Instagram最初可能是一个照片共享应用程序,但它已经迅速发展。今天,视频内容在Instagram 上(Instagram)的表现要好于照片,尤其是故事。
如果您想学习如何免费制作Instagram动画故事,我们将带您了解基础知识。您还可以使用这些提示将您的照片转换为 Feed 中的动画版本。
- 为什么视频故事比照片更好
- 本教程需要什么软件
- 如何将Instagram 照片(Instagram photo)变成带音乐的视频
- 如何将多个图像变成幻灯片式视频(slideshow style video)
- 如何上传到包含主题标签的Instagram
为什么视频和动画故事比照片更好(Are Videos and Animated Stories Better Than Photos)?
当您在故事中添加主题标签时,它有机会出现在该特定主题标签的故事提要中。(story feed)但是,Instagram在幕后有一些秘密评分系统,可以确定您的故事是否会被展示。(scoring system)
最重要的是,视频内容(video content)在保持关注者参与方面要好得多。如果您关心制作高质量的内容(quality content),那么使用本教程非常有意义。
我们建议使用HitFilm Express来完成此任务,但如果您已经拥有视频编辑工具,则可以使用它。
HitFilm Express是一款功能强大的视频编辑工具,完全免费使用,但您可以付费购买更多效果和样式。您必须输入电子邮件并创建帐户才能访问下载链接(download link)。
如果您对第一次接触视频编辑工具感到担心,请不要担心,这很简单。(t get)我(t get)将带您完成本特定教程所需的所有步骤,以免您在此过程中迷失方向。
如果您想制作更复杂的动画视频,您可能需要使用照片编辑工具。您可以选择免费的 Photoshop 7 天试用版(free Photoshop 7 day trial),也可以使用GIMP。在本教程中,我们将使用GIMP,一个完全免费的开源图像编辑器(source image editor)。
如何将Instagram 照片变成(Instagram Photo Into)带音乐(Music)的视频(Video)
学习如何将Instagram 照片(Instagram photo)变成带有音乐的视频是我看到的最受欢迎的图像编辑指南之一。我们将在下面介绍以下步骤。
- 如何使用Hitfilm Express创建动画视频
- 如何确保视频的长度合适(15 秒以下)
- 如何确保视频尺寸正确 (9:16)
- 如何获取和添加音乐
- 如何添加特殊效果
第 1 步:创建照片
这一切都始于选择您想要变成动画视频的照片。在本教程中,我们将创建一个故事来宣传我们的英特尔 CPU 比较文章(Intel CPU comparison article)。
您必须确保您的照片尺寸和分辨率(size and resolution)正确。如果它已经准备好 Instagram(Instagram ready),您可以跳过此步骤。(you can skip this step. )
对于Instagram Stories,分辨率是翻转的。因此,不是 1920 x 1080 16:9,而是 1080 x 1920 9:16。换句话说,它是纵向分辨率(portrait resolution),而不是横向(landscape one)分辨率。
如果您使用自己的照片,最简单的选择是裁剪或仅以纵向模式拍照(portrait mode)。在线采购照片时,您需要编辑尺寸。这可以通过两个快速步骤完成。
接下来,单击图像选择工具,然后单击并拖动(click and drag)图像的主要区域。您很可能需要裁剪侧面的区域。
接下来,按Ctrl+X。这将剪切选定的区域。之后,单击左上角的File ,然后单击(File)New,然后将参数设置为 1080 宽度和 1920 高度。
之后,按Ctrl+V - 您的照片现在将位于适当大小的区域中。
首先是一些文本,以便追随者可以获得一些上下文。您可以使用“A”文本工具 (1) 添加文本。使用右侧的框 (2) 调整字体大小,使用最左侧的框更改字体类型 (3)。
角落里的黑色小方块是用来选择文字颜色(text color)的。完成输入后,使用移动工具(move tool)(4) 将文本框(text box)拖动到更合适的位置。
幸运的是,我们可以通过在图像的顶部和底部添加黑条来解决这个问题。Instagram 上的整体(Instagram)图像尺寸(image size)看起来会更小,我们甚至可以在该区域隐藏一些主题标签。稍后再谈。
要创建黑条,首先选择矩形选择工具 (1),然后在图像顶部创建一个矩形。然后(Afterward)选择油漆桶工具(paint bucket tool)(2)。单击(Click)以填充区域 (3)。如果颜色不是黑色,您可以使用颜色选择工具 (4) 更改颜色。
在底部重复此过程。如果你愿意,你也可以在主要的白色区域使用绘画工具(paint tool)来使图像活跃一点。之后,你应该有一些看起来像这样的东西。
现在是时候保存图像并继续前进了。单击(Click) 文件(File)>导出(Export)并找到合适的位置,以便您以后轻松找到它。
导出时,请确保在文件名(file name)末尾添加.PNG ,以便将其保存为正确的文件类型(right file type)。
第 2 步(Step 2):将照片(Photo Into)变成视频(Video)
现在是时候在Hitfilm Express 视频(Hitfilm Express video)编辑软件中打开您的照片了。我们将指导您完成以下每个步骤。
登录后,单击文件(File),然后单击页面顶部的新建。(New)在项目设置页面上,向下滚动模板选择器并单击(template selector and click) 自定义(Custom)。
接下来,确保您的设置反映了我们在下面选择的内容。最后,点击开始编辑(Start Editing)。
- 修剪器——本教程不需要。
- 媒体和效果面板——您可以使用它来导入照片、音乐、视频和添加效果。
- 时间线——您可以使用它来编辑照片/视频的长度并调整整个项目的长度。
- 查看器——(viewer –)在这里您可以看到正在编辑的内容的实时视图。
从媒体和效果面板中,拖动您的图像并将(image and place)其放入时间线面板。您现在将开始您的视频项目(video project)。
现在,默认情况下,视频应该播放大约 4 秒。我们可以将它增加到 14 秒。Instagram 快(Instagram)拍有 15 秒的限制,但如果超过该时间哪怕只有一毫秒,也无法使用。
要更改照片在视频中播放的时长,请在时间线面板中右键单击它,然后单击(panel and click) Speed/Duration。
您可以将Speed/Duration tab中的持续时间选项(duration option)调整为 14 秒。之后,单击“确定(OK)”以应用更改。您现在将拥有完整的Instagram 故事(Instagram story)。是时候添加一些效果了!
您可以玩很多效果,其中大部分是免费的。要测试效果,只需单击并将效果拖到时间轴中的照片中。添加效果后,按播放(press play)即可在查看器面板(viewer panel)中查看。如果您不喜欢某个效果,请按Ctrl+Z撤消它。
许多效果只是为您的照片添加了一个基本的滤镜,这有点无聊。如果您想要动画效果,请在Warp、Grunge、Quick 3D和Particles & Simulation 文件夹(Particles & Simulation folders)中查找效果。
这是我们制作的一个例子。它是使用Quick 3D选项卡下的(Quick 3D)Sparks效果创建的。在这种效果下,看起来处理器芯片(processor chip)会发出火花。
如果您想添加音乐,您必须找到 .MP3 文件或其他音频文件。网上有许多免费资源可用于免版税音乐,如果您经营企业,应该使用这些资源。或者,您可以使用受版权保护的材料,只要它属于合理使用范围。
导入音乐后,将其拖到时间线中。音频可能超过 14 秒,因此您需要对此进行调整。时间线面板(timeline panel)中有两个工具可用于完成此操作。
要在时间线中编辑音频 (3),您可以使用切片工具(slice tool)(2) 将音频剪切成两个单独的部分。切割后,使用移动工具(move tool)(1) 选择每个部分。您可以按键盘上的“删除”来删除您不想要(t want)的任何部分。使用移动工具(Move tool)(1) 单击音频并将其拖动到时间线上的新位置。
您可能需要听音频以找到要使用的最佳 14 秒块。这是您的时间线在编辑音频后的样子。
如果您希望音频淡出,请转到媒体和效果(Effects)面板上的效果选项卡。接下来,滚动浏览效果并找到Transitions – Audio 文件夹。点击(Click)打开它。找到淡入淡出(Fade) 选项,然后单击(option and click)并将其拖动到时间线中音频剪辑的末尾。
使用Hitfilm Express制作(Hitfilm Express)幻灯片风格(slideshow style video)的视频非常容易。使用时间线中的移动工具(move tool),突出显示照片剪辑的结尾并拖动(photo clip and drag)以减小其大小。
接下来,使用媒体和效果面板中的导入选项(import option)添加更多照片。您甚至可以添加视频。单击(Click)并将您的图像和照片拖动到您的时间轴。
执行此操作时,您将看到如下所示的内容。您可以使用时间线面板中的移动工具(move tool)来调整每个剪辑的长度。媒体/效果面板上的效果选项卡中还有一个效果,可用于淡出每张幻灯片。
下一步是导出新视频。为此,请单击 时间线面板最右侧的导出按钮。(Export)接下来,单击内容(Contents)。
为确保它适合Instagram,您需要创建一个新的自定义导出预设(custom export preset)。寻找屏幕左侧的预设选项卡。(Preset)在此选项卡上,单击新建预设(New Preset)。接下来,单击MPEG-4 (.mp4)。
接下来,将目光转向队列(Queue)面板。您会发现您的项目已准备好在此处导出。单击(Click)预设(Preset)部分的下拉框,然后选择您刚刚创建的预设。最后,单击Queue 面板(Queue panel)底部的Start Exporting按钮。
您的视频现在将开始导出。导出后,您将在“队列”面板的“(Queue panel)输出(Output)”字段中获得一个链接。您可以单击它在计算机上找到您的视频。
将您的新动画故事(New Animated Story)上传到 Instagram
现在我们有了您的视频,只需几个步骤即可在Instagram 上(Instagram)获取它。这是剩下要做的事情。
- 将视频传输到您的设备
- 将其添加到您的故事中
- 添加主题标签
有多种方法可以将新视频传输到智能手机。最简单的方法是使用云照片(cloud photo)应用程序,例如 iOS 上的 iCloud或Android上的Google Photos(iOS or Google Photos)。或者,您可以通过USB传输它。
在智能手机上获得文件后,就可以将其上传到您的Instagram 帐户(Instagram account)了。在Instagram中,点击左上角的相机按钮(camera button)或您的故事(Your Story)按钮。
接下来,点击左下方的小照片卷轴按钮。(photo reel button)您现在可以找到并选择您创建的视频。
如果您想在新故事中获得更多曝光,您最多可以添加 10 个相关主题标签(relevant hashtags)。
点击顶部的文本按钮,然后输入#example。(text button)只需(Just)将示例替换为最合适的主题标签即可。
您可以将文本颜色(text color)更改为黑色,然后将文本拖到故事中的黑色区域。这使您可以在隐藏标签的同时包含主题标签。
How to Make Animated Instagram Stories For Free
Instagram may have started as a phоto sharing apр, but it has quickly evolved. Today, video content does far better on Instagrаm than photos dо, especially for storiеs.
If you’d like to learn how to make animated Instagram stories for free, we’ll take you through the basics. You can also use these tips to turn your photos into animated versions in your feed.
Here is an overview of what we will cover:
- Why video stories are better than photos
- What software you need for this tutorial
- How to turn an Instagram photo into a video with music
- How to turn multiple images into a slideshow style video
- How to upload to Instagram with hashtags included
Why Are Videos and Animated Stories Better Than Photos?
We’re not sure what Instagram’s exact algorithms are, but video stories seem to perform far better than photo stories.
When you add a hashtag in your story, it has a chance to appear in the story feed for that particular hashtag. However, Instagram has some secret scoring system behind the scenes that determines whether your story will be shown or not.
In my tests, video stories always have a better chance to get featured than photo stories. This is great news because more featured stories means more impressions and potentially more followers.
On top of this, video content is far better at keeping your followers engaged. If you care about making quality content, it makes perfect sense to use this tutorial.
Recommended Free Software for This Tutorial
We suggest using HitFilm Express for this task, but if you have a video editing tool already, you can use that instead.
HitFilm Express is a powerful video editing tool and it’s completely free to use, although you can pay for more effects and styles. You must enter an email and create an account to get access to the download link.
If you’re apprehensive about getting your hands on a video editing tool for the first time, don’t worry, it’s quite straightforward. I’ll take you through all of the steps needed for this particular tutorial so that you don’t get lost along the way.
If you’d like to make more complex animated videos, you may need to use a photo editing tool. You can either opt for a free Photoshop 7 day trial, or use GIMP. In this tutorial, we’ll be using GIMP, a completely free open source image editor.
How to Turn an Instagram Photo Into a Video with Music
Learning how to turn an Instagram photo into a video with music is easily one of the most requested image editing guides I see. We’ll be covering the following steps below.
- How to use Hitfilm Express to create an animated video
- How to make sure the video is the right length (under 15 seconds)
- How to ensure the video is the right dimensions (9:16)
- How to source and add music
- How to add special effects
Step 1: Creating the Photo
It all starts with picking the photo you’d like to turn into an animated video. For this tutorial we’ll be creating a story to promote our Intel CPU comparison article.
You must make sure your photo is the right size and resolution. If it’s already Instagram ready, you can skip this step.
For Instagram Stories, the resolution is flipped. So, instead of 1920 x 1080 16:9 it is 1080 x 1920 9:16. In other words, it’s a portrait resolution, not a landscape one.
If you are using your own photos, the easiest option is to crop it or just take a photo in portrait mode. When sourcing photos online, you’ll need to edit the dimensions. This can be done in two quick steps.
First, take your sourced image and open it in your image editing software.
Next, click the image select tool and then click and drag over the main area of the image. You are most likely going to need to crop out the areas on the side.
Next, press Ctrl+X. This will cut out the selected area. After, click File at the top left, then New, then set the parameters to 1080 width and 1920 height.
After that, press Ctrl+V – your photo will now be sitting in an appropriately sized area.
Obviously, there are some problems with this image. There is a lot of empty space above and below the main content. We can fix this by adding two things.
The first thing is some text so that followers can get some context. You can use the ‘A’ text tool (1) to add text. Use the box on the right (2) to adjust font size and the box on the far left to change font type (3).
The small black square in the corner is for choosing the text color. Once you are finished typing, use the move tool (4) to drag the text box into a more suitable position.
After adding some text, this is the result. It’s much better, but there is still a lot of white space at the top.
Thankfully, we can resolve this by adding black bars at the top and bottom of the image. It’ll look like the overall image size is smaller on Instagram and we can even hide some hashtags in this area. More on that later.
To create black bars, first select the rectangle select tool (1), and then create a rectangle at the top of your image. Afterward select the paint bucket tool (2). Click to fill the area (3). You can use the color select tool (4) to change color if it’s not already on black.
Repeat this process on the bottom. If you’d like, you can use the paint tool on the main white area too to liven the image up a little. After, you should have something that looks little like this.
Now it’s time to save the image and move on. Click File > Export and find a suitable location so that you can find it easily later.
When you export, make sure to add .PNG at the end of the file name so that it saves as the right file type.
You now have your image ready for editing.
Step 2: Turning the Photo Into a Video
It’s now time to open up your photo in the Hitfilm Express video editing software. We’ll guide you through every step below.
After signing in, click File, then New at the top of the page. On the project settings page, scroll down on the template selector and click Custom.
Next, make sure your settings reflect what we have selected below. Finally, click Start Editing.
Here is a quick overview of what you are looking at.
- The trimmer – not necessary for this tutorial.
- The media and effects panel – You can use this to import photos, music, videos, and add effects.
- The timeline – you can use this to edit the length of photos/videos and adjust the length of the overall project.
- The viewer – this is where you’ll see a live view of what you are editing.
With that explained, let’s get started with the bulk of the tutorial.
To begin with, you need to import your photo. In the media and effects panel, click the Import arrow, then click Media.
Find your photo and then click to import it. You’ll see something like this.
From the media and effects panel, drag your image and place it into the timeline panel. You will now have started the beginning of your video project.
Right now, the video should play for roughly 4 seconds by default. We can increase it up to 14 seconds. Instagram stories have a 15 second limit, but if it goes over that time even just by a millisecond, it cannot be used.
To change how long your photo plays in the video, right click it in the timeline panel and click Speed/Duration.
You can adjust the duration option in the Speed/Duration tab to 14 seconds. After, click OK to apply the changes. You will now have your full length Instagram story. Time to add some effects!
On the media and effects panel, click the Effects tab. Here is a picture to help guide you.
There are many effects you can play around with, most of which are free. To test effects, simply click and drag the effect into your photo in the timeline. After adding an effect, press play and you can view it in the viewer panel. If you don’t like an effect, press Ctrl+Z to undo it.
Many of the effects only add a basic filter to your photo, which is a little boring. If you want animated effects, look for effects in the Warp, Grunge, Quick 3D, and Particles & Simulation folders.
Here is an example of something we made. It was created using the Sparks effect under the Quick 3D tab. With this effect, it looks like a spark fires out of the processor chip.
If you would like to add music, you must find .MP3 files or other audio files. There are many free resources online for royalty free music, which should be used if you are running a business. Or, you can use copyrighted material as long as it falls under fair use.
You can import music using the same method that you used to import your photo.
Once you have imported your music, drag it into the timeline. The audio may be more than 14 seconds, so you’ll need to adjust this. There are two tools in the timeline panel that you can use to accomplish this.
To edit the audio (3) in your timeline, you can use the slice tool (2) to cut the audio into two separate portions. After cutting it, use the move tool (1) to select each portion. You can press ‘delete’ on your keyboard to delete any portion you don’t want. Use the Move tool (1) to click and drag the audio into a new position on the timeline.
You may need to listen to the audio to find the best 14 second chunk to use. Here is what your timeline should look like after editing the audio.
If you want the audio to fade out, go to the effects tab on the media and Effects panel. Next, scroll through the effects and find the Transitions – Audio folder. Click to open it. Find the Fade option and click and drag it to the end of your audio clip in the timeline.
How to Add More Images To Your Video
It’s quite easy to make a slideshow style video with Hitfilm Express. With the move tool in the timeline, highlight the end of your photo clip and drag to reduce its size.
Next, use the import option in the media and effects panel to add more photos. You can even add videos. Click and drag your images and photos to your timeline.
As you do this, you’ll see something like shown below. You can use the move tool in the timeline panel to adjust the length of each clip. There is also an effect in the effects tab on the media/effects panel that can be used to fade out each slide.
Exporting Your Video, Ready For Instagram
The next step is to export your new video. To do this, click the Export button on the far right side of the timeline panel. Next, click Contents.
To make sure it fits on Instagram, you will need to make a new custom export preset. Look for the Preset tab on the left side of the screen. On this tab, click New Preset. Next, click MPEG-4 (.mp4).
Follow the settings we have listed below, then click ‘OK’.
Next, divert your eyes to the Queue panel. You’ll find your project ready to export here. Click the dropdown box on the Preset section and choose the preset you have just created. Finally, click the Start Exporting button at the bottom of the Queue panel.
Your video will now begin to export. Once it has exported, you’ll be be given a link in the Output field in the Queue panel. You can click that to find your video on your computer.
Uploading Your New Animated Story To Instagram
Now that we have your video, there are just a few steps left to get it on Instagram. Here is what is left to do.
- Transfer your video to your device
- Add it to your story
- Add hashtags
There are a number of methods to transfer your new video to your smartphone. The easiest would be to use a cloud photo app like iCloud on iOS or Google Photos on Android. Alternatively, you can transfer it via USB.
Once you have the file on your smartphone, it’s time to upload it to your Instagram account. In Instagram, tap the camera button in the very top left or the Your Story button.
Next, tap the small photo reel button at the bottom left. You can now find and select the video that you created.
You can now go through the normal steps you’d take to submit your story to Instagram.
If you’d like to get even more exposure on your new story, you can add up to 10 relevant hashtags.
Tap the text button at the top, then type #example. Just replace example with whichever hashtags are the most appropriate.
You can change the text color to black and then drag the text into the black area in your story. This lets you include hashtags whilst keeping them hidden.
We hope that our guide on how to make Instagram animated stories has proven to be useful. Do you have any questions about this guide? If so, please feel free to get in touch.