在我们之前的光盘标签教程中,Ciprian 提到了两种标签刻录技术:LightScribe和LabelFlash。他只介绍了LightScribe,因为此类驱动器的使用范围更广。我碰巧有一个LabelFlash驱动器,并且我能够使用该技术几次。
在哪里可以找到 LabelFlash?
这是LabelFlash 官方(official LabelFlash)网站的供应商列表。如您所见,LabelFlash驱动器由Pioneer、Sony 和 Phillips(Sony and Phillips)等公司制造,因此虽然它们远没有LightScribe驱动器那么普遍,但这并不是因为它们是由不可靠的组织制造的。关于LightScribe(LightScribe)比LabelFlash更常见的原因,我有一些想法,我会在本文的最后谈一谈。
某些计算机附带安装了LabelFlash驱动器。我构建了自己的计算机,并选择了Pioneer LabelFlash DVD 刻录机。LabelFlash光盘没有广泛使用,而且它们比LightScribe光盘贵(据我所知,这里的商店不出售)所以我一直从亚马逊(Amazon)订购它们。这是我发现的一个很好的DVD 包: (DVD pack)Memorex DVD Recordable Media - DVD-R - 4.70 GB - 10 Pack Spindle。
没有LabelFlash CD,只有DVD(DVDs),这对某些人来说可能是一个真正的交易破坏者(deal breaker)。
您将立即看到LightScribe和LabelFlash光盘之间的主要区别在于它们的颜色。LabelFlash光盘是深蓝色,其中最常见的LightScribe光盘是金色的(LabelFlash和LightScribe光盘也是其他颜色)。两种类型的标签都是单色的,看起来都不比另一种更好或更差。与LightScribe相比, (LightScribe)LabelFlash确实有一个不同寻常的优势,我稍后会谈到这一点。
如果您不确定是否有LabelFlash驱动器,最快的找出方法是阅读驱动器或计算机(drive or computer)随附的文档。您还可以下载免费的官方 LabelFlash 软件(download the free official LabelFlash software),它会检查您的驱动器是否兼容。请在下一节中查看我对此软件的评论。
如果您宁愿使用LabelFlash Index Maker以外的其他工具来刻录标签(我很确定您会这样做),并且您的硬件不包含软件,那么您可能很难找到完成这项工作的软件。人们没有太多动力去开发它。
LabelFlash 索引制作器
不幸的是, LabelFlash Index Maker(LabelFlash Index Maker)只能被仁慈地描述为三流。雅马哈在 2007 年发布了最新版本,从那以后就再也没有接触过它,而且它充满了错误和荒谬的缺点。
不幸的是,我找不到其他得到合理评价的免费LabelFlash软件。有可用的共享软件程序,价格范围似乎从 19.95 美元起,我检查的那些似乎有 30 天的试用期。我不知道这些试验是否功能齐全。(Whether)如果您的驱动器附带某种OEM 软件,您可能想尝试一下。(OEM software)
请记住,在使用LabelFlash Index Maker时,您一分钱一分货,让我们烧掉一个标签。
您可能会发现的第一件事是该软件没有出现在“开始”菜单搜索(Start Menu search)框中。您想要的实际文件名是LIM.EXE,它可能会或可能不会出现在搜索中。我不知道这是否是我的计算机特有的东西,但我可以轻松访问该软件的唯一方法是使用Windows Explorer找到它,右键单击LIM.EXE,然后选择Pin to Start Menu .
首先(First),对于是否应该在尝试标记光盘之前完成光盘(防止写入更多数据)似乎存在意见分歧。我会谨慎行事并最终确定(caution and finalize),因为我不知道新数据是否会对已烧毁的标签做出反应。我怀疑不是,但比抱歉更安全。
使用您喜欢的任何软件将数据刻录到光盘后,您需要弹出光盘并将其翻转过来,使其另一面(深蓝色(darker blue)的一面)朝下。
启动LabelFlash Index Maker。您会注意到的第一件事是,您对该软件的选择很少。
有一个标记为Config的按钮,它只允许您更改默认字体(default font)(只是字体,而不是其大小)和光盘上标签的默认半径(default radius),您可能不想弄乱。而已!如果您打算将数据光盘的内容放在标签上,我建议您选择Arial Narrow,它会给您更多的书写空间。
左侧的下拉菜单中还有一组可用的模板。LabelFlash在其网站上提供了其他模板,但无法将它们添加到软件中。事实上,即使是软件附带的所有图像都没有出现在模板列表中。默认质量(default quality)是Draft,您认为有一种方法可以在主屏幕上更改它,但没有。在您做出选择之前,您必须真正开始刻录标签。
在这里,我插入了我最喜欢的电视连续剧Lonesome Dove的第一张光盘的备份副本。(backup copy)
单击“确定(OK)”,您最终可以选择从“草稿”更改为“普通”(Draft to Normal)或“高质量(High quality)” 。正常(Normal)对于大多数用途来说应该是非常好的。
完成后,单击刻录(Burn),您的刻录将开始。您可能会对磁盘驱动器的安静程度感到惊讶。您会看到一个进度条(progress bar),显示刻录需要多长时间。在正常(Normal)模式下,该过程非常迅速。
这是完成的光盘。LabelFlash会在激光作用于光盘的蓝色区域时使其变得清晰,从而使光盘标签非常易读。不要以这张照片的质量为准——当你发现你可怜的旧数码相机(digital camera)终于放弃了鬼魂,你不得不用你的半智能手机拍照时,就会发生这种情况。
正如我所提到的, LabelFlash Index Maker(LabelFlash Index Maker)有一件非常好的事情。它可以让您在任何普通DVD(不是CD 或 DVD-RW(CD or DVD-RW))的数据端刻录一个小的光盘索引标签。(disc index label)
您需要一张没有满数据的光盘,因为光盘的边缘是标签出现的地方。打开LabelFlash Index Maker,然后选择外环(Outer Ring)模板之一。然后单击光盘扫描(Disc Scan)。这将显示光盘上的文件。然后单击配置(Config)。这一次,单击显示DiscT@2 Mode的小框。这就是将标签放在光盘上的内容。
在这里,我有一个存档光盘,上面只有几个文件,我用作测试,在外环正(Outer Ring Positive)模板上。您可以更改标签的内容和字体,仅此而已。请记住(Remember),对于这种标签,您不要将光盘翻过来。
使用LabelFlash(LabelFlash)驱动器在光盘上刻录标签是一个简单而直接的过程,不幸的是,可用的软件使该过程没有吸引力。免费软件的质量低得令人沮丧,而且通常无法仅通过阅读产品说明来判断当前的任何商业软件包是否会刻录LabelFlash光盘。(LabelFlash)我已经使用Nero Express Essentials SE刻录了标签,这是我的(Nero Express Essentials SE)Pioneer 驱动器(Pioneer drive)附带的OEM 软件(OEM software),它运行良好,但需要一段时间才能弄清楚这个过程。与许多OEM 软件(OEM software)一样,您只能靠自己,因为公司不支持它。
我读过旧版本的商业Nero 软件包(Nero package)会刻录LabelFlash光盘,但我没有尝试过。如果您想尝试一下,可以尝试使用Oldversion.com 之(Oldversion.com)类的网站。但请注意,生产Nero的公司过去一直对盗版非常警惕,因此您在网上找到的旧版本(即使来自 oldversion.com 等合法网站)可能会运行,也可能不会运行。
那么LabelFlash出了什么问题呢?我会把不受欢迎的地方直接放在它的创造者身上。驱动器来自知名公司,但似乎该工艺的发明者将其投放市场,然后洗掉了手。官网(web site)太原始了,软件更差,没有软件硬件也没用。很遗憾,因为LabelFlash光盘看起来非常吸引人,而且据说标签比LightScribe的更耐用。但是没有公司的支持(company support),消费者就没有购买LabelFlash驱动器的动力,也没有消费者的支持(consumer support)没有动机使光盘更便宜且更广泛可用。
当我购买Pioneer 驱动器(Pioneer drive)时,我并不知道这一切。我只考虑制造商的声誉以及我过去对Pioneer drive的满意度。LabelFlash是一个不错的附加功能,我想,但我并没有打算过多地使用它——我也没有。由于光盘比普通DVD(DVDs)贵,我不太愿意尝试。
How to Burn Labels on the Back of your DVDs with LabelFlash
In our previous disc-labeling tutorial, Ciprian mentіoned thе two typеs of labеl-burning technоlogies: LightScribe and LabelFlash. He covered only LightScribe as such drives are much more widely available. I happen to have a LabelFlash drive and I was able to use this technology a couple of times.
Are there major differences between the two types of disc labelers? Is burning labels easier with one than the other? I was also curious to find out why LightScribe is so much more popular. Here's what I found out.
Where to find LabelFlash?
Here is the official LabelFlash web site's list of suppliers. As you can see, LabelFlash drives are made by companies like Pioneer, Sony and Phillips, so although they're nowhere near as common as LightScribe drives, it's not because they're manufactured by fly-by-night organizations. I have some thoughts on the reasons why LightScribe is more common than LabelFlash, which I will talk about at the end of this article.
Some computers come with LabelFlash drives installed. I build my own computers, and I chose a Pioneer LabelFlash DVD burner. LabelFlash discs are not widely available and they are more expensive than the LightScribe discs (not for sale in stores here as far as I can tell) so I have been ordering them from Amazon. Here is a good DVD pack I found: Memorex DVD Recordable Media - DVD-R - 4.70 GB - 10 Pack Spindle.
There are no LabelFlash CDs, only DVDs, which could be a real deal breaker for some people.
The major difference you will immediately see between LightScribe and LabelFlash discs is their color. LabelFlash discs are a very dark blue, where the most commonly available LightScribe discs are golden (there are both LabelFlash and LightScribe discs that are other colors as well). Both types of labels are monochrome, and neither appears to be better or worse than the other. LabelFlash does have one unusual advantage over LightScribe, and I'll get to that in a bit.
Getting started
If you are not sure whether you have a LabelFlash drive, the quickest way to find out is to read the documentation that came with your drive or computer. You can also download the free official LabelFlash software and it will check to see if your drive is compatible. Do see my comments about this software in the next section.
If you'd rather use something other than LabelFlash Index Maker to burn your labels (and I'm pretty sure you will), and your hardware didn't include software, you may have trouble finding software to do the job. There hasn't been much incentive for people to develop it.
LabelFlash Index Maker
LabelFlash Index Maker, unfortunately, can only be charitably described as third-rate. Yamaha released the most current version in 2007 and hasn't laid a hand on it since, and it's full of bugs and ridiculous shortcomings.
Unfortunately, I was not able to find other free LabelFlash software that got reasonable reviews. There are shareware programs available and the price ranges seem to be from $19.95 up, and the ones I checked appear to have 30 day trials. Whether those trials are fully functional, I do not know. If your drive came with OEM software of some kind, you might want to give that a try.
Burning a Label on a Disc
Keeping in mind that in the case of LabelFlash Index Maker you get what you pay for, let's burn a label.
The first thing you may find is that the software doesn't turn up in the Start Menu search box. The actual filename you want is LIM.EXE, which may or may not turn up in a search either. I don't know whether it was something peculiar to my computer or not, but the only way I could get easy access to the software was to locate it with Windows Explorer, right-click on LIM.EXE, and choose Pin to Start Menu.
First of all, there seems to be a difference of opinion as to whether you should finalize a disc (preventing more data from being written) before attempting to label it. I'd err on the side of caution and finalize, since I do not know whether new data will react to a burned label. I suspect not, but better safe than sorry.
Once you have burned your data to the disc, using whatever software you prefer, you will need to eject the disc and turn it over so that its other side (the side that is a darker blue) is facing down.
Start LabelFlash Index Maker. The first thing you will notice is that you have very few options with this software.
There is a button marked Config that does nothing but allow you to change the default font (just the font, not its size), and the default radius of the label on the disc, which you probably don't want to mess with. That's it! If you are going to put the contents of data discs on your labels I would suggest choosing Arial Narrow, which will give you a little more room to write.
There is also a set of templates available via the drop-down menu on the left. LabelFlash provides additional templates on their website, but there is no way to add them to the software. In fact, not even all the images that come with the software are available on the list of templates. The default quality is Draft, and you'd think there would be a way to change that on the main screen, but there isn't. You have to actually start burning the label before you get that choice.
Here I have inserted my backup copy of the first disc of Lonesome Dove, one of my favorite TV series.
I chose the Cinema template. As you can see, the label is very primitive, and the information it has read from the disc is exactly what's there.
So, let's change the label to something a little more appealing. As you can see, the information that will be printed on the disc appears in the boxes on the right side. Since there is no way to change the size of the font, you will have to experiment with the fonts installed on your computer to find one that is naturally large enough to be clearly visible. Here, I have selected Verdana and have edited the information that will be burned to the disc. I found that I could not clear out the date by just selecting it and deleting it. I had to select it, replace it with a space, and then backspace to delete the space.
Click on OK, and you'll finally be given the option to change from Draft to Normal or High quality. Normal should be perfectly good for most uses.
Once you've done that, click Burn and your burn will start. You may be surprised at how quiet the disc drive is. You'll see a progress bar to show you how long the burn will take. In Normal mode the process was quite speedy.
And here is the finished disc. LabelFlash turns the blue area of the disc clear when the laser works on it, which makes the disc label very readable. Don't go by this picture's quality—this is what happens when you find that your poor old digital camera has finally given up the ghost and you have to take pictures with your semi-smart phone.
The one good thing
As I mentioned, there is one really good thing about LabelFlash Index Maker. It will let you burn a small disc index label on the data side of any regular DVD (not a CD or DVD-RW).
You will need a disc that is not full of data out to the edge, because the edge of the disc is where the label will appear. Open LabelFlash Index Maker, and select one of the Outer Ring templates. Then click Disc Scan. This will display the files that are on your disc. Then click Config. This time, click on the little box that says DiscT@2 Mode. That's what will put the label on your disc.
Here I have an archive disc with just a few files on it that I used as a test, on the Outer Ring Positive template. You can change the contents of your label and the font, but that's it. Remember, for this kind of label you do NOT turn the disc over.
Click OK, and your drive will quietly burn your label onto your disc. The finished product is nowhere near as legible as labels on LabelFlash discs, but you can see it quite well if you angle the disc to the light.
Wrapping it up--the good, the bad, and the ugly
Burning labels on discs with a LabelFlash drive is a simple and straightforward process that has been made unfortunately unappealing by the software available to do it. The free software is of depressingly low quality, and there is usually no way of telling whether any current commercial package will burn LabelFlash discs just by reading the description of the product. I have burned labels using Nero Express Essentials SE, the OEM software that came with my Pioneer drive, and it works well, but it takes a while to figure the process out. As with a lot of OEM software, you're on your own because the company doesn't support it.
I have read that older versions of the commercial Nero package will burn LabelFlash discs, but I have not tried those. If you'd like to experiment, you could try a site like Oldversion.com. Be aware, though, that the company that produces Nero has been very vigilant against piracy in the past, so an older version that you find online, even from a legitimate site like oldversion.com, may or may not run.
So what went wrong with LabelFlash? I would lay the unpopularity squarely on its creator. The drives are from reputable companies, but it seems that the inventors of the process put it out on the market and then washed their hands of it. The official web site is ridiculously primitive, the software is worse, and without software the hardware is useless. It's a pity, because LabelFlash discs are very attractive to look at and the labels are said to be more durable than LightScribe's. But without company support, there's no incentive for the consumer to buy a LabelFlash drive, and without consumer support there's no incentive for the discs to be less expensive and more widely available.
I didn't know all this when I bought my Pioneer drive. I was thinking only of the reputation of the manufacturer and how satisfied I'd been with Pioneer drives in the past. The LabelFlash was a nice added feature, I thought, but I didn't plan on using it much—and I haven't. Since the discs are more expensive than regular DVDs, I have not been much inclined to experiment.
So, if you have a LabelFlash drive, now you have an idea of how to burn simple, unsophisticated labels, which might very well be all you need. If you have tried this out and have information to share I would love to hear it! Also, any links to better LabelFlash software, whether free, shareware, or commercial, would be greatly appreciated.