所有Android智能手机都有有限的内部存储容量(storage capacity),随着时间的推移会被填满。如果您使用智能手机超过几年,您可能已经面临存储空间(storage space)不足的问题。这是因为,随着时间的推移,应用程序的大小和与之相关的数据所需的空间会显着增加。旧智能手机很难跟上新应用和游戏(apps and games)的存储需求。除此之外,照片和视频等个人媒体文件也占用了大量空间。因此,我们在这里为您提供有关如何将文件从 Android 内部存储传输到 SD 卡的解决方案。(how to transfer files from Android internal storage to SD card.)
如上所述,内部存储器的存储空间(storage space)不足会导致很多问题。它会使您的设备变慢(device slow)、滞后;应用程序可能无法加载或崩溃等。此外,如果您没有足够的内存,则不会安装任何新应用程序。因此,将文件从内部存储(Internal storage)传输到其他地方非常重要。现在,大多数Android智能手机都允许用户使用外部存储卡或 SD 卡(memory card or SD card)来增加存储容量(storage capacity)。有一个专用的SD 卡(SD card)插槽,您可以在其中插入存储卡(memory card)并传输您的一些数据以释放内部存储空间。在本文中,我们将详细讨论这一点,并帮助(detail and help)您将不同类型的文件从内部存储传输到SD 卡(SD card)。
如何将文件从Android 内部存储(Android Internal Storage)传输到SD 卡(SD Card)
转移前要记住的要点(Points to Remember Before Transferring)
如前所述,SD卡是解决(SD card)存储空间(storage space)不足问题的廉价解决方案。然而,并不是所有的智能手机都提供一个。您需要确保您使用的手机具有可扩展内存并允许您插入外部存储卡(memory card)。如果没有,购买SD 卡(SD card)没有任何意义,您将不得不求助于其他替代品,例如云存储。
需要考虑的第二件事是您的设备支持的SD 卡的最大容量。(SD card)在市场上,您会很容易地找到存储空间(storage space)高达 1TB 的micro SD 卡(SD card)。但是,如果您的设备不支持它也没关系。在您购买外部存储卡(memory card)之前,请确保它在指定的可扩展存储容量(memory capacity)的限制范围内。
将照片从内部存储传输到 SD 卡(Transfer Photos from Internal Storage to SD card)
你的照片和视频占据了你内存的很大一部分。因此,释放空间的最佳方法是将照片从内部存储传输到SD 卡(SD card)。请按照以下步骤了解如何操作。
1.您需要做的第一件事是,在您的设备上打开文件管理器(File manager )应用程序。
2. 如果您没有,可以从 Play 商店下载Files by Google 。
3. 现在点击内部存储(Internal Storage)选项。
4. 在这里,找到DCIM 文件夹(DCIM folder)并打开它。
5. 现在点击并按住相机文件夹,(Camera folder,)它将被选中。
6. 之后,点击屏幕底部的移动选项,然后选择其他(Move)位置(location)选项。
7. 您现在可以浏览到您的SD 卡(SD card),选择现有文件夹,或创建一个新文件夹(create a new folder),所选文件夹将被转移到那里。
8. 同样,您还将在内部存储中找到一个(Internal Storage)图片文件夹(Pictures folder),其中包含在您的设备上下载的其他图像。
9. 如果需要,您可以将它们传输到SD 卡(SD card),就像您为相机文件夹(Camera folder)所做的那样。
10. 虽然有些照片,例如您的相机拍摄的照片,可以直接指定保存在SD 卡(SD card)上,但其他截图(如屏幕截图)将始终保存在内部存储中,您必须不时手动传输它们。阅读“如何在 Android 手机上将照片保存到 SD 卡(How To Save Photos To SD Card On Android Phone)”,了解如何执行此步骤。
更改相机应用程序的默认存储位置(Change the Default Storage location for the Camera App)
您可以将默认存储位置(default storage location)设置为相机应用程序(camera app)的SD 卡(SD card),而不是手动从文件管理器(File Manager)传输照片。这样,您从现在开始拍摄的所有照片都会直接保存在SD 卡上(SD card)。但是,许多Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)品牌的内置相机应用程序(camera app)不允许您这样做。您需要确保您的相机应用程序(Camera app)允许您选择要保存图片的位置。如果没有,那么您可以随时从Play 商店下载其他(Play Store)相机应用程序(camera app)。下面给出了一个逐步指南来改变(default storage location)相机应用程序(Camera app)的默认存储位置。
1. 首先,在您的设备上打开相机应用程序(Camera app),然后点击设置(Settings)选项。
2.在这里,您将找到一个存储位置(Storage location) 选项并点击(option and tap)它。如果没有这样的选项,那么您需要从前面提到的Play 商店下载不同的(Play Store)相机应用程序。(Camera app)
3. 现在,在存储位置设置中(Storage location settings),选择 SD 卡作为默认存储位置(default storage location)。根据您的 OEM,它可能被标记为外部存储或存储卡。(Depending on your OEM, it might be labelled as External storage or memory card.)
4. 就是这样;你都准备好了。您现在点击的任何图片都将保存在您的SD 卡上(SD card)。
将文档和文件从 Android 内部存储传输到 SD 卡(Transfer Documents and files from Android Internal Storage to SD Card)
如果您是一名在职专业人士,您一定在手机上获得了许多文件。其中包括 word 文件、pdf、电子表格等。虽然这些文件单独而言并没有那么大,但是当大量累积时,它们可能会占用大量空间。最好的部分是它们可以很容易地转移到SD 卡上(SD card)。它不会影响文件或改变它们的可读性或可访问性(readability or accessibility),并防止内部存储变得混乱。按照下面给出的步骤来看看如何。
1. 首先,在您的设备上打开文件管理器应用程序(File Manager app)。
2. 现在点击“文档”(Documents)选项,您将看到保存在设备上的所有不同类型文档的列表。
3.点击并按住其中任何一个来选择它。(Tap and hold any one of them to select it.)
4. 之后,点击屏幕右上角的选择图标。(icon)对于某些设备,您可能必须点击三点菜单才能获得此选项。
5. 全部选中后,点击屏幕底部的移动按钮。(Move button)
6. 现在浏览到您的SD 卡(SD card)并创建一个名为“文档”(‘Documents’)的新文件夹,然后再次点击“移动”按钮(Move button)。
7. 您的文件现在将从内部存储传输到SD 卡(SD card)。
将应用程序从 Android 内部存储转移到 SD 卡(Transfer Apps from Android Internal Storage to SD card)
如果您的设备运行的是旧版Android 操作系统(operating system),您可以选择将应用程序传输到SD 卡(SD card)。但是,只有一些应用程序与SD 卡(SD card)而不是内部存储器兼容。您可以将系统应用程序(system app)传输到SD 卡(SD card)。当然,您的Android 设备(Android device)还应该首先支持外部存储卡(memory card)才能进行转换。请按照以下步骤了解如何将应用程序传输到SD 卡(SD card)。
2. 现在点击应用程序(Apps)选项。
3. 如果可能的话,根据应用的大小对应用进行排序,以便您可以先将大应用发送到SD 卡(SD card)并释放大量空间。
4. 从应用程序列表中打开任何应用程序,查看“移动到 SD 卡”(“Move to SD card”)选项是否可用。如果是,则点击相应的按钮,此应用程序及其数据将被传输到SD 卡(SD card)。
现在,如果您使用的是Android 6.0或更高版本,您将无法将应用程序传输到SD 卡(SD card)。相反,您需要将SD 卡(SD card)转换为内部存储器。Android 6.0及更高版本允许您格式化外部存储卡(memory card),使其被视为内部存储器的一部分。这将使您能够大幅提高存储容量。(storage capacity)您将能够在这个增加的内存空间(memory space)上安装应用程序。但是,这种方法有一些缺点。新添加的内存会比原来的内存慢,并且一旦你格式化你的SD 卡(SD card),您将无法从任何其他设备访问它。如果您对此感到满意,请按照以下步骤将您的SD 卡(SD card)转换为内部存储器扩展(memory extension)。
1. 您需要做的第一件事是插入 SD 卡(insert your SD card),然后点击设置(Setup)选项。
2. 从选项列表中,选择“用作内部存储”(“Use as internal storage”)选项。
3. 这样做会导致SD 卡(SD card)被格式化,所有现有内容都将被删除。
4. 转换完成后,您可以选择现在移动文件或稍后移动它们。
5. 就是这样,你现在可以走了。您的内部存储现在将有更多容量来存储应用程序、游戏和媒体文件。
6.您可以随时重新配置您的SD卡(SD card)成为外部存储。为此,请打开设置(open Settings)并转到存储和 USB(Storage and USB)。
7. 在这里,点击卡的名称(name of the card)并打开其设置。(Settings.)
8. 之后,选择“用作便携式存储”(“Use as portable storage”)选项。
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我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助(information helpful),并且您能够将文件从 Android 内部存储传输到 SD 卡。(transfer files from Android internal storage to SD card. )具有可扩展SD 卡插槽的(SD card)Android智能手机使用户免于面临与(Android)存储空间(storage space)不足相关的问题。添加微型SD 卡(SD card)并将一些文件从内部存储器传输到SD 卡(SD card)是防止内部存储器耗尽的巧妙方法。您可以使用文件管理器(File manager)应用程序并按照本文中提到的步骤轻松完成此操作。
但是,如果您无法选择添加外部存储卡(memory card),您可以随时将数据备份到云端。Google Drive和Google Photos等应用程序和服务(Apps and services)提供了降低内部存储负载的廉价方法。如果您不想上传,也可以使用USB 数据线将一些文件传输到您的计算机,然后再次下载数据。(USB cable)
How To Transfer Files From Android Internal Storage To SD Card
Αll Android smartрhones have a limited internal storage capacity which gets filled over tіme. If yоu are using a smartphone for more than a cоuple of years, the chances are thаt you are аlready facing insufficient storage space issues. This is because, with time, thе size of the apрs and the space required by data associated with them increases significantly. It becomes difficult for an old smartphone to keep up with the storage requirements of new apps and games. In addition to that, personal media files like photos and videos also tаke up a lot of space. So here we are to provide you with а solutіon оn how to transfer files from Android internal storage to SD card.
As said above, insufficient storage space on your internal memory can cause a lot of problems. It can make your device slow, laggy; apps might not load or crash, etc. Also, if you do not have enough internal memory, you wouldn’t install any new apps. Therefore, it is very important to transfer files from Internal storage to somewhere else. Now, most Android smartphones allow users to augment their storage capacity using an external memory card or SD card. There is a dedicated SD card slot where you can insert a memory card and transfer some of your data to free up space on your internal storage. In this article, we will discuss this in detail and help you transfer different kinds of files from your internal storage to the SD card.
How to Transfer Files from Android Internal Storage to SD Card
Points to Remember Before Transferring
As mentioned earlier, SD cards are an inexpensive solution to solve the problem of insufficient storage space. However, not all smartphones have the provision for one. You need to make sure that the mobile you are using has expandable memory and allows you to insert an external memory card. If not, it won’t make any sense of purchasing an SD card, and you will have to resort to other alternatives like cloud storage.
The second thing that needs to be considered is the maximum capacity of the SD card that your device supports. In the market, you will easily find micro SD cards having up to 1TB of storage space. However, it won’t matter if your device does not support it. Before you purchase an external memory card, make sure that is within the limits of the specified expandable memory capacity.
Transfer Photos from Internal Storage to SD card
Your photos and videos occupy a major chunk of your internal memory. Therefore, the best way to free up space is to transfer photos from your internal storage to the SD card. Follow the steps given below to learn how.
1. The first thing that you need to do is, open the File manager app on your device.
2. If you do not have one, you can download Files by Google from the Play Store.
3. Now tap on the Internal Storage option.
4. Here, look for the DCIM folder and open it.
5. Now tap and hold the Camera folder, and it will get selected.
6. After that, tap on the Move option at the bottom of the screen and then select the other location option.
7. You can now browse to your SD card, select an existing folder, or create a new folder and the selected folder will be transferred there.
8. Similarly, you will also find a Pictures folder in the Internal Storage that contains other images that were downloaded on your device.
9. If you want, you can transfer them to the SD card just like you did for the Camera folder.
10. While some pictures, e.g. those taken by your camera can be directly assigned to be saved on the SD card others like screenshots will always get saved on the internal storage and you will have to transfer them manually now and then. Read “How To Save Photos To SD Card On Android Phone“ on how to do this step.
Change the Default Storage location for the Camera App
Instead of manually transferring your photos from the File Manager, you can set the default storage location as an SD card for your camera app. This way, all the pictures you take from now on get directly saved on the SD card. However, the built-in camera app for many Android smartphone brands does not allow you to do this. You need to make sure that your Camera app allows you to choose where you would like to save your pictures. If not, then you can always download a different camera app from the Play Store. Given below is a step-wise guide to change the default storage location for the Camera app.
1. Firstly, open the Camera app on your device and tap on the Settings option.
2. Here, you will find a Storage location option and tap on it. If there is no such option, then you need to download a different Camera app from the Play Store as mentioned earlier.
3. Now, in the Storage location settings, choose the SD card as your default storage location. Depending on your OEM, it might be labelled as External storage or memory card.
4. That’s it; you are all set. Any picture that you click from now will be saved on your SD card.
Transfer Documents and files from Android Internal Storage to SD Card
If you are a working professional, you must have acquired many documents on your mobile. These include word files, pdfs, spreadsheets, etc. Although individually these files aren’t that big, but when accumulated in large numbers they might take up a significant amount of space. The best part is that they can be easily transferred to the SD card. It doesn’t affect the files or alter their readability or accessibility and prevents internal storage from getting cluttered. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. Firstly, open the File Manager app on your device.
2. Now tap on the Documents option, you will see the list of all the different kinds of documents saved on your device.
3. Tap and hold any one of them to select it.
4. After that, tap on the select icon on the top-right corner of the screen. For some devices, you might have to tap on the three-dot menu to get this option.
5. Once all of them are selected, tap on the Move button at the bottom of the screen.
6. Now browse to your SD card and create a new folder titled ‘Documents’ and then tap on the Move button once more.
7. Your files will now be transferred from the internal storage to the SD card.
Transfer Apps from Android Internal Storage to SD card
If your device is running an older Android operating system, you can choose to transfer apps to the SD card. However, only some apps are compatible with an SD card instead of internal memory. You can transfer a system app to the SD card. Of course, your Android device should also support an external memory card in the first place to make the shift. Follow the steps given below to learn how to transfer apps to the SD card.
1. Firstly, open Settings on your device.
2. Now tap on the Apps option.
3. If possible, sort the apps according to their size so that you can send the big apps to the SD card first and free up a substantial amount of space.
4. Open any app from the list of apps and see if the option “Move to SD card” is available or not. If yes, then tap on the respective button, and this app and its data will be transferred to the SD card.
Now, if you are using Android 6.0 or later, you won’t be able to transfer apps to an SD card. Instead, you need to convert your SD card into internal memory. Android 6.0 and later allows you to format your external memory card so that it is treated as a part of the internal memory. This will allow you to boost your storage capacity substantially. You will be able to install apps on this added memory space. However, there are a few downsides to this method. The newly added memory will be slower than the original internal memory, and once you format your SD card, you will not be able to access it from any other device. If you are fine with that, then follow the steps given below to convert your SD card into an internal memory extension.
1. The first thing you need to do is insert your SD card and then tap on the Setup option.
2. From the list of options, choose the “Use as internal storage” option.
3. Doing so will result in the SD card is formatted, and all its existing content will be deleted.
4. Once the transformation is completed, you will be given options to move your files now or move them later.
5. That’s it, you are now good to go. Your internal storage will now have more capacity to store apps, games, and media files.
6. You can re-configure your SD card to become external storage at any time. To do so, open Settings and go to Storage and USB.
7. Here, tap on the name of the card and open its Settings.
8. After that, choose the “Use as portable storage” option.
We hope that you find this information helpful and you were able to transfer files from Android internal storage to SD card. Android smartphones that have an expandable SD card slot save users from facing problems associated with insufficient storage space. Adding a micro-SD card and transferring some files from the internal memory to the SD card is a clever way to prevent your internal memory from running out. You can do this easily using your File manager app and following the steps mentioned in this article.
However, if you do not have the option to add an external memory card, you can always resort to backing up your data on the cloud. Apps and services like Google Drive and Google Photos provide inexpensive ways to reduce the load on the internal storage. You can also transfer some files to your computer using a USB cable if you do not want to upload and then download the data again.