Windows 10附带一组预定义的功能或组件。您可以通过删除您不使用的功能并添加您需要但默认未安装的功能来自定义Windows 10 。此外,如果您删除不需要的组件,您可以节省相当多的硬盘空间。本教程教您如何在Windows 10中添加和删除(Windows 10)Windows功能。这个过程非常简单,所以让我们开始吧:
如何在Windows 10中打开(Windows 10)Windows 功能(Windows Features)
在Windows 10中,单击或点击任务栏中的搜索字段(search field),然后输入“Windows 功能("windows features)”。单击或点击列表中的“打开或关闭 Windows 功能”("Turn Windows features on or off")选项。

或者,要访问Windows 功能(Windows Features),首先打开控制面板(Control Panel)。单击(Click)或点击“卸载程序”("Uninstall a program")链接,该链接位于“控制面板”的“(Control Panel)程序(Programs)”部分。

“程序和功能”("Programs and Features")窗口主要用于卸载不需要的应用程序和程序(apps and programs)。单击(Click)或点击左侧列中的“打开或关闭 Windows 功能”选项。("Turn Windows features on or off")

Windows 功能(Windows Features)窗口打开,显示所有可用功能的列表,您可以根据自己的喜好添加或删除这些功能。

选中的条目已安装在您的计算机或设备(computer or device)上,而未选中的条目未安装。
如何删除Windows 10功能或组件
Windows 功能(Windows Features)窗口列出了适用于Windows 10的所有功能或组件。要查看有关某项功能的更多信息,请将鼠标悬停在其顶部或点击(mouse or tap)它,然后会出现简要说明。

一旦您决定必须删除哪些组件,请取消选中它们旁边的框以卸载不必要的Windows功能。当您取消选中某些功能时,例如“Internet Explorer 11 ” ,Windows 10 会警告您关闭它们可能会影响其他Windows功能、程序或默认设置,并要求进一步确认。

您可能会认为“上网了解更多”("Go online to learn more")链接可能会提供有关您要禁用的组件的更具体信息,但单击或点击它会将您带到一个通用的Windows 帮助(Windows help)页面,该页面提供有关Windows 10的更多信息。

在询问您是否要继续的警告窗口(warning window)中单击或点击“是” ,然后通过单击或点击“ (Yes)Windows 功能(Windows Features)”窗口中的“确定(OK)”再次确认您的更改。

加载屏幕可让您随时了解进度,让您知道您的系统首先“正在搜索所需文件”("Searching for required files")。


删除某些功能(如“Internet Explorer 11 ”)后,Windows 10 可能会通知您需要重新启动计算机或设备(computer or device)才能应用请求的更改。按下Restart now,然后等待重新启动,考虑到这次重新启动需要的时间比平时更长,因为Windows 10需要花费额外的时间来根据您的说明进行自我配置。

其他组件,如媒体功能(Media Features),可以在不重新启动系统(system restart)的情况下删除。如果您选择删除的功能属于这种情况,则会通知您“Windows 完成了请求的更改”。("Windows completed the requested changes.")单击或点击关闭(Close),您就完成了。

提示:(TIP:)如果您有兴趣从Windows 10 计算机或设备中清除更多不必要的软件,您还可以阅读: (computer or device)Windows 10有多少英国媒体报道软件?
如何添加Windows 10功能或组件
要向Windows 10添加功能,请在(Windows 10)Windows 功能(Windows Features)窗口中选中相应的复选框,然后单击或点击确定(OK)。

您需要等待Windows 10正在搜索安装所选功能所需的文件。

对于某些功能,Windows 10 可能需要从Windows Update下载一些文件才能成功添加请求的组件。按“让 Windows 更新为您下载文件”("Let Windows Update download the files for you")链接以继续该过程。

在 Windows 10 下载所需文件时请耐心等待。

无论(Regardless)是否必须下载其他文件,Windows 10 都会在应用请求的更改时显示其进度。

对于某些组件,例如“虚拟机平台("Virtual Machine Platform)”,需要重新启动 Windows 10计算机或设备(computer or device)才能完成安装更改。单击(Click)或点击“立即重新启动”("Restart now")并记住重新启动可能需要一些额外的时间来配置添加的组件。

其他功能,例如“Windows Projected File System ”,不需要重新启动。完成更改后,按关闭(Close)以完成该过程。

Windows 10 现在包括您选择安装的功能。
您是否(Did)通过删除Windows 10功能节省了磁盘空间?
出于好奇,并且因为我们没有使用它们,我们删除了默认安装在我们设备上的所有Windows 10组件。(Windows 10)我们密切关注安装了Windows 10的(Windows 10)“C:”驱动器,发现它变轻了 800MB。总之,删除不需要的功能还可以节省硬盘空间。您是否(Did)从系统中删除了任何组件?您获得了多少可用磁盘空间(disk space)?在下面发表评论(Comment),让我们讨论。
How to add or remove Windows 10 features or components
Windows 10 comes with a predefined set of features or components. You can customize Windows 10 by removing the features that you are not using and by adding those you need but are not installed by default. Moreover, if you remove unwanted components, you can save quite a bit of space on your hard disk. This tutorial teaches you how to add and remove Windows features in Windows 10. The process is pretty straightforward, so let's get started:
How to open Windows Features in Windows 10
In Windows 10, click or tap the search field in your taskbar, and enter "windows features." Click or tap the "Turn Windows features on or off" option from the list.

Alternatively, to access Windows Features, first, open the Control Panel. Click or tap the "Uninstall a program" link, found in the Programs section of the Control Panel.

The "Programs and Features" window is mostly used to uninstall unwanted apps and programs. Click or tap the "Turn Windows features on or off" option in the column on the left.

The Windows Features window opens, displaying a list of all the available features that you can add or remove according to your preferences.

The checked entries are already installed on your computer or device, while those unchecked are not installed.
How to remove Windows 10 features or components
The Windows Features window lists all the features or components available for Windows 10. To view more information about a feature, hover on top of it with your mouse or tap on it, and a brief description appears.

If you want even more details about each component, read: What are those Windows features that you can add or remove?
Once you decide which components have to be removed, uncheck the box next to them to uninstall unnecessary Windows features. When you uncheck certain features, like "Internet Explorer 11," Windows 10 warns you that turning them off might affect other Windows features, programs or default settings, and it asks for further confirmation.

You might think that "Go online to learn more" link might provide more specific info about the component you are disabling, but clicking or tapping on it takes you to a generic Windows help page offering more information about Windows 10.

Click or tap Yes in the warning window asking you if you want to continue, and then confirm your change(s) once more by clicking or tapping OK in the Windows Features window.

A loading screen keeps you updated on the progress, letting you know your system is "Searching for required files" first.

You then have to wait while the changes you requested are being applied.

After removing certain features, like "Internet Explorer 11," Windows 10 may inform you that it needs to restart your computer or device to apply the requested changes. Press Restart now, and wait for the reboot to be performed, taking into consideration that this restart takes longer than usual, because Windows 10 needs to spend additional time to configure itself according to your instructions.

Other components, like Media Features, may be removed without a system restart. If that is the case for the features you chose to get rid of, you are informed that "Windows completed the requested changes." Click or tap Close, and you are done.

TIP: If you are interested in purging your Windows 10 computer or device of more unnecessary software, you can also read: How much bloatware does Windows 10 have?
How to add Windows 10 features or components
To add features to Windows 10, check their boxes in the Windows Features window, and then click or tap OK.

You need to wait while Windows 10 is searching for the files required to install the selected feature.

For certain features, Windows 10 might need to download some files from Windows Update in order to successfully add the requested components. Press the "Let Windows Update download the files for you" link to continue the process.

Be patient while Windows 10 downloads the required files.

Regardless of whether additional files had to be downloaded or not, Windows 10 displays its progress when applying the requested changes.

For certain components, like "Virtual Machine Platform," rebooting your Windows 10 computer or device is required to finish installing your changes. Click or tap "Restart now" and remember that the reboot may take some extra time to configure the added components.

Other features, like "Windows Projected File System," do not require a restart. Once your changes are completed, press Close to finish the process.

Windows 10 now includes the feature(s) that you have selected for installation.
Did you save disk space by removing Windows 10 features?
Out of curiosity, and because we were not using them, we removed all Windows 10 components installed by default on our device. We kept an eye out on the "C:" drive, where Windows 10 is installed, and noticed it became 800MB lighter. In conclusion, removing unwanted features also saves space on your hard drive. Did you remove any components from your system? How much free disk space did you gain? Comment below and let's discuss.