几年前,将文件从移动设备传输到 PC 是一件非常痛苦的事情。没有内置工具来简化文件的传输,但今天已不再如此。
有许多方法可以将高分辨率照片(high resolution photos)、冗长的视频(lengthy videos)、音频文件或大型文档从您的移动设备传输到 PC(然后再传输回来)。一些文件传输方法可以在Android或 iOS 和Windows之间工作,而另一些则适用于每个操作系统。

这是您需要了解的有关将文件从 iPhone 或Android传输到 PC 的所有信息。
如何将文件从智能手机传输到 PC(How to Transfer Files from a Smartphone to PC)
您只需将文件或文档附加(attaching the file or document)到新电子邮件中,然后发送给自己,即可通过电子邮件将文件从智能手机传输到 PC。
但是,如果您的文件大于 25MB(file is larger than 25MB)(或超出特定电子邮件服务的附件限制),电子邮件可能不是最佳选择。在这种情况下,USB、WiFi、蓝牙(Bluetooth)、附近共享(Nearby Sharing)、AirDrop、使用 SD 卡或使用云(Cloud)存储等其他选项更实用。
如何将文件从 Android 传输到 PC(How to Transfer Files from Android to PC)
通过 USB 传输文件(Transferring Files Via USB)
如果您有Android手机,则可以使用随附 的原装USB数据线在设备之间传输文件。(USB)
典型(typical USB cables)的USB 电缆是 micro-USB 转USB-A/B/C、USB-C-USB-A或USB-C转USB-C,但您需要在连接之前检查 PC 的端口。

例如,如果您的手机附带USB-C转USB-C 数据(USB-C)线,而您的 PC 只有经典的USB-A端口,则您需要使用USB-C转USB-A 数据(USB-A)线进行连接。
USB方法既安全又快速。将手机连接到 PC 后,在文件资源管理器(File Explorer)窗口中检查您的手机。选择您要移动的文件,然后将它们拖到您要在 PC 上保存的位置。
通过 SD 卡传输文件(Transferring Files Via SD Card)

如果您没有USB数据线,您可以使用Android手机上的(Android)microSD 卡(microSD card)或 SD 卡将文件从Android传输到 PC。只需将要传输的文件复制到 SD 卡上(copy the files you want to transfer onto the SD card),然后使用 microSD 或 SD 卡适配器将文件移动到您的 PC 并查看数据。
通过 WiFi 传输文件(Transferring Files Via WiFi)
使用WiFi是一种将文件从移动设备移动到 PC 的快速、简单且可靠的方式。如果您的Android手机和 PC 都连接到无线网络,您可以使用(Android)AirDroid等第三方程序,它将您的手机屏幕投射(cast your phone’s screen)到您的 PC 上,并允许您从 PC 控制您的手机。只需(Just)下载AirDroid,同步手机和PC,然后远程控制手机(control your phone)通过本地网络传输文件。

如果您使用的是带有 Samsung DeX 的三星手机( using a Samsung phone with Samsung DeX),您可以通过本地网络将手机连接到 PC,然后将文件从DeX窗口拖到 PC 上的文件夹中。
通过蓝牙传输文件(Transferring Files Via Bluetooth)
(Bluetooth)如果您没有USB数据线、microSD 或 SD 卡或WiFi ,蓝牙是另一个不错的选择。但是,它的传输速度很慢,尤其是对于大文件。

确保(Make)在您的手机和 PC 上都启用了蓝牙。(Bluetooth)在我们的指南中了解(Learn)有关如何通过蓝牙将文件传输到 PC( how to transfer files to PC via Bluetooth)的更多信息。如果您的 PC 较旧且没有蓝牙(Bluetooth),请查看我们的指南,了解如何使计算机具有蓝牙功能(how to make a computer Bluetooth capable)。
通过云存储传输文件(Transferring Files Via Cloud Storage)
如果您有大文件并希望将它们从Android手机传输到 PC,您可以使用云存储服务,例如适用于Android手机的原生Google Drive 。如果您的Google Drive存储空间已用完,您可以尝试Dropbox或Microsoft OneDrive。

对于三星(Samsung)手机,请查看我们的指南,了解如何访问内置的三星云存储服务以将文件保存(how to access the built-in Samsung Cloud storage service to save your files)在云中并在您的 PC 上打开它们。
通过附近共享传输文件(Transferring Files With Nearby Sharing)
Android 的附近共享功能是 Google 对 Apple 的(Android’s Nearby Sharing)AirDrop共享功能的回应。

Windows 用户可以使用(available for Windows users)附近共享,但您需要支持的智能手机和Windows PC。两台设备都必须启用蓝牙(Bluetooth)和定位(Location)功能。您还需要在Chrome Dev或Canary频道上启用(Canary)Windows中的(Windows)附近共享(Nearby Sharing),然后才能将文件从Android传输到 PC。
如何将文件从 iPhone 传输到 PC(How to Transfer Files from iPhone to PC)
与Android设备一样,您可以使用iPhone 、WiFi、蓝牙或(Bluetooth)Dropbox等云存储设备随附的原装电缆(original cable that came with your iPhone)将文件移动到您的 PC。
您可以使用 iOS 原生的其他方法(例如AirDrop和 iCloud)从 iPhone 传输文件,但AirDrop不适用于Windows PC(Windows PCs)。在这种情况下,您可以使用 iCloud Web 界面( use the iCloud web interface)将文件从您的 iPhone 移动到云端,然后从您的 PC 访问它们。

如果您的 PC 上还没有 iCloud,您可以使用第三方解决方案,例如Readdle(Documents by Readdle)、Snapdrop或Send Anywhere等第三方解决方案,通过本地网络将文件从 iPhone 传输到 PC。
轻松移动文件(Move Your Files Easily)
有很多方法可以将文件从 iPhone 或Android传输到 PC。如果您使用的是Mac,我们提供了有关如何将文件从 Android 传输到 Mac(how to transfer files from Android to Mac)以及如何将 AirDrop 从 iPhone(how to AirDrop from iPhone to Mac)传输到 Mac 的综合指南。通过在下面留下评论,让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。
How to Transfer Files from iPhone or Android to PC
A few years back, transferring fіles frоm a mobile device to a PC wаs a real pain. There were no built-in tools to ease the transferring of files, bυt that’s no longer the case today.
There are many ways to transfer high resolution photos, lengthy videos, audio files, or large documents from your mobile device to PC (and back again). Some file transfer methods work between Android or iOS and Windows, while others are native to each operating system.

Here’s everything you need to know about transferring files from iPhone or Android to PC.
How to Transfer Files from a Smartphone to PC
You can transfer files from your smartphone to a PC via email by simply attaching the file or document to a new email, and sending it to yourself.
However, if your file is larger than 25MB (or beyond the attachment limit of your specific email service), email may not be the best option. In such cases, other options like USB, WiFi, Bluetooth, Nearby Sharing, AirDrop, using an SD card, or using Cloud storage, are more practical.
How to Transfer Files from Android to PC
Let’s look at each option and how you can use them to move files between your devices.
Transferring Files Via USB
If you have an Android phone, you can use the original USB cable that shipped with it to transfer files between the devices.
The typical USB cables are micro-USB to USB-A/B/C, USB-C-USB-A, or USB-C to USB-C, but you need to check the ports your PC has before connecting.

For example, if your phone shipped with a USB-C to USB-C cable, and your PC only has the classic USB-A port, you’ll need a USB-C to USB-A cable to connect.
The USB method is secure and fast. Once you connect your phone to the PC, check for your phone in the File Explorer window. Select the files you want to move and then drag them where you want to save them on your PC.
Transferring Files Via SD Card

If you don’t have a USB cable, you can use a microSD card or SD card on your Android phone to transfer files from Android to PC. Just copy the files you want to transfer onto the SD card, and then use a microSD or SD card adapter to move the files to your PC and view the data.
Transferring Files Via WiFi
Using WiFi is a quick, simple, and reliable way of moving files from a mobile device to your PC. If your Android phone and PC are both connected to a wireless network, you can use a third-party program like AirDroid, which will cast your phone’s screen to your PC and will allow you to control your phone from your PC. Just download AirDroid, sync your phone and PC, and then control your phone remotely to transfer files over the local network.

If you’re using a Samsung phone with Samsung DeX, you can connect your phone to the PC over your local network, and then drag your files out of the DeX window into a folder on your PC.
Transferring Files Via Bluetooth
Bluetooth is another great option if you don’t have a USB cable, microSD or SD card, or WiFi. However, it has a slow transfer rate, especially for large files.

Make sure Bluetooth is enabled on both your phone and PC. Learn more in our guide on how to transfer files to PC via Bluetooth. If your PC is old and doesn’t have Bluetooth, check out our guide on how to make a computer Bluetooth capable.
Transferring Files Via Cloud Storage
If you have large files and want to transfer them from your Android phone to a PC, you can use a cloud storage service like the native Google Drive for Android phones. If your Google Drive storage is used up, you can try Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive.

For Samsung phones, check out our guide on how to access the built-in Samsung Cloud storage service to save your files in the cloud and open them on your PC.
Transferring Files With Nearby Sharing
Android’s Nearby Sharing feature is Google’s answer to Apple’s AirDrop sharing feature.

Nearby Sharing is available for Windows users but you need a supported smartphone and Windows PC. Both devices must have Bluetooth and Location enabled. You also need to enable Nearby Sharing in Windows on the Chrome Dev or Canary channel before you can transfer files from Android to PC.
How to Transfer Files from iPhone to PC
Like Android devices, you can use the original cable that came with your iPhone, WiFi, Bluetooth, or cloud storage like Dropbox to move files to your PC.
You could use other methods that are native to iOS like AirDrop and iCloud to transfer your files from your iPhone, but AirDrop doesn’t work with Windows PCs. In this case, you can use the iCloud web interface to move files from your iPhone to the cloud, and then access them from your PC.

If you don’t have iCloud on your PC yet, you can use a third-party solution like Documents by Readdle, Snapdrop, or Send Anywhere to transfer your files from iPhone to PC via your local network.
Move Your Files Easily
There are plenty of ways to transfer files from iPhone or Android to PC. If you’re using a Mac, we have comprehensive guides on how to transfer files from Android to Mac, and how to AirDrop from iPhone to Mac. Let us know which method works best for you by leaving a comment below.