
(Fix System Software Stuck)在Mac(Mac)上下载时修复系统软件卡住
在Mac上安装系统软件更新之前,您必须使用内置的软件更新(Software Update)工具下载它。但是,如果它似乎在某个时候卡住了,那么您应该这样做。
等待它(Wait It Out)
由于网络拥塞和服务器负载等各种因素,系统(System)软件下载通常不会以最佳速度完成。如果软件更新(Software Update)计时器开始停止或增加,最好的做法是等待它至少一个小时;下载很可能最终会突然火起来。
您还必须预计在主要 macOS 更新的发布日下载缓慢或卡住。
取消并重试(Cancel and Retry)
如果坐在您的手上似乎没有帮助,请尝试取消并从头开始下载系统软件更新。将光标悬停在进度条上并选择x形图标以停止下载。然后,选择立即升级(Upgrade Now)/立即更新(Update Now )以重新下载。在大多数情况下,您的Mac最终应该可以毫无问题地完成它。

检查系统状态(Check System Status)
服务器端问题是导致Mac(Mac)上系统软件下载缓慢、卡住或失败的重要原因。您可以通过前往 Apple 的系统状态(System Status)页面来确认这一点。如果您看到macOS 软件更新(macOS Software Update)旁边列出的任何问题,您必须等待一段时间,直到Apple解决这些问题,然后再尝试再次下载。

检查您的互联网(Check Your Internet)
- 重启你的路由器。
- 将 Mac 靠近路由器。
- 断开并重新连接到 Wi-Fi。
- 使用不同的 Wi-Fi 连接。
- 刷新 Mac 的 DNS 缓存(Flush the Mac’s DNS cache)。
更改 DNS(Change DNS)
使用流行的 DNS(域名系统(Domain Name System))服务(例如Google DNS或OpenDNS )可以帮助您的(OpenDNS)Mac找到最佳服务器以获取更新,从而加快处理速度。
转到系统偏好设置(System Preferences )>网络(Network ),然后选择Wi-Fi侧选项卡下的高级(Advanced )按钮。然后,切换到DNS选项卡并将现有的DNS服务器替换为Google DNS或OpenDNS:
谷歌 DNS(Google DNS)

检查磁盘空间(Check Disk Space)
尝试进行垃圾文件清理(junk file cleaning spree)以释放更多磁盘空间。您还可以考虑减少 Mac 的系统(reducing your Mac’s System)和其他存储空间(Other storages)。
(Fix System Software Stuck)在Mac(Mac)上安装时修复系统软件卡住
等一下(Wait it Out)

重启 Mac(Restart Mac)
如果您已经等待了一段时间,但仍然看到系统软件进度条卡住或黑屏,您应该重新启动您的Mac。为此,请按住电源(Power )按钮,直到设备关闭。等待至少 10 秒,然后重新启动。
在大多数情况下,macOS 软件更新将(希望)从您中断的地方恢复。如果没有,您的Mac将引导您进入操作系统,您必须从头开始安装过程。但是,最好在再次尝试之前检查磁盘错误。
检查磁盘错误(Check for Disk Errors)
Mac上的磁盘错误是系统软件更新卡住或失败的重要原因。您可以使用macOS恢复中的(Recovery)磁盘工具(Disk Utility)来检查和删除它们。
在启动Mac时按住Command + R以进入 macOS恢复(Recovery)。如果您使用Apple Silicon Mac,则必须改为按住电源(Power )按钮,然后在启动选项屏幕上选择选项(Options )>继续。(Continue )
进入 macOS Recovery后,选择Disk Utility。然后,从边栏中选择磁盘的最后一个卷,选择急救(First Aid)图标,然后选择运行(Run)。

继续(Continue)努力并在任何其他卷或容器上运行急救(First Aid)以修复整个磁盘。
要执行NVRAM重置,请先关闭Mac。然后,按住Option、Command、P和R键,直到听到两次 Mac 的启动声音。在带有Apple T2 安全芯片(Apple T2 Security Chip)的 Mac 上,您必须按住所有四个键,直到您看到Apple徽标第二次出现并消失。
如果NVRAM重置无法解决问题,您可能需要进行SMC(系统管理控制器)重置(SMC (System Management Controller) reset)。
以安全模式安装(Install in Safe Mode)
安全模式(Safe Mode)是 macOS 的精简版,它只运行Mac保持自身运行所需的基本要素。如果系统软件更新仍然存在问题,则必须改为在安全模式下安装它。(Safe Mode)
首先关闭Mac并等待 10 秒钟。然后,启动它,但立即按下Shift键,直到看到Apple标志。
如果您使用Apple Silicon Mac,请按住电源(Power )按钮,直到看到启动选项屏幕。接下来,选择包含 macOS 的启动磁盘,然后在按住 Shift(Shift )键的同时选择以安全模式继续(Continue in Safe Mode )。

启动到安全模式(Safe Mode)后,进入系统偏好设置(System Preferences )>软件更新(Software Update )以重新尝试系统软件更新。
您的 Mac 现在是最新的
但是,如果上述修复都没有帮助,您可能需要考虑重置 Mac 的操作系统(resetting the Mac’s operating system)并在此之后执行更新。如果这听起来太复杂,可以考虑在最近的Genius Bar(Genius Bar)或Apple Store进行预约。
How to Fix Mac Software Update Stuck Installing
Syѕtem software updates on thе Mac have a notorious repυtation for taking ages to comрlete. They can also make matters worsе by getting stuck during the download оr install phases.
If your Mac has trouble completing a system software update successfully, then the list of troubleshooting tips that follow should fix that.

Fix System Software Stuck While Downloading on Mac
Before installing a system software update on the Mac, you must download it using the built-in Software Update tool. If it appears to get stuck at some point, however, here’s what you should do.
Wait It Out
System software downloads usually don’t complete at optimal speeds due to various factors such as network congestion and server load. If the Software Update timer starts stalling or increasing, the best course of action is to wait it out for at least an hour; the download may very well end up picking steam suddenly.
You must also expect slow or stuck downloads on the release day of a major macOS update.
Cancel and Retry
If sitting on your hands doesn’t seem to help, try canceling and downloading the system software update from scratch. Hover the cursor over the progress bar and select the x-shaped icon to stop the download. Then, select Upgrade Now/Update Now to re-download it. In most cases, your Mac should end up completing it without issues.

Check System Status
Server-side issues are a significant reason that can result in slow, stuck, or failed system software downloads on the Mac. You can confirm that by heading over to Apple’s System Status page. If you see any problems listed next to macOS Software Update, you must wait for some time until Apple resolves them before attempting another download.

Check Your Internet
Don’t rule out any connectivity issues on your end. If you experience slow internet speeds elsewhere (check by downloading or playing something in Safari), do the following:
- Reboot your router.
- Bring your Mac close to the router.
- Disconnect and reconnect to Wi-Fi.
- Use a different Wi-Fi connection.
- Flush the Mac’s DNS cache.
Change DNS
Using a popular DNS (Domain Name System) service such as Google DNS or OpenDNS can speed things up by helping your Mac locate the best servers to get the updates.
Go to System Preferences > Network and select the Advanced button under the Wi-Fi side-tab. Then, switch to the DNS tab and replace the existing DNS servers with Google DNS or OpenDNS:
Google DNS

Check Disk Space
Your Mac will refuse to download a system software update if it doesn’t have sufficient disk space. Even if you have the bare minimum of storage needed, it’s always a good idea to have some breathing room.
Try going on a junk file cleaning spree to free up more disk space. You can also look into reducing your Mac’s System and Other storages.
Fix System Software Stuck While Installing on Mac
After downloading a system software update, your Mac will start verifying and installing it. But if it freezes or gets stuck at some stage of the installation process, here’s what you can do to get things back on track again.
Wait it Out
It sounds boring, but most updates take a considerable amount of time to complete. Even if the progress indicator appears to stall, your Mac is likely performing lots of activity in the background. Wait until you’re positive that the system software is stuck before moving on with the rest of the fixes. Ideally, you should give your Mac a couple of hours at the very least.

Restart Mac
If you’ve already waited for a while but still see a stuck system software progress bar or a black screen, you should restart your Mac. To do that, press and hold down the Power button until the device shuts down. Wait for at least 10 seconds and boot it back up.
In most cases, the macOS software update will—hopefully—resume from where you left off. If not, your Mac will boot you into the operating system, and you must start the installation procedure from scratch. However, it’s best to check for disk errors before going for another attempt.
Check for Disk Errors
Disk errors on your Mac are a significant reason for stuck or failed system software updates. You can use Disk Utility in macOS Recovery to check and get rid of them.
Press and hold Command+R while booting up your Mac to enter macOS Recovery. If you use an Apple Silicon Mac, you must press and hold the Power button instead and select Options > Continue on the startup options screen.
Once you enter macOS Recovery, select Disk Utility. Then, pick the last volume of the disk from the sidebar, select the First Aid icon, and select Run.

Continue working your way up and run First Aid on any other volumes or containers to fix the entire disk.
The NVRAM (non-volatile random-access memory) on your Mac stores various settings such as the time zone, startup-disk selection, display resolution, and so on. Resetting it usually helps fix stuck system software updates.
Note: You can only perform an NVRAM reset on Macs with Intel chipsets.
To perform an NVRAM reset, power down the Mac first. Then, hold down the Option, Command, P, and R keys until you hear your Mac’s startup sound twice. On Mac’s with the Apple T2 Security Chip, you must keep pressing all four keys until you see the Apple logo show up and disappear for the second time.
If the NVRAM reset didn’t fix the issue, you might want to go for an SMC (System Management Controller) reset instead.
Install in Safe Mode
Safe Mode is a stripped-down version of macOS that runs only the bare essentials the Mac needs to keep itself operational. If you continue to have issues with a system software update, you must install it in Safe Mode instead.
Start by shutting down your Mac and wait for 10 seconds. Then, boot it up but press down the Shift key immediately until you see the Apple logo.
If you use an Apple Silicon Mac, hold down the Power button instead until you see the startup options screen. Next, select the startup disk containing macOS and select Continue in Safe Mode while holding down the Shift key.

After booting into Safe Mode, go to System Preferences > Software Update to re-attempt the system software update.
Your Mac Is Now Up-to-Date
Most often than not, you can deal with stuck system software updates on the Mac by doing nothing but just waiting it out. Hence, it’s a great idea to apply them overnight so that they don’t end up testing your patience.
If none of the fixes above helped, however, you may want to look into resetting the Mac’s operating system and performing the update after that. If that sounds too complicated, consider booking an appointment at the closest Genius Bar or Apple Store.