SIM卡或用户识别模块(Subscriber Identify Module)卡存储您的所有用户身份数据、手机号码、联系人、安全密钥、消息和所有保存的授权数据。此智能卡可让您拨打电话、发送消息、连接到互联网等等。当您购买新手机或插入新SIM卡时,您可能会在(SIM)Android设备中遇到SIM card not provisioned MM#2 错误。如果您的SIM 卡(SIM)无法在您的提供商和Android之间传输任何信息,这意味着您的设备中没有配置SIM 卡。(SIM)如果您还面临SIM未配置Android错误,本指南将对您有很大帮助。所以,继续阅读。

如何配置 SIM 卡(How to Provision a SIM Card)
- SIM未配置 MM#2 错误意味着您的SIM 卡无权在您的网络(SIM card is not authorized to work in your network)中使用。
所有 SIM 卡必须在使用前激活(All the SIM cards must be activated before you use them)。但是,如果您激活了SIM卡,但仍然遇到错误,那么您的(SIM)Android受到了其他影响。
如果您使用的是双 SIM 卡 Android 手机,SIM 未配置 MM 错误将在数字上更加具体(If you are using dual SIM Android phones, the SIM not provisioned MM error will be more specific in numbers)。即,未提供SIM 1或未提供SIM 2。这并不复杂,您只需对两张SIM卡重复故障排除方法即可。
- SIM未配置Android可能是由于运营商方面的问题、SIM 卡插槽损坏或 SIM 卡本身(carrier side issues, damaged SIM card slot, or the SIM card itself)。不过,本指南将帮助您了解如何配置SIM卡。前进(Move)到下一部分,找出您面临错误的情况。
未配置 SIM 卡的原因 Android(Reasons for SIM Not Provisioned Android)
在以下任何一种情况下,您都将面临SIM未配置 MM 错误。深入分析(Analyze)它们,以便您可以相应地遵循故障排除步骤。
- SIM卡提供商或运营商网络已阻止您的SIM卡。
- 购买带有新SIM 卡(SIM)的新手机,并在转移联系人时遇到错误。
- 移动(Mobile)网络提供商服务器不可用或离线。
- (Misplaced)将您的SIM卡(SIM)误放在插槽中。
- 运营商(Carrier)网络可能会遇到停机时间,尤其是在SIM卡激活期间。
- 在不受支持的位置使用SIM卡,或者如果(SIM)SIM卡不在网络提供商的区域内。
- (Software)Android设备中的软件问题和硬件问题。
- 您的 SIM 卡太旧或损坏(old or damaged)。考虑更换它。
- (Dirt)SIM卡槽内有污垢堆积或您未将 SIM 卡正确(not placed the SIM card properly)放入槽中。
How to Provision a SIM card to Fix SIM Card Not Provisioned MM#2 Error
在本节中,您将学习处理SIM卡未配置 MM#2 错误的简单技巧,从而学习如何正确配置SIM卡。按照下面提到的方法来了解如何在您的Android手机中配置SIM卡所涉及的步骤。(SIM)如果您有双插槽,请按照所有插槽的步骤操作。
注意:(Note: )每个Android都有其独特的设置,因此有关如何配置SIM卡的步骤可能会有所不同。建议用户按照手机设置的说明进行操作。本指南以一加9R(OnePlus 9R )为例。
方法1:然后启用,禁用飞行模式(Method 1: Enable then, Disable Airplane Mode)
如果您在Android(Android)手机上启用飞行模式,所有无线电和发射器都将关闭。要在您的Android 设备(Android device)中启用飞行模式,请按照以下说明操作:
1.在主屏幕上向下滚动通知抽屉。(Notification Drawer )
2. 点击飞行模式(Airplane mode )图标。

3.等待(Wait)几秒钟,然后再次点击飞行模式(Airplane mode )图标将其关闭。

4. 检查您现在是否可以访问您的SIM卡。
方法二:重启手机(Method 2: Restart Phone)
尽管这种方法看起来不太可能,但重新启动您的Android将帮助您修复与其相关的所有临时故障。这可以克服SIM未配置Android错误。请参阅:如何重新启动或重新启动您的 Android 手机?(How to Restart or Reboot Your Android Phone?)
方法 3:更换损坏的 SIM 卡(Method 3: Replace Damaged SIM Card)
作为如何配置SIM卡的主要检查,您必须检查SIM卡是否损坏或物理损坏。如果您的SIM卡已激活,但如果遇到SIM未配置Android错误的任何问题,请确保SIM 卡(SIM)的状况。
1. 将SIM 卡弹出工具(SIM ejection tool )插入卡槽,将SIM 卡托(SIM card tray )从手机中拉出。

2. 从托盘中取出SIM 卡(SIM card )并仔细检查。

3A。确保您的 SIM 卡没有破损且没有划痕(not broken and free of scratch)。如果您发现任何物理损坏或损坏,请考虑更换它。
3B。如果SIM卡完全没问题并且看起来不错,请继续阅读下文以修复SIM卡未配置 MM#2 错误。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 8 个最佳手机清洁器应用程序(8 Best Phone Cleaner Apps for Android)
方法 4:清洁 SIM 卡和 SIM 卡槽(Method 4: Clean SIM Card & SIM Slot)
SIM 卡和 SIM 卡(SIM and SIM card)插槽中的污垢堆积会导致您的Android设备出现检测问题。任何异物,如水、湿气、灰尘、污垢和污垢都可能会阻塞SIM卡和外围设备之间的连接。
1. 关闭您的设备并将SIM 卡(SIM card)从插槽中取出。确保不要损坏它。

2A。如果您的手机有开放式 SIM 卡插槽(open SIM card slot),请使用干燥的耳塞、超细纤维(microfiber)布和光滑的织物清洁灰尘和污垢。
2B。如果您的手机有中空 SIM 卡插槽(hollow SIM card slot),请使用压缩空气清洁插槽。
注意:(Note: )切勿将空气吹入SIM卡插槽,因为它会引入湿气并容易损坏端口。

3. 将SIM卡重新插入插槽,确保SIM卡牢固地插入插槽。

4. 检查您是否已修复SIM未配置 MM 错误。
方法 5:确保 SIM 卡已激活(Method 5: Make sure SIM Card is Activated)
1. 代理从移动商店购买SIM卡后将执行(SIM)无线 KYC(了解您的客户)流程。(wireless KYC (Know Your Customer) process)
2.在KYC流程(开立新账户时验证您的身份)以数字方式完成后等待 30-60 分钟。(Wait for 30-60 minutes)
3.收到通知后,对您当前的手机号码进行电话验证。(telephonic verification)要远程验证您的手机号码,请拨打以下与SIM制造商相关的号码。
- 电信:59059(Airtel: 59059)
- BSNL: 1507
- 焦:1977(Jio: 1977)
- 沃达丰理念:59059(Vodafone Idea: 59059)

4. 现在,您将连接到自动录制的通话(auto-recorded call)。根据录制的语音按照说明进行操作,您可以通过以下方式远程验证您的新号码,
- 使用 5 位 PIN 码发送到您的备用号码。(Using 5 digit PIN sent to your alternative number.)
- 使用您的 Aadhaar 卡号的最后四位数字。(Using the last four digits of your Aadhaar card number.)
5. 完成电话验证流程(tele-verification process)后,请进行首次充值。而且,现在您已经激活了您的SIM卡。
注意:(Note:)如果您在激活后的几个小时内尝试访问您的SIM卡,您将面临(SIM)SIM未配置 MM 错误。因此,至少等待 24 小时。
另请阅读:(Also read:) 如何在 Android 上查找您的电话号码(How to Find Your Phone Number on Android)
方法 6:在不同的手机中使用 SIM 卡(Method 6: Use SIM Card in Different Phone)
如果您在激活后仍面临SIM 卡未配置 MM#2 错误,请检查(SIM card)SIM卡插槽是否存在问题。这有助于您了解SIM(SIM)卡插槽或运营商是否存在问题。
1. 关闭手机并将SIM 卡(SIM card )从插槽中取出。
2. 将 SIM 卡插入手机提供的备用插槽中。(alternate slot)

方法七:更新安卓设备(Method 7: Update Android Device)
1. 点击主屏幕上的(home screen)设置(Settings )图标。

2. 点击系统(System )选项。

3.向下滚动(Scroll)屏幕并点击系统更新(System Updates )选项。

4.等到(Wait)您的 Android 检查任何更新。可能只需要几秒钟。

5. 如果有任何更新正在进行中,请按照屏幕上的说明更新软件。确保您在屏幕上收到您的系统是最新的提示。(Your system is up to date )

6. 更新您的设备后,检查您是否已修复SIM卡未配置 MM#2 错误。
另请阅读:如何手动将 Android 更新到最新版本(How To Manually Update Android To Latest Version)
方法 8:执行恢复出厂设置(Method 8: Perform Factory Reset)
如果没有任何效果,您可以尝试将您的 Android 重置为出厂设置。如果有任何损坏或不兼容的设置干扰SIM 卡(SIM),您可以通过重置手机来解决相同的问题。
注意:当您(Note:)在三星 Galaxy(factory reset on your Samsung Galaxy)或任何其他Android手机上执行恢复出厂设置时,所有应用程序、其数据、照片、视频都将从您的设备中删除。因此(Hence),建议您备份必要的数据,然后将设备恢复出厂设置。阅读我们的指南以备份您的 Android 手机数据。(Back Up Your Android Phone Data.)
1.导航到手机的设置。(Settings )
2. 点击系统(System )图标。

3. 点击重置选项(Reset Options)。

4. 点击清除所有数据(恢复出厂设置)(Erase all data (factory reset) )选项。

5. 在下一个弹出屏幕中,点击清除所有数据(Erase all data )选项。

另请阅读:修复 Android 上未检测到 SIM 卡错误(Fix No SIM Card Detected Error On Android)
方法 9:联系 SIM 卡提供商(Method 9: Contact SIM Card Provider)
最后一次尝试学习如何在您的Android设备中配置SIM卡。(SIM)如果您在尝试了上述所有方法后仍未解决手机中的SIM未配置 MM 错误,您可以尝试联系您的SIM卡提供商(例如Jio)

- 当您拥有旧SIM卡时,您可能会遇到SIM未配置Android错误。如果您的 SIM 卡太旧,您的运营商可能会停止提供服务(If your SIM card is too old, your carrier may discontinue it from service)。因此,公司本身可以关闭对您SIM 卡(SIM)的服务支持。
前往您购买 SIM 卡的商店,向他们询问您的运营商网络(Go to the store where you have bought the SIM and enquire them about your carrier network)。如果有机会获得具有相同号码的新SIM卡,请备份并传输您需要的数据。
方法 10:更换 SIM 卡(Method 10: Replace SIM Card)
如果所有这些方法都不起作用,您必须尝试更换SIM卡。(SIM)首先联系您的运营商商店或商店。他们将检查您的SIM卡是否适合故障排除或必须更换。如果零售人员通知您去更换,请不要担心!这种情况可以通过SIM 卡(SIM)交换技术轻松处理,您很快就会回到您的网络。因此,不要在意购买新的SIM卡或购买具有相同手机号码的SIM 。

我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您已经了解了如何配置 SIM 卡(how to provision a SIM card)以及如何修复(how to fix SIM not provisioned)Android智能手机上未配置 SIM 卡的问题。请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。让我们知道您希望我们接下来探索哪个主题。
How to Provision a SIM Card
SIM card or Ѕubscribеr Idеntify Module card stores all yоur user identity data, mobile number, contacts, security keys, messages, and all saved authorization data. This smart card allows you to make calls, send mesѕages, connect to the internet, and a lot more. When you buy a new phone or insert a new SIM card, you may face a SIM card not provisioned MM#2 error in your Android device. If your SIM cannot transfer any information between your provider and Android, this means SIM is not provisioned in your device. If you are also facing SIM not provisioned Android error, this guide will help you a lot. So, continue reading.

How to Provision a SIM Card
In this article, we have shown how to provision a SIM card. But before going through the troubleshooting methods, let us go through some points given below.
- SIM not provisioned MM#2 error means, your SIM card is not authorized to work in your network.
All the SIM cards must be activated before you use them. But, if you have activated the SIM card, but still facing the error, then something else has affected your Android.
If you are using dual SIM Android phones, the SIM not provisioned MM error will be more specific in numbers. That is, SIM 1 is not provisioned or SIM 2 is not provisioned. This is not much complicated all you have to do is to repeat the troubleshooting methods for both the SIM cards.
- SIM not provisioned Android may be due to carrier side issues, damaged SIM card slot, or the SIM card itself. Nevertheless, this guide will help you understand how to provision a SIM card. Move ahead to the next section to find out the circumstances, where you face the error.
Reasons for SIM Not Provisioned Android
You will face SIM not provisioned MM error in any one of these following instances. Analyze them deeply so you can follow the troubleshooting steps accordingly.
- SIM card provider or carrier network has blocked your SIM card.
- Buying a new phone with a new SIM, and facing the error while transferring the contacts.
- Mobile network provider server is unavailable or offline.
- Misplaced your SIM card in the slot.
- Carrier network may experience downtime, particularly during SIM card activation.
- Using the SIM card in an unsupported location or if the SIM card is out of the network provider’s area.
- Software issues and hardware problems in your Android device.
In case, if you have not bought any new SIM card, but face SIM not provisioned Android error, the most possible reasons are listed below:
- Your SIM card has got too old or damaged. Consider replacing it.
- Dirt accumulation in the SIM card slot or you have not placed the SIM card properly in its slot.
How to Provision a SIM card to Fix SIM Card Not Provisioned MM#2 Error
In this section, you will learn simple hacks to deal with SIM card not provisioned MM#2 error, and thereby you can learn how to provision a SIM card properly. Follow the below-mentioned methods to understand the steps involved in how to provision a SIM card in your Android mobile. If you have dual slots, follow the steps for all of them.
Note: Every Android has its unique settings and so the steps concerning how to provision a SIM card may differ accordingly. Users are advised to follow the instructions as per their phone settings. In this guide, the OnePlus 9R is taken as an example.
Method 1: Enable then, Disable Airplane Mode
All the radios and transmitters will be turned off if you enable airplane mode on your Android mobile. To enable airplane mode in your Android device, follow the below-mentioned instructions:
1. Scroll down the Notification Drawer on the home screen.
2. Tap the Airplane mode icon.

3. Wait for a few seconds and again tap the Airplane mode icon to turn it off.

4. Check if you can access your SIM card now.
Method 2: Restart Phone
Although this method might seem unlikely, restarting your Android will help you fix all the temporary glitches associated with it. This can overcome SIM not provisioned Android error. See: How to Restart or Reboot Your Android Phone?
Method 3: Replace Damaged SIM Card
As a primary check for how to provision a SIM card, you have to check whether the SIM card is broken or is physically damaged. If your SIM card is activated, but it if has any trouble of SIM not provisioned Android error, then ensure the condition of SIM.
1. Insert the SIM ejection tool into its slot and pull the SIM card tray out of your phone.

2. Remove the SIM card from the tray and inspect it carefully.

3A. Make sure your SIM card is not broken and free of scratch. If you find any physical damage or if it is broken, consider replacing it.
3B. If the SIM card is completely fine and looks good, continue reading below to fix SIM card not provisioned MM#2 error.
Also Read: 8 Best Phone Cleaner Apps for Android
Method 4: Clean SIM Card & SIM Slot
Dirt accumulation in SIM and SIM card slots will cause detection problems in your Android device. Any foreign materials like water, moisture, dust, dirt, and grime may block the connection between your SIM card and the peripherals.
1. Turn off your device and remove the SIM card from its slot. Make sure you do not damage it.

2A. If your mobile phone has an open SIM card slot, use a dry earbud, microfiber cloth, and smooth fabric to clean the dust and dirt.
2B. If your mobile phone has a hollow SIM card slot, use compressed air to clean the slots.
Note: Never blow air into the SIM card slots since it introduces moisture and can damage the ports easily.

3. Reinsert the SIM card in its slot and make sure the SIM card sits firmly in its slot.

4. Check if you have fixed SIM not provisioned MM error.
Method 5: Make sure SIM Card is Activated
Your SIM card gets activated whenever you insert it into your Android. But, it doesn’t work in some cases. You have to activate it manually. The steps to activate your SIM card may differ according to your carrier and whether it is a prepaid or post-paid connection. Here, steps to activate a prepaid SIM card are demonstrated. Follow the steps according to your carrier.
1. An agent will perform a wireless KYC (Know Your Customer) process after buying a SIM card from a mobile store.
2. Wait for 30-60 minutes after the KYC process (verifying your identity when you open a new account) is digitally completed.
3. Proceed with telephonic verification on your current mobile number after receiving notifications. To tele-verify your mobile number, dial the following numbers with respect to the SIM manufacturer.
- Airtel: 59059
- BSNL: 1507
- Jio: 1977
- Vodafone Idea: 59059

4. Now, you will be connected to an auto-recorded call. Follow the instructions as per the recorded voice and you can tele verify your new number by,
- Using 5 digit PIN sent to your alternative number.
- Using the last four digits of your Aadhaar card number.
5. After completing the tele-verification process, please proceed with your first recharge. And, now you have activated your SIM card.
Note: If you are trying to access your SIM card within a few hours of activating it, you will face SIM not provisioned MM error. So, wait for at least 24 hours.
Also read: How to Find Your Phone Number on Android
Method 6: Use SIM Card in Different Phone
If you are facing a SIM card not provisioned MM#2 error even after activating it, check if there is a problem with the SIM card slot. This helps you understand whether there is an issue with the SIM card slot or the carrier.
1. Turn off your mobile phone and remove the SIM card from its slot.
2. Insert the SIM card into an alternate slot provided on the phone.

3A. Check if you face the error in another slot of your mobile. If you did not face any error in the new slot, then it might be due to damage in the SIM card slot.
3B. If you face the same error even in another slot of your mobile, then insert your SIM card in another phone.
4. Wait and check if the error recurs.
Method 7: Update Android Device
If your Android runs outdated software, you may face SIM not provisioned Android error. Always check if your device runs the latest version and if not, you can update the same by following the below-mentioned instructions:
1. Tap the Settings icon on the home screen.

2. Tap the System option.

3. Scroll down the screen and tap the System Updates option.

4. Wait until your Android checks for any updates. It may take only a few seconds.

5. If any updates are pending in action, follow the on-screen instruction to update the software. Make sure you receive Your system is up to date prompt on the screen.

6. After updating your device, check if you have fixed the SIM card not provisioned MM#2 error.
Also read: How To Manually Update Android To Latest Version
Method 8: Perform Factory Reset
If nothing works, you can try resetting your Android to its factory settings. If there are any corrupt or incompatible settings interfering with the SIM, you can resolve the same by resetting your mobile phone.
Note: When you perform a factory reset on your Samsung Galaxy or any other Android phone, all the application, their data, photos, videos will be deleted from your device. Hence, you are advised to back up the necessary data and then factory reset your device. Read our guide to Back Up Your Android Phone Data.
Then, follow the below-mentioned instructions to factory reset Android mobile:
1. Navigate to the Settings of your mobile phone.
2. Tap the System icon.

3. Tap Reset Options.

4. Tap Erase all data (factory reset) option.

5. In the next pop screen, tap Erase all data options.

Also Read: Fix No SIM Card Detected Error On Android
Method 9: Contact SIM Card Provider
There is one last try to learn how to provision a SIM card in your Android device. If you have not attained any fix for SIM not provisioned MM error in your mobile even after trying all the above methods, you can try contacting your SIM card provider (e.g. Jio)

- You may face SIM not provisioned Android error when you have an old SIM card. If your SIM card is too old, your carrier may discontinue it from service. And so, the company itself can shut down the service support for your SIM.
Go to the store where you have bought the SIM and enquire them about your carrier network. If there is a chance to get a new SIM card with the same number, back up and transfer the data you needed.
Method 10: Replace SIM Card
You must try SIM card replacement once if all these methods fail to work. Firstly reach out to your carrier store or outlet. They will check if your SIM card is fit for troubleshooting or it must be replaced. If the retail person informs you to go for the replacement, don’t worry! This situation can be handled easily by SIM swapping techniques and you be back to your network very soon. So, don’t care about buying a new SIM card or buying a SIM with the same mobile number.

We hope that this guide was helpful and you have learned how to provision a SIM card as well as how to fix SIM not provisioned issue on Android smartphones. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Let us know which topic you want us to explore next.