Photoshop有一个名为Replace Color的功能。如果您觉得需要更改某些内容,这是一种快速切换颜色的方法。一旦你掌握了使用它的窍门,你也应该只需要一分钟左右的时间。

以下是如何使用 Photoshop 的替换颜色(Replace Color)功能。
如何使用替换颜色(How To Use Replace Color)

打开图像后,转到Image > Adjustments > Replace Color。将出现一个窗口,您可以在其中开始使用此功能。



何时应该使用 Photoshop 的替换颜色功能(When You Should Use Photoshop’s Replace Color Feature)
有时使用替换颜色(Replace Color)会比其他颜色更容易。在某些情况下,它是一个很棒的工具,但在其他情况下,它可能会使您的图像看起来很乱,而在那些时候,手动替换颜色可能会更好。
好吧,这张照片中已经有很多深海军/黑色色调,所以替换颜色(Replace Color)也会在你不想要的地方改变这些色调。

即使降低模糊(Fuzziness)度级别仍会更改一些您可能不想更改的颜色。使用“替换颜色(Replace Color)”的最佳时间是当您的颜色非常纯色时,例如在图形设计或插图中。
不过,您仍然可以在真实照片中使用“替换颜色(Replace Color)”来获得一些有趣的效果,因此,如果您想实现更加风格化的编辑,请不要完全放弃它的潜力。缺点是您无法控制如何将颜色应用于照片,因此效果可能会受到影响。
使用颜色替换工具(Using the Color Replacement Tool)
这是一个与Replace Color(Replace Color)完全不同的工具,如果您右键单击它,您可以在画笔工具下找到它。

不过,您不必担心画笔的大小,因为它只会在十字准线注册的颜色上绘制。如果您只希望Photoshop注册一次颜色而不是连续注册颜色,您可以选择选项栏中的“采样:一次”(Sampling: Once)图标,它看起来像一个末端带有 x 的吸管。

同样,与Replace Color中的(Replace Color)Fuzziness设置一样,您可以更改Photoshop的(Photoshop)Tolerance设置,以允许根据注册的颜色将颜色更改为更广泛的色调。
使用 Photoshop 的替换颜色功能的提示(Tips for Using Photoshop’s Replace Color Feature)
有一些方法可以将黑色更改为另一种颜色,但它们涉及许多不使用Replace Color的解决方法。因此,在使用此功能时,请确保您替换的是实际颜色,而不仅仅是黑色或白色。
How To Use Photoshop Replace Color For Creative Editing
Colors arе an important aspeсt of any art, рhoto, or design piece. Sometimes, you might feel like a certain color just doesn’t belong, and yоu want tо recolor it. You can dо this eаsilу in Photoshоp, even without erasing and recoloring something manυally.
There is a feature Photoshop has called Replace Color. It’s a quick way to switch colors out if you feel like something needs to be changed. It also should only take a minute or so for you to do once you get the hang of using it.

Here’s how to use Photoshop’s Replace Color feature.
How To Use Replace Color
First, you’ll want to have the image open with the color you’d like to replace. In this example, I’ll be using this design of a palm tree that I’d like to make purple.

With the image open, go to Image > Adjustments > Replace Color. A window will come up where you can start to use this feature.
Click the part of your picture where the color is that you want to replace. The color chosen will show up in the box in the upper right labeled Color.

Now, click on the box in the bottom right labeled Result. You’ll be able to pick what color you want to change the original color to here.
You can also change the hue, saturation, and lightness of the color. When you’re happy with the color, click OK.

Now, I want to change the palm leaves to a more neon teal color. So, I’ll do the same method as before, but this time choose the leaves as my color.
With the Fuzziness level set the way it was, though, Photoshop didn’t pick up all the green in the leaves.

The Fuzziness will add or remove parts of the color selection depending on the level it’s set at. The higher it is, the more hues it will take in relative to your selected color.
So, I upped the value and all the leaves are now the color I wanted.
When You Should Use Photoshop’s Replace Color Feature
There are times when using Replace Color will be easier than others. It’s a great tool to use in some cases, but in others it could make your image look messy, and those are times when it may be better to replace a color manually.
For example, this feature works less well with real-life photos. In this image of a surfer, say you wanted to replace the color of his suit to look more green.
Well, there are a lot of dark navy/black hues in this photo already, so Replace Color is also going to change these hues as well, in places you don’t want.

Even reducing the Fuzziness level will still change some colors you might not want to change. The best time to use Replace Color is when you have very solid colors, such as in a graphic design or illustration piece.
You can still get some interesting effects using Replace Color in real-life photos, though, so if you want to achieve a more stylized edit, don’t cut out its potential entirely. The downside is just that you won’t have as much control over how the colors get applied to the photo, so the effect could be hit-or-miss.
Another option, if you want more control over the color replacement, is to use another feature called the color replacement tool.
Using the Color Replacement Tool
This is an entirely different tool than Replace Color, and you can find it under the brush tool if you right-click it.

With this tool, you can replace any color you want with the brush. The color you’ll replace original colors with will be your foreground color you see at the bottom of your toolbar. You can click this color to change it if you want.
You’ll also see a crosshair in the middle of your brush cursor. This is how Photoshop knows what color you want to replace. So, make sure you keep that crosshair only within the color you’re replacing. If you move it to a different color, Photoshop will register that color as the one to replace instead.
You don’t need to worry about your brush size, though, as it will only paint over the color that the crosshair registers. If you only want Photoshop to register a color once instead of continuously, you can choose the Sampling: Once icon in the options bar, which looks like an eyedropper with an x at the end.

Again, like the Fuzziness setting in Replace Color, you can change the Tolerance setting for Photoshop to allow color change to a wider range of hues based on the registered color.
If you need more precision for your color replacement, this is the better tool to use, as it gives you full control of what color gets changed.
Tips for Using Photoshop’s Replace Color Feature
There are some aspects of this tool that at first may be confusing. For example, it doesn’t really work with stark black or white hues. Photoshop doesn’t count these as actual ‘colors’, so you can’t replace a non-color.
There are ways that you can change black to another color, but they involve a lot of workarounds that don’t use Replace Color. So, when using this feature, be sure you’re replacing an actual color and not just black or white.
Also keep in mind that going from a dark color to a light color might make the image look a bit off, especially if you’re editing a real-life photo. It’ll likely make your picture appear washed out, because Photoshop is trying to accommodate the darker color to make it appear brighter.