Microsoft Excel只是全球公司使用的众多程序之一。因此,对共享工作簿的需求至关重要。

在这篇文章中,您将了解您和您的团队如何使用Excel 2016和其他版本的在线Excel进行协作。
离线共享 Excel 文件
Office 365 用户会发现默认隐藏共享工作簿功能。(Shared Workbook)这是因为Microsoft鼓励用户在线共享工作簿。
以下是启用该功能的方法。如果您使用的是旧版本的Excel,您可以跳到下一部分 –共享文档。(Sharing a Document.)
- 转到File > Options > Quick Access Toolbar。

- 在Choose Commands From下拉菜单下,选择All Commands。滚动(Scroll)列表,直到看到共享工作簿(旧版)(Share Workbook (Legacy))并选择该项目。

- 跟踪更改(旧版)
- 保护共享(旧版)
- 比较和合并工作簿
- 在“审阅”(Review)选项卡上,单击“共享工作簿(Share Workbook)”按钮。
那些遵循添加回共享工作簿功能(Adding Back Shared Workbook Feature)部分中的步骤的人将在快速访问工具栏中找到(Quick Access Toolbar)共享工作簿(Share Workbook)按钮(以及您添加的其他命令)。

- 这将提示出现一个对话框。勾选启用共享工作簿功能的选项。

- 转到高级(Advanced)选项卡并启用跟踪更改(Track Changes )和您可能想要打开的其他设置。

- 转到“审阅”(Review)选项卡,然后单击“保护和共享工作簿(Protect and Share Workbook)”按钮。
- 勾选与修订共享(Sharing With Track Changes)复选框。

- 您还应该创建一个密码,否则任何人都可以将工作簿恢复为其原始设置。
- 保存更改并退出。
在线共享 Excel 文件
使用 OneDrive
- 打开文件并转到File > Share > Save to Cloud。

- 通过输入他们的电子邮件地址来邀请您想要与之协作的人。您还可以设置权限设置。
- 完成后单击共享(Share)。
使用 Google 云端硬盘
Google Drive可能是同时处理一个项目的最简单方法。任何拥有Google帐户的人都可以根据需要访问文件并进行编辑。

- 创建或上传文档后,单击工作表右上角的共享按钮。(Share)
How To Share An Excel File For Easy Collaboration
Collaboration is important in mаny work spaсes. Since most projeсts require files tо be acсessed by a lot of users, collaboratіvе setups have become necessary.
Microsoft Excel is one is just one of the many programs used by companies worldwide. As such, the need for shared workbooks is crucial.

In this post, you’ll learn how you and your team can collaborate using Excel 2016 and other versions of Excel online.
Share Excel Files Offline
If you have a local area connection, all users in the network can have access to any file. Not only that, any changes made to the file can be tracked. You can also set which users would have access to the file.
Start by saving the file in a location that can be accessed by everyone in your group. You can then set your file for collaboration.
Adding Back Shared Workbook Feature
Office 365 users will find the Shared Workbook feature hidden by default. This is because Microsoft encourages users to share workbooks online.
Here’s how you enable the feature. If you’re using an older version of Excel, you can skip to the succeeding section – Sharing a Document.
- Go to File > Options > Quick Access Toolbar.

- Under the Choose Commands From drop-down menu, select All Commands. Scroll through the list until you see Share Workbook (Legacy) and select that item.

- Click the Add button.
- Do the same for the following commands:
- Track Changes (Legacy)
- Protect Sharing (Legacy)
- Compare and Merge Workbooks
- Click OK when you’re done.
Sharing a Document
- On the Review tab, click the Share Workbook button.
Those who followed the steps in the Adding Back Shared Workbook Feature section will find the Share Workbook button (along with the other commands you added) in the Quick Access Toolbar instead.

- This will prompt a dialog box to appear. Tick the option that enables the shared workbooks feature.

- Head over to the Advanced tab and enable Track Changes and other settings you might want to turn on.

Protect Your File
The steps above give everyone access to your file. But it also gives everyone administrative access by default. Protecting your file means access to the file will be limited and tracked.
- Go to the Review tab and click the Protect and Share Workbook button.
- Tick the Sharing With Track Changes check box.

- You should also create a password otherwise anyone can revert the workbook to its original settings.
- Save your changes and exit.
Share Excel Files Online
While working offline is a great solution, you’re hampered by the necessity for a shared local drive. Working online is clearly the better choice. Here’s how you do it.
Using OneDrive
- Open the file and go to File > Share > Save to Cloud.

- Invite people you’d want to collaborate with by entering their email address. You can also set the permission settings.
- Click Share when you’re finished.
Using Google Drive
Google Drive is probably the easiest way to work on a project simultaneously. Anyone with a Google account can access files and edit as needed.
- Log into your account and go to Google Drive.
- Once you’re in, you can create a new file or upload an existing one.

- Once your document has been created or uploaded, click the Share button on the upper-right corner of the worksheet.
This will give you the option to share the spreadsheet by entering an
email address or by sharing a link to your colleagues.
All changes are automatically tracked and saved. You can work on the document together in real-time which is very convenient.