也许正值 10周年纪念日(year anniversary),Minecraft再次成为世界上最受欢迎的游戏。但是对于那些第一次来游戏的人,你可能想知道你是怎么玩Minecraft的?
Minecraft(Minecraft isn)不像你的典型视频游戏(video game)。没有任何明显的目标或任何真正的教程可以帮助您入门。因此,这份初学者指南将帮助您为您在Minecraft中的第一次冒险做好准备。

Minecraft 中的目标和基本控制(The Objective & Basic Controls In Minecraft)
对于本指南,我们将重点介绍Windows 、(Windows) Mac和(Mac)Linux上的(Linux)Minecraft。但是一旦您了解了基础知识,它们就可以应用于任何平台上的任何版本。
Minecraft没有主要目标,但推荐给大家一定的游戏流程。你从这个巨大的开放世界开始,一无所有,必须从头开始收集材料,为自己建造避难所、获取食物、建造床铺并生存(bed and survive)到第二天。
从那里开始,您可以开始开采有价值的资源,例如铁矿石和钻石(iron ore and diamond),以制造强大的工具、武器和盔甲。随着游戏时间的延长,您将能够探索开放世界、寻找村庄、掠夺隐藏的宝箱,并与称为生物的敌对生物战斗。

首先打开 Minecraft。单击单人游戏(Singleplayer),然后单击创建新世界(Create New World)。

单击“游戏模式”(Game Mode )按钮,直到看到“生存” 。( Survival)乐趣从生存模式(Survival mode)开始,您必须在其中生存并为自己收集一切。我们建议您坚持使用标准控件。这是一个概述:
- 运动 – W、A、S 和 D 键
- 跳跃——空格键
- 运行 - 双击 W
- 蹲下/潜行 - 按住Shift
- 访问库存 - E
- 使用鼠标环顾四周
- F5 - 循环(F5 – cycle)浏览不同的相机视图
- 破坏方块或攻击 - 左键单击
- 使用或放置物品 - 右键单击
- 把你拿着的东西扔在地上——Q
- 循环(Cycle)浏览库存中的插槽 - 1-9 个数字键
考虑到这些控件,让我们对其进行测试。移动(Move)到附近的一棵树并按住鼠标左键将其破坏。(holding the left mouse click. )一旦树块(tree block)中断,它将丢弃一个日志。打碎四颗树块,并在它们掉到地上时将它们收集起来。

按E打开您的库存。您会注意到在正方形的底行中有四个日志。这一行是您的快速插槽选项卡(slot tab)。您可以按 1 到 9 来装备这些中的任何一个。您的剩余库存将容纳更多物品,但您无法快速装备它们。您可以单击并拖动库存中的项目以更改其位置。

几乎所有的手工艺都需要一个工作台(crafting table)。要创建一个,您可以使用您的日志。首先(First),单击并将您的日志拖到库存菜单(inventory menu)中您的角色旁边显示的四个小方块中。

您会注意到输出框中(output box)将有 4 个新项目。这些是木板。右键单击(Right click)此四次将您的原木转换为木板,然后将它们拖到您的主库存中。起初可能看起来有点奇怪,但请耐心等待。

接下来,使用左键单击(left click)选择您创建的 16 个木板。然后在将鼠标悬停在角色旁边的四个框上时右键单击一次。输出框中(output box)会有一个新项目。这是一个工作台(crafting table)。
左键单击(Left click)将木板放回库存中的空白处,然后左键单击以选择工作台(crafting table)。接下来(Next),将鼠标移动到底部的工具栏,然后单击鼠标左键将其放在那里。

接下来,按 E 退出库存。您现在可以通过按与其所在插槽对应的数字键来装备您的工作台。

现在,我们需要构建一些基本工具。在Minecraft中,工具可以帮助您更快地收集资源。工具(Tool)类型包括以下 -
- 用于更快地开采岩石和矿石的镐。
- 用于更快砍树的斧头。
- 用于更快地挖掘污垢的铲子。
- 为播种准备土壤的锄头。
- 用于攻击敌方怪物的剑。

对于更独特的情况,还有其他工具,但现在我们只需要这些。为此,请单击制作表(crafting table)中的木棍。您会注意到,您需要在制作用户界面中将两块木板堆叠在一起来构建 4 根木棍。
我们需要 8 根木棍,因此请使用右键拾取您的木板,然后使用左键(left click)在每个盒子中放置一块额外的木板。将您的木板放回库存中,然后使用左键单击(left click)从输出框中(output box)收集木棍。

我们现在将解锁新的配方来构建基本工具。单击工作台库存中的工具选项卡。(tools)接下来,您可以单击每个工具 - 现在只需制作铲子、镐和斧头来创建它们。使用我们已经解释过的相同技巧来制作它们并将它们添加到您的库存或工具栏(inventory or tool bar)。

完成后,您的库存应该看起来有点像上图。按 E 退出工作台(Exit the crafting table by pressing E)。您现在已经构建了您的第一个工具。现在是时候掌握你周围的世界了。
度过你的第一晚(Surviving Your First Night)
到了晚上(night time),敌人的小怪会出现并试图攻击你。如果你死了,你会在附近回来,但你必须回去收集你所有的东西。最好不要在Minecraft中死去,因为您可能会丢失物品或丢失之前的位置。所以为了避免这种情况,第一晚我们需要建造一个快速的避难所。
为了使其尽可能简单,只需按下相应的热键编号即可装备铲子。对我们来说是 1。接下来,查看地面并按住右键挖掘三个街区。

接下来,抬头,装备你刚刚开采的泥土。它应该在 4 键上。接下来,右键单击以放置一个块。现在天黑了。但重要的是你是安全的。
你现在必须等到早上。大约需要 7 分钟。所以要么等着听外面走过的危险生物,要么休息一下,7分钟后回来。您的游戏必须保持打开状态,否则时间将暂停。(Your game must stay open, otherwise the time will be paused.)
在7分钟的时间内,您可以抬起头并按住左键挖掘泥土以露出晨光(morning light)。现在,如果它仍然很黑,只需再次放下泥土并等待更长的时间。一到早上,你就可以挖掘你面前的积木,创造一个小台阶来跳跃,这样你就可以离开你一直躲藏的洞。


您可以通过在工具栏中(tool bar)装备积木来开始放置积木来建造您的第一所房子。门是另一个可以用木板建造在工作台上的可制作物品。(crafting table)只需(Just)打开制作台菜单(crafting table menu)并使用左侧的用户界面选择门即可制作它。(user interface)

床是最后一块,可能更具挑战性。您必须探索附近地区并寻找(area and search)绵羊。如果你找到羊,攻击它们。一旦他们被杀死,他们会掉落羊毛和羊肉(wool and mutton)。这将是你第一次去寻找羊的冒险。

您应该能够在您当前位置的几分钟内找到一些,只要确保您记得回家的路。你需要三块相同颜色的羊毛和三块木板,如上图所示,在工作台上制作(crafting table)一张床。
您现在将拥有您的第一所房子。您可以在晚上(night time)睡在这张床上以跳过夜晚。最重要的是,如果你死了,你将来会在你的床上重生。

胸部很简单。使用上图中制作表(crafting table)中显示的布局放置一个箱子。然后,您可以通过右键单击箱子并将物品拖到箱子库存中来放置物品。


然后你可以用你的镐来收集石头。你需要八块鹅卵石来建造一个熔炉。你可以看到上面的熔炉制作布局。把炉子放在家里。现在,是时候注意快速插槽上方的栏了。这些是您的健康和食物吧(health and food bars)。

要烹饪食物,请右键单击熔炉。接下来(Next),将肉放在顶盒中,在底盒中(bottom box)放置燃料(place fuel)。这可以是任何类型的木材或煤炭(wood or coal)。
如果您没有任何木材,您可以轻松地从树上收集原木。最终,食物将被煮熟,您将在右侧的输出框中看到它。(output box)您可以通过将食物放在快捷栏槽中(bar slot),装备它并按住右键来吃食物。
探索世界(Exploring The World)
此时,您现在应该拥有所有基本的生存装备。您将拥有一个家、一张床、工具以及烹饪食物和储存物品(food and store items)的方法。此时,是时候开始收集更好的装备了。
您可以使用工作台(crafting table)来构建更好的工具,这些工具可以使用更长时间,并且可以更快地开采方块(longer and mine blocks quicker)。最快的升级是使用圆石来建造石器。但是当你深入挖掘时,你会发现钻石和铁。铁(Iron)是继石头之后的下一个升级品,而钻石则更胜一筹。现在,石头会没事的。

你必须深入挖掘才能找到铁和钻石(iron and diamond),这可能需要相当长的时间。同时,您可以自己探索世界并学习如何玩Minecraft。你会在玩的时候学到更多。Minecraft的乐趣在于探索和学习如何玩自己。
下一步做什么取决于你。你会(Will)深入挖掘以找到充满战利品和危险敌人的废弃矿井吗?你会(Will)探索上面的世界以寻找村庄来交易你的战利品或找到隐藏的寺庙以获得更好的装备吗?你会(Will)在隐藏在结构中的箱子里寻找马鞍,这样你就可以骑马了,还是你会努力获得钻石装备(diamond gear)?
选择是无止境的。了解更多关于如何玩Minecraft的好地方是观看YouTube上的视频或阅读Minecraft Gamepedia等 wiki 。不过现在,我们希望这份Minecraft(Minecraft)入门指南已被证明是有用的。
How to Play Minecraft: A Beginner’s Guide
Perhaps fitting fоr its 10 year anniversary, Minecraft has once again become the world’s most popular game. But for those сoming to the game for the first time, you may be wondering how dо you play Minecraft?
Minecraft isn’t like your typical video game. There aren’t any obvious objectives or any real tutorials to help you get started. So this beginner’s guide will help you get prepared for your very first adventures in Minecraft.

The fun thing about Minecraft is that it’s an open, endless world and you’re free to do whatever you please. But to do that, it’ll help to understand the basics.
The Objective & Basic Controls In Minecraft
Before we get into how to play Minecraft, visit Minecraft.net to purchase and download the game. Minecraft is available on most modern platforms, consoles and smartphones.
For this guide, we’ll be focusing on Minecraft on Windows, Mac, and Linux. But once you understand the basics, they can be applied to any version on any platform.
There isn’t a main objective in Minecraft, but there is a certain flow of gameplay that is recommended for everybody. You start in this huge open world with nothing, and must gather materials from scratch to build yourself a shelter, get food, build a bed and survive until the next day.
From there, you can begin to go mining for valuable resources like iron ore and diamond to create powerful tools, weapons, and armor. As you play for longer, you’ll be able to explore the open world, find villages, loot hidden chests, and fight enemy creatures called mobs.

Before we begin with any of that though, we should take you through the basics.
Start by opening Minecraft. Click Singleplayer and then click Create New World.

Click the Game Mode button until Survival is visible. The fun starts in Survival mode, where you must survive and gather everything for yourself. We recommend you stick to the standard controls. Here is an overview:
- Movement – W, A, S, & D keys
- Jump – Spacebar
- Run – Double tap W
- Crouch/Sneak – Hold Shift
- Access inventory – E
- Use the mouse to look around
- F5 – cycle through different camera views
- Break blocks or attack – left click
- Use or place items – right click
- Throw the item you are holding on the ground – Q
- Cycle through the slots on your inventory – 1-9 number keys
With these controls in mind, let’s test it out. Move to a nearby tree and break it by holding the left mouse click. Once the tree block breaks, it will drop a log. Break four tree pieces and collect them when they drop on the ground.

Press E to open your inventory. You will notice that you have the four logs in the bottom row of squares. This row is your quick slot tab. You can press 1 to 9 to equip any of these. The rest of your inventory will hold more items but you cannot quick equip them. You can click and drag items in your inventory to change their location.
Everything in Minecraft must be mined or crafted. So if you wanted to build tools for example, you must mine the base resources for them, and then craft them. It starts at the very basic level and goes from there.
For example to build a tool, you start with a log, then build planks, then craft sticks, and use sticks and planks together to make a tool.

Almost all crafting requires a crafting table. To create one, you can use your logs. First, click and drag your logs into the four small squares shown next to your character in the inventory menu.

You will notice that there will be 4 new items in the output box. These are planks. Right click this four times to convert your logs into planks and then drag them into your main inventory. It may seem a bit strange at first but bear with me.

Next, use the left click to select the 16 planks you created. And then right click once when hovering over each of the four boxes next to your character. There will be a new item in the output box. It’s a crafting table.
Left click to put your planks back in a blank space in your inventory, then left click to select the crafting table. Next, move your mouse to the toolbar at the bottom and left click to drop it there.

Next, exit the inventory by pressing E. You can now equip your crafting table by pressing the number key corresponding to the slot it is in.
After, you can look at anywhere on the ground and right click to place it down.

Next, look at the crafting table and right click. You will see the new crafting table user interface. Click the green book to bring out the extended crafting table menu. You can click on items on the left side to see how they are crafted. As you play, you’ll learn more crafting recipes, or you can search on the internet for them.
For now, we need to build some basic tools. In Minecraft, tools can help you gather resources faster. Tool types include the following –
- Pickaxes for mining rock and ore faster.
- Axes for cutting trees faster.
- Shovels for digging dirt faster.
- Hoes for preparing soil for planting seeds.
- Swords for attacking enemy mobs.

There are other tools for more unique circumstances, but for now we only need these. For this, click on the stick in the crafting table. You’ll notice that you need two planks stacked on top of each other in the crafting user interface to build 4 sticks.
We will need 8 sticks so use the right click to pick up your planks and use the left click to place an extra plank in each box. Place your planks back in the inventory, and use left click to collect the sticks from the output box.

We will now have unlocked new recipes to build basic tools. Click the tools tab in the crafting table inventory. Next, you can click on each of the tools – for now just craft a shovel, pickaxe, and axe, to create them. Use the same tips we have already explained to craft them and add them to your inventory or tool bar.

Once you’ve finished, your inventory should look a little something like the image above. Exit the crafting table by pressing E. You’ve now built your first tools. Now it’s time to get to grips with the world around you.
Surviving Your First Night
At night time, enemy mobs will appear and try to attack you. If you die, you will come back nearby, but you must go back and collect all your stuff. It’s best not to die in Minecraft because you can lose your items or lose your previous location. So to avoid this, for the first night we need to build a quick shelter.
To make it as easy as possible, simply equip the shovel by pressing the corresponding hot key number for it. For us it was 1. Next, look at the ground and hold right click to dig down three blocks.

Next, look up, and equip the dirt you just mined. It should be on the 4 key. Next, right click to place a block. It will now get dark. But the important thing is that you’re safe.
You must now wait until morning. It should take about 7 minutes. So either wait and hear the dangerous creatures walking by outside, or take a quick break and come back in 7 minutes. Your game must stay open, otherwise the time will be paused.
In 7 minutes time, you can look up and hold left click to dig the dirt to reveal the morning light. Now, if it’s still dark, just place the dirt down again and wait a bit longer. As soon as it’s morning, you can dig the blocks in front of you to create a small step to jump on so you can leave the hole you’ve been hiding in.
So now that you’ve built your first house, you need to set up a real shelter so that you never have to hide in a hole covered in dirt again. There are just a few things you need – walls, a roof, a door, and a bed. With a bed, you can sleep so you don’t need to wait all night. The night will automatically be skipped.

The walls and ceilings can be built from anything. You could get fancy and build it out of planks, or simply build it out of dirt. You can collect these resources from trees or the ground with the tools you’ve already crafted. You’re going to need quite a lot of blocks.
At times, Minecraft can be quite tedious like this – you will need to collect lots of blocks through cutting trees, digging, and mining.

You can start to place the blocks down to build your first house by equipping the blocks in your tool bar. The door is another craftable item that can be built in the crafting table with planks. Just open the crafting table menu and use the user interface on the left to select the door to craft it.

The bed is the final piece and can be a little bit more challenging. You must explore the nearby area and search for sheep. If you find sheep, attack them. Once they are killed, they will drop wool and mutton. This will be your first adventure to go and look for sheep.

You should be able to find some within a few minutes of your current location, just make sure you remember your way back home. You need three blocks of wool of the same color and three planks placed like the image above to create a bed in the crafting table.
You will now have your first house. You can sleep in this bed at night time to skip the night. On top of this, should you die, you will respawn here in your bed in the future.
There are two more things that are needed before we start to explore further in Minecraft. We need to build a chest to store our items, and a furnace to cook food.

Chests are straightforward. Use the layout shown in the crafting table in the image above to place a chest. You can then place items inside by right clicking the chest and dragging items into the chest inventory.

For the furnace, you must collect cobblestone. This can be mined with the pickaxe from under the ground. Start by using the shovel to dig down through the dirt. You will hit stone quite quickly. The best thing to do is dig down by creating stairs like shown above until you hit stone.

You can then use your pickaxe to collect stone. You need eight cobblestones to build a furnace. You can see the furnace crafting layout above. Place the furnace down in your home. Now, it’s time to pay attention to the bars above your quick slots. These are your health and food bars.
Your food will go down slowly, and if it goes too low, you’ll lose health. If it’s full, you’ll slowly regain health. To fill it up, you must eat food. You should already have mutton from the sheep you killed earlier, but you must cook it.

To cook your food, right click the furnace. Next, place the meat in the top box and in the bottom box, place fuel. This can be any type of wood or coal.
You can easily collect logs from trees if you don’t have any wood. Eventually, the food will be cooked and you will see it in the output box on the right. You can eat food by placing it in your quick bar slot, equipping it, and holding right click.
Exploring The World
At this point, you should now have all the basic gear to survive. You will have a home, a bed, tools, and a way to cook food and store items. At this point, it’s time to start collecting better gear.
You can use the crafting table to build better tools, which last longer and mine blocks quicker. The quickest upgrade is to use cobblestone to build stone tools. But as you dig deeper you can find diamonds and iron. Iron is the next upgrade after stone, and diamond is even better. For now, stone will be fine.

You must dig down deep to find iron and diamond, and that might take quite some time. In the meantime, you are able to explore the world for yourself and learn how to play Minecraft. You’ll learn more as you play. The fun in Minecraft is exploring and learning how to play yourself.
What you do next is up to you. Will you dig down deep to find abandoned mineshafts filled with loot and dangerous enemies? Will you explore the world above to find villages to trade your loot or locate hidden temples to get better gear? Will you search for a saddle in chests hidden in structures so you can ride a horse, or will you work on getting diamond gear?
The choices are endless. A great place to learn more about how to play Minecraft is by watching videos on YouTube or by reading through wikis like Minecraft Gamepedia. For now though, we hope that this beginners guide to getting started on Minecraft has proven to be useful.