数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)是一个来自Windows的很棒的小应用程序,它允许您使用输入设备(如触摸屏、外部数字化仪甚至鼠标)来编写自动识别的数学公式,并且可以插入到不同类型的文档中。您在数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)中编写的公式以完全可编辑的形式粘贴到文档中,以便您可以像编辑任何类型的文本一样处理输出。在创建包含大量数学公式的文档或演示文稿时,这可以提高您的工作效率。在本文中,我们将与您分享使用数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)的应用程序,我们还将告诉您在哪里可以找到数学输入面板(Math Input Panel),如何将其与其他应用程序结合使用,如何更正公式或方程式(formula or equation)以及如何根据自己的喜好配置应用程序。
数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)适用的数学类型和应用(math and applications)程序
数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)非常适用于美国高中和大学数学(school and college-level mathematics)。这意味着它非常适合:算术、微积分、函数、集合、集合论、代数、组合学、概率和统计(probability and statistics)、几何、向量、3D 解析几何、数理逻辑、公理、定理、定义和应用数学。它不适用于其他类型的数学,也不适用于其他领域的公式,例如化学。
数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)只能将数学公式插入到支持数学标记语言 (MathML)(Mathematical Markup Language (MathML))的程序中。主要办公产品(如OpenOffice.org、LibreOffice、Microsoft Office(Microsoft Office 2007) 2007、2010、2013、2016和Office 365)以及数学软件产品(如Mathematica )都支持(Mathematica)MathML。因此,数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)适用于所有这些程序。
如何在Windows 10中打开(Windows 10)数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)
在Windows 10中查找和打开数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)的最快方法是使用Cortana。单击(Click)或点击任务栏中的搜索字段(search field),然后在其中输入单词数学(math)。然后,从结果列表中,单击或点击(click or tap)数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)。

当然,如果你喜欢和Cortana交谈,你也可以很好地邀请她🙂 “打开数学输入面板”("open Math Input Panel")。

如果您是一个传统主义者,您还可以在开始菜单(Start Menu)的Windows 附件(Windows Accessories)组中找到数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)的快捷方式。

如果您愿意,您还可以选择使用旧的运行窗口(Run window)来启动数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)。打开运行(Run)的最快方法是按键盘上的Windows + R键。这样做,然后在Open字段中输入命令mip 。按Enter或单击/点击OK,数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)将启动。

无论您选择遵循哪种方法,启动时,数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)应如下所示:

如何在Windows 7中打开(Windows 7)数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)
在Windows 7中,可以通过打开开始菜单(Start Menu)并转到所有程序(Programs)->附件(Accessories)->数学输入面板来找到(Math Input Panel)数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)。

对于那些喜欢命令行(command line)的人,您可以通过运行“C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedInkmip.exe ”文件来启动应用程序。启动应用程序后,您将看到一个类似于下图的窗口。

如何在Windows 8.1中打开(Windows 8.1)数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)
与Windows 10(Windows 10)或Windows 7中的相比,Windows 8.1中的数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)看起来有些不同,因为Windows 8.1中缺少界面的透明度。所有菜单都具有相同的选项,并且包含的功能与Windows 10和 7 中的相同。

要在Windows 8.1中打开数学输入面板(Math Input Panel),首先切换到开始屏幕(Start screen)。然后单击或点击(click or tap)屏幕左下角的小箭头按钮。

然后水平滚动,直到您到达Windows 附件(Accessories)部分。在其中,您将找到数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)的快捷方式。

或者,您也可以在“开始”屏幕(Start screen)上搜索单词 math(word math),然后单击或点击相应的搜索结果(search result)。

注意:(NOTE:)尽管有一些细微的视觉差异,但Windows 10、Windows 8.1 和Windows 7的(Windows 7)数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)应用程序的版本是相同的。因此,本文的下一部分将仅参考数学输入面板(Math Input Panel),无论您使用的是什么操作系统版本。(operating system version)而且,为了简单起见,我们将使用仅在Windows 10中截取的屏幕截图。
例如,在数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)的中间,它显示“在此处编写数学(Write math)”,开始用手指或鼠标编写数学公式。开始写作后,您可以使用窗口右侧显示的菜单中的工具。

完成后,单击或点击插入(click or tap Insert),公式会自动粘贴到您要使用的文档中。

如果公式没有自动复制到您需要插入它的应用程序中,请不要担心。默认情况下,数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)将公式保存在剪贴板中。在另一个应用程序中使用 Paste(Use Paste) ( CTRL + V ),它将立即插入。
如果您在一个会话中编写多个公式,您可以使用历史菜单(History menu)返回其中的任何一个。单击(Click)或点击历史记录(History),然后选择要编辑或再次插入到文档中的上一个公式。

数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)加载公式后,根据需要对其进行编辑,然后单击或点击(click or tap)插入(Insert)以将其粘贴到文档中。
编写公式时,请不要犹豫,使用应用程序右侧的可用工具。如果您犯了错误,您可以使用擦除工具(Erase tool)轻松修复它。单击(Click)或点击它以消除错误。

在某些情况下,数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)无法很好地识别您所写的内容。您可以通过单击或点击“选择并更正(Select and Correct)”来更正它解释您的写作的方式。然后,选择要更正的字符。将显示一个带有可能的更正选项的下拉菜单。从该菜单中选择正确的解释并通过单击或点击Write来恢复您的写作。

数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)还提供了一些配置选项。所有这些都可以从“选项”菜单(Options menu)中访问。这些选项是不言自明的,允许您执行诸如更改按钮位置、打开和关闭网格或显示屏幕键盘按钮等操作。

从本教程中可以看出,数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)是一个简单易用的工具。它的主要好处是它加快了使用数学公式的过程。无需使用Microsoft Office 公式编辑器(Microsoft Office Equation Editor)并花费大量时间插入和编辑数学公式,您只需在数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)中绘制它们并将它们插入到您需要的任何文档中。如果您对数学输入面板(Math Input Panel)有一些很酷的提示或使用场景,请不要犹豫,在下面的评论中分享它们。
How to do math with the Math Input Panel in Windows
Math Input Panel is a great little application from Windows which lets you use input devices such as touchscreens, external digitizers or even a mouse, to write mаthеmaticаl formυlas that are automatically recognized and can be inserted into different types of documents. The formulas you wrіte in Math Input Panel are pasted into documents іn a completelу editable form ѕo that you can work with the output as you would edit any type of text. This can improve your productivity when creating documents or prеsentations with lots of mathematical formulas. In this article we will ѕhare with you applications that work with Math Input Panel and we will also tell yоu where to find Math Input Panel , how to use it in сonjunction with other applications, how to correct a formula or equаtion and hоw to configure the app to your liking.
Types of math and applications with which Math Input Panel works
Math Input Panel works very well with US high school and college-level mathematics. This means it's great for: arithmetic, calculus, functions, sets, set theory, algebra, combinatorics, probability and statistics, geometry, vectors, 3D analytic geometry, mathematical logic, axioms, theorems, definitions and applied mathematics. It doesn't work with other types of math nor with formulas from other domains such as chemistry.
Math Input Panel can insert mathematical formulas only into programs that support the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML). MathML is supported by major office products such as OpenOffice.org, LibreOffice, Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 and Office 365, as well as by mathematical software products such as Mathematica. As a result, Math Input Panel works with all these programs.
How to open Math Input Panel in Windows 10
The fastest way to find and open Math Input Panel in Windows 10 is to use Cortana. Click or tap on the search field from your taskbar and enter the word math in it. Then, from the list of results, click or tap on Math Input Panel.

Of course, if you like talking to Cortana, you can also ask her nicely 🙂 to "open Math Input Panel".

If you are a traditionalist, you can also find a shortcut for Math Input Panel in the Windows Accessories group from the Start Menu.

If you prefer, you can also choose to use the old Run window in order to launch Math Input Panel. The fastest way to do open Run is to press the Windows + R keys on your keyboard. Do that, and then enter the command mip in the Open field. Press Enter or click/tap on OK and the Math Input Panel will launch.

Regardless of the method you choose to follow, when launched, thee Math Input Panel should look like this:

How to open Math Input Panel in Windows 7
In Windows 7, Math Input Panel can be found by opening the Start Menu and going to All Programs -> Accessories -> Math Input Panel .

For those of you who prefer the command line, you can start the application by running the " C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedInkmip.exe" file. Once you start the application, you will see a window similar to the one below.

How to open Math Input Panel in Windows 8.1
The Math Input Panel looks are a bit different in Windows 8.1 when compared with the one in Windows 10 or Windows 7, because of the missing transparency of the interface in Windows 8.1. All the menus have the same options and the features included are the same as in Windows 10 and 7.

To open Math Input Panel in Windows 8.1, first switch to the Start screen. Then click or tap on the small arrow button from the bottom left corner of the screen.

Then scroll horizontally until you get to the Windows Accessories section. In it, you will find the shortcut to the Math Input Panel .

Alternatively, you can also search for the word math while on the Start screen and then click or tap on the appropriate search result.

NOTE: Albeit a few minor visual differences, the versions of the Math Input Panel application from Windows 10, Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 are the same. Thus, the next sections of this article will refer simply to Math Input Panel , regardless of the operating system version that you are using. And, to keep things simple, we will use screenshots taken only in Windows 10.
How to use Math Input Panel
In the middle of Math Input Panel , where it says "Write math here" , start writing your mathematical formula with your finger or your mouse, for instance. Once you start writing, you can use the tools from the menu that appears on the right side of the window.

When done, click or tap Insert and the formula is automatically pasted in the document where you want to use it.

If the formula is not automatically copied to the application where you need to insert it, don't worry. By default, Math Input Panel saves formulas in the clipboard. Use Paste (CTRL + V) in the other application and it will be inserted immediately.
If you write multiple formulas in one session, you can go back to any of them using the History menu. Click or tap on History and select the previous formula you want to edit or insert again into the document.

Once the formula is loaded by Math Input Panel , edit it if you need to, and click or tap on the Insert to have it pasted in your document.
How to correct formulas
When writing a formula, don't hesitate to use the tools available on the right side of the application. If you made a mistake, you can easily fix it using the Erase tool. Click or tap on it to erase the mistake.

There are situations when Math Input Panel doesn't recognize what you write very well. You can correct the way it interprets your writing by clicking or tapping on "Select and Correct" . Then, select the character you want to correct. A drop-down menu with possible correction options is shown. From that menu select the correct interpretation and resume your writing by clicking or tapping on Write .

How to configure Math Input Panel
Math Input Panel also offers few configuration options. All of them can be accessed from the Options menu. The options are self-explanatory and allow you to do things such as changing the position of the buttons, turning on and off the grid or showing on-screen keyboard buttons.

Check the options that you want enabled and uncheck those you don't.
As you can see from this tutorial, Math Input Panel is a tool that's simple and easy to use. It's main benefit is the fact that it speeds up the process of working with mathematical formulas. Instead of using the Microsoft Office Equation Editor a nd spend quite some time inserting and editing mathematical formulas, you can simply draw them in Math Input Panel and insert them in any document you need to. If you have some cool tips or usage scenarios for Math Input Panel don't hesitate to share them in the comments below.