Skype提供了从多个平台免费进行音频和视频群组通话的选项。(audio and video group)即使您的亲人相隔很远,您也可以赶上他们,或者在不离开办公桌的情况下参加商务会议。(business meeting)而且您不需要其他软件即可加入Skype 群组(Skype group)通话,因为此功能已内置于Windows、Mac、Android和 iOS 以及Skype for Web的(Web)Skype 应用程序(Skype apps)中。阅读本教程,了解使用Skype进行(Skype)音频和视频群组(audio and video group)通话是多么容易:
注意:(NOTE:) Skype允许您与使用不同计算平台的人创建音频和视频群组通话。群组(Group)通话可以包括在任何PC 或设备上安装了(PC or device)Skype的人。
第一(First)件事:关于 Skype 上的电话会议或群组通话
Skype拥有超过 1 亿月度用户,是一款致力于让人们保持联系的流行应用程序。电话会议(Conference)或群组通话是Skype最具吸引力的功能之一,许多用户严重依赖该应用程序来联系同事或查看亲人。作为跨平台(cross-platform)或多平台的应用程序(multi-platform app),Skype可以在大多数操作系统和设备上使用,这使其成为一个舒适的选择。要进行群组通话,您可以获取适用于Windows 10、Mac、Android或 iPhone的 Skype 应用程序。(get the Skype app)网络版 Skype(Skype for Web)是另一个不错的选择,因为它为您省去了下载和安装应用程序的麻烦。但是,它仅适用于Google Chrome 和 Microsoft Edge(Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge)。
您可以在 Skype 上进行两种类型的群组通话:音频通话(audio call)和视频通话(video call)。虽然音频通话(audio call)最多可容纳 50 人,但Skype 群组(Skype group) 视频通话(video call)的最大流数取决于您的平台和设备(platform and device)。在进入任何通话之前测试您的麦克风并配置您的网络摄像头可能是一个好主意,特别是如果您的日程安排很紧。
提示:(TIP:) Skype 通话(Skype call)可以解锁有用的功能。例如,如果您想共享您的屏幕,您必须先加入Skype 通话。(Skype call)要了解有关Skype 屏幕(Skype screen)共享的更多信息,请阅读如何在(How)Skype上共享屏幕(Windows、Android、iPhone、Mac)。
如何在Windows 10中进行 Skype(Windows 10)音视频群组(audio and video group)通话
如果您使用的是Windows 10并且您是Skype新手,那么我们关于(Skype)如何(How)像专业(Pro)人士一样在Windows 10上使用Skype的指南应该可以帮助您入门。在您的Windows 10计算机或设备(computer or device)上启动Skype 应用程序(Skype app)。如果这是您第一次使用Skype进行通话,您可能还需要先配置其麦克风和扬声器(microphone and speakers)。进行群组通话的最简单方法是从(group call)Skype 窗口(Skype window)的左侧访问通话(Calls)。然后,单击或点击(click or tap)新呼叫(New Call) .
弹出新呼叫窗口。(New Call)您可以使用“搜索”(Search)字段,然后通过单击或点击他们的姓名来选择您想要加入群组通话的人。(group call)完成后,按右上角的呼叫按钮。(Call)
您的Skype 群组(Skype group) 语音呼叫(voice call)已启动,您甚至可以在其他参与者回答之前添加视频源(video feed),方法是按下屏幕底部的网络摄像头图标。
在Skype上进行视频或音频(Skype)群组通话(group call)的另一种方法是在开始通话之前将所有你想要的人添加到聊天组(chat group)中。这样,您可以在进行音频或视频通话(audio or video call)之前确保每个人都在场并做好准备。为此,请访问联系人(Contacts)列表,然后选择您要与之交谈的人之一。
您选择的人是您的群组通话(group call)的第一个成员。然后,您需要将更多参与者添加到对话中。单击(Click)或点击聊天窗口(chat window)右上角的“创建新组”("Create new group")按钮。
Skype 会打开一个名为“添加到群组”("Add to Group")的弹出窗口,列出您的所有联系人。使用搜索字段或滚动(search field or scroll),直到您在群组通话(group call)中找到您想要的人。单击(Click)或点击他们的名字以选择他们,然后按完成(Done)。
您还可以从Skype的“聊天(Chats)”选项卡创建聊天组(chat group)。单击或点击新聊天(New Chat)以打开菜单,然后按“新群聊("New Group Chat)”。
使用这种方法,您还可以在下一页插入组名称。(Group name)按下组名称顶部的大摄像头以将图像分配给组。单击(Click)或点击下一步(Next)以到达您将要添加到组的人员的页面。
提示:(TIP:)如果您使用的是桌面 Skype 应用程序(desktop Skype app)而不是Windows 10预装的UWP 应用程序(UWP app),您还可以将联系人姓名从左侧拖放到右侧另一个打开的聊天对话中,然后选择添加(Add contact)从出现的弹出窗口中联系。这会自动创建一个新组。您还可以使用此操作在现有聊天组(chat group)中包含更多人。
所有人都加入后,您就可以开始通话了。要与您的组开始音频通话(audio call),请单击或点击窗口右上角的音频通话按钮。(Audio Call)
要与您的Skype 群组开始(Skype group)视频通话(video call),请单击或点击右上角(click or tap)的摄像头视频通话(Video Call)按钮。
您始终可以使用两个可用选项邀请更多人加入Skype 群组。(Skype group)
即使通话已经在进行中,您也可以选择“将人员添加到通话("Add people to the call)中” 。
如何在Google Chrome 和 Microsoft Edge中使用(Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge)Skype for Web进行(Web)音频和视频群组(audio and video group)通话
Skype for Web旨在提供与从浏览器选项卡(browser tab)中下载的版本相同的体验。您必须使用Google Chrome 或 Microsoft Edge(Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge)访问Skype for Web 页面(the Skype for Web page)并使用您的凭据登录。
这可能需要一些时间,但熟悉的Skype 界面(Skype interface)应该会加载到您的Google Chrome 或 Microsoft Edge 选项卡(Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge tab)中。要进行快速组呼(group call),请访问呼叫(Calls),然后按新呼叫(New Call)按钮。
在“新呼叫”(New Call)窗口中,使用“搜索”(Search) 字段或滚动(field or scroll)查找您要呼叫的联系人。按您希望在群组通话(group call)中加入的人的姓名以选择他们。然后,按右上角的通话按钮。(Call)
这将启动Skype 群组(Skype group) 语音呼叫(voice call)。您可以通过按屏幕底部的网络摄像头图标向其中添加视频。
您也可以先创建一个新的聊天组(chat group),然后再开始通话。为此,请在“联系人(Contacts)”选项卡中,找到您要呼叫的人之一。按他们的名字打开聊天,然后单击或点击右上角的按钮(right corner)“创建新组”("Create new group")
从列表中选择一个或多个联系人,然后按(list and press) 完成(Done)。
在Skype for Web中,您还可以通过将另一个联系人拖放到打开的聊天窗口(chat window)中来创建新组,然后从随后的弹出窗口中按添加联系人。(Add contact)
在呼叫之前创建聊天组的另一种方法是使用(chat group)Skype for Web中的“(Skype for Web)聊天(Chats)”选项卡。访问它,按“新聊天(New Chat)”按钮,然后按“新群聊("New group chat)”。
在“新建群聊”("New Group Chat")窗口中,您可以输入群组的名称。如果要将图像分配给会议,请单击或点击(Click)名称字段(name field)顶部的摄像头。然后,按下一步(Next)。
这将打开“创建新组”("Create new group")窗口,您可以在其中选择您想要加入聊天组(chat group)的人,然后按完成(Done)。
Skype需要一些时间来创建新对话,然后您就可以开始通话了。按下窗口右上角的音频呼叫(Audio Call)按钮以发起与您的组的音频呼叫。(audio call)
如果您想通过视频开始通话,请单击或点击(click or tap)视频通话(Video Call)。
虽然在进行群组通话时底部的(group call)“邀请更多人”("Invite More People")按钮不再可用,但更多人的图标始终保留在右上角,您可以在忘记参与者时使用它。
如何从Android 智能手机进行 Skype(Android smartphone)音频和视频群组(audio and video group)通话
使用Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)在您的Android 智能手机或平板电脑(Android smartphone or tablet)上安装Skype,然后启动该应用程序。访问屏幕(screen and press)底部的呼叫(Calls)选项卡,然后按右下角的新呼叫(New Call)按钮。
您还可以从 Skype 的“聊天”选项卡中访问“(Chats)新呼叫”(New Call)按钮。点击右下角的铅笔新聊天按钮。(New Chat)
新呼叫(New Call)按钮显示在顶部。点击它开始新的通话。
在下一个屏幕上,Skype会向您显示所有联系人的列表。搜索或滚动(Search or scroll)以查找要添加到群组的人员。当您点击联系人以选择它们时,添加到通话中的联系人会被相应地标记并且可以在顶部看到。完成后,点击呼叫(Call)按钮。
要将视频添加到您的通话中,请点击底部的相机图标。(camera icon)
或者,您可以先与所有您想呼叫的人创建一个聊天组。(chat group)
如果您经常与同一个人通话,这会派上用场。从聊天(Chats)选项卡访问新聊天。(New Chat)
在“新聊天(New Chat)”窗口中,点击左上角的“新群聊”("New Group Chat")按钮。
Skype需要几秒钟来创建您的群组并添加您选择的人员。要与其他人开始Skype 音频(Skype audio)会议,请点击右上角的电话音频呼叫(Audio Call)按钮。
如果您想发起群组视频通话(group video call),请点击相机按钮(camera button)。
要在拨打电话之前将更多人添加到您的聊天组,请点击屏幕底部的“邀请更多人”按钮。("Invite More People")
要邀请其他人加入正在进行的通话,请点击通话屏幕(call screen)右下角的…(更多选项)(… (More options))按钮。
添加人员(Add people)的选项显示在屏幕的左下角。
如何在 iPhone 上使用Skype进行(Skype)音频和视频群组(audio and video group)通话
(Get Skype)在您的iPhone上(iPhone and launch)获取 Skype并启动它。点击屏幕底部的通话(Calls),然后按右上角的新通话(New Call) 电话按钮。(phone button)
或者,您可以通过按“聊天(Chats)”选项卡,然后按右上角显示的“新聊天”按钮来访问“(New Chat)新通话”按钮。(New Call)
您可以在顶部看到“新呼叫”(New Call)按钮。按下它可以开始新的通话。
如果您还想开始通话视频,请按通话屏幕(call screen)底部的摄像头图标(camera icon)。
您还可以在呼叫之前与所有您想呼叫的人创建一个聊天组。(chat group)如果您与相同的联系人定期会面,从长远来看,这可以节省您的时间。转到Skype中的“聊天”选项卡,然后点击右上角的“(Chats)新聊天(New Chat)”。
新建聊天(New Chat)窗口打开。从顶部的选项中按“新群聊”按钮。("New Group Chat")
下一个屏幕在列表中显示您的所有联系人。选择通话中的其他参与者,然后点击右上角(call and tap)的完成(Done)按钮。
你的Skype 组(Skype group)是由你选择的人创建的。要开始Skype 音频(Skype audio)会议,请点击右上角显示的电话按钮。(phone button)
要与其他人进行Skype 群组(Skype group) 视频通话(video call),请按相机按钮(camera button)。
屏幕底部的“邀请更多人”("Invite More People")按钮可让您在拨打电话之前将更多人添加到会议中。
如果通话已在进行中并且您忘记添加某人,请不要担心。点击右下角的…(更多选项)按钮。(… (More options))
这会在屏幕底部显示更多选项。点击添加人员(Add people)以将更多联系人添加到您正在进行的会议中。
如何从Mac进行 Skype(Mac)音频和视频群组(audio and video group)通话
下载并安装Skype for Mac,然后启动应用程序并使用您的凭据登录(app and sign)。
如果您想快速进行群组通话,请从(group call)Skype窗口的左侧访问通话(Calls),然后单击新通话(New Call)。
在“新呼叫”(New Call)窗口中,使用“搜索”(Search) 字段或滚动(field or scroll),然后通过单击他们的姓名来选择您希望在群组呼叫中加入的人。(group call)然后,按右上角的通话按钮。(Call)
要将视频添加到您的Skype 会议(Skype conference),请按窗口底部的网络摄像头图标。
您还可以在开始通话之前将所有您想要的人添加到聊天组(chat group)中,以确保每个人都做好准备。从联系人(Contacts)列表中,选择您要与之交谈的人之一。按聊天窗口(chat window)右上角的“创建新群组”("Create new group")按钮,开始将其他人添加到对话中。
Skype 在“添加到群组”("Add to Group") 弹出窗口(pop-up window)中列出您的所有联系人。在群组通话(group call)中找到您想要的人,选择他们,然后按完成(Done)。
您还可以转到 Skype 的“聊天(Chats)”选项卡来创建一个新组。单击新聊天会(New Chat)打开一个菜单。按“新群聊("New Group Chat)”。
这种方法允许您在下一页上插入组名称。(Group name)按下顶部的大相机可让您将图像分配给组。单击(Click)箭头转到下一页,您可以在其中将您想要的人员添加到您的会议中。
你也可以打开一个聊天对话(chat conversation),然后点击另一个联系人来抓取它。在不释放鼠标按钮(mouse button)的情况下,将名称从左侧拖到右侧打开的对话中。单击(Click)添加联系人(Add contact),您刚刚创建了一个新组。当您想将更多人添加到现有聊天会议(chat conference)时,这也很有用。
Skype会创建您闪亮的新群组,您可以开始通话。对于音频组Skype通话,单击聊天窗口(chat window)右上角的音频通话(Audio Call)。
要开始带视频的Skype 会议(Skype conference),请单击右上角的摄像头视频通话(Video Call)按钮。
要邀请更多人加入Skype 群组(Skype group),请使用可用的两个选项之一。
即使通话已经在进行中,也可以使用“将人员添加到通话”("Add people to the call")按钮添加更多人员。
您打算如何使用Skype 群组(Skype group)通话?
我们有时会在Skype(Skype)上使用群组电话来召开数字公民(Digital Citizen)团队会议,因为将每个人亲自聚集在一起可能是一项挑战。我们发现此 Skype 功能可以提供高质量(quality conference)的电话会议,而不会出现连接问题。你呢?您打算如何使用Skype 群组(Skype group)通话?你(Are)打算和你的朋友见面还是开个工作会议(work meeting)?在下面的评论部分让我们知道。
How to make audio and video group Skype calls (Windows, Android, iPhone, Mac)
Skype offers the option to make both audio and video groυp calls for free from multiple platforms. You can catсh up with your loved ones, even if they are far awaу, or take a businesѕ meeting without leaving your desk. And yоu don't need additional sоftware to bе part of a Skype group call, since this feature is built into the Skype apps for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS, аs well as Skype for Web. Read this tutorial to see how easy it is to make audio and video group calls with Skуpe:
NOTE: Skype lets you create audio and video group calls with people who use different computing platforms. Group calls can include people who have Skype installed on any PC or device.
First things first: About conference calls or group calls on Skype
With over 100 million monthly users, Skype is a popular app dedicated to keeping people in touch. Conference calls or group calls are one of Skype's most attractive features, and many users rely heavily on the app to get a hold of colleagues or to check on loved ones. As a cross-platform or multi-platform app, Skype can be used on most operating systems and devices, which makes it a comfortable choice. To make group calls, you can get the Skype app for Windows 10, Mac, Android, or iPhone. Skype for Web is another good option, because it saves you the hassle of downloading and installing the app. However, it only works with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
There are two types of group calls you can make on Skype: audio calls and video calls. While you can have up to 50 people in an audio call, the maximum number of streams on a Skype group video call depends on your platform and device. It might be a good idea to test your microphone and configure your webcam before entering any call, especially if you're on a tight schedule.
TIP: Skype calls can unlock useful features. For instance, you have to first be in a Skype call if you want to share your screen. To learn more about Skype screen sharing, read How to share the screen on Skype (Windows, Android, iPhone, Mac).
How to make Skype audio and video group calls in Windows 10
If you're using Windows 10 and you're new to Skype, our guide on How to use Skype on Windows 10 like a Pro should help you get started. Launch the Skype app on your Windows 10 computer or device. If this is the first time you're using Skype for calls, you might also want to configure its microphone and speakers first. The easiest way to make a group call is by accessing Calls from the left-hand side of your Skype window. Then, click or tap on New Call.
The New Call window pops up. You can use the Search field, and then select the people you want in your group call by clicking or tapping on their names. Once that is done, press the Call button in the upper-right corner.
Your Skype group voice call is initiated, and you can add a video feed to it even before the other participants answer by pressing the webcam icon at the bottom of the screen.
Another approach to a video or audio group call on Skype is adding all the people you want in a chat group before you start the call. That way, you can make sure everyone is present and ready before making the audio or video call. To do that, access the Contacts list, and then select one of the people you want to talk to.
The person you selected is the first member of your group call. You then need to add more participants to the conversation. Click or tap the "Create new group" button from the upper-right corner of the chat window.
Skype opens a pop-up called "Add to Group" listing all your contacts. Use the search field or scroll until you find the persons you want in your group call. Click or tap on their names to select them and press Done.
You can also create a chat group from Skype's Chats tab. Click or tap on New Chat to open a menu, and then press on "New Group Chat."
With this approach, you can also insert a Group name on the next page. Press the large camera on top of the group's name to assign an image to the group. Click or tap on Next to reach the page where you add the people you want to the group.
TIP: If you are using the desktop Skype app instead of the UWP app that comes preinstalled with Windows 10, you can also drag and drop a contact's name from the left-hand side into another open chat conversation on the right, and then choose Add contact from the pop-up that appears. This automatically creates a new group. You can also use this action to include more people in an existing chat group.
Regardless of the method you chose, Skype takes a moment to create your shiny new group.
Once everyone is in, you can start your call. To start an audio call with your group, click or tap the Audio Call button from the top-right corner of the window.
To start a video call with your Skype group, click or tap on the camera-looking Video Call button from the top-right corner.
You can always invite more people to a Skype group by using the two available options.
You also get the option to "Add people to the call," even if the call is already in progress.
How to make audio and video group calls with Skype for Web in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge
Skype for Web was designed to offer the same experience as the downloadable version from inside your browser tab. You have to use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge to access the Skype for Web page and sign in with your credentials.
It might take a few moments, but the familiar Skype interface should load in your Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge tab. To make a fast group call, access Calls, and then press the New Call button.
In the New Call window, use the Search field or scroll to find the contacts you want to call. Press on the names of the people you want in your group call to select them. Then, press the Call button in the upper-right corner.
This initiates a Skype group voice call. You can add video to it by pressing the webcam icon at the bottom of the screen.
You can also create a new chat group first, and then start a call. To do that, in the Contacts tab, find one of the persons you want to call. Press on their name to open a chat, and then "Create new group" by clicking or tapping the button in the upper right corner
Select one or more contacts from the list and press Done.
In Skype for Web, you can also create a new group by dragging and dropping another contact into your open chat window, and then pressing Add contact from the ensuing pop-up.
Another way to create a chat group before calling is from the Chats tab in Skype for Web. Access it, press the New Chat button, and then "New group chat."
In the "New Group Chat" window, you can type in a name for your group. Click or tap the camera on top of the name field if you want to assign an image to your conference. Then, press Next.
This opens the "Create new group" window where you can select the people you want in your chat group, and then press Done.
It takes Skype a few moments to create the new conversation, and you can then start your call. Press the Audio Call button from the top-right corner of the window to initiate an audio call with your group.
If you want to start a call with video, click or tap on Video Call.
While the "Invite More People" button at the bottom is no longer available while a group call is in progress, the icon for more people remains in the upper right area at all times, and you can use it in case you forgot a participant.
How to make Skype audio and video group calls from an Android smartphone
Use the Google Play Store to install Skype on your Android smartphone or tablet, and then launch the app. Access the Calls tab at the bottom of the screen and press the New Call button in the lower-right corner.
You can also access the New Call button from Skype's Chats tab. Tap on the pencil New Chat button in the lower-right corner.
The New Call button is displayed on top. Tap on it to start a new call.
On the next screen, Skype shows you a list of all your contacts. Search or scroll to find the people you want to add to your group. As you tap on contacts to select them, the ones added to the call are marked accordingly and can be seen on top. When you are done, tap the Call button.
To add video to your call, tap the camera icon at the bottom.
Alternatively, you can first create a chat group with all the people you want to call.
This comes in handy if you have regular calls with the same people. Access New Chat from the Chats tab.
In the New Chat window, tap on the "New Group Chat" button on the top left.
Enter a name for the new group that you are creating, and then tap the arrow Next button. If you want, you can also assign an image to the group by pressing the camera displayed above the group's name.
You should see a list of your contacts on the next screen. Tap all the people you want in your group to select them, and then press Done in the top-right corner.
It takes a few seconds for Skype to create your group and add the people you selected. To start a Skype audio conference with the others, tap on the phone Audio Call button in the top right corner.
If you want to initiate a group video call, tap on the camera button instead.
To add more people to your chat group before making the call, tap the "Invite More People" button at the bottom of the screen.
To invite other people to a call in progress, tap on the … (More options) button in the lower-right corner of your call screen.
The option to Add people is displayed in the bottom-left corner of your screen.
How to make audio and video group calls using Skype on an iPhone
Get Skype on your iPhone and launch it. Tap on Calls at the bottom of the screen, and then press the New Call phone button in the upper-right corner.
Alternatively, you can access the New Call button by pressing on the Chats tab, and then on the New Chat button displayed in the upper-right corner.
You can see the New Call button on top. Press on it to start a new call.
You can now see all your contacts in a list. Find the people you want to add to your group and select them. Then, tap the Call button in the upper right corner.
If you want to also start video for your call, press the camera icon at the bottom of the call screen.
You can also create a chat group with all the people you want to call before calling. If you have regular meetings with the same contacts, this can save you time in the long run. Go to the Chats tab in Skype and tap on New Chat in the upper right corner.
The New Chat window opens. Press on the "New Group Chat" button from the options on top.
Insert a name for your new group and tap the arrow button. To assign an image to the group, press the camera displayed on top.
The next screen displays all your contacts in a list. Select the other participants in your call and tap on the Done button in the upper-right corner.
Your Skype group is created with the people you selected. To begin a Skype audio conference, tap on the phone button displayed in the upper-right corner.
For a Skype group video call with the others, press the camera button.
The "Invite More People" button at the bottom of the screen lets you add more people to the conference before making your call.
If a call is already in progress and there's someone you forgot to add, don't worry. Tap on the … (More options) button in the lower-right corner.
This reveals more options at the bottom of the screen. Tap on Add people to include more contacts into your ongoing conference.
How to make Skype audio and video group calls from your Mac
Download and install Skype for Mac, and then launch the app and sign in with your credentials.
If you want to make a group call fast, access Calls from the left-hand side of your Skype window and click on New Call.
In the New Call window, use the Search field or scroll and then select the people you want in your group call by clicking on their names. Then, press the Call button in the upper-right corner.
To add video to your Skype conference, press the webcam icon at the bottom of the window.
You can also add all the people you want in a chat group before you start the call to make sure everyone is prepared. From the Contacts list, select one of the people you want to talk to. Press the "Create new group" button from the upper-right corner of the chat window to begin adding others to the conversation.
Skype lists all your contacts in the "Add to Group" pop-up window. Find the persons you want in your group call, select them, and press Done.
You can also go to Skype's Chats tab to create a new group. Clicking on New Chat opens a menu. Press "New Group Chat."
This approach allows you to insert a Group name on the next page. Pressing the large camera on top lets you assign an image to the group. Click on the arrow to go to the next page, where you add the people you want to your conference.
You can also open a chat conversation, then click on another contact to grab it. Without releasing the mouse button, drag the name from the left-hand side into the open conversation to the right. Click on Add contact, and you just created a new group. This is also useful when you want to add more people to an existing chat conference.
Skype creates your shiny new group, and you can start your call. For audio group Skype calls, click on Audio Call from the upper-right corner of the chat window.
To begin a Skype conference with video, click the camera Video Call button from the top-right corner.
To invite more people to a Skype group, use either of the two options available.
Even if the call is already in progress, more people can be added with the "Add people to the call" button.
How do you plan to use Skype group calls?
We sometimes use group calls on Skype for our Digital Citizen team meetings, as bringing everyone together in person can be a challenge. We found this Skype feature to offer good quality conference calls without connection problems. What about you? How do you plan to use Skype group calls? Are you going to catch up with your friends or have a work meeting? Let us know in the comments section below.