听说过Kodi软件吗?如果没有,那么您就错过了最智能的应用程序,它可以填补让您的数字生活更轻松的空白。大多数人都懒得整理,尤其是让您的媒体应用程序井井有条是我们从不做的事情。在这里,Kodi会让您摆脱困境,让您一次性控制预装和第三方媒体应用程序。以前称为 XBMC,它是一个开源和免费的平台,使用户能够查看视频、照片、电影、播客、流等。总体而言,它是一个一站式的数字娱乐中心。我们为您提供了一份有用的指南,将教您如何在Kodi上下载音乐并添加它们。
如何将音乐添加到 Kodi(How to Add Music to Kodi)
你是音乐爱好者吗?(Are you a music lover?)那么Kodi集线器是您的最佳选择。因此,添加一个音乐部分并从Kodi下载音乐。您不必担心访问音乐文件,因为无论文件格式如何,Kodi都会播放它。(Kodi)此外,您可以根据自己的使用和舒适度自定义音乐部分。
有时可能无法在Kodi主菜单上找到音乐(Music)选项。这是因为Kodi是开源的,您可以自定义任何内容。你可能想知道怎么做?(You may wonder how?)这是因为在自定义时,某些主题会从主菜单中删除音乐。这是您如何将其添加回来的方法。
第 I 步:更改为 Kodi 默认皮肤(Step I: Change to Kodi Default Skin)
Kodi的默认主题是Estuary。如果您的Kodi应用程序与默认主题不同,则添加音乐的方式可能不同。因此,请确保按照给出的步骤使用默认皮肤主题更改Kodi ,因为为每个(Kodi)Kodi皮肤提供说明是不可行的。
1. 启动Kodi应用程序并选择设置图标(Settings icon)。
2. 选择接口设置(Interface settings)。
3. 选择皮肤(Skin)选项卡并再次单击皮肤(Skin)。
4. 选择默认主题Estuary。
5. 要确认默认皮肤(Skin)更改,请单击是(Yes)。
6. Kodi中的主题设置为默认值后,重新启动应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Kodi 中添加收藏夹(How to Add Favorites in Kodi)
第二步:打开音乐菜单(Step II: Toggle on Music for Menu)
1. 启动Kodi并选择设置图标(Settings icon)。
2. 选择接口(Interface)选项。
3. 导航到皮肤(Skin)选项卡并选择配置皮肤(Configure skin)选项。
4. 单击主菜单项(Main menu items)。切换(Toggle on)音乐选项(Music)。
5. 按Esc 键(key)几次返回主主页。您会在电影和电视节目下方找到音乐作为第三个选项。(Music)
第三步:设置你的音乐(Step III: Setup Your Music)
1. 启动Kodi应用程序并选择音乐(Music)类别。
2. 选择文件(Files)选项。
3. 单击添加音乐(Add music)按钮。
4. 选择浏览(Browse)选项以查找您的 PC 上已存在的所需音乐文件夹。
5. 导航到浏览(Browse)新共享(for new share)选项卡上的目标文件夹。(destination folder)这里,选择E:(新卷)(E: (New Volume))选项作为示例。因此,选择您的相关位置路径。
6. 选择您保存音乐的所需文件夹。(desired folder)此处选择Songs文件夹作为示例。
7. 选择路径后,在添加(Add)音乐源弹出窗口中单击确定。(OK)
注意:(Note:)如果要更改文件夹的名称,请单击输入此媒体源的名称(Enter a name for this media source)并重命名。
8.在添加到库(Add to library)提示中选择是。(Yes)
9. 等待一段时间让Kodi完成扫描过程。然后,返回Kodi主页并选择音乐(Music)选项。
最后,您的歌曲现在首次上传到Kodi 。现在,开始播放歌曲并享受它们。通过这种方式,您可以在Kodi(Kodi)上下载音乐。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在智能电视上安装 Kodi(How to Install Kodi on Smart TV)
如何向 Kodi 添加新的音乐源(How to Add a New Music Source to Kodi)
1. 启动Kodi并点击音乐(Music)。向右滚动并选择文件图标(Files icon)。
2. 单击添加音乐...(Add music…)选项。
3. 选择浏览(Browse)按钮。
4.在浏览(Browse)新共享(for new share)选项卡上导航到目标文件夹。(destination folder)这里,选择E:(新卷)(E: (New Volume))选项作为示例。因此,选择您的相关位置路径。
5. 选择您保存音乐的所需文件夹。(desired folder)这里以Latest_songs文件夹为例。
6. 在导航路径上的导入文件上单击确定。(OK)
7. 如果需要,在输入此媒体源的名称(Enter a name for this media source)文本框下重命名所选文件夹,然后单击确定(OK) 按钮保存更改。
8.在添加到库(Add to library)窗口中选择是。(Yes)
9. 如果您的歌曲收藏量很大,完成扫描也可能需要一段时间。因此,请高枕无忧,直到Kodi扫描您的新音乐内容。完成后,返回音乐主菜单,开始收听。
一旦您的所有专辑都包含在Kodi中,真正的工作就从这里开始。Kodi提供了多种选项和工具来添加、删除、修改和下载歌曲。Kodi用户经常做 一些抢手的任务。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 前 10 名最佳 Kodi 印度频道附加组件(Top 10 Best Kodi Indian Channels Add-ons)
如何安装音乐插件(How to Install Music Add-ons)
官方Kodi(Kodi)不提供任何内容的事实现在是众所周知的。通过官方Kodi安装插件将使您能够充分探索它们。您可以从在线流中自由提取任何媒体资源并离线欣赏它们,您还可以通过插件下载音乐或在 Kodi 上观看 EPL 。(watch EPL on Kodi)为此,Kodi存储库是您的最佳选择。它们是合法且安全的。此外,如果发布了新版本,安装到Kodi存储库的插件会自动更新。(Kodi)这很好对吧?这些是它们大受欢迎的原因。
注意:(Note:) 请注意(Beware)并仅安装合法的附加组件,因为存在盗版内容的附加组件。
1. 启动Kodi并选择设置图标(Settings icon),如图所示。
2. 找到系统设置(System setting)并单击它。
3. 选择插件(Add-on)选项卡并打开(toggle on)未知来源(Unknown sources)以安装第三方音乐插件。
4. 选择是(Yes)接受如图所示的警告弹出窗口。(Warning popup)
5. 重新启动Kodi应用程序。选择设置图标(Settings icon)。
6. 找到并选择文件管理器(File Manager)选项。
7. 双击添加源(Add source)文件夹,如左窗格所示。
8.在添加文件源(Add file source)窗口中单击无。(None)
9. 复制并粘贴或键入媒体源 URL(Media Source URL),然后单击确定(OK)。
10.如果需要,重命名(Rename)添加的媒体源(added media source),然后单击确定(OK)按钮。
11. 按Esc键直到您到达Kodi主菜单。向下滚动(Scroll)并选择附加组件(Add-ons)选项。
12. 单击打开框图标(open box icon)。
13. 选择从 zip 文件安装(Install from zip file)
15. 选择您刚刚添加到Kodi的(Kodi)媒体源(media source )。然后,选择文件夹并单击确定将(Ok)插件(Add-on)安装到音乐存储库。
16.安装插件(Add-on)后出现弹出消息,单击从存储库安装(Install from repository)。
17. 选择音乐插件(Music add-ons)。
18. 选择想要的音乐插件(desired music Add-ons)。
19. 单击安装(Install)按钮安装所需的音乐插件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 Kodi 在启动时不断崩溃(How to Fix Kodi Keeps Crashing on Startup)
如何从 Kodi 中删除添加的音乐源(How to Remove Added Music Sources from Kodi)
1. 启动Kodi并点击音乐(Music)。向右滚动并选择文件图标(Files icon)。
2. 选择您要删除的文件夹。(desired folder)右键单击(Right-click)它。
3. 选择删除源(Remove Source)选项。
4. 选择是(Yes)按钮以确认选定的文件夹删除过程。
5. 返回Kodi家庭音乐菜单。删除过程完成后,您将找不到与已删除文件夹相关的专辑和歌曲。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 十大最佳 Kodi Linux 发行版(Top 10 Best Kodi Linux Distro)
如何将音乐重新扫描到 Kodi(How to Re-scan Music into Kodi)
一旦您将本地音乐源捕获到您的Kodi 库(Kodi library),当您在源中添加音乐时,它会被扩展。每当您启动Kodi应用程序时,它都会在后台自动更新这些更改。但Kodi有时也可能会错过这些列表。如果发生这种情况,您需要手动干预才能激活它。请按照以下步骤进行重新扫描。
1. 启动Kodi并点击音乐(Music)。向右滚动并选择文件。(Files.)
2. 选择您想要在Kodi当前音乐源文件上重新扫描的目录。(desired directory)
3. 右键单击突出显示的文件夹(highlighted folder)并选择将项目扫描到库(Scan item to Library)选项。
4. 单击是(Yes)按钮扫描音乐文件。
5. Kodi库将开始扫描过程。完成它需要一些时间。完成后,您就可以自由地聆听您的音乐了。
专业提示:如何确保 Kodi 安全(Pro Tip: How to Keep Kodi Secure)
你们现在都知道Kodi可以处理您向他们提出的任何媒体任务。但是,您不能始终保持Kodi在线安全。这是因为数据隐私和安全的不确定性是近年来出现的一个问题。然而,对于这个令人担忧的事实,有一个解决方案,您可以通过使用受信任且可靠的VPN来保护自己。虚拟专用网络从互联网连接(internet connection)匿名创建一个专有网络。它会伪装您的所有在线活动,并使您的身份无法追踪。下面列出了VPN的其他一些让您卧底的附加功能。
- 无论您身在何处,都可以在线观看任何区域锁定的电影。
- 为您的所有设备提供安全的互联网访问(internet access),尤其是通过公共Wi-Fi。
- 保护您的 IP 地址并使您的设备无法追踪。
- 隐藏您的浏览历史记录。
- 作为跨越审查防火墙的替代途径。
上面提到的所有功能都很有用,可以让您在没有任何隐私问题的情况下访问互联网。它还保护Kodi 附加组件(Kodi add-ons)。因此,如果您没有VPN,建议您安装VPN 。要安装VPN,请按照给定的步骤操作。
注意:(Note:)我们在这里以 IPNVanish VPN为例说明了步骤。
1. 下载IPVANISH Windows VPN应用程序。
2. 右键单击 ipvanish-setup.exe并选择打开(Open)以运行安装程序。
3. 选择安装(Install)按钮开始安装过程。
4. 选择运行(Run)按钮以启动IPVanish VPN应用程序。
5. 输入您的登录凭据(login credentials)并单击登录(SIGN IN)按钮。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够了解如何使用或不使用附加组件向 Kodi 添加音乐(how to add music to Kodi with or without add-ons)。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Add Music to Kodi
Ever heard of Kodі software? If not, then you are missing the smartest application that could fill the νoid of making your digital life easier. Most people feel lazy to organize, especially keеping your media apps in order iѕ something we never do. Here, Kodi will save yоu from it and put you in control of pre-installed and third-party media applicatіons in one go. Formerly known as XBMC, it is an open-ѕource and free platform that enables υsers to νiew videos, photos, movies, podcasts, streams, and so forth. Overall, it іs a one-stop digital entеrtainment hub. We bring to you a hеlpful guide that will teach you how to download mυѕic on Kodi and add them.
How to Add Music to Kodi
Are you a music lover? Then Kodi hub is your best option. So, add a music section and download music from Kodi. You don’t have to worry about accessing music files as Kodi will play it regardless of the file format. Additionally, you can customize the music section as per your use and comfort.
Sometimes there is a possibility of not being able to find the Music option on the Kodi main menu. This is because Kodi is open source, and you can customize anything. You may wonder how? It is because while customization, some themes remove music from the home menu. Here is how you can add it back.
Step I: Change to Kodi Default Skin
Kodi’s default theme is Estuary. If your Kodi application is different from the default theme, there might be a different way to add music. Therefore, ensure to change Kodi with the default skin theme by following the steps given as it is not feasible to provide instructions for each Kodi skin.
Note: If you are using the default skin, please feel free to skip this procedure.
1. Launch the Kodi application and select the Settings icon.
2. Select the Interface settings.
3. Select the Skin tab and again click on the Skin.
4. Select the default theme Estuary.
5. To confirm the default Skin changes, click Yes.
6. Once the theme in Kodi is set to default, restart the application.
Also Read: How to Add Favorites in Kodi
Step II: Toggle on Music for Menu
Even after changing the Kodi theme to default, some may not find the Music option on the main menu page. Are you facing this? There is nothing to worry about. A simple toggle on the menu option on settings will rectify it. To do the same, follow the steps given below:
Note: If you can access the Music option from Kodi’s main menu page, then skip this instruction and proceed to add music to Kodi.
1. Launch Kodi and select the Settings icon.
2. Select the Interface option.
3. Navigate to the Skin tab and select the Configure skin option.
4. Click the Main menu items. Toggle on the Music option.
5. Press the Esc key a few times to go back to the main homepage. You will find Music as the third option, below Movies and TV shows.
Follow the steps below to start to add music to Kodi and explore more options relevant to it.
Step III: Setup Your Music
Adding music to Kodi is an easy process. It’s okay if you have not done it before. If you are looking to add music to Kodi for the first time, follow the steps one by one given below.
1. Launch the Kodi application and select the Music category.
2. Select the Files option.
3. Click on the Add music button.
4. Select the Browse option to find the desired music folder already present on your PC.
5. Navigate to the destination folder on the Browse for new share tab. Here, the E: (New Volume) option is selected as an example. Therefore, choose your relevant location path.
6. Select the desired folder where you have your music saved. Here, the Songs folder is selected as an example.
7. Once the path is selected, click OK on the Add music source popup window.
Note: If you want to change the name of the folder, click the Enter a name for this media source and rename it.
8. Select Yes on the Add to library prompt.
9. Wait some time for Kodi to complete the scanning process. Then, go back to the Kodi homepage and select the Music option.
Finally, your songs are now uploaded to Kodi for the first time. Now, start playing songs and enjoy them. In this way, you can download music on Kodi.
Also Read: How to Install Kodi on Smart TV
How to Add a New Music Source to Kodi
If you already have a music setup in Kodi and now trying to add a new music source, here is how you can do it.
1. Launch Kodi and click on the Music. Scroll to the right and select the Files icon.
2. Click the Add music… option.
3. Select the Browse button.
Note: You can also manually enter the directory of the song folder in the prompt, yet it is advisable to browse the folder path.
4. Navigate to the destination folder on the Browse for new share tab. Here, the E: (New Volume) option is selected as an example. Therefore, choose your relevant location path.
5. Select the desired folder where you have your music saved. Here, the Latest_songs folder is selected as an example.
6. Click OK on the import files present on the navigated path.
7. Rename the selected folder under the Enter a name for this media source text box, if needed, and click the OK button to save the changes.
8. Select Yes on the Add to library windows.
9. If you have a large collection of songs, it may also take a while to complete scanning. So, sit back and relax till Kodi scans your new music content. Once done, go back to the music home menu, and start listening.
Once all your albums are included in Kodi, the real work starts here. Kodi offers a wide variety of options and tools to add, delete, modify, and download songs. There are some sought-after tasks that Kodi users do often.
Also Read: Top 10 Best Kodi Indian Channels Add-ons
How to Install Music Add-ons
The fact that official Kodi does not provide any content is well known by now. Installing addons via official Kodi will allow you to explore them to the fullest. You can pull any media sources freely from online streams and enjoy them offline, you can also download music or watch EPL on Kodi via addons. To do so, the Kodi repository is your best option. They are legal and safe. Also, the addons installed to the Kodi repository get updated automatically if a new version of it is released. This is good right? These are the reasons behind their massive hit.
Note: Beware and install only legal add-ons as there are add-ons present with pirated contents.
1. Launch Kodi and select the Settings icon as shown.
2. Locate the System setting and click on it.
3. Select the Add-ons tab and toggle on the Unknown sources to install third-party music add-ons.
4. Select Yes to accept the Warning popup as shown.
Once the unknown sources system setting option is enabled, you can hassle freely proceed with the Add-ons installation and download music on Kodi.
5. Relaunch the Kodi application. Select the Settings icon.
6. Locate and select the File Manager option.
7. Double-click the Add source folder as shown on the left pane.
8. Click on None on the Add file source window.
9. Copy and paste or type the Media Source URL and click OK.
10. Rename the added media source, if required, and click the OK button.
11. Press the Esc key till you reach the Kodi main menu. Scroll down and select the Add-ons option.
12. Click on the open box icon.
13. Select the Install from zip file
14. Click Yes on the warning popup.
15. Select the media source you just added to Kodi. Then, choose the folder and click Ok to install the Add-on to the music repository.
16. Once Add-on is installed message popup appears, click the Install from repository.
17. Select the Music add-ons.
18. Select the desired music Add-ons.
19. Click on the Install button to install the needed music add-on.
Wait till the installation process to complete. Once completed, you will find a notification popup with the installation completed message on the upper-right side. Finally, you can download music from Kodi. You can start listening to music via Add-ons.
Also Read: How to Fix Kodi Keeps Crashing on Startup
How to Remove Added Music Sources from Kodi
You can remove the music source from Kodi by following the steps given below:
Note: This process completely removes all the songs present in the source folder.
1. Launch Kodi and click on the Music. Scroll to the right and select the Files icon.
2. Select the desired folder you want to delete. Right-click on it.
3. Select the Remove Source option.
4. Select the Yes button to confirm the selected folder deletion process.
5. Go back to the Kodi home music menu. Once the removal process is completed, you will not find the albums and songs related to the deleted folder.
Also Read: Top 10 Best Kodi Linux Distro
How to Re-scan Music into Kodi
Once you trap local music sources to your Kodi library, it gets expanded when you add music within the sources. Whenever you launch the Kodi application, it automatically updates those changes in the background. But it is also possible for Kodi to miss these listings sometimes. If it happens, you need to interfere manually to activate it. Follow the steps given below to do re-scanning.
1. Launch Kodi and click on the Music. Scroll to the right and select the Files.
2. Choose the desired directory you want to re-scan on the Kodi current music source files.
3. Right-click on the highlighted folder and select the Scan item to Library option.
4. Click on the Yes button to scan the music files.
5. The Kodi library will start the scanning process. It will take some time to complete it. Once done, you are free to hear your music.
Pro Tip: How to Keep Kodi Secure
You all know by now that Kodi can handle any media tasks you pitch at them. However, you cannot keep Kodi safe online all the time. This is because the uncertainty on data privacy and security is a concern that emerged in recent years. Yet, there is a solution for this concerning fact, where you can protect yourself by using a trusted and reliable VPN. The virtual private network creates an exclusive network from an internet connection anonymously. It camouflages all your online activity and makes your identity untraceable. Some other additional features of VPN that keep you undercover are listed below.
- Enables you to watch any region-locked movies online regardless of your location.
- Provides safe internet access for all your devices, especially via public Wi-Fi.
- Protects your IP address and makes your device untraceable.
- Hides your browsing history.
- Acts as an alternative route to cross censorship firewalls.
All the features mentioned above are useful and allow you to access the internet without any privacy concerns. It also secures Kodi add-ons. Therefore, it is recommended to install VPN if you don’t have one. To install VPN, follow the steps given.
Note: We have explained steps for IPNVanish VPN as an example here.
1. Download the IPVANISH Windows VPN app.
2. Right-click on the ipvanish-setup.exe and select Open to run the setup.
3. Select the Install button to start the installation process.
4. Select the Run button to launch the IPVanish VPN app.
5. Type your login credentials and click on the SIGN IN button.
We hope that this guide was helpful, and you were able to learn how to add music to Kodi with or without add-ons. If you have any queries or, suggestions then feel free to drop them in the comments section.