Microsoft Outlook的邮件提醒是一把双刃剑。它们可以帮助您掌控电子邮件,但也可能会扰乱您的注意力和工作效率。本教程将向您展示如何启用或关闭Outlook通知,并帮助您在了解情况和避免分心之间取得平衡。
如何在Windows中启用或禁用(Windows)Outlook 通知(Outlook Notifications)
如果您使用 Microsoft Outlook作为 Windows 10/11 计算机上的电子邮件客户端,则可以将程序配置为在您的电子邮件帐户收到新邮件时向您发送桌面通知。您必须访问Outlook 选项(Options)对话框才能管理邮件通知设置。就是这样:
- 在 Outlook 中选择“文件”选项卡。
- 选择侧边栏上的选项。
- 启用“消息(Message)到达”部分下“显示桌面警报”(Desktop Alert)旁边的复选框。该选项会提示Outlook在(Outlook)操作中心(Action Center)上方以 Toast 通知的形式通知您收到的邮件。
- 播放声音:提示 Outlook 为新邮件发出声音。
- 短暂(Briefly)更改鼠标指针:更改鼠标指针以指示新邮件。
- 在任务栏中显示(Show)信封图标:在系统托盘区域
如果 Outlook 的新邮件通知让您分心,请重新打开Outlook“选项”(Outlook Options)对话框,选择“邮件”(Mail),然后禁用“显示(Display)桌面警报”(Desktop Alert)和您想要的任何其他警报类型。如果您只想短暂暂停通知,更好的选择是在 Windows 中激活“请勿打扰”或“焦点辅助”(activate Do Not Disturb or Focus Assist in Windows)。
如何在 macOS 中
启用或禁用Outlook 通知(Outlook Notifications)
与Windows(Windows)上一样,Microsoft Outlook for Mac可以在收到新邮件时发送通知。访问Outlook 首选项(Outlook Preferences)窗格以启用电子邮件警报并管理其工作方式。
- 打开Microsoft Outlook应用程序并在菜单栏上
选择Outlook > Settings
- 选择通知(Notifications)和声音(Sounds)类别。
- 启用在我的桌面上显示(Display)警报旁边的框以接收Outlook桌面通知。此外,根据警报是否应
- (Bounce Outlook)在桌面上(Desktop)弹起 Outlook图标:使Outlook图标在(Outlook)Dock上弹起以接收新邮件。
- 新消息(New):提示您的Mac发出新消息铃声。
- 徽章计数:在(Badge)Outlook图标上显示重点收件箱(Inboxes)或所有收件箱内
要禁用Outlook通知,请重新访问Outlook首选项中的(Preferences)通知(Notifications)和声音(Sounds)屏幕,然后取消选中在我的桌面上显示(Display)警报和其他警报类型。您还可以通过putting your Mac on Do Not Disturb/Focus来消除干扰。
如何在Outlook.com中启用或(禁用桌面通知(Disable Desktop Notifications)
如果您在 Windows 或Mac计算机上使用(Mac)Outlook的 Web 版本,则可以在未在选项卡中打开 Web 应用程序时启用桌面通知。要做到这一点:
- 访问 ,使用您的( 帐户(Microsoft Account)登录,然后选择右上角的
- (Scroll)向下滚动“设置”(Setting)侧栏,然后打开“桌面(Desktop)通知”旁边的开关。
- (Select Allow)在浏览器的站点权限弹出窗口中
或者,选择查看(View)所有Outlook设置(在桌面(Desktop)通知选项下方),然后选择General > Notifications。然后,决定是接收所有传入消息的桌面通知(收件箱(Inbox)中的消息)还是仅接收来自您最喜欢的联系人的电子邮件(来自最喜欢的人的消息)。
要在 PC 或Mac上禁用 的桌面通知,请重新打开 Web 界面的“设置”侧边栏并停用(Settings)桌面(Desktop)通知旁边的开关。
如何在Android上启用或禁用(Android)Outlook 通知(Outlook Notifications)
- 转至Android 设置(Android Settings)并点击应用程序(Apps)。
- (Locate)在手机上的应用程序列表中
找到并选择Outlook 。
- 点击“通知”并启用“所有(Tap Notifications)Outlook通知”旁边的开关。
- 打开Outlook应用程序,点击您的帐户图标或缩写,然后选择“设置”。
- 选择通知。
- 启用“邮件”(Mail)选项卡下“允许通知”旁边的开关。然后,使用以下选项自定义您的电子邮件警报:
- 通知来源:选择您想要接收哪些传入消息的警报。可用选项包括所有邮件、仅重点收件箱和收藏夹(Favorite)人员。
- 新(New)邮件声音:当您收到新邮件时,让您的Android手机响起或振动。
如果您想在Android版Outlook中禁用电子邮件通知,请再次转到应用程序的“通知”屏幕,并将(Notifications)“通知”(Notifications)设置为“无”(None)。或者,将您的 Android 手机置于“请勿打扰”模式(put your Android phone in Do Not Disturb mode)。
如何在 iPhone 上
启用或禁用Outlook 通知(Outlook Notifications)
在 iPhone 或 iPad 上设置和自定义Outlook警报之前,您必须授予应用程序发送通知的权限。就是这样:
- 打开“设置”(Settings)应用程序,向下滚动,然后点击Outlook。
- 点击通知。
- 启用“允许通知”(Allow Notifications)旁边的开关。
完成此操作后,请访问 Outlook 的通知(Notifications)管理屏幕以启用和管理新电子邮件警报。
- 在 iOS 或 iPadOS 设备上
- 点击通知。
- 为您登录的每个电子邮件帐户选择以下通知类型:
- 重点收件箱和其他收件箱:发送所有电子邮件的警报。
- 重点收件箱(Inbox):仅针对您在重点收件箱(Inbox)中收到的邮件发送通知。
- 最喜欢的人:仅发送来自您最喜欢的联系人的通知。
此外,点击新邮件(New Mail)声音可以(Sound)设置传入邮件的声音。
要在iOS 版Outlook中禁用电子邮件通知,请访问与上述相同的屏幕,然后在每个电子邮件帐户下选择“无”。或者,在 iPhone 上启用“请勿打扰”或使用“焦点”(enable Do Not Disturb or use Focus on your iPhone)。
启用或关闭Outlook(Off)电子邮件警报(Outlook Email Alerts)
How to Enable or Turn Off Outlook Notifications
Miсrosoft Outlook’s maіl alerts can be а double-edged sword. They help yoυ stay on top of yоυr emails but cаn also disrupt your focus and рroductіvity. This tυtorial will show you how to enable or turn off Outlook notіfications and help you strike a balance between staying informed аnd avoiding distractions.
How to Enable or Disable Outlook Notifications in Windows
If you use Microsoft Outlook as the email client on your Windows 10/11 computer, you can configure the program to send you desktop notifications whenever your email accounts receive new mail. You must access the Outlook Options dialog to manage your mail notification settings. Here’s how:
- Select the File tab in Outlook.
- Select Options on the sidebar.
- Enable the checkbox next to Display a Desktop Alert under the Message arrival section. The option prompts Outlook to notify you about incoming mail as toast notifications above the Action Center.
You can also check the sub-option labeled Enable preview for Rights Protected messages (May impact performance) to receive notification previews for protected messages.
Next, check the boxes next to the following options if you need additional cues for incoming mail.
- Play a sound: Prompts Outlook to make a sound for new messages.
- Briefly change the mouse pointer: Changes the mouse pointer to indicate new mail.
- Show an envelope icon in the taskbar: Displays an Envelope icon on the system tray area to denote unread mail.
If Outlook’s new mail notifications distract you, re-open the Outlook Options dialog, select Mail, and disable Display a Desktop Alert and any other alert types you want. If you only want to pause notifications briefly, a better alternative is to activate Do Not Disturb or Focus Assist in Windows.
How to Enable or Disable Outlook Notifications in macOS
Like on Windows, Microsoft Outlook for Mac can send notifications when receiving new mail. Visit the Outlook Preferences pane to enable email alerts and manage how they work.
- Open the Microsoft Outlook app and select Outlook > Settings on the menu bar.
- Select the Notifications & Sounds category.
- Enable the box next to Display an alert on my desktop to receive Outlook desktop notifications. Additionally, select between the Show message subject only and Show message subject and preview sub-options depending on whether alerts should show a message preview or not.
Other options related to incoming email that you can enable include:
- Bounce Outlook icon in Desktop: Makes the Outlook icon bounce on the Dock for new mail.
- New Message: Prompts your Mac to chime for new messages.
- Badge count: Displays a badge count on the Outlook icon for unread mail within Focused Inboxes or all inboxes.
To disable Outlook notifications, revisit the Notifications and Sounds screen within the Outlook Preferences and uncheck Display an alert on my desktop and other alert types. You can also eliminate distractions by putting your Mac on Do Not Disturb/Focus.
How to Enable or Disable Desktop Notifications in
If you use the web version of Outlook on your Windows or Mac computer, you can enable desktop notifications for instances when you don’t have the web app open in a tab. To do that:
- Visit, sign in with your Microsoft Account, and select the Gear icon on the top-right corner.
- Scroll down the Setting sidebar and turn on the switch next to Desktop notifications.
- Select Allow on the browser’s site permissions pop-up.
Optionally, select View all Outlook settings (underneath the Desktop notifications option) and choose General > Notifications. Then, decide between receiving desktop notifications for all incoming messages (Messages in Inbox) or emails from your favorite contacts only (Messages from favorite people).
To disable’s desktop notifications on your PC or Mac, re-open the web interface’s Settings sidebar and deactivate the switch next to Desktop notifications.
How to Enable or Disable Outlook Notifications on Android
If you miss or skip the prompt that enables notifications after installing Outlook on your Android, you can activate alerts through the app’s built-in Notifications management pane. However, before you do that, you must check if Outlook has system permissions to send you new mail alerts. To do that:
- Go to Android Settings and tap Apps.
- Locate and select Outlook among the list of apps on your phone.
- Tap Notifications and enable the switch next to All Outlook notifications.
With Outlook notifications active on your Android device, you must:
- Open the Outlook app, tap your account icon or initials, and choose Settings.
- Select Notifications.
- Enable the switch next to Allow notifications under the Mail tab. Then, use the following options to customize your email alerts:
- Notifications from: Choose what incoming messages you want to receive alerts for. Available options include All mail, Focused inbox only, and Favorite people.
- New mail sound: Let your Android phone ring or vibrate when you receive new mail.
If you want to disable email notifications in Outlook on Android, go to the app’s Notifications screen again and set Notifications from to None. Or, put your Android phone in Do Not Disturb mode.
How to Enable or Disable Outlook Notifications on iPhone
Before setting up and customizing Outlook alerts on your iPhone or iPad, you must give the app permission to send notifications. Here’s how:
- Open the Settings app, scroll down, and tap Outlook.
- Tap Notifications.
- Enable the switch next to Allow Notifications.
Once you’ve done that, visit Outlook’s Notifications management screen to enable and manage new email alerts.
- Open the Outlook app on your iOS or iPadOS device, select your profile icon, and tap Settings.
- Tap Notifications.
- Select between the following notification types for each email account you’ve signed into:
- Focused and Other Inboxes: Sends alerts for all email messages.
- Focused Inbox: Sends notifications for mail you receive on your Focused Inbox only.
- Favorite People: Sends notifications from your favorite contacts only.
Additionally, tap Sound for New Mail to set up a sound for incoming mail.
To disable email notifications in Outlook on iOS, visit the same screen as above and select None under each email account. Alternatively, enable Do Not Disturb or use Focus on your iPhone.
Enable Outlook Email Alerts or Turn Them Off
Keeping track of incoming emails is important, but so is maintaining your focus. It’s all about finding what works best for you, so enable, customize, or disable email alerts in Outlook per your needs and preferences.