在美国(United) ,DoorDash是(States)最受欢迎(DoorDash)的在线订餐和送货服务之一。目前只有美国(United) 、(States)澳大利亚(Australia)和加拿大可以(Doordash)访问Doordash(Canada)。DoorDash现在在美国拥有最大的市场份额(United),(States)超过 56% 的市场份额。该公司的主要目标是通过允许通过独立承包商送货,将当地客户与当地餐馆联系起来。今天我们将向您展示如何删除或停用DoorDash 帐户(DoorDash Account)。

如何删除或停用 DoorDash 帐户(How to Delete or Deactivate DoorDash Account)
您可能对食品供应商有过负面的体验,或者您可能不再希望在线购买食品。无论您出于何种原因想要删除您的DoorDash帐户,这都是一个可以在几分钟内完成的简单过程。我们将引导您完成取消送餐服务的过程。在永久停用您的帐户之前,DoorDash允许您导出您的数据,其中包括订单详细信息和收据。在删除之前,请确保取消您的DashPass订阅,该订阅为购买超过 12 美元的客户提供无限制的免费送货服务,每月只需 9.99 美元。因为您无法移除DoorDash移动设备上的帐户,唯一的选择是使用计算机在线浏览器。
- 给你带来饭菜的 dasher 的经历很糟糕。
- 其他您认为优越的在线订餐服务。
- 决定停止在线购买食物并开始准备自己的饭菜是个人的决定。
- 注册时,错误地在 dasher 和客户之间选择了错误的选项。
- 您不能信任DoorDash提供您的个人信息,因为他们过去曾发生过安全漏洞,导致数据丢失。
如何备份您的个人信息(How to Backup Your Personal Information)
1. 从您的DoorDash账户(DoorDash)主页(home page),导航至账户(Account)详情(Details)。

2. 在页面右上角,点击管理账户(Manage Account)。

3. 导航到请求存档(Request Archive)。

4. 执行 2-Step Verification,然后点击Request Archieve。

5. 最后,您将收到一条消息,说明您的存档正在准备(Your archive is being prepared)中。您将收到电子邮件通知。

- 通过在官方网站上使用您的帐户凭据登录并从“设置”(Settings)菜单中永久取消您的帐户,您可以自行删除您的Doordash帐户。
- 您可以联系授权支持代表并请求禁用您的帐户。此选项只会禁用您的帐户,因此您可能会通过再次联系同一个服务台来撤销选择。
以下是删除或停用DoorDash 帐户(DoorDash Account)的方法。
方法一:通过官网(Method 1: Through Official Website)
如果您决定删除您的Doordash帐户,您应该知道这很可能是一个永久性程序,因此在继续执行以下步骤之前请仔细考虑。以下是删除DoorDash 帐户(DoorDash Account)的方法:
1. 首先,请访问DoorDash官方网站(official website)。

2. 然后,使用您的凭据登录(Sign In)您的帐户。

3. 现在,向下滚动到底部并点击Account Details。

4. 在这里,单击“管理帐户(Manage Account)”选项。

5. 接下来,单击删除帐户(Delete Account)选项。
注意:(Note: )您可以选择在取消帐户之前检索您的DashDoor 帐户(DashDoor Account)历史记录,其中包含有关您之前交易的信息,因此我们建议您这样做以保护您的安全。

6. 输入您的号码中收到的代码进行两步验证(2-Step Verification)。

7. 接下来,单击继续(Continue)删除您的帐户。

8. 然后,选择删除帐户(Delete Account)选项以确认帐户删除(confirm account deletion)。

9. 您将收到您的帐户正在被删除(Your account is being deleted)的消息。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何从 Chrome 中删除 Google 帐户(How to Delete Google Account from Chrome)
方法二:通过客户支持帮助(Method 2: Through Customer Support Help)
1.访问DoorDash 客户服务网站(customer service website)。

2. 点击访问帮助中心(Visit Help Center)。



5. 如果您无法删除个人信息,则可以在 DoorDash客户支持中选择(customer support)与我们聊天(Chat with Us)选项。

6. 您需要提交一些个人信息(personal information),然后您将在描述选项卡中写下您希望删除您的DoorDash帐户。

常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。删除 Doordash 帐户后,接下来会发生什么?(Q1. When you remove your Doordash account, what happens next?)
答:(Ans: )如果您停用帐户,您的个人资料将被销毁,并且您将无法再登录您的帐户来使用DoorDash应用程序或网站。但是,如果您愿意,您仍然可以重新激活您以前的帐户。之后,您将能够使用相同的帐户登录并继续使用站点服务。
Q2. What happens if you cancel your DoorDash / DashPass subscription?
Ans:如果您取消订阅(Ans: )Dashpass,您将不会为下一个会员月付费。但是,您必须在订阅的下一个预定续订日期前至少一天取消。取消会员资格后,您的DashPass特权将保持有效,直到当前计费周期结束。如果您在试用期内终止您的会员资格,您的特权将被立即撤销。
我们希望您发现此信息有用,并且您能够知道如何删除或停用 DoorDash 帐户(how to delete or deactivate DoorDash account)。请让我们知道哪种技术对您最有益。如果您有任何问题或意见,请使用下面的表格。
How to Delete DoorDash Account
In the United States, DoorDash is one of the most popular online meal ordering and delivery services. Only the United States, Australia, and Canada hаve access to Doordash at thіs time. DoоrDаsh now haѕ the greatest market sharе in the United States, with over 56 percent of the market. Τhis comрany’s primary goal is to link local customers with local еateries by allowing delivery through independent contractors. Today we’ll show you how to delete or deactivate DoorDash Accоunt.

How to Delete or Deactivate DoorDash Account
You may have had a negative experience with the food suppliers, or you may just no longer wish to purchase food online. Whatever your reason for wanting to remove your DoorDash account, it’s an easy procedure that can be completed in a matter of minutes. We’ll walk you through the process of canceling your meal delivery service. Before permanently deactivating your account, DoorDash allows you to export your data, which includes order details and receipts. Before deleting, make sure you cancel your DashPass subscription, which provides customers with unlimited free delivery on purchases over $12 for $9.99 per month. Because you can’t remove your DoorDash account from your mobile device, the only option to do so is using a computer online browser.
Before we get started, you should know a few reasons why you might want to remove your DoorDash account. The following are some of the reasons why you might want to delete your DoorDash account.
- A dasher who brought your meal had a bad experience.
- Other online meal ordering services that you think are superior.
- Making the decision to stop buying food online and start preparing your own meals is a personal one.
- When registering, make the mistake of selecting the wrong option between a dasher and a customer.
- You can’t trust DoorDash with your personal information because they had a security breach in the past that resulted in data loss.
Now that you’ve decided to remove your DoorDash account, there are two methods to do so: one by yourself, and the other with the assistance of customer service, but you can only deactivate it.
How to Backup Your Personal Information
Access and download your personal information before deactivating your DoorDash account to ensure that it is not deleted along with your account. Please note that you must be able to authenticate your identity using 2-step verification in order to download your personal information and cancel your account. To get your personal information, follow the procedures below.
1. From the home page of your DoorDash account, navigate to Account Details.

2. In the top-right corner of the page, click Manage Account.

3. Navigate to Request Archive.

4. Perform 2-Step Verification, then click on Request Archieve.

5. Finally, you will receive the message stating Your archive is being prepared. You will be notified via email.

You have two options when it comes to deleting your Doordash account:
- By checking in with your account credentials on the official website and permanently canceling your account from the Settings menu, you may remove your Doordash account on your own.
- You can contact an authorized support representative and request that your account be disabled. This option will just disable your account, so you may potentially reverse the choice by contacting the same service desk again.
Below are the methods to delete or deactivate DoorDash Account.
Method 1: Through Official Website
If you’ve decided to delete your Doordash account, you should be aware that this will most likely be a permanent procedure, so think carefully before proceeding with the steps below. Here’s How to Delete DoorDash Account:
Note: If you’re not sure if you’ll use DoorDash in the future, we recommend using the next step below, which will just disable the account rather than delete it.
1. To begin, go to the DoorDash official website.

2. Then, using your credentials, Sign In to your account.

3. Now, scroll down to the bottom and click on Account Details.

4. Here, click on the Manage Account option.

5. Next, click on the Delete Account option.
Note: You have the option to retrieve your DashDoor Account history, which contains information about your prior transactions, before canceling your account, thus we recommend doing so for your protection.

6. Enter the code received in your number for 2-Step Verification.

7. Next, click on Continue to delete your account.

8. Then, select the Delete Account option to confirm account deletion.

9. You will receive the message that Your account is being deleted.

Also Read: How to Delete Google Account from Chrome
Method 2: Through Customer Support Help
Getting in touch with a DoorDash customer service representative has many benefits, despite the fact that it takes longer. If you go this method, you’ll be able to disable your account rather than delete it, which means you’ll be able to reactivate it if you wish to use the service again in the future. Here’s How to Delete or Deactivate a DoorDash account.
Follow the procedures below to contact a DoorDash customer support representative and have your account disabled:
1. Visit the DoorDash customer service website.

2. Click on Visit Help Center.

3. Search for how to delete the DoorDash account.

4. Follow the instruction given as highlighted in the pic below.

5. If you are unable to delete the personal information, then you can select the Chat with Us option in DoorDash customer support.

6. You’ll need to submit some personal information, and then you’ll write in the description tab that you wish to delete your DoorDash account.
Note: Before submitting the information and waiting for a response from the customer support team, double-check it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. When you remove your Doordash account, what happens next?
Ans: Your profile will be destroyed if you deactivate your account, and you will no longer be able to log into your account to utilise the DoorDash app or website. However, you may still reactivate your previous account if you want to. After that, you’ll be able to log in using the same account and continue to use the site services.
Q2. What happens if you cancel your DoorDash / DashPass subscription?
Ans: You will not be charged for the following membership month if you unsubscribe from Dashpass. However, you must cancel at least one day before your subscription’s next scheduled renewal date. After you cancel your membership, your DashPass privileges will remain active until the conclusion of the current billing cycle. If you terminate your membership within the trial time, your privileges will be immediately revoked.
We hope you found this information useful and that you were able to know how to delete or deactivate DoorDash account. Please let us know which technique was the most beneficial for you. If you have any questions or comments, please use the form below.