虽然Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery )没有其他程序所具备的复杂编辑工具,但它确实足以满足大多数人的需求。在本教程中,我将介绍编辑照片的基础知识,以便您获得想要的结果。
注意:(NOTE:)本教程假设您的硬盘上已有照片,这些照片由Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery )或其他程序导入。如果您需要有关导入图片的指南,请查看这篇文章:将图片和视频(Importing Pictures & Videos)从相机(Camera)导入Windows Live 照片库(Windows Live Photo Gallery)。
使用照片库(Photo Gallery)编辑图像的基础知识(Basics)

让我们试试自动调整(Auto Adjust)按钮,看看Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery)是如何调整图像的。


嗯。拉直图像是可以的,但颜色很糟糕。幸运的是,有一个简单的解决方法。按Ctrl-Z。菜单栏(menu bar)右侧还有一个“还原为原始”("Revert to Original")按钮。如果您只进行了一项要删除的更改,则可以单击该更改而不是按Ctrl-Z。但是,如果您进行了多项更改并且只想撤消最后一项更改,则Ctrl-Z是执行此操作的方法。
单击“恢复为原始(Revert to Original)”会清除所有更改并让您回到开头。
让我们尝试裁剪照片,以便剪掉不相关的背景细节。选择菜单栏(menu bar)上的裁剪(Crop),您的照片上会出现一个网格。

您可以像任何Windows可调整大小的框一样调整框的大小,方法是单击并拖动边或角,或两者兼而有之。当您获得所需大小的框时,再次单击Crop并选择Apply Crop。

Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery)将裁剪照片并重新调整大小以填满整个编辑屏幕(editing screen)。如果这不是您想要的,您可以按Ctrl-Z撤消更改并重试。这是裁剪后的照片。

Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery)还保存自己的原始照片副本,因此如果您稍后决定您真的不想进行任何更改,您可以在此处单击编辑(Edit)上的“恢复为原始”("Revert to Original")标签。

如何使用特殊效果(Effects)和图像(Images)的详细调整(Detailed Tuning)
正如您在下面的屏幕截图中看到的那样,您可以一键将一些特殊效果应用于您的照片:消除红眼、润饰、拉直、降噪、颜色(Red eye removal, Retouch, Straighten, Noise reduction, Color,)和曝光(Exposure)。虽然这些工具不像其他照片编辑程序那样复杂,但它们对于照片的日常使用来说绰绰有余。

红眼(Red eye)消除和润饰(Retouch )的工作方式相同。系统会要求您单击并拖动以在要修复的区域周围绘制一个框。只要您松开鼠标按钮(mouse button),Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery)就会修复您指定的区域。
让我们看看润饰(Retouch )是如何工作的。我在照片中选择了一个黑点,以使用润饰(Retouch )命令。我画的盒子的轮廓相当模糊。

在这里,我释放了鼠标按钮(mouse button),黑点消失了。

您已经在“自动调整(Auto Adjust)”菜单中看到了“拉直(Straighten)”命令的作用。它专注于照片中的对角线,并试图(photo and tries)使它们更垂直或平行于照片的轮廓。

降噪(Noise Reduction)旨在消除照片中的数字“噪音”。对于当今的高质量数码相机,这可能不是什么大问题。事实上,当我对这张Julius在篮子里的照片应用降噪(Noise Reduction)时,它在图片上引入了我不想要的对角线。

颜色(Color)选项卡允许您使用图像的颜色做有趣的事情。您可以选择让Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery)自动调整颜色,也可以选择几种不同的颜色调整之一来查看会发生什么。这值得一玩,看看你喜欢什么。

要查看每个滤色器(color filter)的效果,请将鼠标指针(mouse pointer)悬停在它们上面。当你找到你喜欢的,点击。由于Julius是橙色的,我将尝试应用其中一种橙色滤镜。

曝光(Exposure)调整允许您更改照片的亮度和对比度(brightness and contrast)。这是您想要尝试的另一个,以查看Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery)想要进行的更改是否与您希望照片的外观一致。

这与颜色调整的(color adjustment—hover)工作方式相同——将鼠标悬停在每个曝光调整(exposure adjustment)上,然后查看照片上的效果。在这里,我选择了中等调整(medium adjustment)。它使前景更亮(bit brighter),背景更暗(bit darker),令人愉悦的组合。

如果您不关心Windows Photo Gallery的预设效果,您可以单击微调(Fine Tune)并调整颜色、曝光和细节(exposure and detail),并以您想要的任何方式手动拉直照片。(Straighten)
编辑(Edit)菜单上的最后三个项目统称为效果(Effects)。每个按钮显示一张带有色偏的照片——(color cast—black)黑白、棕褐色和蓝色。将鼠标悬停(Hover)在每个按钮上以查看应用效果后照片的外观,如果您喜欢所看到的效果,请单击按钮应用效果。在这里,我把朱利叶斯(Julius)变成了一只黑白相间的小猫。

当您根据需要编辑照片后,您无需进行任何特殊安排来保存编辑后的图像。在Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery)中,所见即所得。当您关闭图像并保留原始图像时,更改会自动保存,以防您想要恢复。如果您没有更改默认设置Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery),那么它会在您进行更改后立即删除原件。
学习使用照片编辑(photo editing)工具的最佳方法是尝试它们。Windows 照片库(Windows Photo Gallery)使这变得特别容易,并且您可以在工作时看到您的图像会发生什么。试一试,看看如何让照片变得更好。
How to Edit Your Pictures with Windows Photo Gallery
While Windows Photo Gallery doesn't have the sophisticated editing tools that some other programs do, it certainly has enough for most people's needs. In this tutorial I will cover the basics of editing your photos, so that you get the results you want.
NOTE:This tutorial assumes that you have photos already on your hard drive, imported by Windows Photo Gallery or another program. If you need a guide on importing pictures, check this article: Importing Pictures & Videos From a Camera into Windows Live Photo Gallery.
The Basics of Editing Your Images with Photo Gallery
Find the image you want to edit and double-click on it. This will take you directly to the Edit menu.

Let's try the Auto Adjust button and see how Windows Photo Gallery adjusts the image.

The adjusted image can be seen below.

Ew. Straightening out the image is OK, but the colors are terrible. Fortunately, there's an easy fix for that. Press Ctrl-Z. There is also a "Revert to Original" button on the right side of the menu bar. If you've only made one change that you want to erase, it's OK to click that instead of pressing Ctrl-Z. But if you've made multiple changes and you only want to undo the last one, Ctrl-Z is the way to do it.
Clicking Revert to Original wipes out all your changes and puts you back to to the beginning.
Let's try cropping the photo so that irrelevant background details are cut out. Choose Crop on the menu bar, and a grid will appear over your photo.

You re-size the box as you would any Windows resizable box, by clicking and dragging on the sides or the corners, or both. When you've got the box the size you want it, click on Crop again and choose Apply Crop.

Windows Photo Gallery will crop the photo and re-size it to fill the whole editing screen. If this turns out not to be quite what you wanted, you can press Ctrl-Z to undo your changes and try again. Here is the cropped photo.

Windows Photo Gallery also saves its own copy of the original photo, so if you decide at some later time that you really didn't want to make any of the changes you made, this is where you click "Revert to Original" on the Edit tab.

How Work With Special Effects & Detailed Tuning of Images
As you can see in the screenshot below, there are some special effects you can apply to your photo with just one click: Red eye removal, Retouch, Straighten, Noise reduction, Color, and Exposure. While these tools are not as sophisticated as those in other photo editing programs, they are more than adequate for everyday use on photographs.

Red eye removal and Retouch work in the same way. You'll be asked to click and drag to draw a box around the area you want to fix. As soon as you let go the mouse button, Windows Photo Gallery will fix the area you've indicated.
NOTE: This is for use on pictures of people. It doesn't work on the reflective eyes you may find in photos of pets.
Let's see how Retouch works. I've selected a dark spot in the photo, to use the Retouch command. The outline of the box I drew is rather faint.

And here, I have released the mouse button and the dark spot is gone.

You've seen the Straighten command at work in the Auto Adjust menu. It focuses on lines that are diagonal in the photo and tries to make them more perpendicular or parallel to the outline of the photo.

As with any of the other commands, if you don't like what you see, press Ctrl-Z to undo it.
Noise Reduction is intended to remove digital "noise" from a photo. With today's high quality digital cameras, this is not likely to be much of an issue. In fact, when I applied Noise Reduction to this photo of Julius in the basket, it introduced diagonal lines across the picture that I did not want.

Ctrl-Z took me back to the original image.
The Color tab allows you to do interesting things with the colors of your image. You can choose to have Windows Photo Gallery adjust the color automatically, or you can choose one of several different color adjustments to see what happens. This is worth playing around with to see what you like.

To see the effect of each color filter, hover your mouse pointer over them. When you find one you like, click. Since Julius is orange, I will try applying one of the orange filters.

The effect is subtle, but it brightens up his fur. I clicked to keep this adjustment.
The Exposure adjustment allows you to make changes in the brightness and contrast of the photo. This is another one that you will want to play around with, to see if the changes Windows Photo Gallery wants to make are in line with what you want your photo to look like.

This works the same as the color adjustment—hover over each exposure adjustment and see what the effect is like on your picture. Here, I've chosen a medium adjustment. It has made the foreground a bit brighter and the background a bit darker, a pleasing combination.

If you don't care for Windows Photo Gallery's preset effects, you can click on Fine Tune and adjust color, exposure and detail and Straighten the photo manually in whatever way you want.
The last three items on the Edit menu are collectively called Effects. Each button shows a photo with a color cast—black and white, sepia, and blue. Hover over each button to see what your photo will look like when the effect is applied, and if you like what you see, click the button to apply the effect. Here I have turned Julius into a black-and-white kitty.

When you've edited the photo to suit your needs, you don't need to make any special arrangements to save the edited image. In Windows Photo Gallery, what you see is what you get. The changes are saved automatically when you close the image and an original is kept, in case you want to revert back. That, if you did not change the default settings Windows Photo Gallery so that it deletes the originals soon after you have made your changes.
The best way to learn to use photo editing tools is to try them. Windows Photo Gallery makes this especially easy, and you can see what's going to happen to your image as you work. Give it a try and see how you can make your photos better.