对于那些有机会试用Windows 8中的新(Windows 8)邮件(Mail)应用程序的人,您会知道它是一种方便的工具,可以将所有电子邮件聚合到一个位置,也就是说,除非您有POP3 电子邮件(POP3 email)帐户。虽然大多数电子邮件提供商已经更新到IMAP 协议(IMAP protocol),但一些主要的ISP,包括Comcast 和 Verizon(Comcast and Verizon),仍然使用POP3。如果您是拥有此类地址的数百万用户中的一员,您将无法简单地将您的帐户添加到Windows 8 Mail。但是,您可以使用 Microsoft 的Outlook.com免费电子邮件服务(email service)从您的 POP3 帐户(POP3 account),然后在邮件(Mail)应用程序中使用该帐户。本指南将展示如何。
Mail 不支持POP3 电子邮件(POP3 email)帐户
在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到尝试在Mail中使用(Mail)POP3 电子邮件(POP3 email)帐户时返回的臭名昭著的错误。

使用 Microsoft 的Outlook.com,您可以创建一个Outlook 电子邮件地址并使用(Outlook email address and use)该地址从您的POP3 帐户(POP3 account)中提取电子邮件。将 Outlook 与Mail(Mail)同步后,您就可以接收和回复发送给您旧电子邮件地址(email address)的电子邮件。这听起来可能很烦人,但这个过程既快速又简单。
登录到 Outlook.com
打开您选择的Web 浏览器(web browser)并转到Outlook.com。输入与您的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)关联的电子邮件地址和密码(email address and password)。单击(Click)或点击“登录”。("Sign In.")

即使您的帐户使用来自其他提供商(例如Gmail 或 Yahoo )的(Gmail or Yahoo)电子邮件地址(email address),您也可以登录。但是,如果您已经在Mail中配置了原始电子邮件地址(email address),您将无法使用相同的地址添加Outlook 收件箱。(Outlook inbox)

要避免此问题,请创建一个新的Microsoft 帐户(Microsoft account)以与Outlook.com一起使用。只需单击Outlook 登录(Outlook Sign In)页面上的“立即注册”("Sign Up Now")并输入所需信息。
或者,您可以将该电子邮件与Hotmail服务一起使用,而不是Outlook.com。此服务允许您使用其电子邮件服务由另一家公司提供的Microsoft帐户进行签名。(Microsoft)此外,您可以使用由其他公司提供电子邮件服务(email service)的Hotmail帐户登录Mail 。
但是,还有另一个问题:假设您有一个Gmail 帐户(Gmail account)。如果您直接在Mail应用程序中注册它,那么您将无法使用同一帐户通过Hotmail服务在( service. It will return an error saying that your )Mail中注册。(Mail)它会返回一个错误,说明您的Gmail收件箱已设置。( inbox is already setup. Therefore, you either set )因此,您可以将Hotmail设置为接收您的Gmail邮件并使用您的Hotmail帐户在Mail应用程序中注册,或者您直接注册(Mail)Gmail。我希望这不会太令人困惑。如果您需要进一步说明,请告诉我。
如何将POP3 帐户(POP3 Account)添加到 Outlook.com
登录Outlook.com,单击或点击设置(Settings)齿轮,然后点击“更多邮件设置”。("More mail settings.")

单击或点击"Sending/receiving email from other accounts."

在“您可以从这些帐户接收邮件”("You can receive mail from these accounts")标题下,单击或点击“添加电子邮件帐户”。("Add an email account.")

输入(Enter)您的POP3 电子邮件帐户(POP3 email account and click)的帐户信息(account information),然后单击或点击“下一步”。("Next.")Outlook 应该能够从此处收集必要的信息并设置帐户。

如果设置失败,您需要单击或点击“高级选项”("Advanced Options")并手动配置帐户。保留电子邮件地址(email address)、密码、端口号(port number)和用户名字段不变。从您的电子邮件提供商(email provider)处获取邮件服务器名称(mail server name),选择“在服务器上保留我的邮件副本”("Leave a copy of my messages on the server"),然后单击或点击“下一步”。("Next.")

如果您输入的所有信息都准确无误,您的帐户设置(account setup)将继续。选择一个现有文件夹以接收来自您的POP3 帐户(POP3 account)的电子邮件或选择创建一个新文件夹。我们建议将邮件直接放入您的收件箱。做出决定后单击(Click)或点击“保存” 。("Save")

Outlook 将需要几秒钟来完成帐户设置(account setup),一旦您得到确认,单击或点击(click or tap) “转到您的收件箱”。("Go to your inbox.")

您现在应该会看到您的收件箱中充满了来自您的POP3 帐户(POP3 account)的电子邮件。剩下的就是将它们汇集到Windows 8 Mail中。
如何将Outlook.com添加到 Windows 8邮件(Mail)
要了解如何将您的Outlook 帐户(Outlook account)添加到您的邮件(Mail)收件箱,请查看以下文章:如何(How)使用邮件应用程序(Mail App)的完整指南(Complete Guide)。标题为“如何将帐户添加到 Windows 8 邮件应用程序”("How to Add an Account to the Windows 8 Mail App")的部分详细描述了此过程。
总而言之,将Outlook.com收件箱添加到Mail时,您需要从“添加帐户”("Add an account")菜单中为Outlook.com地址选择Outlook ,或者为来自不同提供商(如Yahoo 或 Gmail(Yahoo or Gmail))的Microsoft 帐户选择(Microsoft account)Hotmail。


现在您的Outlook 帐户(Outlook account)已添加到邮件(Mail)应用程序中,您可能需要更改帐户名称(account name)。它默认为“ Outlook ”,单击“ (Outlook)Outlook ”查看您的Comcast或任何其他POP3 提供商(POP3 provider)的消息可能并不直观。如果您需要这方面的帮助,请阅读以下文章以获取更多信息:Windows 8 简介:如何在邮件中重命名(Mail)帐户(Account)。
恭喜,您已成功绕过Mail与POP3的不兼容问题。即使电子邮件是发送到POP3 帐户(POP3 account),您也会直接在Mail应用程序中收到电子邮件。这不是一个完美的解决方案,特别是考虑到您从该帐户发送的电子邮件将带有Outlook.com地址而不是您的原始地址,但在功能上几乎没有什么区别。如果您在Internet 上还有任何其他(Internet)POP3帐户,请随时将它们添加到您的Outlook.com收件箱中。只要(Just)确保使用Outlook.com网站按照上述方式进行操作。您将无法使用邮件(Mail)应用程序添加它们。
您如何看待这种变通方法?将所有电子邮件集中在一个地方是否值得努力,或者您认为您会继续使用提供商的网络邮件界面(webmail interface)吗?我们很高兴收到您的来信,因此请随时在下面发布问题或评论。
How to Use Outlook.com to Import POP3 Mail to Windows 8 Mail
For thoѕe of you whо've had a chance to try out the new Mail app in Windows 8, you'll know that it's a convenient tool for aggregating all of your emails into a single location, that is, unless you have a POP3 email account. While most email providers have updated to the IMAP protocol, some major ISP's, including Comcast and Verizon, still use POP3. If you are one of the millions of users with such an address, you won't be able to simply add your account to Windows 8 Mail. But, you can use Microsoft's Outlook.com free email service to pull emails from your POP3 account(s) and then use that account in the Mail app. This guide will show how.
Mail doesn't support POP3 email accounts
In the screenshot below you can see the infamous error returned when trying to use POP3 email accounts in Mail.

Using Microsoft's Outlook.com, you can create an Outlook email address and use that to pull in emails from your POP3 account. Syncing Outlook with Mail will then allow you to receive and respond to emails sent your old email address. It may sound annoying, but the process is quick and easy.
Sign in to Outlook.com
Open your web browser of choice and go to Outlook.com. Enter the email address and password associated with your Microsoft account. Click or tap "Sign In."

You'll be able to log in even if your account uses an email address from another provider such as Gmail or Yahoo. However, if you already have your original email address configured in Mail, you won't be able to add your Outlook inbox using the same address.

To avoid this issue, create a new Microsoft account for use with Outlook.com. Just click "Sign Up Now" on the Outlook Sign In page and enter the required information.
Alternatively, you can use that email with the Hotmail service instead of Outlook.com. This service allows you to sign with Microsoft accounts that have their email service provided by another company. Also, you can sign into Mail with Hotmail accounts for which the email service is provided by other companies.
However, there's another catch: let's say that you have a Gmail account. If you register it directly in the Mail app then you won't be able to register in Mail using the same account, via the Hotmail service. It will return an error saying that your Gmail inbox is already setup. Therefore, you either set Hotmail to take your Gmail messages and register in the Mail app using your Hotmail account, or you register Gmail directly. I hope this is not too confusing to follow. Let me know if you need further clarification.
How to Add a POP3 Account to Outlook.com
Log in to Outlook.com, click or tap the Settings gear and then "More mail settings."

Click or tap "Sending/receiving email from other accounts."

Under the heading "You can receive mail from these accounts" click or tap "Add an email account."

Enter the account information for your POP3 email account and click or tap "Next." Outlook should be able to gather the necessary information and setup the account from here.

If the setup fails, you'll need to click or tap "Advanced Options" and manually configure the account. Leave the email address, password, port number, and username fields as they are. Get the mail server name from your email provider, select "Leave a copy of my messages on the server" and click or tap "Next."

Provided all of the information you entered is accurate, your account setup will continue. Select an existing folder to receive emails from your POP3 account or opt to create a new one. We recommend dropping the mails right into your inbox. Click or tap "Save" after making your decision.

Outlook will take a couple of seconds to finish up the account setup, once you get your confirmation, click or tap "Go to your inbox."

You should now see your inbox populating with emails from your POP3 account. All that remains is to funnel them into Windows 8 Mail.
How to Add Outlook.com to Windows 8 Mail
To learn how to add your Outlook account to your Mail inbox, please take a look at the following article: The Complete Guide on How to Use the Mail App. The section titles "How to Add an Account to the Windows 8 Mail App" describes this process in detail.
To summarize, when adding your Outlook.com inbox to Mail, you'll need to select Outlook from the "Add an account" menu for an Outlook.com address or Hotmail for Microsoft account from a different provider such as Yahoo or Gmail.

Provide your account details and Connect.

Now that your Outlook account is added to the Mail app, you may want to change the account name. It defaults to "Outlook" and it may not be intuitive to click "Outlook" to view your Comcast, or any other POP3 provider's, messages. Read the following article for more information if you need help with this: Introducing Windows 8: How to Rename an Account in Mail.
Congratulations, you've successfully circumvented Mail's incompatibility with POP3. You'll receive emails right into the Mail app even though they were sent to a POP3 account. It isn't a perfect fix, especially considering that emails you send from the account will bear the Outlook.com address instead of your original, but functionally that makes little difference. If you have any additional POP3 accounts floating around the Internet, feel free to add them to your Outlook.com inbox as well. Just make sure to use the Outlook.com site to do it as described above. You won't be able to add them using the Mail app.
How do you feel about this work-around? Is it worth the effort to have all of your emails in one place or do you think you'll continue using your providers' webmail interface? We love hearing from you so feel free to post questions or comments below.