如果您是Popcorn Time的新手并且想知道它在(Popcorn Time)Smart TV上的可用性,那么这里是有关如何将Popcorn Time投射到Smart TV 的指南。Popcorn Time是一个视频流媒体平台,拥有一个由来自世界各地的电影和连续剧组成的巨大图书馆。你渴望动漫或任何外语系列吗?不用担心,爆米花时间(Popcorn Time)所有东西都可以买到。您可以在Popcorn Time(Popcorn Time)上以高清质量流式传输您最喜爱的节目,而无需任何订阅。许多人不知道如何将Popcorn Time流式传输到电视,因此请仔细按照指南进行操作。

如何将爆米花时间投射到智能电视(How to Cast Popcorn Time to Smart TV)
Popcorn Time背后的有趣事实是它的源代码可以在他们的网站上免费获得。后来,来自世界各地的所有贡献者都将源代码本地化,并以 44 种语言提供。此外,众所周知,爆米花时间是(Popcorn Time)Netflix的替代品。要享受Netflix ,您需要订阅,并且由于地域限制,您所在国家/地区的Netflix无法提供某些节目。但是使用Popcorn Time,您可以免费观看您在本国错过的节目。
为什么要使用爆米花时间?(Why Should You Use Popcorn Time?)
人们喜欢Popcorn Time并出于各种原因下载它。他们之中有一些是:
- 无需订阅。
- 无需面对任何许可证问题。
- 开源媒体播放器
- 便于使用。
如何下载爆米花时间(How to Download Popcorn Time)
Popcorn Time的官方网站提供所有设备的下载链接。查看Popcorn Time网站,将Popcorn Time下载到您的设备并修复如何将Popcorn Time投射到智能电视。
注意:(Note:) 从官网下载(Download)爆米花时间。(Popcorn Time)许多其他欺诈网站与Popcorn Time(Popcorn Time)同名。
2015 年,Chromecast支持Popcorn Time。现在,所有版本的Popcorn Time都可以在您网络上的任何(Popcorn Time)Chromecast设备上显示电影或连续剧。继续阅读以了解如何将Popcorn Time流式传输到智能电视。
注意: (Note: )确保(Make)您的 Chromecast 处于活动状态,并且可以通过与流媒体设备相同的Wi-Fi网络访问。(Wi-Fi)
方法 1:在 Windows 上(Method 1: On Windows )
请仔细按照以下步骤将Popcorn Time从Windows PC 投射到您的电视上。
1. 前往爆米花时间(Popcorn Time) 官方网站(official site)。
2. 单击爆米花时间窗口 (Popcorn Time Windows )按钮。安装文件开始下载到您的桌面。

3. 软件安装完成后,点击完成 (Finish )选项。
4. 选择任何电影、动漫或节目,然后单击立即观看 (WATCH IT NOW )选项。

5. 现在,单击下面选项卡上的Chromecast 图标(icon)。

6. 选择您的设备(device)并流式传输内容。
方法 2:在 Mac 上 (Method 2: On Mac )
如何使用Mac将(Mac)Popcorn Time投射到智能电视,请按照本指南将爆米花时间流式传输到Mac上的电视。
1. 访问Popcorn Time下载页面并向下滚动页面。
2. 单击Popcorn Time Mac 按钮。安装文件开始下载到您的桌面。

3. 软件安装完成后,选择保存 (Save )按钮。
4. 选择任何电影、动漫、独立电影或节目并导航到立即观看 (WATCH IT NOW )按钮。
5. 单击Chromecast图标并从列表中选择您的设备。(device )
注意:(Note:) 如果您的Chromecast在列表中不可用。确保(Make)您的Chromecast处于活动状态。

6. 现在,单击播放(Play) 按钮。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Miracast 在 Windows 10 上不起作用(Fix Miracast Not Working on Windows 10)
方法 3:在 Linux 上 (Method 3: On Linux )
一些用户面临困难,想知道如何通过Linux将爆米花时间流式传输到电视。但是在Linux上看Popcorn Time和(Popcorn Time)Mac和Windows是一样的。请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 访问爆米花时间(Popcorn Time )网站。
2. Linux 用户,下载 Popcorn Time Linux。

3. 安装并启动 Popcorn Time。
4. 重复方法 2(Method 2)的步骤 4-6(Steps 4-6)。
注意:(Note: )如果您的Chromecast不起作用,请关闭并重新启动Popcorn Time,然后按照上述步骤查看投射流的选项。
方法 4:在 Android 上 (Method 4: On Android )
Popcorn Time android Chromecast得到了开发者的大力支持。由于许多用户通过手机使用Popcorn Time,它已经变得相当流行。但是Popcorn Time在Play Store上还没有,所以你需要从它的官网下载。按照给定的步骤将爆米花时间流式传输到Android上的电视。
注意:(Note: )确保(Make)您的 android 上的省电模式已关闭。(Power Saving Mode)
1.从第三方网站下载(third-party website)爆米花时间APK文件(Popcorn Time APK file)。

2. 然后,在您的设备上安装下载的 APK 文件(downloaded APK file)。

3.安装后打开爆米花时间(Popcorn Time)应用程序。

4.在这里,点击允许(Allow)从此源 (Allow from this source )选项中允许。
5. 现在,选择要观看的电影(movie)或电视节目(TV show)。

6. 接下来,向下滑动通知滑块(notification slider)并点击投射图标(Cast icon)。

7. 最后,选择您要投射的设备。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何下载 MyIPTV 播放器(How to Download MyIPTV Player)
方法 5:在 iOS 上(Method 5: On iOS)
爆米花时间(Popcorn Time)没有正式版本。在您的 iOS 设备上安装Popcorn Time之前,请确保您遵循以下步骤:
1. 启动您的 设置应用程序(Settings app)。

2. 点击常规选项 (General options )选项。

3. 向下滚动以找到后台应用刷新(Background app refresh) 选项。

4. 选择后台应用刷新(Background App Refresh)。

5. 然后,从列表中选择Wi-Fi 和蜂窝数据(Wi-Fi & Cellular Data) 选项。


7.在 iTweak 上搜索 爆米花时间。(Popcorn Time)

8. 点击开始注射(Start injection )选项。您可以看到所有文件都将开始编译到您的设备上。

9. 在安装页面上,按照说明在您的设备上安装Popcorn Time 。
安装后,您需要 重新启动您的设备(Restart your device)。
现在你可以看到iOS 设备上已经安装了Popcorn Time 。您可以流式传输您喜欢的节目或电影。
注意: (Note: )您甚至可以从他们的官方网站下载Popcorn Time应用程序,您只需通过USB线将您的 iOS 设备连接到您的Mac或Windows并安装 iOS Installer,然后按照说明下载该应用程序。
方法6:在Fire TV Stick上(Method 6: On Fire TV Stick)
除了Chromecast之外,如果您有Fire TV Stick,请将其插入电视,并且您希望Fire TV Stick上有 Popcorn (Fire TV Stick)Time内容。这是如何做到的。
1. 进入Fire TV 主屏幕(Fire TV home screen)。
2. 搜索下载(Downloader)器。
3. 然后,选择下载(Download)按钮安装下载(Downloader)程序。

4. 安装后,打开程序并进入浏览器(Browser)菜单。
5. 在这里,输入给定的URL并点击Go。

6. 然后,下载并安装Popcorn Time应用程序。
7. 最后,打开程序,您可以选择并观看您喜欢的节目或电影。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复家庭共享 YouTube 电视不起作用(Fix Family Sharing YouTube TV Not Working)
爆米花时间是合法的还是非法的?(Is Popcorn Time Legal or Illegal?)
这个问题在《爆米花时间》(Popcorn Time)的所有观众中最为常见和流行。Popcorn Time应用程序本身是合法的。但是,如果您所在的国家/地区对盗版有严格的法律,那么您观看的内容可能是非法的。最终,爆米花时间(Popcorn Time)的合法性取决于您当地的法律。但是,您可以通过下载受信任的VPN(VPN)来保护自己免受任何伤害。匿名观看Popcorn Time上的节目或电影是安全的。(Popcorn Time)阅读我们关于Google Chrome 访问被阻止站点的 15 种最佳 VPN(15 Best VPN for Google Chrome To Access Blocked Sites)的文章。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1:Popcorn Time 是否适用于 Raspberry Pi、BeagleBone、Chromebook?(Q1: Does Popcorn Time works on Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, Chromebook?)
Ans: 该应用程序仅适用于Windows、Linux32、Linux64、Mac、Android 和 iOS(Windows, Linux32, Linux64, Mac, Android, and iOS)。
Q2:在 Popcorn Time 上观看节目是否必须使用 VPN?(Q2: Is VPN mandatory to watch shows on Popcorn Time?)
Ans: 不(Ans: No),不强制使用VPN。但是在没有VPN的情况下使用(VPN)Popcorn Time是不安全的。
Q3:我们可以在 Popcorn Time 离线观看节目吗?(Q3: Can we watch shows offline on Popcorn Time?)
Ans: Popcorn Time的初始版本有离线服务,但最新版本的 Popcorn Time不能离线使用。您需要数据连接或 Wi-Fi。
以上方法应该可以帮助您了解如何将 Popcorn Time 投射到智能电视(how to cast Popcorn Time to Smart TV)。我们希望本关于爆米花时间 android Chromecast的指南对您有所帮助。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Cast Popcorn Time to Smart TV
If yоu are new to Popcorn Τime and wondering about its avaіlability on Smart TV, then hеre is the guide on how to сast Popcorn Time to Smart TV. Рopcorn Time is a video streаming platform that has a giant library consisting of movies and series from all over the world. Are you craving anime or any foreign languagе series? Don’t worry, everything is available on Popcorn Time. You can stream your fаvorite shows in HD quality without any subscription on Popcorn Time. Many people have no idea how to stream Popcorn Timе to TV so, fоllow the guide carefully.

How to Cast Popcorn Time to Smart TV
The interesting fact behind Popcorn Time is that its source code was available on their website for free. Later on, all the contributors from different parts of the world localized the source code and made it available in 44 languages. Moreover, it is a known fact that Popcorn Time is an alternative for Netflix. To enjoy Netflix, you need a subscription, and some shows would not be available in your country Netflix due to geographical restrictions. But using Popcorn Time, you can watch shows that you missed in your country for free.
Why Should You Use Popcorn Time?
People like Popcorn Time and download it for various reasons. Some of them are:
- No subscription is needed.
- No need to face any license issues.
- Open-source media player
- Easy to use.
How to Download Popcorn Time
The official website of Popcorn Time offers download links to all your devices. Check out the Popcorn Time website to download Popcorn Time to your device and fix how to cast Popcorn Time to smart TV.
Note: Download the Popcorn Time from the official website. Many other fraud websites are present having the same name as Popcorn Time.
In 2015, Chromecast gave support to Popcorn Time. Now all the versions of Popcorn Time display movies or series to any Chromecast device on your network. Continue reading to know how to stream Popcorn Time to smart TV.
Note: Make sure your Chromecast is active and is accessible to the same Wi-Fi network as your streaming device.
Method 1: On Windows
Follow the below steps carefully to cast Popcorn Time to your TV from Windows PC.
1. Go to the Popcorn Time official site.
2. Click on the Popcorn Time Windows button. The installation files start to download to your desktop.

3. Once the software is installed after the setup process, click on the Finish option.
4. Choose any movie, anime, or show and click on the WATCH IT NOW option.

5. Now, click on the Chromecast icon on the tab below.

6. Select your device and stream the content.
You can stream your favorite shows or series on your Chromecast TV and start your binge-watching.
Method 2: On Mac
How to cast Popcorn Time to smart TV by using Mac, follow this guide to stream popcorn time to TV on Mac.
1. Visit the Popcorn Time download page and scroll down the page.
2. Click on the Popcorn Time Mac button. The installation files start to download to your desktop.

3. Once the software is installed after the setup process, select the Save button.
4. Choose any movie, anime, indie, or show and navigate to the WATCH IT NOW button.
5. Click the Chromecast icon and choose your device from the list.
Note: If your Chromecast is not available on the list. Make sure your Chromecast is active.

6. Now, click on the Play button.
Also Read: Fix Miracast Not Working on Windows 10
Method 3: On Linux
Some users face difficulty and wonder about how to stream popcorn time to TV by Linux. But watching Popcorn Time on Linux is the same as Mac and Windows. Follow the steps below:
1. Visit the Popcorn Time website.
2. For Linux users, download Popcorn Time Linux.

3. Install and launch Popcorn Time.
4. Repeat Steps 4-6 of Method 2.
Note: If your Chromecast doesn’t work, close and relaunch Popcorn Time and follow the above steps to see the option to cast streams.
Now, watch your favorite shows.
Method 4: On Android
Popcorn Time android Chromecast receives strong support from developers. As many users use Popcorn Time through phones, it has become quite popular. But Popcorn Time is not available on the Play Store yet, so you need to download it from its official website. Follow the given steps to stream popcorn time to TV on Android.
Note: Make sure that the Power Saving Mode is off on your android.
1. Download the Popcorn Time APK file from a third-party website.

2. Then, install the downloaded APK file on your device.

3. Open the Popcorn Time app after installing.

4. Here, tap on Allow for Allow from this source options.
5. Now, select a movie or TV show to watch.

6. Next, swipe down the notification slider and tap on the Cast icon.

7. Finally, choose a device you would like to cast.
Now, after the device is connected, you can stream your favorite shows or movies on TV.
Also Read: How to Download MyIPTV Player
Method 5: On iOS
Popcorn Time does not have an official version. Before installing Popcorn Time on your iOS device, make sure you follow the below steps:
1. Launch your Settings app.

2. Tap on the General options option.

3. Scroll down to find the Background app refresh option.

4. Select Background App Refresh.

5. Then, select Wi-Fi & Cellular Data option from the list.

6. Go to the iTweak website.

7. Search for Popcorn Time on iTweak.

8. Tap on the Start injection option. You can see all the files will start to compile onto your device.

9. On the installation page, follow the instructions to install Popcorn Time on your device.
After installation, you need to Restart your device.
Now you can see Popcorn Time has been installed on the iOS device. You can stream your favorite shows or movies.
Note: You can even download Popcorn Time app from their official website all you need to do is connect your iOS device to your Mac or Windows through a USB cable and install iOS Installer, then follow the instructions to download the app.
Method 6: On Fire TV Stick
Apart from Chromecast, if you have Fire TV Stick, plug it into your TV and, you want Popcorn Time content on your Fire TV Stick. Here’s how to do it.
1. Go to the Fire TV home screen.
2. Search for Downloader.
3. Then, select the Download button to install the Downloader program.

4. After installing, open the program and go to the Browser menu.
5. Here, type the given URL and click on Go.

6. Then, download and install the Popcorn Time app.
7. Finally, open the program and you can select and watch your favorite shows or movies.

Also Read: Fix Family Sharing YouTube TV Not Working
Is Popcorn Time Legal or Illegal?
This question is most common and popular among all the viewers of Popcorn Time. Popcorn Time app itself is legal. But the content you watch might be intended illegal if you are country has strict laws on piracy. Ultimately the Popcorn Time legality depends on your local laws. However, you can save yourself from any harm by downloading a trusted VPN. It is safe to watch the shows or movies on Popcorn Time in anonymity. Read our article on 15 Best VPN for Google Chrome To Access Blocked Sites.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Does Popcorn Time works on Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, Chromebook?
Ans: The App is available only for Windows, Linux32, Linux64, Mac, Android, and iOS.
Q2: Is VPN mandatory to watch shows on Popcorn Time?
Ans: No, it is not mandatory to use VPN. But it is not safe to use Popcorn Time without a VPN.
Q3: Can we watch shows offline on Popcorn Time?
Ans: Initial versions of Popcorn Time had offline services, but the latest version of Popcorn Time does not work offline. You need a data connection or Wi-Fi.
The above methods should help you to know how to cast Popcorn Time to Smart TV. We hope that this guide on popcorn time android Chromecast was helpful. Let us know which method worked for you best. If you have any queries or, suggestions then feel free to drop them in the comment section.