今天有人(anyone today)不想要免费无线网络(Wi-Fi)吗?随着互联网成为绝对必需品,Wi-Fi在办公室、商场、咖啡店甚至公园等公共场所变得越来越普遍。虽然其中一些是开放的,但其他一些需要特殊权限才能登录到网络并连接(network and connect)到 Internet。
在本文中,我们将讨论一种流行的Wi-Fi 热点(Wi-Fi hotspot)设备,它允许注册用户随时随地连接到互联网(internet anytime)。它被称为Xfinity WiFi,在世界各地用于在重要的公共场所提供互联网连接。现在,这项服务不是(service isn)免费的。您需要支付订阅费用以换取允许您连接到网络的有效用户名和密码。(username and password)
但是,从标题中可以看出,我们不会那样做。相反,我们将教您如何破解Xfinity Wi-Fi热点,以便您可以免费使用该服务。我们知道互联网和 Wi-Fi(internet and Wi-Fi)应该已经免费提供,但在那一天到来之前,您可以使用这个技巧来完成工作。
如何破解 Xfinity WiFi 热点?(How To Hack Xfinity WiFi Hotspots?)
什么是 Xfinity WiFi 热点?(What is Xfinity WiFi Hotspot?)
Xfinity Wi-Fi是(Wi-Fi)Comcast Cable Communication开发的一款流行的Wi-Fi 热点(Wi-Fi hotspot)设备。这些设备安装在您可能需要使用互联网的城市周围的各个重要地方。因此,它提供了您可以连接的Wi-Fi 热点(Wi-Fi hotspot),这大大增加了您的便利性。您的工作不会因移动网络不佳而受到影响。(t suffer)
它也比您通常在机场、咖啡馆等处发现的其他公共Wi-Fi安全得多。您可以共享您的个人数据,而不必担心数据被盗或侵犯(theft or invasion)隐私。现在,我们来看看Xfinity Wi-Fi Hotspots的登录流程。
如何连接到 Xfinity WiFi 热点?(How to connect to an Xfinity WiFi Hotspot?)
如前所述,Xfinity Wi-Fi热点仅允许注册用户使用他们的服务。您需要拥有有效的用户名和密码(username and password)才能登录他们的网络。现在,获得相同的合法方式是购买订阅计划(subscription plan)。您可以创建一个帐户并为其服务付费并注册为授权用户。
但是,我们不是来做这件事的。毕竟,您为什么要为可以免费获得的东西付费?在下一节中,我们将讨论一些可以用来访问免费无限互联网的巧妙技巧。所以,事不宜迟,让我们(delay let)开始吧。
破解 Xfinity Wi-Fi 热点的 2 种方法?(2 Ways to Hack Xfinity Wi-Fi Hotspots?)
有几种方法可以破解Xfinity Wi-Fi热点。您可以使用Psiphon等应用程序绕过登录页面(login page),也可以利用免费的一小时免费通行证并反复使用它来保持与网络的连接。在本节中,我们将讨论这两种方法。我们将从Psiphon 应用程序(Psiphon app)开始,因为它更简单,并且不像后者那样需要 root。
方法一:使用赛风 App 破解 Xfinity Wi-Fi 热点(Method 1: Using Psiphon App to hack Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots)
如前所述,Xfinity Wi-Fi热点需要有效的用户名和密码(username and password)才能登录其网络。当您连接到Xfinity 热点(Xfinity hotspot)时,您会被自动重定向到要求您输入凭据的登录页面。(login page)如果不登录,您将无法访问互联网。
现在,最好的解决方法是使用名为Psiphon的应用程序。它将帮助您绕过安全登录页面(secure login page)并连接到网络。它简单易用,不需要任何特殊的准备,如生根。您需要做的就是按照下面给出的步骤来学习如何使用Psiphon破解(Psiphon)Xfinity Wi-Fi热点。
1. 您需要做的第一件事是在您的设备上下载赛风( Psiphon)应用程序。
2. 现在连接到 Xfinity Wi-Fi 热点(connect to the Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot),并在您的屏幕上弹出登录选项卡时将其最小化。(minimize the login tab)
3. 之后,启动赛风( launch the Psiphon)应用程序。
4. 现在,您将被要求从“隧道整个设备(Tunnel whole device)”和“仅赛风(Psiphon)”中进行选择。
5. 如果询问,您需要选择“隧道整个设备(Tunnel whole device)”选项,然后点击开始(Start)。
6.坐下(Sit)来等待赛风(Psiphon)完成它的工作。它将检测您连接的任何Wi-Fi 网络并绕过其(Wi-Fi network)隐私配置(privacy configuration)。
7. 完成后,您会在通知面板中看到一个闪烁的“ (blinking ‘)P ”图标。
8. 就这样,你完成了。您现在可以连接到此网络并访问(network and access)Internet。
方法 2:使用免费小时通行证黑客(Method 2: Using the Complimentary Hour Pass Hack)
如果您是第一次使用 Xfinity Wi-Fi 热点(Wi-Fi hotspot),那么您有权免费获得一小时通行证以连接到网络并使用互联网。此通行证在一天内仅适用于特定设备一次。您也可以在第二天再次连接一小时,但在那之后,您将在一年内无法获得此免费通行证。
但是,如果您尝试使用不同的设备连接到同一网络,则可以获得此通行证。这意味着每台首次连接到Xfinity Wi-Fi 热点的设备都将获得免费的一小时通行证。(Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot)这正是我们要利用的。我们将欺骗系统,让它相信你的手机每隔一小时都是新设备。这样,您将继续获得免费通行证,并可以无限期地继续使用互联网。
任何 Wi-Fi 网络都使用其MAC 地址(MAC address)识别设备。如果您更改MAC 地址(MAC address),Xfinity Wi-Fi 热点(Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot)会将您的手机视为新设备。但是,您的MAC 地址是由(MAC address)设备制造商(device manufacturer)分配的,不能像那样更改。您将需要一些特殊应用程序的帮助并根植您的设备(root your device)以更改MAC 地址(MAC address)。下面给出了相同的分步指南。
1. 您需要做的第一件事是连接到 Xfinity WiFi 热点(connect to an Xfinity WiFi hotspot)。
2. 现在,一旦登录页面(login page)打开,选择“ Not an Xfinity Internet Customer ”。这将带您进入适用于新用户的注册页面。
3. 在这里,点击注册(Sign-up)按钮。
4. 如果这是您第一次(理想情况下应该是),您将有资格获得免费的一小时免费通行证。开始使用它。( you will be eligible for the complimentary free one-hour pass. Start using that.)
5. 第一个小时完成后,系统将提示您购买订阅(you will be prompted to purchase a subscription)以继续使用互联网。
6.忽略此消息(Ignore this message),因为我们现在将从实际的 hack 开始。
7. 如前所述,我们将通过更改MAC 地址(MAC address)并使其相信它提供免费通行证来欺骗Xfinity Wi-Fi热点。(Xfinity Wi-Fi)
9. 之后,从 Play 商店下载MAC 地址转换器应用程序。( MAC address changer)
10. 现在在启动应用程序之前,请确保(make sure)您仍然连接到 Xfinity Wi-Fi 热点(connected to the Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot)。
11.当您启动应用程序时,它将显示您当前的MAC地址(MAC address)。向下滚动后,您将看到“生成随机 MAC(Generate Random MAC) ”按钮。
12.点击它(Tap on it),应用程序将为您的设备生成一个新的假 MAC 地址(new fake MAC address)。
13. 现在您可以选择“硬更改(Hard change)”选项(” option),用假的 MAC 地址永久替换原始 MAC 地址(replace the original MAC address with the fake one)。但是,没有必要这样做。您只需选择“简单更改(Simple change)”选项(” option),它就会为您的设备临时设置这个新的MAC 地址。(MAC address)
14.更改MAC 地址(MAC address)后,您将收到一条确认消息(confirmation message)。
15. 之后,您可以进行 Wi-Fi 设置并将其关闭(turn it OFF)。
16. 现在再次打开(switch it ON)并连接到 Xfinity Wi-Fi 热点(connect to an Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot)。
17.登录页面( login page)将在几秒钟后打开。
18. 现在,只需重复前几个步骤并选择注册为新用户(Sign up as a new user)。
20. 你会看到你将再次获得免费的免费一小时通行证(complimentary free one-hour pass again)。
21.因此,您现在需要做的就是每隔一小时不断更改MAC地址,( keep changing the MAC address after every one hour)并继续利用免费的一小时通行证无限期地继续使用互联网。
现在,这无疑是破解Xfinity WiFi热点的聪明方法。但是,有几个缺点。首先,MAC 地址转换器应用程序需要 root 访问权限,这意味着您需要 root 设备(Firstly, the MAC address changer app requires root access which means you need to root your device)才能使用此 hack。生根您的设备会使您的保修无效,如果您在生根时出错,也有可能使您的设备变砖。因此,只有在您对Android 系统(Android system)有经验的情况下才使用此方法。其次,您必须每隔一小时手动更改MAC 地址。(MAC address)您还需要注意在设置新MAC 地址时不要两次使用相同的(MAC address)邮政编码(ZIP code). 如果您注意这几点,您就可以成功破解Xfinity WiFi热点。
- 如何在 Outlook 中撤回电子邮件?
- 如何在Windows、macOS、iOS 和 Android上(iOS & Android)查看已保存的 WiFi 密码(View Saved WiFi Passwords)
- 适用于Android的15 个最佳 WiFi 黑客应用(Best WiFi Hacking Apps)程序(2021 年)
- 如何在Whatsapp 状态上发布或(Whatsapp Status)上传长视频(Upload Long Video)?
有了这个,我们就到了这篇关于如何破解Xfinity WiFi热点的文章的结尾。随时随地访问免费互联网将很快成为现实。它已成为如此重要的商品,以至于免费开放的WiFi热点如雨后春笋般涌现。但是,仍然有很多付费的,例如Xfinity WiFi热点。这就是为什么我们想出了这些巧妙的技巧来破解Xfinity WiFi热点并免费连接到他们的网络。这是一个很好的解决方法,可以保证始终访问高速互联网。因此,如果您在当地或您的工作地点有足够的Xfinity WiFi热点,您可以使用这些黑客技术,而无需再为互联网付费。
How To Quickly Hack Xfinity WiFi Hotspots?
Is there anyone today who wouldn’t want free Wi-Fi? With the internet becoming an absolute necessity, Wi-Fі is becoming quite common in public spаces like offices, malls, coffee shops, and even in parkѕ. While some of these are open, others need special permissіon to log on to the network and connect to the іnternet.
In this article, we are going to discuss one popular Wi-Fi hotspot device that allows registered users to connect to the internet anytime and anywhere. It is called the Xfinity WiFi and is used all around the world to provide internet connection in important public spaces. Now, this service isn’t free. You are required to pay a subscription in exchange for a valid username and password that will allow you to connect to the network.
However, as is evident from the title, we aren’t going to do that. Instead, we are going to teach you how to hack Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots so that you can use the service for free. We know the internet and Wi-Fi should be made free already but until that day arrives, you can use this trick to get the job done.
Note: Before moving forward, do understand that this is only for educational purposes. If you actually go through with this, you may be viable to pay damages to the company.
How To Hack Xfinity WiFi Hotspots?
What is Xfinity WiFi Hotspot?
Xfinity Wi-Fi is a popular Wi-Fi hotspot device developed by Comcast Cable Communication. These devices are set up in various important places around the city where you might need to use the internet. Therefore, it provides Wi-Fi hotspots that you can connect to and this significantly adds to your convenience. Your work won’t suffer due to poor mobile network.
It is also much safer than other public Wi-Fi that you would usually find at airports, cafes, etc. You can share your personal data without worrying about data theft or invasion of privacy. Now, let’s take a look at the login procedure of Xfinity Wi-Fi Hotspots.
How to connect to an Xfinity WiFi Hotspot?
As mentioned earlier, Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots only allow registered users to avail their services. You need to have a valid username and password in order to sign in to their network. Now, the legal way to acquire the same is to purchase a subscription plan. You can create an account and pay for their services and get registered as an authorized user.
However, we are not here to do that. After all, why would you pay for something that you can get for free? In the next section, we are going to discuss some clever hacks that you can use to gain access to free unlimited internet. So, without any further delay let’s get started.
2 Ways to Hack Xfinity Wi-Fi Hotspots?
There are a couple of ways to hack Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots. You can either bypass the login page by using apps like Psiphon or exploit the complimentary one-hour free pass and use it repeatedly to stay connected to the network. In this section, we will be discussing both these methods. We will be starting off with the Psiphon app as it is simpler and does not require root unlike the latter.
Method 1: Using Psiphon App to hack Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots
As mentioned earlier, Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots require a valid username and password to sign in to their network. When you connect to an Xfinity hotspot, you are automatically redirected to the login page where you are asked to enter your credentials. Without signing in, you won’t be able to access the internet.
Now, the best workaround is to use an app called Psiphon. It will help you bypass the secure login page and get you connected to the network. It is simple and easy to use and does not require any special preparation like rooting. All that you need to do is follow the steps given below to learn how to hack Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots using Psiphon.
1. The first thing that you need to do is download the Psiphon app on your device.
2. Now connect to the Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot and minimize the login tab when it pops up on your screen.
3. After that, launch the Psiphon app.
4. Now, you will be asked to choose from “Tunnel whole device” and “Psiphon only”.
5. If asked then you need to select the “Tunnel whole device” option and then tap on Start.
6. Sit back and wait for Psiphon to do its job. It will detect whichever Wi-Fi network you are connected to and bypass its privacy configuration.
7. Upon completion, you will see a blinking ‘P’ icon in your notification panel.
8. That’s it, you are done. You can now connect to this network and access the internet.
Method 2: Using the Complimentary Hour Pass Hack
If you are using an Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot for the first time then you are entitled to a free one-hour pass to connect to the network and use the internet. This pass works only once for a particular device in a day. You can connect again for one hour the next day as well but after that, you won’t get this complimentary pass for a year.
You can, however, get this pass if you try connecting to the same network with a different device. This means that every device that is connecting to the Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot for the first time, gets a complimentary one-hour pass. This is precisely what we are going to exploit. We are going to trick the system to make it believe that your phone is a new device after every hour. This way, you will keep getting the free pass and can continue to use the internet indefinitely.
Any Wi-Fi network recognizes a device using its MAC address. If you change your MAC address then the Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot will treat your phone as a new device. However, your MAC address is assigned by the device manufacturer and can’t be changed just like that. You will need the help of some special apps and also root your device in order to change the MAC address. Given below is the step-wise guide for the same.
1. The first thing that you need to do is connect to an Xfinity WiFi hotspot.
2. Now, once the login page opens select the “Not an Xfinity Internet Customer”. This will take you to the sign-up page that is meant for a new user.
3. Here, tap on the Sign-up button.
4. If this is your first time (which ideally it should be) you will be eligible for the complimentary free one-hour pass. Start using that.
5. Once the first hour is completed you will be prompted to purchase a subscription in order to continue using the internet.
6. Ignore this message as we would now begin with the actual hack.
7. As mentioned earlier, we will be tricking Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspots by changing the MAC address and making it believe that it is providing the complimentary pass.
8. For that, you need to first root your device.
9. After that, download the MAC address changer app from the Play store.
10. Now before you launch the app, make sure that you are still connected to the Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot.
11. When you launch the app, it will show your present MAC address. Once you scroll down you will see the “Generate Random MAC” button.
12. Tap on it and the app will generate a new fake MAC address for your device.
13. Now you have the option to permanently replace the original MAC address with the fake one by selecting the “Hard change” option. However, there is no need for that. You can simply select the “Simple change” option and it will set this new MAC address temporarily for your device.
14. You will get a confirmation message once the MAC address has been changed.
15. After that, you can proceed to the Wi-Fi settings and turn it OFF.
16. Now switch it ON again and connect to an Xfinity Wi-Fi hotspot.
17. The login page will open after a few seconds.
18. Now, simply repeat the first few steps and select to Sign up as a new user.
20. You will see that you will get the complimentary free one-hour pass again.
21. Therefore, all you need to do now is to keep changing the MAC address after every one hour and keep exploiting the free one-hour pass to continue using the internet indefinitely.
Now, this is surely a clever way to hack Xfinity WiFi hotspots. However, there are a couple of drawbacks. Firstly, the MAC address changer app requires root access which means you need to root your device in order to use this hack. Rooting your device nullifies your warranty and there is also a chance to brick your device if you make a mistake while rooting. Therefore, go for this method only if you are experienced with the Android system. Secondly, you will have to manually change the MAC address continuously after every hour. You also need to be careful that you are not using the same ZIP code twice while setting the new MAC address. If you take care of these few pointers you can successfully hack Xfinity WiFi hotspots.
With that, we come to the end of this article on how to hack Xfinity WiFi hotspots. Getting access to free internet anywhere and anytime is going to be a reality soon. It has become such an important commodity that free open WiFi hotspots are springing up everywhere. However, there are still quite a few paid ones out there like Xfinity WiFi hotspots. That is why we have come up with these clever tricks to hack Xfinity WiFi hotspots and connect to their network for free. It is a great workaround that guarantees access to high-speed internet at all times. So, if you have sufficient, Xfinity WiFi hotspots in your locality or at your place of work, you can use these hacks and never pay for the internet again.