您是否正在努力删除 Android 手机不允许您卸载的应用程序?(Are you struggling to remove apps that Android phones won’t let you uninstall? )好吧,您手机上的某些应用程序将无法卸载,因为它们是操作系统(operating system)内置的。来自三星(Samsung)、小米(Xiaomi)、Realme、联想(Lenovo)等制造商的几款Android 手机带有一堆无法从(Android phone)Android 手机(Android phone)上卸载的预装应用程序. 有些应用程序是非常不必要的,只会占用手机存储空间中的宝贵空间。我们了解,有时您可能希望从手机中删除这些预加载的应用程序,因为您实际上并不需要它们。但是,在某些情况下您将无法卸载这些应用程序,但您始终可以禁用它们。因此,在本指南中,我们将向您展示一些可用于删除Android 手机(Android phone)不允许您卸载的应用程序的方法。
如何删除 Android 手机不允许您(Let)卸载的应用程序?
在 Android 上卸载预加载应用程序的原因(Reason for Uninstalling the Pre-Loaded Apps on Android)
从您的Android 手机(Android phone)上卸载预装应用程序的一个主要原因是它们占用了您设备上的大量资源和存储空间。( resources and storage on your device.)另一个可能的原因是某些预加载的应用程序毫无用处,而您并没有真正使用它们。
删除 Android 手机不允许您卸载的应用程序的 5 种方法(5 Ways to Remove Apps that Android Phone won’t let you Uninstall)
如果您想强制卸载无法在 Android 上卸载的应用程序, (force uninstall apps that won’t uninstall on Android. )我们列出了一些您可以使用的方法 。您可以先尝试在Android 手机上卸载(Android phone)App的常用方法。
方法一:通过 Google Play 商店卸载 App(Method 1: Uninstall an App through the Google Play Store)
在尝试任何其他方法之前,您可以检查Google Play商店,看看是否可以从那里卸载该应用程序。请按照以下步骤操作此方法。
1.打开谷歌游戏商店(Google play store)。
2. 点击屏幕左上角的 三个水平线(three horizontal lines)或汉堡图标。( hamburger icon)
3. 转到“我的应用和游戏(My apps and games)”部分。
4. 现在,点击“已安装(Installed)”选项卡以访问所有已安装的应用程序。
5.打开(Open the App)您要卸载的应用程序。
6. 最后,点击“卸载(Uninstall)”从您的手机中删除该应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also read:)在Android 手机(Android phone)上删除应用程序(Delete Apps)的4种方法(Ways)
方法二:通过应用抽屉或主屏幕卸载应用(Method 2: Uninstall an App through the App drawer or Main Screen)
这是您可以用来删除手机不允许您卸载的应用程序的另一种方法。这是从Android 设备(Android device)中删除应用程序的最简单方法之一。
1. 导航到手机的主屏幕(Home screen)或应用程序抽屉(App drawer)。
2.找到(Locate the App)您要卸载的应用程序。
3.现在按住或长按应用程序以访问(hold down or long-press the App to access the options)允许您卸载应用程序甚至禁用它的选项。
4. 最后,点击卸载(Uninstall)以删除该应用程序。
方法 3:从设置中禁用不需要的应用程序(Method 3: Disable the Unwanted Application from Settings)
您可以禁用手机上不需要的应用程序。但是,您将收到禁用警告(disabling warning),如果您禁用任何应用程序,它可能会影响其他应用程序的工作。但是,事实并非如此,它不会影响您的手机使用(phone usage)。
1. 打开手机设置(Settings)。
2.根据您的手机 点击“应用程序(Apps)”或“应用程序和通知”。(Apps and Notifications)
3. 现在,打开“管理应用程序(Manage Apps)”选项卡。
4. 打开您要从手机中删除的应用程序。如果您无法从大量应用程序列表中找到该应用程序,请使用顶部 的搜索栏输入您要查找的应用程序的名称。(use the search bar)
5. 最后,点击“禁用(Disable)”以禁用应用程序。
因此,当您想要 删除手机不允许您卸载的应用程序时,这是您可以使用的一种方法。 (remove apps that the phone won’t let you uninstall. )
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 2021 年15款最佳 Android 启动器应用(Best Android Launchers Apps)
方法 4:获取管理员权限以删除应用程序(Method 4: Get Administrator Privileges for Removing the Apps)
某些应用程序需要特殊的管理员权限才能安装或从手机中删除。需要管理员访问权限的应用程序通常是应用程序锁定、防病毒应用程序以及其他可以锁定/解锁手机的应用程序。因此,您可能必须撤销管理员权限(administrator permission)才能删除手机不允许您卸载的应用程序。
1.在手机上 打开设置。(Setting)
2. 在设置中,前往“安全(Security)”或“密码和安全(Passwords and security)”部分。此选项可能因手机而异。
3. 查找“授权和撤销(Authorization and Revocation)”或“设备管理员(Device administrators)”选项卡。
4.最后,找到(locate the app)您要撤销管理员权限(administrator permission)的应用程序并关闭(turn off)它旁边的切换。
5. 将出现一个弹出窗口,点击“撤销(Revoke)”。这将为您提供管理员权限,并且您可以轻松地从手机中删除内置应用程序。
方法五:使用 ADB 命令删除应用(Method 5: Use ADB Commands to Remove Apps)
如果以上方法都不适合您,您可以在命令提示符下运行(command prompt)ADB命令以手动从手机中卸载应用程序。请按照以下步骤操作此方法。
1. 第一步是为您的设备安装USB 驱动程序(USB drivers)。您可以选择OEM USB 驱动程序(OEM USB drivers)并安装与您的系统兼容的驱动程序。
2. 现在,下载适用于您的操作系统的(operating system)ADB zip 文件(ADB zip file),无论是Windows、Linux还是MAC。
3.将 zip 文件解压缩到系统上可访问的文件夹中。(Extract the zip file into an accessible folder on your system.)
4. 打开手机设置(Settings)并前往“关于手机(About phone)”部分。
5. 在关于手机下,点击“内部版本号(Build number)” 7 次(7 times)以启用开发者选项(Developer options)。但是,此选项可能因手机而异。在我们的例子中,我们在 MIUI 版本上点击了 7 次以启用开发者选项(we are tapping 7 times on the MIUI version to enable the developer options)。
6.启用开发人员选项(Enable the Developer options)后,您必须启用 USB 调试选项(Enable the USB debugging options)。
7.对于USB调试(USB debugging),打开你的手机设置( Settings)。
8. 转到其他设置(Additional Settings)。
9. 点击开发者选项(Developer options)。
10. 向下滚动并打开 USB 调试开关。 (turn on the toggle for USB debugging. )
11. 现在,将您的设备插入计算机。但是,请确保您选择了“文件传输(File transfer)”模式。
12.在您提取ADB zip 文件(ADB zip file)的 ADB 文件夹中启动命令提示符(Command prompt in your ADB folder)。如果您是Windows 用户(Windows user),您可以按Shift并右键单击文件夹以选择“在此处打开 Powershell(Open Powershell)窗口(window here)”选项。
13.将弹出一个命令窗口,您必须在其中输入命令(command window)adb devices,您的设备代号将出现在下一行。(your device’s code name will appear in the next line.)
14 、重新运行ADB devices命令(Re-run the ADB devices command),如果看到你的设备序列号,就可以进行下一步了。
15. 现在输入以下命令并按Enter:
adb shell
16. 输入“ pm list packages ”。这将显示您手机上安装的应用程序的完整列表。因此,为了节省时间,您可以使用“ grep(grep) ”命令缩小列表范围。例如,要查找 google 包,您可以使用命令:pm list packages | grep ‘google.’
17. 定位到应用后,复制安装包后的应用名称(uninstall it by copying the name of the app)即可轻松卸载。例如 package: com.google.android.contacts,你必须复制 'package' 后面的名称。
18. 最后,您必须使用以下命令从手机中卸载应用程序:
pm uninstall –k- user 0 <package name>
我们知道这种方法可能有点棘手,但当您不知道 如何从手机中卸载顽固的 Android 应用程序时,它就可以正常工作。(how to uninstall stubborn Android apps from your phone.)
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ))
如何卸载无法卸载的 Android 应用程序?(How do I uninstall an Android app that won’t uninstall?)
要删除手机不允许您卸载的应用程序,您可以按照我们在本文中提到的方法进行操作。卸载应用程序的方法之一是使用ADB命令。但是,如果您无法从您的安卓手机(android phone)卸载该应用程序,您可以通过访问您的手机Settings>Apps and Notifications>Manage Apps>Disable来禁用它。
为什么我无法卸载某些应用程序?(Why can’t I uninstall some apps?)
每个Android 手机制造商都会在您的(Android phone)Android 手机(Android phone)上提供一些预加载的应用程序。用户无法卸载预装的应用程序,因为它们可能对您的手机至关重要。但是,有些应用程序毫无用处,您可能需要卸载它们。因此,我们在本指南中提到了一些可用于卸载这些预加载应用程序的方法。
如何强制卸载 Android 上的应用程序?(How do I force uninstall an app on Android?)
2. 前往“应用程序”或“应用程序和应用程序(Apps and application)”。此选项可能因手机而异。
3. 现在,点击“管理应用程序(Manage apps)”。
4.找到(Locate the app)您要卸载的应用程序。
5. 点击“卸载(Uninstall)”删除应用程序。但是,如果您没有“卸载”选项,您可以点击“强制停止(Force stop)”。
- 如何在Android(Sideload Apps)手机上侧载应用程序(Android Phone)
- 从智能手机控制 PC 的10 个最佳 Android 应用程序(Best Android Apps)
- 修复Android应用程序自行(Fix Android Apps Closing)关闭
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我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够在您的 Android 手机上卸载无法卸载的应用程序。( uninstall apps on your Android phone that won’t uninstall. )我们已经提到了大多数Android用户用于删除Android 手机(Android phone)不允许他们卸载的应用程序的一些方法。现在,您可以轻松地从您的Android 手机(Android phone)中删除不需要的应用程序。
How to Remove Apps that Android Phones won't let you Uninstall?
Are you struggling to remove apps that Android phones won’t let you uninstall? Well, there are certain apps on your phone that will not be able to uninstall as they come in-built with the operating system. Several Android phones from manufacturers like Samsung, Xiaomi, Realme, Lenovo, and more come with a bunch of pre-loaded applications that you cannot uninstall from your Android phone. Some of the applications are pretty unnecessary and only take up valuable space in your phone’s storage. We understand that sometimes you may want to remove these pre-loaded apps from your phone as you don’t really need them. However, you will not be able to uninstall the apps in some cases, but you can always disable them. Therefore, in this guide, we are going to show you some ways that you can use to remove apps that Android phones won’t let you uninstall.
How To Remove Apps That Android Phones Won’t Let You Uninstall?
Reason for Uninstalling the Pre-Loaded Apps on Android
One main reason for uninstalling the pre-loaded apps from your Android phone is that they are taking so much of the resources and storage on your device. Another possible reason is that some of the pre-loaded applications are pretty useless, and you don’t really use them.
5 Ways to Remove Apps that Android Phone won’t let you Uninstall
We are listing down some methods that you can use if you want to force uninstall apps that won’t uninstall on Android. You can start by trying out the common methods for uninstalling an App on your Android phone.
Method 1: Uninstall an App through the Google Play Store
Before you try any other method, you can check the Google play store to see if you can uninstall the app from there. Follow these steps for this method.
1. Open Google play store.
2. Tap on the three horizontal lines or the hamburger icon at the top-left corner of the screen.
3. Go to the ‘My apps and games‘ section.
4. Now, tap on the ‘Installed‘ tab to access all the applications that are installed.
5. Open the App that you want to uninstall.
6. Finally, tap on ‘Uninstall‘ to remove the app from your phone.
Also read: 4 Ways to Delete Apps on your Android phone
Method 2: Uninstall an App through the App drawer or Main Screen
Here is another method that you can use to remove apps that the phone won’t let you Uninstall. This is one of the easiest methods to remove an application from an Android device.
1. Navigate to the Home screen or the App drawer on your phone.
2. Locate the App that you want to uninstall.
3. Now hold down or long-press the App to access the options that will allow you to uninstall the app or even disable it.
4. Finally, tap on Uninstall to remove the app.
Method 3: Disable the Unwanted Application from Settings
You can disable the unwanted apps on your phone. However, you will receive a disabling warning that if you disable any app, there are chances that it may affect the working of other apps. But, this is not really the case, and it will not affect your phone usage.
Moreover, when you disable the app, then it means that it will not run in the background anymore and will not run automatically by other apps. Therefore, if you are unable to uninstall an application, you can disable it to save battery, and the app will not take up the unnecessary space by collecting cache. Follow these steps for this method.
1. Open Settings on your phone.
2. Tap on ‘Apps‘ or ‘Apps and Notifications‘ depending upon your phone.
3. Now, open the ‘Manage Apps‘ tab.
4. Open the app that you want to remove from your phone. If you are unable to find the app from a huge list of applications, then use the search bar at the top to type the name of the app that you are looking for.
5. Finally, tap on ‘Disable‘ for disabling the application.
So this is one method that you can use when you want to remove apps that the phone won’t let you uninstall.
Also Read: 15 Best Android Launchers Apps of 2021
Method 4: Get Administrator Privileges for Removing the Apps
Some apps require special administrator privileges for you to install or remove them from your phone. The apps that need administrator access are usually app lock, antivirus apps, and other apps that can lock/unlock your phone. Therefore, you may have to revoke the administrator permission for removing the apps that your phone won’t let you uninstall.
1. Open Settings on your phone.
2. In settings, head to the ‘Security‘ or ‘Passwords and security‘ section. This option may vary from phone to phone.
3. Look for the ‘Authorization and Revocation‘ or ‘Device administrators‘ tab.
4. Finally, locate the app for which you want to revoke the administrator permission and turn off the toggle next to it.
5. A pop up will appear, tap on ‘Revoke.’ This will give you administrator privileges, and you can easily remove the in-built apps from your phone.
Method 5: Use ADB Commands to Remove Apps
If none of the above methods works for you, you can run ADB commands in the command prompt for manually uninstalling the apps from your phone. Follow these steps for this method.
1. The first step is to install USB drivers for your device. You can opt for the OEM USB drivers and install the ones compatible with your system.
2. Now, download the ADB zip file for your operating system, whether it is Windows, Linux, or MAC.
3. Extract the zip file into an accessible folder on your system.
4. Open Phone Settings and head to the ‘About phone‘ section.
5. Under About phone, tap on the ‘Build number‘ for 7 times to Enable the Developer options. However, this option may vary from phone to phone. In our case, we are tapping 7 times on the MIUI version to enable the developer options.
6. Once you Enable the Developer options, you have to Enable the USB debugging options.
7. For USB debugging, open your Phone Settings.
8. Go to Additional Settings.
9. Tap on Developer options.
10. Scroll down and turn on the toggle for USB debugging.
11. Now, plug your device into the computer. However, make sure you choose the ‘File transfer‘ mode.
12. Launch the Command prompt in your ADB folder, where you extracted the ADB zip file. If you are a Windows user, you can press Shift and right-click on the folder to select the ‘Open Powershell window here‘ option.
13. A command window will pop up, where you have to enter the command adb devices, and your device’s code name will appear in the next line.
14. Re-run the ADB devices command, and if you see your device serial number, you are ready to go to the next step.
15. Now enter the following command and hit Enter:
adb shell
16. Type ‘pm list packages.’ This will display the entire list of apps that are installed on your phone. Therefore, to save time, you can narrow down the list by using the ‘grep‘ command. For example, to find google packages, you can use the command: pm list packages | grep ‘google.’
17. After you have located the app, you can easily uninstall it by copying the name of the app after the package. For example, package: com.google.android.contacts, you have to copy the name after the word ‘package.’
18. Finally, you have to use the following command for uninstalling the app from your phone:
pm uninstall –k- user 0 <package name>
We understand that this method can be a bit tricky, but it works just fine when you don’t know how to uninstall stubborn Android apps from your phone.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How do I uninstall an Android app that won’t uninstall?
To remove apps that phone won’t let you uninstall, you can follow the methods that we have mentioned in this article. One of the methods for uninstalling an app is by using ADB commands. However, if you cannot uninstall the app from your android phone, you may disable it by accessing your phone Settings>Apps and Notifications>Manage Apps>Disable.
Why can’t I uninstall some apps?
Every Android phone manufacturer provides some pre-loaded apps on your Android phone. The user cannot uninstall the apps that come pre-installed as they may be essential for your Phone. However, some apps are useless, and you may want to uninstall them. Therefore, we have mentioned some ways in this guide that you can use to uninstall these pre-loaded apps.
How do I force uninstall an app on Android?
You can easily force uninstall an app by following these steps.
1. Open your phone Settings.
2. Head to ‘apps’ or ‘Apps and application.’ This option may vary from phone to phone.
3. Now, tap on ‘Manage apps.’
4. Locate the app that you want to uninstall.
5. Tap on ‘Uninstall‘ to remove the app. However, if you do not have the ‘Uninstall’ option, you can tap on ‘Force stop.’
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to uninstall apps on your Android phone that won’t uninstall. We have mentioned some ways that most Android users use for removing the apps that Android phones won’t let them uninstall. Now, you can easily remove the unwanted app from your Android phone.