Windows 11对Secure Boot和TPM 2.0的兼容性检查在(TPM 2.0)Intel Mac硬件上的转换效果不佳。因此,例如,如果您尝试在macOS 12 Monterey中使用(macOS 12 Monterey)Microsoft 的官方 Windows 11 ISO(official Windows 11 ISO from Microsoft),则Boot Camp 助手(Boot Camp Assistant)将无法获取必要的驱动程序或在Windows 设置(Windows Setup)中停止。
值得庆幸的是,您可以使用Boot Camp在 macOS Monterey中安装(Monterey)Windows 11。它需要使用绕过操作系统严格系统要求的自动批处理脚本将 标准Windows 10 Boot Camp安装升级到Windows 11 。
与您可能已经阅读过的在Mac上安装(Mac)Windows 11的替代方法(例如涉及修改的ISO或可启动USB驱动器的方法) 相比,以下方法也更安全且更简单。
注意(Note):如果您已经在Intel MacBook Air、MacBook Pro、iMac 或Mac mini上安装了 Windows 10 ,请跳至重点将其升级到Windows 11的部分。
更新你的 Mac
您可以使用本教程中的说明在所有与 macOS Monterey 兼容的 Intel Mac上运行(all macOS Monterey-compatible Intel Macs)Windows 11。但是,为了尽量减少遇到任何Boot Camp 助理(Boot Camp Assistant)错误的机会,我们建议您在开始之前安装所有可用的 macOS Monterey点更新。
1. 打开系统偏好设置(System Preferences)应用程序。
2. 选择软件更新(Software Update)。
3. 选择立即(Update Now )更新将您的Mac更新到最新版本的 macOS Monterey。
下载 Windows 10 ISO
由于您必须首先在Mac上安装(Mac)Windows 10,因此下一步涉及从Microsoft下载 64 位(Microsoft)Windows 10 ISO映像文件的最新副本。
1.使用Safari或其他网络浏览器访问Microsoft网站上的下载 Windows 10 光盘映像(ISO 文件)(Download Windows 10 Disc Image (ISO File))页面。
2. 选择最新版本的Windows 10,选择一种语言(例如英语(English )或英语国际(English International)),然后选择确认(Confirm)。
3. 选择64-bit 下载(64-bit Download)并等待您的网络浏览器将ISO文件下载到您的Mac。
使用 Boot Camp 安装 Windows 10
下载ISO文件后,您可以开始在Mac上安装(Mac)Windows 10。只需(Just)确保在开始之前至少有 50 GB 的可用空间。(have at least 50 gigabytes of free space)
1.通过 Mac 的 Launchpad打开Boot Camp 助理。(Boot Camp Assistant)
注意(Note):Boot Camp 助理(Camp Assistant)仅在基于 Intel 的Mac(Macs)上可用。如果您使用Apple Silicon M1 Mac,则无法通过Boot Camp安装(Boot Camp)Windows。
2. 选择继续(Continue)。
3.从 Mac 的下载文件夹中选择下载的(Downloads)ISO文件并指定Windows分区的大小。然后,选择安装(Install)。
4. Boot Camp 助手(Boot Camp Assistant)将开始下载Windows支持软件。完成后,它将创建一个Windows 操作系统分区并将您的(Windows OS)Mac引导到Windows Installer中。
5.在 Windows 设置屏幕上选择立即安装。(Install now)
6. 选择您的语言、时间和货币格式以及键盘布局。然后,选择下一步(Next)。
7. 输入您的Windows产品密钥。如果您没有,请选择我没有产品密钥( I don’t have a product key)。
8. 选择您要安装的 Windows 版本——Windows 10 家庭(Windows 10 Home)版或Windows 10 专业版(Pro)——然后选择下一步(Next)。了解版本之间的差异(difference between the versions)。
9. 同意Microsoft软件许可条款并选择下一步(Next)。
10. 选择自定义:仅安装 Windows(高级)( Custom: Install Windows only (advanced))。
11. 选择您的BOOTCAMP (Windows) 分区并选择Next。
12.等到(Wait)Windows 安装程序(Windows Setup)完成在您的Mac上安装Windows 10。
在 Mac 上设置 Windows 10
Windows 安装程序(Windows Setup)完成安装Windows 10后,您必须指定您的语言、键盘和隐私首选项。您还必须创建一个Windows用户帐户。
注意(Note):由于缺少网络驱动程序,Windows安装程序将无法连接到 Internet。(Setup)您可以在到达Windows 10桌面后恢复在线连接。
1. 选择一个地区并选择是(Yes)。
2. 选择键盘布局并选择是(Yes)。
3. 选择我没有互联网(I don’t have internet)。
4. 选择Continue with limited setup。
5. 输入您的姓名并选择下一步(Next)以创建本地帐户。
6.查看(Review)您的隐私设置,例如位置(Location)、诊断数据(Diagnostic data)和广告 ID(Advertising ID)。如果需要,禁用任何内容并选择Accept。
7.设置 Cortana(Set up Cortana)或选择Now Now稍后再做。
8. 等待Windows 安装程序(Windows Setup)完成安装。
9. 您的Mac将立即启动进入Windows 10桌面。你已经成功了一半!
在 Mac 上更新 Windows 10
现在您已完成在Mac上安装(Mac)Windows 10,您必须安装硬件驱动程序、支持软件和系统更新,以使其正常运行。这也确保了顺利升级到Windows 11。
运行 Boot Camp 安装程序(Run Boot Camp Installer)
在您的Mac(Mac)首次启动到Windows 10后,Boot Camp安装程序会自动显示。它包含您必须立即安装的关键驱动程序。
1. 选择下一步(Next)。
2. 接受Boot Camp许可协议并选择安装(Install)。
3.等待(Wait)Boot Camp安装程序完成所有驱动程序的安装。然后,选择是(Yes)重新启动您的 Mac。
连接到 Wi-Fi 网络(Connect to a Wi-Fi Network)
Boot Camp安装程序应该已恢复Windows 10中的在线连接。如果您不使用以太网(Ethernet),则可以改为连接到Wi-Fi。只需(Just)选择系统托盘(任务栏右上角)上的地球图标,选择可用的 Wi-Fi 网络,输入其密码,然后选择(Globe)连接(Connect)。
安装 Apple 软件更新(Install Apple Software Update)
接下来,使用Apple 软件更新(Apple Software Update)应用程序安装额外的Boot Camp驱动程序更新。
1.在任务栏中输入Apple Software Update并选择打开(Open)。
2. 选中所有可用Apple(Apple)软件更新旁边的框,然后选择安装(Install)。
3. 选择是(Yes)重新启动您的 PC。
安装 Windows 驱动程序和更新。(Install Windows Drivers & Updates.)
最后,您必须通过Windows Update安装所有 Microsoft 验证的驱动程序。
1.在任务栏中输入Windows Update并选择打开(Open)。
2. 选择检查更新(Check for Updates)>查看所有可选更新(View all optional updates)。
3.展开驱动更新(Driver updates)。然后,选中所有驱动程序更新旁边的框并选择下载并安装(Download and install)。
4.返回(Head)上一个屏幕并安装最新的 Windows 10 更新。
5. 选择立即重启(Restart now)。
下载 MediaCreationTool GitHub 脚本(Download the MediaCreationTool GitHub Script)
您现在已准备好升级到Windows 11。首先,您必须从GitHub下载(GitHub)MediaCreationTool ( MCT ) 。这是一个自动脚本,可从Microsoft官方服务器下载Windows 11并通过跳过所有兼容性检查来安装它。
1.从Windows 10任务栏打开Microsoft Edge ,然后前往 GitHub 上(Microsoft Edge)的 AveYo 的 MediaCreationTool 页面(AveYo’s MediaCreationTool page)。
2. 选择代码(Code)并选择标记为下载 ZIP的选项以下载(Download ZIP)ZIP格式的批处理脚本。
3. 选择下载架上的更多图标(三个点),然后选择(More)在文件夹中显示(Show in Folder)。
4. 右键单击下载的ZIP文件并选择提取文件(Extract Files)。然后,选择提取(Extract)。提取的文件夹将自动显示。
将 Windows 10 安装升级到 Windows 11(Upgrade Windows 10 Installation to Windows 11)
运行批处理脚本会将Windows 10升级到Windows 11。如果要升级以前的Windows 10安装,请在继续之前创建数据备份。(create a backup of your data)
1. 右键单击 MediaCreationTool.bat文件并选择以管理员身份运行(Run as an administrator)。
2.在 Windows SmartScreen 弹出窗口中选择更多信息(More info)>仍然运行。(Run anyway)
3. 选择11。
4. 选择自动升级(Auto Upgrade)。
5.等到(Wait)MediaCreationTool脚本将Windows 11 下载到您的 PC 上。从此时起,您无需执行任何操作。
6. MediaCreationTool将重新启动您的Mac并开始安装Windows 11。该过程可能需要一个小时或更长时间才能完成。
7. 升级后,您的Mac将启动进入Windows 11桌面。恭喜!
可选:登录Microsoft 帐户(Into Microsoft Account)
您已在Mac上完成了 Windows 11 的设置。自从您在Windows 10中安装了所有驱动程序和更新后,您就可以立即开始使用它。
您还可以使用Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft Account)登录Windows 11以解锁其他功能(例如同步 PC 设置和从Microsoft Store下载有年龄限制的内容的能力)或激活 Windows(如果它与数字许可证相关联(linked with a digital license)) 。
1. 打开开始(Start)菜单并选择设置(Settings)。
2. 选择账户(Accounts)>您的信息(Your info)。
3. 选择使用 Microsoft 帐户登录(Sign in with a Microsoft Account instead)。
4. 输入您的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft Account)凭据(或选择创建一个)并登录到Windows 10。
在 Mac 上激活 Windows 11
您无需激活Windows 11即可继续在Mac上使用它,但您将无法自定义桌面。无论如何(Regardless),您可以通过前往开始(Start)>设置(Settings)>系统(System)>激活(Activation)来检查您的激活状态并输入/购买产品密钥。
在 Windows 和 macOS 之间切换
您可以通过启动选择屏幕在Mac上的(Mac)Windows 11和 macOS Monterey安装之间切换。
1. 打开开始(Start)菜单并选择电源(Power)>重启(Restart)。
2. 按住Option键直到进入启动选择屏幕。
3. 选择Macintosh HD >继续(Continue)启动到 macOS Monterey。
如果要加载Windows 11 ,请在再次按住Option键的同时重新启动Mac ,然后选择(Mac)Boot Camp > Continue。
注意(Note):要管理您的默认启动磁盘首选项,请在 macOS Monterey 中打开System Preferences应用程序并选择(System Preferences )Startup Disk。
使用虚拟化软件(Virtualization Software)在Mac上安装 Windows 11(Install Windows 11)
如果使用Boot Camp安装(Boot Camp)Windows 11感觉耗时且复杂,您可以使用以下虚拟化软件在Mac上运行(Mac)Windows 11。
VirtualBox:免费的虚拟化软件,需要注册表破解才能安装Windows 11。您可以在 Oracle 博客中阅读所有相关信息(read all about it in the Oracle blog)。
Parallels Desktop 或 VMWare Fusion(Parallels Desktop or VMWare Fusion):比VirtualBox更好用的付费虚拟化软件。它还允许您在Apple Silicon Mac上安装基于 ARM 的(Apple Silicon Macs)Windows 11版本。
How to Install Windows 11 in macOS Monterey Using Boot Camp
Windows 11‘s compatibility checks for Secure Boot and TPM 2.0 don’t translate well on Intel Mac hardware. So, for example, if you try to use the official Windows 11 ISO from Microsoft in macOS 12 Monterey, the Boot Camp Assistant will fail to procure the necessary drivers or stall at Windows Setup.
Thankfully, you can install Windows 11 in macOS Monterey using Boot Camp with a workaround. It requires upgrading a standard Windows 10 Boot Camp installation to Windows 11 with an automated batch script that bypasses the operating system’s stringent system requirements.
The following method is also secure and less complicated than alternative ways of installing Windows 11 on Mac that you may have read about (such as those involving a modified ISO or bootable USB drive).
Note: If you already have Windows 10 set up on your Intel MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, or Mac mini, skip to the section that focuses on upgrading it to Windows 11.
Update Your Mac
You can use the instructions in this tutorial to run Windows 11 on all macOS Monterey-compatible Intel Macs. However, to minimize the chances of running into any Boot Camp Assistant errors, we recommend that you install all available macOS Monterey point updates before you begin.
1. Open the System Preferences app.
2. Select Software Update.
3. Select Update Now to update your Mac to the latest version of macOS Monterey.
Download Windows 10 ISO
Since you must install Windows 10 on your Mac first, the next step involves downloading an up-to-date copy of a 64-bit Windows 10 ISO image file from Microsoft.
1. Visit the Download Windows 10 Disc Image (ISO File) page on the Microsoft website using Safari or another web browser.
2. Pick the latest version of Windows 10, choose a language (e.g., English or English International), and select Confirm.
3. Select 64-bit Download and wait until your web browser downloads the ISO file to your Mac.
Use Boot Camp to Install Windows 10
After downloading the ISO file, you can start installing Windows 10 on your Mac. Just make sure to have at least 50 gigabytes of free space before you begin.
1. Open Boot Camp Assistant via the Mac’s Launchpad.
Note: Boot Camp Assistant is only available on Intel-based Macs. If you use an Apple Silicon M1 Mac, you can’t install Windows via Boot Camp.
2. Select Continue.
3. Pick the downloaded ISO file from your Mac’s Downloads folder and specify a size for the Windows partition. Then, select Install.
4. Boot Camp Assistant will begin to download Windows support software. Once that finishes, it will create a Windows OS partition and boot your Mac into the Windows Installer.
5. Select Install now on the Windows Setup screen.
6. Select your language, time and currency format, and keyboard layout. Then, select Next.
7. Enter your Windows product key. If you don’t have one, select I don’t have a product key.
8. Pick the edition of Windows you want to install—Windows 10 Home or Windows 10 Pro—and select Next. Learn about the difference between the versions.
9. Agree to the Microsoft software license terms and select Next.
10. Select Custom: Install Windows only (advanced).
11. Pick your BOOTCAMP (Windows) partition and select Next.
12. Wait until the Windows Setup finishes installing Windows 10 on your Mac.
Set Up Windows 10 on Mac
Once the Windows Setup finishes installing Windows 10, you must specify your language, keyboard, and privacy preferences. You must also create a Windows user account.
Note: Windows Setup will not connect to the internet due to missing network drivers. You can restore online connectivity after reaching the Windows 10 desktop.
1. Choose a region and select Yes.
2. Pick a keyboard layout and select Yes.
3. Select I don’t have internet.
4. Select Continue with limited setup.
5. Enter your name and select Next to create a local account.
6. Review your privacy settings—e.g., Location, Diagnostic data, and Advertising ID. Disable anything if needed and select Accept.
7. Set up Cortana or select Now Now to do that later.
8. Wait for the Windows Setup to finalize the installation.
9. Your Mac will boot into the Windows 10 desktop momentarily. You are halfway there!
Update Windows 10 on Mac
Now that you’ve finished installing Windows 10 on Mac, you must install the hardware drivers, support software, and system updates required to get it working correctly. That also ensures a smooth upgrade to Windows 11.
Run Boot Camp Installer
The Boot Camp installer shows up automatically after your Mac boots into Windows 10 for the first time. It contains critical drivers that you must install right away.
1. Select Next.
2. Accept the Boot Camp license agreement and select Install.
3. Wait for the Boot Camp installer to finish installing all drivers. Then, select Yes to restart your Mac.
Connect to a Wi-Fi Network
The Boot Camp installer should’ve restored online connectivity in Windows 10. If you don’t use Ethernet, you can connect to Wi-Fi instead. Just select the Globe icon on the system tray (right-corner of the taskbar), pick an available Wi-Fi network, enter its password, and select Connect.
Install Apple Software Update
Next, use the Apple Software Update app to install additional Boot Camp driver updates.
1. Type Apple Software Update into the taskbar and select Open.
2. Check the boxes next to all available Apple software updates and select Install.
3. Select Yes to restart your PC.
Install Windows Drivers & Updates.
Finally, you must install all Microsoft-verified drivers via Windows Update.
1. Type Windows Update into the taskbar and select Open.
2. Select Check for Updates > View all optional updates.
3. Expand Driver updates. Then, check the boxes next to all driver updates and select Download and install.
4. Head back to the previous screen and install the latest Windows 10 updates.
5. Select Restart now.
Download the MediaCreationTool GitHub Script
You’re now ready to make the upgrade to Windows 11. To begin, you must download MediaCreationTool (MCT) from GitHub. It’s an automated script that downloads Windows 11 from the official Microsoft servers and installs it by skipping all compatibility checks.
1. Open Microsoft Edge from the Windows 10 taskbar and head over to AveYo’s MediaCreationTool page on GitHub.
2. Select Code and pick the option labeled Download ZIP to download the batch script in ZIP format.
3. Select the More icon (three dots) on the download shelf and choose Show in Folder.
4. Right-click the downloaded ZIP file and select Extract Files. Then, choose Extract. The extracted folder will show up automatically.
Upgrade Windows 10 Installation to Windows 11
Running the batch script will upgrade Windows 10 to Windows 11. If you’re upgrading a previous Windows 10 installation, create a backup of your data before proceeding.
1. Right-click the MediaCreationTool.bat file and select Run as an administrator.
2. Select More info > Run anyway on the Windows SmartScreen pop-up.
3. Select 11.
4. Select Auto Upgrade.
5. Wait until the MediaCreationTool script downloads Windows 11 onto your PC. You don’t have to do anything from this point onward.
6. The MediaCreationTool will reboot your Mac and begin installing Windows 11. The procedure may take up to an hour or more to complete.
7. Your Mac will boot into the Windows 11 desktop after the upgrade. Congratulations!
Optional: Sign Into Microsoft Account
You’ve finished setting up Windows 11 on your Mac. You can begin using it immediately since you installed all drivers and updates in Windows 10.
You can also sign into Windows 11 with a Microsoft Account to unlock additional features—such as the ability to sync PC settings and download age-restricted content from the Microsoft Store—or activate Windows if it’s linked with a digital license.
1. Open the Start menu and select Settings.
2. Select Accounts > Your info.
3. Select Sign in with a Microsoft Account instead.
4. Enter your Microsoft Account credentials (or choose to create one) and sign in to Windows 10.
Activate Windows 11 on Mac
You don’t have to activate Windows 11 to keep using it on your Mac, but you will lose the ability to customize your desktop. Regardless, you can check your activation status and enter/purchase a product key by heading to Start > Settings >System > Activation.
Switch Between Windows and macOS
You can switch between your Windows 11 and macOS Monterey installations on your Mac via the boot selection screen.
1. Open the Start menu and select Power > Restart.
2. Hold down the Option key until you get to the boot selection screen.
3. Select Macintosh HD > Continue to boot into macOS Monterey.
If you want to load Windows 11, restart your Mac while holding down the Option key again and select Boot Camp > Continue.
Note: To manage your default startup disk preferences, open the System Preferences app in macOS Monterey and select Startup Disk.
Using Virtualization Software to Install Windows 11 on Mac
If installing Windows 11 using Boot Camp feels time-consuming and complicated, you can use the following virtualization software to run Windows 11 on Mac.
VirtualBox: Free virtualization software that requires a registry hack to install Windows 11. You can read all about it in the Oracle blog.
Parallels Desktop or VMWare Fusion: Paid virtualization software that works better than VirtualBox. It also lets you install the ARM-based version of Windows 11 on Apple Silicon Macs.