在任何时候使用计算机时,您都可能会遇到PC 上的Internet 连接问题。(internet connection)当您无法在需要时访问您周围的有线或无线可用网络时,这确实是一种令人沮丧的体验。这就是Windows为用户提供可用于解决这些连接问题的工具的原因。让我们详细了解如何使用网络疑难解答程序 Windows 10解决(network troubleshooter Windows 10)网络连接(network connectivity)问题、重置TCP/IP和其他方法。
如何解决Windows 10上的网络连接问题(Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems)
- 网络故障排除可帮助您诊断和解决(diagnose and resolve problems)计算机网络中的问题。
- 所有与网络操作相关的问题都将由疑难解答者进行分析(analyzed by the troubleshooter),并将问题显示(issues will be displayed)在屏幕上。
- 这种方法消除了网络连接错误的潜在症状(eliminates the potential symptoms),并防止(network connection error and prevents)它再次发生。
让我们继续讨论解释如何解决您现在可能面临的网络连接问题的不同方法。(network connectivity)
方法 1:运行网络疑难解答 (Method 1: Run Network Troubleshooter )
按照以下方法从设置应用程序运行网络疑难解答(network troubleshooter),以解决Windows 10 PC 上的网络连接问题:(network connectivity)
1. 点击 Windows 键 (Windows key )并在搜索栏中输入 疑难解答设置 (Troubleshoot settings )。如图所示点击打开。(Open )
2. 单击 其他疑难解答(Additional troubleshooters)。
3. 选择 网络适配器 (Network Adapter )并单击 运行疑难解答(Run the troubleshooter)以在Windows 10上运行此网络疑难解答(network troubleshooter)。
4.从给定选项中选择要诊断的网络适配器,(Select the network adapter to diagnose)然后单击下一步(Next)。
- 无线上网(Wi-Fi)
- 以太网(Ethernet)
- 所有网络适配器(All network adapters)
5. 等待故障排除程序检测到问题。
6A。如果结果是 疑难解答无法识别问题(Troubleshooting couldn’t identify the problem),请单击 关闭疑难解答(Close the troubleshooter)。
6B。如果故障排除人员发现问题,请按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)修复可能的网络问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复网络连接错误 0x00028002(Fix Network Connection Error 0x00028002)
方法 2:更改网络适配器设置(Method 2: Change Network Adapter Settings)
网络适配器(network adapter)无法正常工作Windows 10问题的最典型原因包括TCP/IP stack、IP 地址(IP address)或DNS 客户端(DNS client) 解析器缓存(resolver cache)失败。因此(Thus),更改网络适配器(change network adapter)设置Windows 10以解决该问题,如下所示:
1.通过 Windows 搜索栏(Windows Search Bar)启动 控制面板(Control Panel),如图所示。
2. 设置 View by > Large icons ,然后点击 网络和共享中心(Network and Sharing Center)。
3. 点击 更改适配器设置(Change adapter settings),如图所示。
4. 通过右键单击 从 Wi-Fi 无线适配器(Wi-Fi wireless adapter)上下文菜单中选择(context menu)属性。(Properties)
5.在出现的选项列表中查找 Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
6. 要保留更改,请单击 确定(OK) 并 重新启动(restart) 您的 PC(your PC)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Chrome中通过HTTPS启用(HTTPS)DNS
Method 3: Reset TCP/IP
很少有用户报告您可以通过重置TCP/IP configuration网络连接(network connectivity)问题。实施下面提到的步骤来重置TCP/IP以 在未来实现顺畅的网络连接:(network connectivity)
1. 按 Windows 键(Windows key),键入 命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后单击 以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 现在,一一键入以下 命令(commands),并在每个命令后按Enter :
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /all
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
3.最后,等待命令执行并 重新启动您的PC(reboot your PC)。您将完成重置TCP/IP process。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Windows 11上更改(Windows 11)DNS 服务器(DNS Server)
方法四:重启或重置路由器和调制解调器(Method 4: Restart or Reset Router and Modem)
通过重启或重置路由器和调制解调器(router and modem),您可以解决网络连接(network connectivity)问题并刷新您的互联网连接。
Method 4A: Restart Router/Modem
重新启动路由器/调制解调器将重新启动网络连接(network connectivity)。很少有用户报告说,配置设置中标记的所有更改都会在您重新启动路由器/调制解调器时生效。因此,请按照以下步骤执行此操作:
1. 找到路由器/调制解调器背面的 电源按钮(Power button)。
2. 按一下按钮将(once)其关闭。
3. 现在, 断开(disconnect) the Router/Modem power cable ,等待电容器完全耗尽电力。
4. 然后, 重新连接(reconnect) 电源(the) 线(power cable) 并在一分钟后将其打开。
5.等待(Wait)网络连接(network connection)重新建立,然后再次尝试登录。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)路由器(Router)和调制解调器(Modem)有什么区别(Difference Between)?
方法 4B:重置路由器(Method 4B: Reset Router)
注意 1:(Note 1:) 所有设置和设置,如转发端口、黑名单连接、凭据等,都将被删除。因此,在继续执行下面讨论的说明之前,请务必记下这些内容。
注2:(Note 2:)重置(Reset) 后,路由器将切换回默认设置和认证密码(authentication password)。因此,重置后使用其默认凭据登录。
1.使用 默认网关IP地址 (default gateway IP address. )打开 路由器设置。( router settings)然后,使用您的凭据 登录,(L)如图(ogin) 所示。
2. 记下所有 配置设置(configuration settings)。重置路由器后您将需要它们,因为如果您使用 P2P 协议(Internet 上的点对点协议) ,您可能会丢失(Point-to-Point Protocol over the Internet))ISP凭据(ISP)
3. 现在,按住路由器上的 重置按钮(Reset button) 10-30 秒。
注意:(Note:)在某些路由器中, 您可能必须使用 大头针 (pin, )或 牙签 (toothpick )等定位设备来按下 RESET 按钮。
4. 路由器会自动关机再开机。当指示灯开始闪烁时,您可以 松开按钮。(release the button)
5. 在网页上重新输入路由器的(Re-enter) 配置详细信息。(configuration details)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何找到我的路由器的 IP 地址
方法 4C:重置调制解调器(Method 4C: Reset Modem)
如果重新启动/重置路由器后问题仍未解决,请尝试重置调制解调器。它是解决如何解决网络连接(network connectivity)问题的有效方法之一。
注意:(Note:) 请(Please)记住,重置调制解调器也会重置您的所有设备设置。 调制解调器重置(Modem resetting)可以通过以下方式完成:
选项 1:使用重置按钮(Option 1: Using Reset Button)
通过按下调制解调器背面的重置按钮,您可以重置调制解调器设置。(reset button)
选项 2:使用 Web 浏览器(Option 2: Using Web Browser)
1. 在浏览器(web browser)地址栏输入或 。
2. 输入您的凭据(credentials)并按 Enter 键 登录。(log in.)
注意:(Note:)不同的路由器有不同的默认登录(default login)凭据。
3. 选择 Settings > System > Maintenance.
4. 选择 恢复默认设置(Restore Default Settings )并等待该过程完成。
5. 重置完成后,调制解调器会 自行重启(restart)。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。网络疑难解答程序在 Windows 10 上做什么?(Q1. What does a network troubleshooter do on Windows 10?)
答。(Ans.)当您在系统上运行网络故障排除(network troubleshooter)程序时,它会通过分析网络组件和操作来识别网络和连接问题。(network and connection problems)此外(Further),疑难解答程序只需几个步骤即可解决问题。( fixes the problems)这是了解您的设备面临哪些网络问题并立即解决问题的最安全、最可靠的方法。
Q2。任何设备都可以面临网络问题吗?(Q2. Can any device face network problems?)
答。(Ans.) 是(Yes)的,任何设备都可能会遇到一次或多次网络问题,因为计算机系统(computer system)可能无法配置可用网络以形成正确的连接。但是,如何解决网络连接(network connectivity)问题是可以解决的,本文提到了解决此问题的方法。
Q3。在 Windows 10 上解决网络问题是否困难?(Q3. Is it hard to troubleshoot network issues on Windows 10?)
答。(Ans.) 不(No),这很容易。Windows为用户提供了最简单的方法来识别和解决网络问题。请仔细按照上述方法了解如何解决网络连接(network connectivity)问题。
- 如何在Windows 10上更新(Windows 10)网络适配器驱动程序(Network Adapter Drivers)
- Xfinity路由器登录 如何(Router Login How)登录Comcast Xfinity 路由器(Router)
- 如何在Windows 11中(Windows 11)隐藏 WiFi 网络名称(Hide WiFi Network Name)
- 修复 Amazon KFAUWI 设备(Fix Amazon KFAUWI Device)出现在网络上
因此,这些是有关如何在 Windows 10 上解决网络连接问题(how to troubleshoot network connectivity problems on Windows 10)的方法。如果这种方法最适合您,请告诉我们。并在下面的空白处为我们留下任何问题或意见。
How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10
While using the computer at any time, уou might experience troubles wіth the internet connection оn your PC. It is indeed a frustrating experience when you cаnnot access the wired or wireless availаble networks arоund you when needed. That is whу Windows provide the users with a tool that can be used to troubleshoot those connection prоblems. Let us learn more about how to troubleshoot network connectіvity problems with network troubleshooter Windows 10, reset ΤCP/ІP, and other methods.
How to Troubleshoot Network Connectivity Problems on Windows 10
Following are some of the uses of network troubleshooting to fix the network-related problems on Windows systems:
- Troubleshooting the network helps you diagnose and resolve problems within the computer network.
- All the problems related to network operations will be analyzed by the troubleshooter, and the issues will be displayed on the screen.
- This method eliminates the potential symptoms of the network connection error and prevents it from occurring again.
Let us move on to discussing the different methods explaining how to troubleshoot network connectivity problems you may be facing right now.
Method 1: Run Network Troubleshooter
Follow the below methods to run a network troubleshooter from the settings application to troubleshoot network connectivity problems on your Windows 10 PC:
1. Hit the Windows key and type Troubleshoot settings in the search bar. Click Open as shown.
2. Click on Additional troubleshooters.
3. Select Network Adapter and click on Run the troubleshooter to run this network troubleshooter on Windows 10.
4. Select the network adapter to diagnose from given options and click on Next.
- Wi-Fi
- Ethernet
- All network adapters
5. Wait for the troubleshooter to detect the problems.
6A. If the result is Troubleshooting couldn’t identify the problem, click on Close the troubleshooter.
6B. If the troubleshooter has identified a problem, then follow the on-screen instructions to fix the possible network problems.
Also Read: Fix Network Connection Error 0x00028002
Method 2: Change Network Adapter Settings
The most typical reasons for network adapter not working Windows 10 issue include a failing TCP/IP stack, IP address, or DNS client resolver cache. Thus, change network adapter settings Windows 10 to solve the issue, as follows:
1. Launch Control Panel through the Windows Search Bar, as shown.
2. Set View by > Large icons and click on Network and Sharing Center.
3. Click on Change adapter settings, as shown.
4. Select Properties from the Wi-Fi wireless adapter context menu by right-clicking on it.
5. Look for Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) in the list of options that appears and uncheck it to disable it.
6. To make the changes stay, click OK and restart your PC.
Also Read: How to Enable DNS over HTTPS in Chrome
Method 3: Reset TCP/IP
Few users have reported that you could fix the network connectivity problems by resetting the TCP/IP configuration. Implement the below-mentioned steps to reset TCP/IP for smooth network connectivity in the future:
1. Hit the Windows key, type Command Prompt, and click on Run as administrator.
2. Now, type the following commands one by one and hit Enter after each command:
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /all
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
3. Finally, wait for the commands to be executed and reboot your PC. You will have completed the reset TCP/IP process.
Also Read: How to Change DNS Server on Windows 11
Method 4: Restart or Reset Router and Modem
By restarting or resetting the router and modem, you can resolve the network connectivity problems and refresh your internet connection.
Method 4A: Restart Router/Modem
Restarting the router/modem will re-initiate the network connectivity. Few users have reported that all the changes marked in the configuration settings will be effective when you restart the router/modem. Therefore, follow the below-mentioned steps to do so:
1. Find the Power button at the back of your router/modem.
2. Press the button once to turn it off.
3. Now, disconnect the Router/Modem power cable and wait until the power is entirely drained from the capacitors.
4. Then, reconnect the power cable and switch it on after a minute.
5. Wait until the network connection is re-established and try signing in again.
Also Read: What is the Difference Between a Router and a Modem?
Method 4B: Reset Router
Before you try the below instructions, you must be aware of a few points:
Note 1: All the settings and setups like forwarded ports, black-listed connections, credentials, etc., will be erased. So, make sure to keep an account of these before proceeding to the instructions discussed below.
Note 2: After Reset, the router will switch back to its default settings and authentication password. So, use its default credentials to log-in after the reset.
1. Open the router settings using the default gateway IP address. Then, use your credentials to Login as shown.
2. Note down all the configuration settings. You will require them after resetting the router as you may lose your ISP credentials if you use a P2P protocol (Point-to-Point Protocol over the Internet)
3. Now, hold the Reset button on your router for 10-30 seconds.
Note: You may have to use pointing devices like a pin, or toothpick to press the RESET button in some Routers.
4. The router will automatically turn off and turn back on. You can release the button when the lights begin to blink.
5. Re-enter configuration details for the router on the webpage.
Also Read: How to Find My Router’s IP Address
Method 4C: Reset Modem
If the issue is not resolved even after restart/reset of the router, try resetting the modem. It is one of the effective methods to solve how to troubleshoot network connectivity problems.
Note: Please keep in mind that resetting the modem will also reset all of your device settings. Modem resetting can be done in the following ways:
Option 1: Using Reset Button
By pushing the reset button available on the backside of the modem, you can reset the modem settings.
Option 2: Using Web Browser
1. Type or into the address bar of the web browser.
2. Type your credentials and hit Enter key to log in.
Note: Different routers have different default login credentials.
3. Select Settings > System > Maintenance.
4. Choose Restore Default Settings and wait for the process to be completed.
5. After the reset is finished, the modem will restart itself.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. What does a network troubleshooter do on Windows 10?
Ans. When you run network troubleshooter on your system, it identifies the network and connection problems by analyzing the network components and operations. Further, the troubleshooter fixes the problems within a few steps. It is the safest and most reliable way to know what network problems your device is facing and fix the issues instantly.
Q2. Can any device face network problems?
Ans. Yes, any device may face network issues once or more times as a computer system may fail to configure with the available network to form a proper connection. However, it is solvable as to how to troubleshoot network connectivity problems methods are mentioned to troubleshoot this problem in this article.
Q3. Is it hard to troubleshoot network issues on Windows 10?
Ans. No, it is easy. Windows has provided the easiest ways for users to identify and solve network issues. Follow the above methods carefully to know how to troubleshoot network connectivity problems.
So these were the methods about how to troubleshoot network connectivity problems on Windows 10. Please let us know if this method worked the best for you. And leave any questions or comments in the space below for us.