如果您是Instagram 新用户(new Instagram user),则需要了解如何分享您的Instagram个人资料链接。当您需要将Instagram 与其他社交媒体(link your Instagram with other social media)平台(如YouTube或Facebook )相关联时,这会很有用。但是共享Instagram个人资料链接可能会很棘手,因为大多数人通过用户名而不是(Instagram)URL来搜索他们想找到的人。
在本指南中,您将了解如何查找、复制和共享Instagram个人资料链接,无论您是在 PC、Mac、Android还是 iOS 设备上进行操作。
如何在Android(Your Android)和 iPhone
上查找和复制您的Instagram 个人资料链接(Instagram Profile Link)
复制直接链接似乎是分享Instagram个人资料链接的最简单方法。但是,如果您使用的是Instagram 应用程序(Instagram app),则该选项不可用。幸运的是,有一个解决方法。
制作您自己的Instagram 个人资料链接(Instagram Profile Link)
所有Instagram个人资料链接均由三部分组成:Instagram网站地址 (https://www.instagram.com)、正斜杠 (/) 和用户名。这意味着,如果您只是在Instagram(Instagram)网站地址中添加一个正斜杠和您的用户名,您将获得您的Instagram个人资料链接。
1. 打开Instagram。
2. 点击屏幕右下角的头像图标。这将带您到您的个人资料。
3. 您的用户名将显示在个人资料页面的左上角。
记下您的用户名,以便您可以使用它创建您的Instagram个人资料链接。根据上面的示例,此个人资料的链接应为 www.instagram.com/dag_tairwi。
Instagram有一个非常方便的功能,可以分享您个人资料的二维码(share a QR code)。通过扫描您分享的二维码,其他人将能够查看您的 IG 个人资料。
1. 打开 Instagram 应用程序。
2. 点击屏幕右下角的个人资料图片转到您的个人资料。
3. 点击右上角的汉堡包菜单。
4.从新的弹出菜单中选择二维码。(Select QR Code)
5. 一旦您的二维码显示在屏幕上,您就可以截屏并分享。
6. 或者您可以点击分享图标并将其发送到其他社交媒体或私信。
查找其他人的Instagram 个人资料链接(Instagram Profile Link)
1. 在您的智能手机上打开Instagram应用程序。
2. 找到您要复制其链接的个人资料。
3. 点击更多。它由屏幕右上角的三点图标表示。
4. 查找并点按复制配置文件 URL。
如何在Mac或 PC
上查找和复制您的Instagram 个人资料 URL(Instagram Profile URL)
1. 前往 www.instagram.com。
2. 单击您的个人资料图标。
3. 复制URL栏中显示的URL。您可以单击它一次以通过按键盘快捷键(keyboard shortcut) CTRL + C来选择和复制它,或者右键单击鼠标并在菜单中
4. 您可以将复制的URL粘贴到任何您想要的位置,将其粘贴到 DM、Instagram帖子或您的Youtube个人资料中。使用键盘快捷键CTRL + V进行粘贴,或者右键单击要共享的位置,找到粘贴选项。
如何将Instagram 个人资料(Instagram Profile)分享到您的Instagram 快拍(Instagram Story)
1. 打开您的 Instagram 移动应用程序。
创建和自定义 Instagram 故事。(Create and customize an Instagram story)
3. 点击 Aa 开始输入。
4. 键入“@”,紧接着键入您要提及的人的用户名。将建议他们的个人资料。点击他们的个人资料图片。
5. 点击完成并分享您的故事。
如何在Facebook 上(Facebook)分享 Instagram 个人资料链接(Share Instagram Profile Link)
Meta ( Instagram和Facebook背后的公司)允许将Instagram帐户链接到Facebook帐户。此功能使数字营销人员的工作更加轻松。您可以同时在两个平台上推广业务和分享故事。但是,在您的Facebook页面
您可以使用您的Instagram URL在(Instagram URL)Facebook 上发布帖子,或者将(Facebook)Instagram 个人资料(Instagram Profile)链接复制到Facebook的“关于”部分。
如何使用您的 Instagram 网址创建(Your Instagram URL)Facebook 帖子(Facebook Post)
你可以很容易地做到这一点。如果您知道如何创建Facebook帖子,则可以轻松地在Facebook 上分享您的(Facebook)Instagram个人资料。只需(Simply)将您的用户名添加到 Instagram的网址,即可创建您的Instagram 网址(Instagram URL)。如果您使用的是 PC 或Mac,您可以从浏览器的地址栏复制链接。然后执行以下步骤:
1. 转到您的 Facebook 帐户。
2. 从“您的想法”(Your Mind)部分
3. 写几句话介绍您的Instagram个人资料,然后粘贴链接。
4. 选择发布。
如何在 Facebook 的“关于”部分
分享您的 Instagram 个人资料(Your Instagram Profile)
每当有人决定浏览您的Facebook 个人资料(Facebook Profile)时,他们将很容易看到指向您的Instagram帐户的链接。以下是如何通过 Facebook 的“关于”部分分享它:
1. 转到您的 Facebook 帐户。
2. 单击屏幕左上角的姓名和个人资料图片转到您的个人资料。
3. 转到编辑个人资料页面。
5. 选择联系人和基本信息。
6. 找到网站(Website)和社交链接(Social Links)部分并转到添加社交链接(Social Link)。
7. 将出现一个下拉菜单,选择Instagram。
如何在WhatsApp 状态上分享(WhatsApp Status)Instagram 个人资料链接(Instagram Profile Link)
要在WhatsApp Status(WhatsApp Status)上设置您的Instagram个人资料链接,请按照以下步骤操作:
打开您的WhatsApp 。
2. 转到状态。
3. 要编辑您的状态,请点击铅笔图标并开始输入。
4. 输入您的Instagram 网址(Instagram URL)。您也可以从 Web 浏览器复制并粘贴它。
How to Copy and Share an Instagram Profile Link
If you’re a new Instagram user, you will need to learn how to share your Instagram profile link. This can be useful when you need to link your Instagram with other social media platforms like YouTube or Facebook. But sharing Instagram profile links can be tricky as most people search for the people they want to find by their usernames, not the URL.
In this guide, you will learn how to find, copy, and share an Instagram profile link whether you do it on your PC, Mac, Android or iOS device.
How to Find and Copy Your Instagram Profile Link on Your Android and iPhone
Copying a direct link seems like the easiest way to share an Instagram profile link. However, that option is not available if you’re using the Instagram app. Fortunately, there’s a workaround for this.
Making Your Own Instagram Profile Link
All Instagram profile links are made out of three parts: The Instagram website address (https://www.instagram.com), a forward slash (/), and a username. That means that if you just add a forward slash and your username to the Instagram website address, you’ll get your Instagram profile link.
It should look something like this: instagram.com/username.
You can copy this link to any other social media you want.
Sometimes people simply don’t know their user names. If that’s the case, you’ll have to find your username from your profile. Here’s how:
1. Open Instagram.
2. Tap your profile picture icon in the bottom right corner of your screen. This will take you to your profile.
3. Your username will be displayed at the top left corner of the profile page.
Make a note of your user name so you can create your Instagram profile link with it. According to the example above, this profile’s link should be www.instagram.com/dag_tairwi.
An alternative is to go to Edit profile, and under the username section you can find your username.
Share Your QR Code
Instagram comes with a very convenient feature to share a QR code for your profile. By scanning the QR code you share, other people will be able to view your IG profile.
1. Open the Instagram app.
2. Go to your profile by tapping your profile picture in the lower right corner of the screen.
3. Tap on the hamburger menu in the top right corner.
4. Select QR Code from the new pop-up menu.
5. Once your QR code is displayed on the screen you can take a screenshot and share it.
6. Or you can tap the share icon and send it to other social media, or to private messages.
Finding Someone Else’s Instagram Profile Link
Finding and copying someone else’s Instagram profile link is easy. As long as you can see the user’s profile, you can find its URL address. Here is how to do it:
1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone.
2. Find the profile whose link you want to copy.
3. Tap on More. It’s represented by the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the screen.
4. Find and tap Copy Profile URL.
That’s it! You can use the copied link to paste it anywhere you want. To do so on a mobile device just tap the place where you want to copy it and hold. The paste option should appear.
How to Find and Copy Your Instagram Profile URL on Mac or PC
If you use the Instagram web version, copying and sharing your Instagram profile link is pretty straightforward.
1. Go to www.instagram.com.
2. Click on your profile icon.
3. Copy the URL displayed in the URL bar. You can click once on it to select and copy it by pressing the keyboard shortcut CTRL + C, or right-click your mouse and find Copy in the menu.
4. You can paste the copied URL wherever you want, into the DM, on the Instagram posts, or on your Youtube profile. Use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + V to paste, or right-click where you want to share it, and find the paste option.
How to Share an Instagram Profile to Your Instagram Story
If you want to promote someone by sharing their profile link to your Instagram story, you can do it with the mention feature. Follow these steps:
1. Open your Instagram mobile app.
2. Create and customize an Instagram story the usual way.
3. Tap Aa to start typing.
4. Type “@” immediately followed by the username of the person you want to mention. Their profile will be suggested. Tap on their profile picture.
5. Tap Done and share your story.
How to an Share Instagram Profile Link on Facebook
Meta (the company behind Instagram and Facebook) allows Instagram accounts to be linked to Facebook accounts. This feature makes the work for digital marketers much easier. You can promote businesses and share stories on both platforms simultaneously. But it won’t hurt to physically add a link to your Instagram profile, on your Facebook page.
You can either make a Facebook post with your Instagram URL in it, or copy the Instagram Profile link to Facebook’s “About” section.
How to Create a Facebook Post with Your Instagram URL
You can do this easily. If you know how to create a Facebook post, you can easily share your Instagram profile on Facebook. Simply create your Instagram URL by adding your username to Instagram’s web address. If you’re using PC or Mac, you can copy the link from the browser’s address bar. Then follow these steps:
1. Go to your Facebook account.
2. Create a post from the What’s on Your Mind section.
3. Write a few words introducing your Instagram profile and paste the link to it.
4. Select Post.
How to Share Your Instagram Profile in Facebook’s “About” Section
Whenever someone decides to explore your Facebook Profile, they will easily see the link to your Instagram account. Here is how you can share it through Facebook’s About section:
1. Go to your Facebook account.
2. Click on your name and profile image in the upper left corner of the screen to go to your profile.
3. Go to the Edit profile page.
4. Scroll all the way down to Edit Your About Info and click it.
5. Select Contact and basic Info.
6. Find the Website and Social Links section and go to Add a Social Link.
7. A drop-down menu will appear, choose Instagram.
8. Enter your Instagram username in the empty field.
That’s it! Now let’s take a look at WhatsApp and see how you can use it to share your Instagram profile link.
How to Share Instagram Profile Link on WhatsApp Status
To set your Instagram profile link on WhatsApp Status follow these steps:
1. Open your WhatsApp on your mobile device.
2. Go to Status.
3. To edit your status tap on the pencil icon and start typing.
4. Type your Instagram URL. You can also copy and paste it from the web browser.
Once you’re done, tap the green send button. Your new status will be shared with all your WhatsApp contacts.
Sharing an Instagram profile link is a basic action, but it’s tricky if you don’t know where to look. Also, Instagram changes with time because it’s constantly updated with new features, so make sure you keep up with the updates.