三星(Samsung)手机在市场上享有盛誉,并以其卓越的客户服务支持(customer service support)而闻名。如今(Nowadays),大多数手机都配备了锁定的内置电池。因此,如果您的电池出现故障,您无法自行更换。三星 Galaxy S6(Samsung Galaxy S6)充电问题可能是由于固件故障或充电端口(charging port)损坏造成的。如果您遇到Galaxy S6无法充电的问题(charge problem),本文将为您提供一些基本的故障排除技巧。所以,继续阅读!
如何修复 Galaxy S6 无法充电(How to Fix Galaxy S6 Won’t Charge)
- 充电器故障(faulty charger)
- 断线(broken cable)
- 电池鼓包(bulged battery)
- USB端口中的污垢堆积(dirt accumulation in the USB port)
无论出于何种原因,本文都会为您提供完美的故障排除指南,以解决Galaxy S6无法充电的问题(charge problem)。
如何防止 Galaxy S6 充电问题(How to Prevent Galaxy S6 Charging Issue)
如果您在设备完全耗尽后为设备充电,这种充电方式可能会导致电池问题。这可能是Galaxy S6(Galaxy S6)无法充电的主要原因之一。确保(Make)遵循给定的指示,以防止Galaxy S6无法充电问题(charge issue)。
- 首先,您不应该在靠近水(near water)的地方或在炎热(hot) 或(or) 潮湿的(humid) 环境(environment)中为手机充电。
- 另外,请勿长时间( long time)为手机充电。整夜或长时间为您的设备充电可能会导致过热(overheating) 问题(issues)。充电两三个小时绰绰有余。充电完成后必须拔掉充电器(unplug the charger)。
- 如果电池电量(battery becomes)低于 30%(less than 30 percent) ,您应该开始为三星 S6(Samsung S6)充电。
- 如果您的电池电量耗尽,请至少充电半小时( charge for at least half an hour),然后再将其重新打开。
- 此外,不建议您边充电边使用手机(not recommended to use your mobile phones while charging),否则可能会导致设备性能不佳。此外,您的设备寿命(device lifespan)将大大缩短。
专业提示:始终使用适当的充电器(Pro Tip: Always Use Appropriate Charger)
始终使用三星 Galaxy S6(Samsung Galaxy S6)随附的充电器和适配器(charger and adapter)。如果您使用的是来自不同制造商的(charger from a different manufacturer)廉价充电器或(cheap charger or)充电器,那么随着时间的推移,这可能会导致电池性能(battery performance)不佳。
电压输出(Voltage output )可能会因充电器而异,并且它们可能并不总是适用于三星 S6(Samsung S6)。
- 您的设备需要更长的充电时间(a longer amount of time to charge)。
- 而且,备用电池(battery backup) 会很差(will be poor)。
因此,您必须使用为您的设备推荐的品牌充电器。您可以使用三星快速充电器(use Samsung fast charger)更快地为您的设备充电。
注意:使用 PC 上的(Note:)USB 端口(USB port)为手机充电并不能为您提供足够的电量。壁式插座将提供两倍于 USB 端口的功率(wall socket will deliver twice the power),快速(USB port)充电器提供的功率比 PC 或普通充电器更好。
现在,按照下面提到的故障排除解决方案来修复Galaxy S6充电问题。
方法一:使用不同的墙壁插座(Method 1: Use Different Wall Socket)
使用不同的壁式插座(wall socket)插入充电器并检查您是否可以为三星 Galaxy S6 设备(Samsung Galaxy S6 device)充电。
- 将不同的设备插入易受影响的插座并检查它是否充电。如果两个设备都无法充电,则必须更换壁式插座(replace your wall socket)。
- 另一方面,如果Galaxy S6在尝试了家中所有插座后仍无法充电,请更换设备(replace device)、适配器(adapter)或电缆。( or cable.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何解决Android上的(Android)慢速充电(Fix Slow Charging)问题
方法二:使用电脑USB口充电 (Method 2: Use PC USB Port to Charge )
尽管在 PC 上为三星 S6(Samsung S6)充电是一个缓慢的过程,但当您遇到适配器问题或电池电量耗尽时,这可能会对您有所帮助。通过USB 数据线(USB cable)将您的手机连接到您的 PC,然后检查它是否正在充电。
- 此外,当您将手机与 PC 连接时,您可以将文件(transfer files) 或其他媒体传输到您的系统。(or other media)
- 您还可以下载(download) 三星 Galaxy S6 USB 驱动程序(Samsung Galaxy S6 USB drivers ),以确保与您的设备不间断集成。
方法三:进行无线充电(Method 3: Perform Wireless Charging)
如果您在使用USB 充电器充电时不断遇到(USB charger)Galaxy S6无法充电的问题(charge issue),您可以尝试无线充电,如果可能的话。无线充电可实现更快的充电速度,因此在三星 S6(Samsung S6)充电过程中您不会遇到任何问题。按照给定的步骤在Galaxy S6中执行无线充电:
1.将您的充电适配器连接到(Connect)无线充电板(Wireless Charging pad)。
2. 然后,将 Galaxy S6(place Galaxy S6 )放在充电板中间。
3. 如图所示,您将在设备中收到“正在无线充电(Charging wirelessly)”的消息。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)无线充电(Wireless Charging work)如何在Samsung Galaxy S8/Note 8上工作?
方法 4:清洁充电端口和电缆(Method 4: Clean Charging Port and Cable)
您的USB 端口(USB port)可能会被灰尘和碎屑(dust and debris)堵塞,导致Galaxy S6无法充电。因此(Hence),
- 您需要检查充电器的USB 端口(USB port),确保其干净(clean and) 无尘(dust-free)。但是,清洁时必须小心不要损坏端口。
- 另外,如果USB 线出现故障(USB cable is faulty),请更换(replace it)新的。
方法 5:执行软件更新(Method 5: Perform Software Update)
有时,过时的操作系统(operating system)会影响手机的电池寿命(battery life)。因此,请按照以下说明更新三星 Galaxy S6(Samsung Galaxy S6)的操作系统(Operating System):
2. 向下滑动至软件更新(Software update )设置并点击它。
3. 然后,点击下载并安装(Download and install)。
4. 您的设备将开始检查更新……(Checking for updates…)如图所示。
5A。如果您的手机是最新的,您将收到一条消息(message stating):您的软件是最新的。(Your software is up to date.)
5B。如果您在列表中发现任何待处理的更新,请按照屏幕上的说明( on-screen instructions)下载并安装更新。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何重置三星 Galaxy Note 8
方法六:到授权服务中心(Method 6: Visit Authorized Service Center)
如果以上方法均无法解决Galaxy S6无法充电的问题,则应前往三星服务中心(Samsung Service Center)维修或更换设备。如果您的设备在保修期内(warranty period),那么您可以为您的设备申请保修。
常见问题 (FAQ)
(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1。为什么我的三星手机插入电源后无法充电?(Q1. Why is my Samsung phone not charging when plugged in?)
答。(Ans.)如果您的数据线磨损(worn-out cable)或内部软件问题,则在插入(software problem)三星手机(Samsung phone)时无法为您的手机充电。有时,充电器故障、数据线破损、(faulty charger, broken cable, dirt accumulation )USB 端口(USB port)中的污垢堆积通常会导致此问题。
Q2。如何清洁三星充电器端口?(Q2. How do I clean my Samsung charger port?)
答。(Ans.)确保您的设备完全关闭,并使用任何压缩空气或灯泡注射器(compressed air or bulb syringe to blow out) 从充电端口吹出灰尘。(dust)确保将端口保持直立(port upright)以防止水进入。
Q3。手机上的充电口可以固定吗?(Q3. Can the charger port on the phone be fixed?)
答。(Ans.)损坏的充电器端口(charger port)没有用,必须尽快修复。它们可以很容易地修理或更换(repaired or replaced)。
Q4。三星手机不充电时如何修理?(Q4. How do I Fix my Samsung Phone When it doesn’t Charge?)
答。(Ans.)第一个故障排除步骤是确保您的充电器和 USB 电缆(charger and USB cables)处于正常工作状态。您可以更新软件(update the software)或以不同的角度握住手机并检查是否充电。最后,如果没有任何帮助,请进行无线充电程序。(wireless charging)
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我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,您可以解决 Galaxy S6 不收费(fix Galaxy S6 won’t charge)的问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。在下面的评论部分中删除有关本文的查询和建议。
How to Fix Galaxy S6 Won't Charge
Samsung phones arе famous all over the market, and well-known fоr their exceptional customer service support. Nowadays, most phonеs come with an inbuilt battery thаt is locked in. So, if there is a fault in your battery then, you cannot replace it by yourself. Samsung Galaxy S6 charging issue may be caused due to а firmware glitch or a damagеd charging port. If you are encountering Galaxy S6 won’t сharge problem, this article will help you with some basic troubleshooting tips. So, continue reading!
How to Fix Galaxy S6 Won’t Charge
Some common reasons that may cause this issue are:
- faulty charger
- broken cable
- bulged battery
- dirt accumulation in the USB port
Regardless of the reason, this article gives you a perfect troubleshooting guide to fix Galaxy S6 won’t charge problem.
How to Prevent Galaxy S6 Charging Issue
If you are charging your device after it is completely drained out then, this way of charging may lead to battery issues. This could be one of the primary reasons that your Galaxy S6 not charging. Make sure to follow the given pointers to prevent Galaxy S6 won’t charge issue.
- Firstly, you should not charge your phone in a place near water, or in a hot or humid environment.
- Also, do not charge your phone for a long time. Charging your device overnight or for long hours may cause overheating issues. Two to three hours of charging is more than enough. You must unplug the charger after charging is done.
- You should start charging your Samsung S6 if the battery becomes less than 30 percent.
- If your battery is drained out, then charge for at least half an hour before turning it back on.
- In addition, you are not recommended to use your mobile phones while charging, which may lead to poor performance of the device. Also, your device lifespan will be fairly reduced.
Pro Tip: Always Use Appropriate Charger
Always use a charger and adapter that comes with Samsung Galaxy S6. If you are using a cheap charger or charger from a different manufacturer then, this may lead to poor battery performance as days pass by.
Voltage output may differ according to the charger, and they may not always work with Samsung S6.
- Your device will take a longer amount of time to charge.
- Moreover, battery backup will be poor.
So, you must use a branded charger that is recommended for your device. You can use Samsung fast charger to charge your device faster.
Note: Charging your phones with a USB port on the PC does not give you adequate power. A wall socket will deliver twice the power of a USB port, and a fast charger provides power better power than the PC or the normal charger.
Now, follow the below-mentioned troubleshooting solutions to fix Galaxy S6 charging issue.
Method 1: Use Different Wall Socket
Use a different wall socket to plug in the charger and check if you can charge your Samsung Galaxy S6 device.
- Plug a different device into the susceptible socket and check if it charges. If both devices fail to charge, then you have to replace your wall socket.
- On the other hand, if Galaxy S6 won’t charge even after trying all the sockets in your home, then replace device, adapter, or cable.
Also Read: How to Fix Slow Charging on Android
Method 2: Use PC USB Port to Charge
Although charging Samsung S6 on PC is a slow process, this may help you when you have adapter problems or the battery is drained out. Connect your phone to your PC through a USB cable and check if it charges now.
- Additionally, you can transfer files or other media to your system when you connect the phone with your PC.
- You can also download Samsung Galaxy S6 USB drivers to ensure uninterrupted integration with your device.
Method 3: Perform Wireless Charging
If you continuously face Galaxy S6 won’t charge issue while charging with a USB charger, you can try wireless charging, if possible. Wireless charging enables quicker charging, and thus, you will not face any issues during Samsung S6 charging. Follow the given steps to perform wireless charging in Galaxy S6:
1. Connect your charging adapter to a Wireless Charging pad.
2. Then, place Galaxy S6 in the middle of the charging pad.
3. You will receive the message stating Charging wirelessly in your device, as shown.
Also Read: How does Wireless Charging work on Samsung Galaxy S8/Note 8?
Method 4: Clean Charging Port and Cable
Your USB port may be choked with dust and debris, leading to Galaxy S6 not charging issue. Hence,
- You need to check the USB port of your charger and make sure it is clean and dust-free. However, you must be careful not to damage the port while cleaning.
- Also, if the USB cable is faulty, then replace it with a new one.
Method 5: Perform Software Update
Sometimes, an outdated operating system will have an impact on the battery life of your phone. Thus, update the Operating System of the Samsung Galaxy S6 as instructed below:
1. Open Settings on your device.
2. Swipe down to Software update settings and tap on it.
3. Then, tap on Download and install.
4. Your device will start Checking for updates… as shown.
5A. If your phone is up to date, you will receive the message stating: Your software is up to date.
5B. If you find any updates pending in the list, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the updates.
Also Read: How to Reset Samsung Galaxy Note 8
Method 6: Visit Authorized Service Center
If none of the above methods could fix Galaxy S6 not charging issue, then you should visit Samsung Service Center to get your device repaired or replaced. If your device is under warranty period, then you can claim the warranty of your device.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Why is my Samsung phone not charging when plugged in?
Ans. If you have a worn-out cable or an internal software problem, you cannot charge your Samsung phone when plugged in. Sometimes, a faulty charger, broken cable, dirt accumulation in the USB port often lead to this issue.
Q2. How do I clean my Samsung charger port?
Ans. Ensure your device is completely turned off and use any compressed air or bulb syringe to blow out dust from the charging port. Make sure you hold the port upright to prevent water from getting inside.
Q3. Can the charger port on the phone be fixed?
Ans. A broken charger port is useless, and it has to be repaired as soon as possible. They can be easily repaired or replaced.
Q4. How do I Fix my Samsung Phone When it doesn’t Charge?
Ans. The first troubleshooting step is to ensure your charger and USB cables are in proper working condition. You can update the software or hold the phone in different angles and check if it charges. Finally, go for a wireless charging procedure if nothing helps you.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix Galaxy S6 won’t charge issue. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Drop queries and suggestions regarding this article in the comments section below.