
如何检查是否有人在监视您的手机(How to Check If Anyone Is Spying on Your Phone)
过多的电池耗尽(Excess Battery Drainage):您可能会在多年使用手机时遇到电池耗尽的情况。如果您在手机上玩高图形游戏,您会发现这很正常。但是,每次检查手机时电池电量突然下降可能会让您担心手机的工作状况。电话跟踪/间谍应用程序或文件可能会占用大量电力来工作,并且在后台运行时也会继续消耗电力。
极端数据使用(Extreme Data Usage):如果您发现手机上的数据使用量很高,尽管您没有经常使用它,这可能表明一些未知和不寻常的应用程序正在尝试自我更新或向手机添加更多此类应用程序。它可能会在您睡觉时或在您不使用手机的一段时间内发生而您没有注意到。此外,它还可能导致您的手机存储被可疑应用程序堵塞。
手机自动(Phone Switching On and Off Automatically)开机和关机:最常见的迹象是在您没有启动任何操作的情况下体验手机的开机和关机。当您的手机遇到一些错误或故障时,有时会发生一些可疑活动时,可能会发生这种情况。如果您确定这不会导致某些故障,则很可能是某些恶意操作导致了此问题。
收到可疑电话或信息(Getting Suspicious Calls or Messages):任何人在收到不信任的信息或需要采取一些措施(例如打开链接或披露OTP )的电话时都会感到担心。但是,如果您收到难以理解的电话或消息,它似乎更奇怪,有点令人毛骨悚然。这些消息可能包含一些随机数字、字母或字符,这些随机数字、字母或字符构成代码,根本没有任何意义。这些代码可用于从您那里收集一些基本信息。
降低电话性能(Reduced Phone Performance):由于许多已知原因,您的电话可能会变慢并变得比以前效率低。但是如果你找不到任何原因让你的手机变得比以前太慢和表现不佳,那么你可能会考虑其他一些原因。如果您的手机处于监视之下,由于手机中存在间谍软件,它可能会占用最大的资源,并且还会留在后台,从而进一步降低性能。
Unknown Installed Apps/Files:正如您在上述要点中所读到的,以检查是否有人在跟踪您的手机,一些未知的应用程序可以以某种方式在您的手机上出现,并且可以在任何角落伪装自己而不会被注意到。如果您只是快速浏览您的手机或文件管理器并注意到一些您不记得安装或保存的应用程序或文件,它们可能是您手机上使用的旨在监视您的应用程序或文件。
奇怪的浏览活动(Strange Browsing Activities):如果您每天使用浏览器,很容易注意到您的浏览活动和历史记录。如果您的手机正在进行跟踪/监视程序,那么您会注意到历史记录选项卡中记录了一些未知和可疑的站点访问。攻击者可能会使用此历史列表来进一步跟踪级别。您可能还会注意到一些访问过的有关电话间谍应用程序的网站,这些网站可能足以提醒您并提示您采取行动。
手机从待机状态突然亮起(Phone Lights up Suddenly from Standby):也许最容易被忽视的迹象是您的手机无法控制地亮起。您可能会认为自己收到了一条消息或一个失败的来电而忘记了它,但当您的手机被监视时也可能发生这种情况。
奇怪的声音(Odd Sounds):当您不使用手机时,您还会听到一些莫名其妙的声音。这些声音可能是一些白噪声、回声,甚至是在通话期间甚至什么都不做时发出的哔哔声。
手机突然发热(Sudden Phone Heating):即使您没有安装游戏并且没有大量使用手机,您也会注意到手机在不知不觉中发热。攻击间谍软件可能会过度消耗资源,并可能导致您的手机过热。
Prolonged Power Off/Reboot Time:当您关闭手机时,系统首先从前台和后台关闭所有活动进程。如果您在完成此操作时遇到较长的时间,则可能会打开已安装的间谍软件并需要一些时间来终止操作。
注意:(Note:)由于智能手机没有相同的设置(Settings)选项,因此它们因制造商而异。因此(Hence),在更改设备上的任何内容之前,请确保设置正确。这些步骤是在MIUI 11上执行的,如下图所示。
如何停止电话跟踪(How to Stop Phone Tracking)
方法一:删除耗电应用(Method 1: Delete Battery Draining Apps)
1. 打开手机上的设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 从列表中找到并点击电池和性能(Battery & performance)选项,如下所示。

3. 向下滚动以查找每个活动应用程序的电池使用情况( battery usage)。点击看似未知且可疑且电池使用过多的应用程序。

4. 点击屏幕底部的卸载(Uninstall)选项。

5. 点击确定(OK)确认删除过程。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何查找或跟踪被盗的 Android 手机(How to Find or Track your Stolen Android Phone)
方法2:卸载过多数据耗尽的应用程序(Method 2: Uninstall Excessive Data Exhausting Apps)
1. 打开手机上的设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 点击更多(More)选项,如下所示。

3. 点击数据使用(Data usage)选项。

4. 找到并点击列表中消耗数据最多的未知应用程序。(application)

5. 点击右上角的信息图标(Info icon),如下图所示。

6. 点击卸载(Uninstall)选项,如下所示。

7. 点击确定(OK)确认删除过程。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何查找或跟踪被盗的 Android 手机(How to Find or Track your Stolen Android Phone)
方法 3:退出广告个性化(Method 3: Opt Out of Ads Personalisation)
1. 打开手机上的设置(Settings)应用程序。
2. 从列表中点击Google,如下所示。

3. 点击此设备上的服务下的(SERVICES ON THIS DEVICE)广告(Ads)选项,如下图所示。

4. 点击Opt out of Ads Personalization(Opt out of Ads Personalisation)旁边的切换选项,如下所示。

5. 点击确定(OK)确认。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Android GPS 问题的 8 种方法(8 Ways to Fix Android GPS Issues)
方法四:使用杀毒软件(Method 4: Use Antivirus App)
这是了解如何知道是否有人在跟踪您的手机并防止它在未来发生的基本方法之一。Avast等防病毒应用程序可帮助您检测、消除和防止恶意内容进入您的手机,最终导致对您的监视。这些应用程序具有跟踪您用肉眼无法找到的应用程序和文件的功能。阅读我们关于适用于 Android 的 10 款最佳免费防病毒软件(10 Best Free Antivirus Software for Android)的文章,以选择您选择的应用程序并全面保护您的设备。您将能够避免间谍或跟踪情况,同时帮助您有效地对抗攻击者及其陷阱。

现在您知道如何检查是否有人在监视您的手机(how to check if anyone is spying on your phone)以及通过上述步骤避免这种情况的方法。我们希望您发现这篇文章对您有所帮助,并且能够解决您的疑问。在下面的评论部分中提及(Mention)您可能对此主题或任何其他问题可能有的其他疑问或问题。
How to Check If Anyone Is Spying on Your Phone
Wе use smartphones most of the time we are awake. From our work to the most personal things get saved on the phone knowingly or unknowingly. We treasure the device we constantly use as it has become an inseparable element in our daily life. And we usually notice if something is wrong with it from the very ѕtart. Sometimes these incomprehensible and suspicious activіtieѕ on your phone can be quite scary without your instigating anything. We read and seе several reports in the news about someone getting tracked through thеir phones and leading thоse situations to the worst outcomes. It can happen to anyone, and you must know how to check if anyone is tracking yoυr phone. So, thіѕ article will help you get to know how to check if anyone is spying on your phone and some of the ways to tackle and avoid thоse сircumstanceѕ.

How to Check If Anyone Is Spying on Your Phone
There will be several apparent indications if something is wrong with your phone as if it is acting uncontrollably, unlike before. But it won’t be easy for you to understand these indications as there are so many to consider and many unknowns to take seriously. So, for your convenience, some of the common yet evident red flags are listed below to check if anyone is tracking your phone.
Excess Battery Drainage: You can experience battery drainage as you go on using the phone for years. And you will find this normal if you play high graphics games on your phone. However, a sudden drop in battery every time you check your phone might concern you about its working condition. The phone tracking/spying applications or files can take up a lot of power for working and continue to drain power while being in the background as well.
Extreme Data Usage: If you notice high data usage on your phone despite you not using it as much, it might indicate that some unknown and unusual apps are trying to update themselves or add more such apps to the phone. It might happen without you noticing while you are sleeping or within a period when you don’t use the phone. Also, it can lead to jamming up your phone storage with suspicious apps.
Phone Switching On and Off Automatically: The most common sign is to experience your phone getting on and off without you initiating any action. It can happen when your phone is experiencing some bugs or glitches and sometimes when some suspicious activities are happening. If you are sure that this is not causing some glitches, it is a strong possibility that some malicious workings are behind this issue.
Getting Suspicious Calls or Messages: Anyone gets worried when they receive distrustful messages or phone calls that require some actions to be taken, like opening a link or disclosing an OTP. But if you receive incomprehensible calls or messages, it seems even odder and a bit creepy. The messages could contain some random numbers, letters, or characters that form to be a code and do not make any sense at all. And these codes can be used to gather some essential information from you.
Reduced Phone Performance: Your phone can slow down and become less efficient than before due to many known reasons. But if you can’t find any reason for your phone to become too slow and underperform than before, then you might consider some other reasons. If your phone is under surveillance, it might use up maximum resources due to spyware present in the phone and also remain in the background causing further performance drainage.
Unknown Installed Apps/Files: As you’ve read in the above point to check if anyone is tracking your phone, some unknown apps can somehow make it on your phone and can disguise themselves in any corner without getting noticed. If you just take a quick stroll into your phone or file manager and notice some apps or files that you do not remember having installed or saved, they might be the ones that are employed on your phone with the aim to spy on you.
Strange Browsing Activities: It is easy for you to notice your browsing activities and histories if you use the browser daily. If there is an ongoing procedure of tracking/spying on your phone, then you will notice some unknown and suspicious site visits logged in the history tab. And the attackers might use this history list to further the tracking levels. You may also notice some websites visited regarding phone spying applications which might be enough to alert you and prompt you to take action.
Phone Lights up Suddenly from Standby: Maybe the most overlooked sign is your phone getting lit up uncontrollably. You may forget it by thinking you have received a message or a failed incoming call, but it also can happen when your phone is getting spied on.
Odd Sounds: You will also hear some inexplicable sounds when you are not using your phone. These sounds can be some white noise, echoing, or even beeping during a call or even when doing nothing.
Sudden Phone Heating: You will notice your phone getting heated unknowingly even if you have no games installed and you do not use your phone heavily. The attacking spyware might consume the resources excessively, and it might result in your phone getting heated profusely.
Prolonged Power Off/Reboot Time: When you turn off your phone, the system first closes all the active processes from the foreground and background. If you experience an extended duration for this to complete, the installed spyware might be opened and take time to kill the operations.
Now, you know the signs that are enough to alert you about spying software or activities on your phone. by knowing how to check if anyone is spying on your phone. Below are some of the methods to stop or avoid those malicious attempts and check if anyone is tracking your phone. Read and follow them carefully on your phone.
Note: Since smartphones do not have the same Settings options, they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Hence, ensure the correct settings before changing any on your device. These steps were performed on MIUI 11, as shown in the illustrations below.
How to Stop Phone Tracking
The following methods will allow you to track and delete the spyware applications and avoid the same attempts in the future to disclose your data and privacy to a great extent causing trouble for you.
Method 1: Delete Battery Draining Apps
You have to find and eliminate the unknown and suspicious apps which drain the power excessively in your phone. Read and follow the upcoming steps to know how to delete an app that is consuming excess battery.
1. Open the Settings application on your phone.
2. Find and tap on the Battery & performance option from the list, as shown below.

3. Scroll down to find the battery usage of each active application. Tap on the application that seems unknown and suspicious with excess battery usage.

4. Tap on the Uninstall option from the bottom of the screen.

5. Tap OK to confirm the deletion process.

Also Read: How to Find or Track your Stolen Android Phone
Method 2: Uninstall Excessive Data Exhausting Apps
You can also detect the unknown and suspicious apps that are exhausting your internet data by the following steps and check if anyone is spying on your phone.
1. Open the Settings application on your phone.
2. Tap on the More option, as shown below.

3. Tap the Data usage option.

4. Find and tap on the unknown application that has consumed the most data in the list.

5. Tap the Info icon from the top right corner, as shown below.

6. Tap on the Uninstall option, as shown below.

7. Tap OK to confirm the deletion process.

Also Read: How to Find or Track your Stolen Android Phone
Method 3: Opt Out of Ads Personalisation
Sometimes apps and companies track your phone and your usage patterns to target the ads that you would open. And sometimes this data can be used in the wrong way. If you don’t want it to happen, you can opt-out of ads personalization by following the below steps and check if anyone is spying on your phone.
1. Open the Settings application on your phone.
2. Tap on Google from the list, as shown below.

3. Tap the Ads option under SERVICES ON THIS DEVICE, as depicted below.

4. Tap the toggle option next to the Opt out of Ads Personalisation, as shown below.

5. Tap OK to confirm.

Also Read: 8 Ways to Fix Android GPS Issues
Method 4: Use Antivirus App
It is one of the essential methods to know how to know if anyone is tracking your phone and prevent it from happening in the future. The antivirus apps like Avast help you to detect, eliminate and prevent malicious content entering your phone that eventually leads to spying on you. These apps have the functionality to track the apps and files that you would not be able to find by yourself with naked eyes. Read our article on 10 Best Free Antivirus Software for Android to choose the app of your choice and secure your device comprehensively. You will be able to avert the spying or tracking situations while helping you fight the attackers and their traps effectively.

Hence, using these methods you can check if anyone is tracking your phone.
Now you know how to check if anyone is spying on your phone and methods to avert the situations with mentioned steps. We hope you found this article helpful and were able to solve the query you had. Mention other queries or issues you might have regarding this topic or any other in the comments section below.