 .tgz。
- Google Takeout会将大型导出文件拆分为多个文件。选择每个文件的最大大小。您可以选择 1 GB、2 GB、4 GB、10 GB 或 50 GB。

- 最后,单击创建导出(Create export)按钮。
现在是时候等待了。几小时(Hours)或几天后,您的出口将准备就绪。导出可用后,您可以查看其中的文件。无论您选择哪种(Whichever)文件类型,在存档中,您都会在存档中找到一个名为archive_browser的(archive_browser inside the archive)HTML文件。您可以使用浏览器打开该文件并查看有关导出的信息。

您还将找到一个名为Mail的文件夹。打开它以找到您的电子邮件的MBOX文件。虽然您无法直接在Windows上打开(Windows)MBOX文件,但您可以通过使用文本编辑器打开它来查看其内容。此外,您可以找到将 MBOX 文件转换为 PST(convert the MBOX file to a PST)或 EML 文件的免费程序。
如何使用POP3或(POP3)IMAP下载(IMAP)Gmail 电子邮件(Download Gmail Emails)
登录(Log)Gmail帐户并选择右上角的齿轮图标。然后单击查看所有设置(See all settings)。接下来,选择Forwarding and POP/IMAP 选项卡。

对于POP3,禁用POP访问,然后通过选择为所有邮件启用 POP(Enable POP for all mail)重新启用Gmail POP3访问。

对于 IMAP,确保选中启用 IMAP(Enable IMAP),并且每个文件夹的邮件数量不受限制。

从那里,Google提供了一个链接,指向配置您的电子邮件客户端的说明,或者您可以查看我们的指南如何将您的电子邮件保存到本地硬盘驱动器(How to Save Your Emails to a Local Hard Drive)和如何在 Windows 10 中设置 Gmail (How to Setup Gmail in Windows 10)。
如何从 Gmail(From Gmail)迁移到 ProtonMail
即使您是G Suite的高级用户,您也可能会发现安全问题会导致您从Gmail切换到具有更强大安全性的电子邮件客户端。ProtonMail没有Gmail的所有便利,但它确实加密了其服务器上的所有数据。另一方面,Gmail仅对您的浏览器与其服务器 之间(between )的数据进行加密。

如果您选择从Gmail迁移到ProtonMail,您会很高兴地发现ProtonMail提供了Easy Switch应用程序来将您的Gmail邮箱和联系人移动到ProtonMail。您会更高兴地发现该过程不涉及PST文件或创建档案。
您所要做的就是登录您的ProtonMail帐户,然后转到Settings > Go to settings > Import via Easy Switch > Google。从那里,您将决定是否导入电子邮件、联系人或日历。使用您的Google凭据登录并授予(Sign)Proton Import Assistant访问您的Google帐户的权限。最后,确认您的导入,您就完成了。

请注意,如果您已经使用Google Takeout导出了 Gmail ,则可以使用ProtonMail 的 Import Export 工具(ProtonMail’s Import Export tool)将Gmail(Gmails)导入您的ProtonMail帐户。
How to Export or Download All Gmail Emails
There are manу reaѕons why you might want to export or download all the emails in a Gmail accoυnt. Perhaps you want to migrаte the email account to a different email client, or maуbe you just want a backuр of all your email messages if the wоrѕt should occur.
We’ll go through a few ways you can export or download Gmail emails. You can import them into apps like Outlook or Thunderbird or online email services like Yahoo or ProtonMail. You also can create a Gmail backup to store on your hard drive or in a cloud service like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive.

How to Use Google Takeout to Download All Emails
You can easily download a single email in Gmail as a .eml file or save emails as .pdf files. However, the best way to export Gmail emails in bulk from a Google account is to use Google Takeout.

Google Takeout is a project created by the Google Data Liberation Front that you can use to export data from Google services into a downloadable archive file. It’s a great way for Gmail users to save Gmail messages and download data. These instructions will work whether you’re on a PC or a Mac.
- Log into your Gmail account via a web browser.
- Select your profile image in the top-right corner of the page.
- In the dropdown menu, click the Manage your Google account button.

- In the menu on the left, select Data & privacy.

- Scroll down to the section named Data from apps and services you use.
- Select Download your data.

- (Alternatively, you can navigate directly to https://takeout.google.com.)
- If you only want to export Gmails and not any other kind of data from your Google account, click Deselect all. (You can export data from other Google services, too, if you want, but note that the exported archive file can get very large.)

- Scroll down through the alphabetized list of Google services until you see Mail and make sure the box is checked.

- Google Takeout will default to All Mail. If you choose to export only emails in conversations with select labels, select the All Mail data included button. From there, you can choose Gmail labels for your export.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the Next step button.
- Next, choose the delivery method for the export. You can choose to Send download link via email, Add to Drive, Add to Dropbox, Add to OneDrive, or Add to Box. If you opt to have a download link emailed to you, Google gives you a week to download the files.

- Under Frequency, select whether you want to export the data once or every two months for one year.
- Next, select the file format you want to use to compress the MBOX file. You can choose a zip file or .tgz.
- Google Takeout will split large exports into multiple files. Select the maximum size each file can be. You can choose 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB, 10 GB, or 50 GB.

- Finally, click the Create export button.
Now it’s time to wait. Hours or days later, your export will be ready. Once your export is available, you can view the files inside. Whichever file type you selected, inside the archive, you’ll find an HTML file called archive_browser inside the archive. You can use a browser to open that file and view information about the export.

You’ll also find a folder named Mail. Open that to find the MBOX file of your emails. While you can’t open an MBOX file directly on Windows, you can view its contents by opening it with a text editor. Additionally, you can find free programs to convert the MBOX file to a PST or EML file.
How to Use POP3 or IMAP to Download Gmail Emails
If you’d prefer using POP3 or IMAP to import email from Gmail into an email client like Outlook or Thunderbird, you can do that, too. First, configure POP3 or IMAP in Gmail.
Log in to the Gmail account and select the gear icon at the top right. Then click See all settings. Next, select the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab.

For POP3, disable POP access and then re-enable Gmail POP3 access by choosing Enable POP for all mail.

For IMAP, ensure that Enable IMAP is selected and that the number of messages per folder is not limited.

From there, Google provides a link to instructions for configuring your email client, or you can check out our guides How to Save Your Emails to a Local Hard Drive and How to Setup Gmail in Windows 10.
How to Migrate From Gmail to ProtonMail
Even if you’re a power G Suite user, you might find that security concerns lead you to switch from Gmail to an email client with more robust security. ProtonMail doesn’t have all the conveniences of Gmail, but it does encrypt all the data on its servers. On the other hand, Gmail only encrypts data between your browser and its servers.

If you choose to migrate from Gmail to ProtonMail, you’ll be happy to discover that ProtonMail provides the Easy Switch app to move your Gmail mailbox and contacts to ProtonMail. You’ll be even happier to find that the process doesn’t involve PST files or creating archives.
All you have to do is sign into your ProtonMail account and go to Settings > Go to settings > Import via Easy Switch > Google. From there, you’ll decide whether to import emails, contacts, or calendars. Sign in with your Google credentials and give Proton Import Assistant permission to access your Google account. Finally, confirm your import, and you’re finished.

Do note that if you’ve already exported your Gmails using Google Takeout, you can use ProtonMail’s Import Export tool to import Gmails into your ProtonMail account.