在Android(Android)推出的所有令人难以置信的功能中,闹钟应用程序(alarm clock application)是真正的救星。虽然不像其他智能手机应用程序那么花哨,但Android 闹钟(Android alarm)功能已经帮助社会消除了不自然的响亮传统闹钟(alarm clock)。
但是,当您的Android 闹钟(Android alarm)第 100 次响起而您无法停止或控制它时,这种新发现的快乐(newfound happiness)会在几秒钟内消失。如果您的闹钟应用程序(alarm clock application)因在意外时间响起而破坏了您的睡眠,那么您可以通过以下方法取消 Android 闹钟并完成您未完成的梦想。(here’s how you can cancel your Android alarms and complete your unfinished dreams.)

什么是安卓闹钟功能?(What is the Android Alarm Feature?)
随着智能手机的多功能性,Android 警报(Android alarm)功能出现了。与经典闹钟(alarm clock)不同,Android 闹钟(Android alarm)让用户能够设置多个闹钟、调整闹钟的持续时间、更改音量,(set multiple alarms, adjust the alarm’s duration, change its volume,)甚至可以将自己喜欢的歌曲(favourite song)设置为早上起床。
虽然这些功能在表面上看起来很有吸引力,但众所周知,基于触摸的闹钟(alarm clock)会引起很多问题。未知界面导致用户无法删除或更改现有的闹钟(alarm clock)。此外,与老式闹钟(school alarm clock)不同,不能简单地敲打它并强迫它停止响铃。屏幕必须向特定方向滑动才能结束警报,而向另一个方向滑动则可以暂停。所有这些技术细节使得外行用户(layman user)很难使用闹钟(alarm clock)。如果这听起来与您的麻烦相似,请继续阅读。
如何在(How to Cancel Alarms on )Android上取消闹钟(Android )
取消您的Android 闹钟(Android Alarm)是一个相当简单的过程。对于不同的闹钟(alarm clock)应用程序,这些步骤可能略有不同,但总体过程大致相同:
1. 在您的Android 设备(Android device)上,找到“时钟(Clock)”应用程序并打开它。

3. 找到您要删除的警报并点击(Alarm)下拉箭头(drop-down arrow)。

4. 这将显示与该特定警报相关的选项。在底部,点击删除(Delete)以取消警报。

如何在 Android 上设置闹钟(How to Set Alarms on Android)
“如何设置、取消、删除(cancel and delete)和报警”是很多用户提出的问题。现在您已经设法删除了一个闹钟,您可能想要设置一个新闹钟。以下是在Android 设备(Android device)上设置闹钟的方法。
1. 再次打开时钟(Clock)应用程序并导航到警报(Alarms)部分。
2. 在警报列表(Alarms list)下方,点击加号按钮(plus button)添加新警报。

3.在出现的时钟上设置时间(Set the time)。

5. 或者,您可以更改已经存在的警报(Alarm)。这样,您就不必删除或创建新闹钟并更改已设置闹钟的时间。(you will not have to delete or create a new Alarm and change the time on an already set Alarm.)
6. 在闹钟(Alarms)列表中,点击指示时间( time)的区域。

7. 在出现的时钟上,设置一个新时间(set a new time),覆盖现有的闹钟(alarm clock)。

8. 您已成功在您的Android 设备(Android device)上设置了新的闹钟。
如何暂时关闭警报(How to Temporarily Switch off Alarm)
在某些情况下,您可能希望暂时关闭警报。这可能是周末度假(weekend getaway)或重要会议,以下是您可以在短时间内禁用闹钟的方法:
1. 在时钟(Clock)应用程序中,点击闹钟(Alarm)部分。
2. 从出现的警报列表(Alarms list)中,点击您要暂时禁用的警报前面的切换开关。(toggle switch)

3. 这将关闭警报,直到您再次手动将其关闭。
如何暂停或关闭响铃警报(How to Snooze or Dismiss a Ringing Alarm)
对于许多用户来说,无法关闭正在响铃的闹钟(ringing alarm clock)已经造成了一些严重的麻烦。用户被卡住了,因为他们的闹钟连续响了几分钟。虽然不同的闹钟(alarm clock)应用程序有不同的方法来打盹和解除闹钟,但在普通的Android(stock Android)时钟上,您需要向右滑动来关闭闹钟,(alarm and swipe)向左滑动来打盹:

如何为警报创建时间表(How to Create a Schedule for Your Alarm)
Android 闹钟(Android alarm)的最佳功能之一是您可以为其创建时间表。这意味着您可以安排它响几天,并对其他人保持静音。
1.在您的Android 设备上打开(Android device)时钟应用程序中的(clock application)闹钟(Alarm)部分。
2. 点击要为其创建时间表的警报上的小(Alarm)下拉箭头。(drop-down arrow)

3. 在显示的选项中,将有七个小圆圈,其中包含一周 7 天的第一个字母。( there will be seven small circles containing the first alphabet of the seven days of the week. )
4.选择(Select the days)您希望闹钟响铃的日期并取消选择(deselect the days)您希望它保持静音的日期。

对于没有被界面迷惑的用户来说, Android 闹钟(Android alarm)一直是一项出色的功能。话虽如此,尽管缺乏技术专长,但上述步骤肯定会帮助所有用户掌握Android 闹钟(Android alarm)。下一次恶意闹钟(rogue alarm)打扰您的睡眠时,您将确切知道该怎么做,并且能够轻松取消闹钟。
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我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够取消您的 Android 闹钟(cancel your Android Alarms)。如果您对本文仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How To Cancel Your Android Alarms (Step-by-Step)
Of аll the incredible features, Android has introduced, the alarm clock application is a truе lifesaver. Although not as fancy as other smartphone applications, the Android alarm feature has helped society eliminate the unnaturаlly loud traditional alarm cloсk.
However, this newfound happiness is lost in seconds when your Android alarm clock goes off for the hundredth time without you being able to stop or control it. If your alarm clock application has ruined your sleep by going off at unexpected times, here’s how you can cancel your Android alarms and complete your unfinished dreams.

How To Cancel Your Android Alarms
What is the Android Alarm Feature?
With the multifunctionality of smartphones came the Android alarm feature. Unlike the classic alarm clock, the Android alarm gave users the ability to set multiple alarms, adjust the alarm’s duration, change its volume, and even set their favourite song to wake up in the morning.
While these features seem pretty attractive on the surface, the touch-based alarm clock has been known to cause quite a few problems. The unknown interface has resulted in users being unable to delete or change existing alarm clocks. Moreover, unlike the old school alarm clock, one cannot simply bang it and force it to stop ringing. The screen must be swiped in a particular direction to end the alarm and in another to snooze it. All these technicalities have made it difficult for the layman user to utilize the alarm clock. If this sounds similar to your troubles, read ahead.
How to Cancel Alarms on Android
Canceling your Android Alarm is a fairly simple process. The steps may differ slightly for different alarm clock applications, but the overall procedure remains more or less the same:
1. On your Android device, find the ‘Clock’ application and open it.
2. On the bottom, tap on ‘Alarm’ to reveal all the alarms that have been saved on your device.

3. Find the Alarm you want to remove and tap on the drop-down arrow.

4. This will reveal the options associated with that particular alarm. On the bottom, tap on Delete to cancel the alarm.

How to Set Alarms on Android
“How do I set, cancel and delete and alarm” is a question asked by many users. Now that you have managed to delete an alarm, you might want to set a new one. Here’s how you can set the alarm on your Android device.
1. Once again, open the Clock application and navigate to the Alarms section.
2. Below the Alarms list, tap on the plus button to add a new alarm.

3. Set the time on the clock that appears.
4.Tap on ‘OK’ to complete the process.

5. Alternatively, you could change an already existing Alarm. This way, you will not have to delete or create a new Alarm and change the time on an already set Alarm.
6. From the list of Alarms, tap on the area indicating the time.

7. On the clock that appears, set a new time, overriding the existing alarm clock.

8. You have successfully set a new alarm on your Android device.
How to Temporarily Switch off Alarm
There may be instances where you might want to switch off the alarm temporarily. It could be a weekend getaway or an important meeting, here’s how you can disable your alarm for a short period:
1. On the Clock application, tap on the Alarm section.
2. From the Alarms list that appears, tap on the toggle switch in front of the alarm you want to disable temporarily.

3. This will turn the alarm off until you manually switch it off again.
How to Snooze or Dismiss a Ringing Alarm
For many users, the inability to dismiss a ringing alarm clock has caused some serious trouble. Users are stuck as their alarm keeps ringing for minutes at a stretch. While different alarm clock applications have different methods to snooze and dismiss an alarm, on the stock Android clock, you need to swipe right to dismiss the alarm and swipe left to snooze it:

How to Create a Schedule for Your Alarm
One of the best features of the Android alarm is that you can create a schedule for it. This means that you can arrange for it to ring for a few days and remain mute on others.
1. Open the Alarm section in the clock application on your Android device.
2. Tap on the little drop-down arrow on the Alarm you want to create a schedule for.

3. In the revealed options, there will be seven small circles containing the first alphabet of the seven days of the week.
4. Select the days you want the alarm to ring and deselect the days you want it to remain silent.

The Android alarm has been an excellent feature for users who are not bamboozled by the interface. With that being said, despite a lack of technological expertise, the steps mentioned above will surely help all users master the Android alarm clock. The next time a rogue alarm interrupts your sleep, you’ll know exactly what to do and be able to cancel the alarm with ease.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to cancel your Android Alarms. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.