所有Mac 型号(Mac model)都包含一个内置麦克风。更重要的是,您可以为任何Mac 机型(Mac model)添加外接麦克风。这就是您可以在 macOS 设备上使用FaceTime通话、打电话、录制视频(record videos)和向Siri提问的方式。(Siri)Apple MacBook(Apple MacBooks)和许多台式Mac(Macs)上都有内置麦克风。耳机和麦克风(Headsets and microphones)可以通过USB、3.5 毫米音频连接器(audio connector)或蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接。像其他音频设备一样,麦克风将是即插即用的(plug-and-play)。但,如果您遇到麦克风无法在 Mac 上工作的问题,您应该怎么做?(what should you do if you face the issue of your microphone not working on Mac?)别担心,我们为您提供了一份有用的指南,将教您如何解决此问题以及如何执行麦克风测试播放(test playback)。
如何修复麦克风无法在 Mac 上工作(How to Fix Microphone Not Working on Mac)
在Mac(Mac)上设置外接麦克风比在Windows 10 PC 上设置更容易,因为 Windows 10 PC 可能需要加载正确的音频驱动程序。但是,了解您的 PC 使用哪个麦克风来成功诊断麦克风问题至关重要。
内置麦克风(Internal Microphone):任何MacBook或 iMac 都带有内置麦克风。
外部 USB 麦克风:(External USB Microphone:)外部USB 麦克风(USB microphone)是自供电的,直接连接到USB 端口(USB port)。
外置 3.5 毫米麦克风(External 3.5mm microphone):连接到 PC 上的麦克风输入(microphone input)或单独的音频接口(audio interface),这可能需要更多电源。
AirPods 或任何蓝牙耳机(AirPods or any Bluetooth headset):它们可以通过蓝牙无线连接到您的(Bluetooth)Mac。
Mac Mic 不工作的原因(Reasons Why Mac Mic is Not Working)
- 您的麦克风可能配置错误。
- 可能是因为 PRAM 问题。
- 第三方应用程序(Third-party apps)可能会发生冲突。
- 某些(Certain)游戏或应用程序可能会导致此问题。
(Pro Tip: Perform Microphone Test Playback Online
您可以通过从Web 浏览器(web browser)运行麦克风测试来测试Mac 麦克风(Mac microphone)声音。
- 如果麦克风未通过设备测试(equipment test)或您无法听到自己的声音,请关闭任何其他可能正在使用您的麦克风的应用程序,例如Skype、Zoom、Facetime 等。(Facetime etc.)
- 此外,请确保在测试设备时产生噪音。
请按照以下步骤进行麦克风测试播放(test playback):
1.在您的网络浏览器上访问此麦克风测试应用程序。(Microphone test app)
2. 首先,单击播放(Play)按钮,如图所示。
3. 您的浏览器会提示您允许使用麦克风。单击(Click)允许(Allow )授予它。
5.声音输入(sound input)将通过测试区域(test area)下方的小窗口(Window)显示,线条变化以反映声音的响度(loudness)。
方法一:基本故障排除(Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting)
Mac上的麦克风并不总是明显可见,而且可能很难找到,尤其是在您不知道该往哪里看的时候!PC 内部的内置麦克风非常小,几乎无法察觉。检查您的MacBook、i Mac或Mac台式机型号的技术(Mac)规格和示意图(specs and schematics),以找到您的Mac 麦克风(Mac microphone)。
- 在 Mac 上,麦克风通常是MacBook侧面(on the sides)的小针孔(small pinholes) ,位于键盘附近的扬声器格栅(speaker grill)下方。
- 它们也可以在 iMac 上的 FaceTime 或 iSight 摄像头旁边找到。(next to the FaceTime or iSight camera)
- 找到它后,用超细纤维或无绒布清洁它(clean it),以清除任何可能阻碍它的污垢。
- 您也可以轻轻吹掉任何影响麦克风通过压缩空气拾取声音的能力的棉绒或灰尘。(blow out any lint or dust)
- 一些读者建议使用非常柔软的牙刷刷掉任何绒毛、污垢或灰尘。(brushing away any lint, grime, or dust)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复仅在一只耳朵中播放的AirPods(Fix AirPods)
方法 2:重置 PRAM(Method 2: Reset PRAM)
顾名思义,PRAM 或Parameter Random Access Memory保存(Parameter Random Access Memory)MacBook中的各种小参数,例如亮度、响度、启动磁盘和几个麦克风设置。当您重置MacBook上的PRAM时,所有这些设置都将被重置,或许可以解决您的MacBook 麦克风(MacBook microphone)问题。按照给定的步骤通过重置PRAM来修复您的麦克风无法在Mac 上工作的问题(Mac issue):
1.点击左上角的苹果图标(Apple icon)
2. 如图所示,选择关闭...(Shut Down… )关闭您的 PC。等待(Wait)MacBook完全关闭,然后再继续。
3.按住电源按钮(power button)并同时按Command + Alt + P + R 键(keys)。
注意:(Note: )按住按钮 20 秒或直到听到提示音。
4. 松开按钮后,等待MacBook正常重启。
方法 3:声音输入设置疑难解答(Method 3: Troubleshoot Sound Input Settings)
系统本机麦克风音量设置可在系统(System) 偏好(Preferences)设置中找到,以执行麦克风测试播放(test playback)。要检查您的麦克风设置并纠正它们以修复麦克风无法在Mac上工作,请按照下列步骤操作:
1.如图所示,单击Apple 图标(Apple icon)后启动系统偏好设置应用程序。(System Preferences)
2. 转到声音(Sound) 首选项(preferences)。
3. 在这里,切换到输入(Input)选项卡,如图所示。
4. 在Select a device for sound input(Select a device for sound input)下选择输入设备,即麦克风(microphone)。
5.使用给定的滑块调整输入音量。(Input volume)
6.对着麦克风说话,看看( Talk)Input level:字段是否有任何变化。
注意:(Note: )条将亮起以显示已检测到哪些输入。如果它们没有亮起,则您的麦克风(microphone isn)没有接收任何输入。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复 Mac 相机不工作
方法 4:允许麦克风访问(Method 4: Allow Microphone Access)
因为麦克风是一种输入设备(input device),所以对它的访问是由用户授予的。当您执行麦克风测试播放(test playback)并发现您的Mac可以通过“(Mac)系统偏好设置”应用(System Preferences app)检测到麦克风输入,而某个应用却不能,这可能是权限问题或程序本身的问题。因此,请按照以下步骤授予麦克风访问(microphone access)特定应用程序的权限,以修复麦克风无法在Mac 上工作的问题(Mac issue):
1. 转到系统偏好设置(System Preferences),如图所示。
2. 选择安全和隐私(Security and Privacy)。
3. 单击隐私(Privacy)并从侧边栏中选择麦克风(Microphone)。
4. 在这里,您将看到应用程序列表( list of apps)。选中特定应用旁边的框以允许以下应用(Allow the apps below to) 访问(access) 您的(your) 麦克风(microphone)。
注意:同样,您可以将(Note:)相机应用程序( Camera app)的权限授予所需的应用程序,如下图所示。
方法 5:重置权限(Method 5: Reset Permissions)
我们注意到macOS Mojave 和 Catalina 测试版中的一个独一无二的错误。( beta versions of macOS Mojave and Catalina.)除了在少数程序中,MacBook上的麦克风表现出色。将麦克风与游戏应用程序一起使用的用户报告了此麦克风无法在Mac上工作的问题。以下是如何重置权限并强制应用重新请求麦克风权限:
2. 键入以下命令(command)并按Enter 键(Enter key)。
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.apple.TCC
3. 询问时,输入您的凭据( enter your credentials)。
4. 最后,重启(restart)你的 MacBook。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在 Mac 上使用实用程序文件夹
方法 6:打开听写(Method 6: Turn On Dictation)
打开听写(Dictation)不仅可以让您对MacBook进行听写并为您输入,还可以下载必要的驱动程序,这可能会帮助您修复任何麦克风问题。以下是通过打开MacBook 或 MacBook Pro(MacBook or MacBook Pro)上的听写功能(Dictation feature)来修复麦克风无法在Mac 上(Mac issue)工作的步骤:
1. 打开系统偏好设置(System Preferences),如前所述。
2. 选择键盘(Keyboard)选项,如图所示。
3. 单击右上角的听写(Dictation)选项卡。
4. 在听写:(Dictation: )字段中,选择打开(On)选项。您的Mac会自动寻找必要的语言包和驱动程序来下载。
5. 下载完成后,听写选项(Dictation option)下方会出现一个旋转框(whirling box)。再次尝试使用您的麦克风,以确定麦克风的问题是否已解决。
方法 7:创建新帐户(Method 7: Create New Account)
(MacBook microphone)由于您的Mac 帐户出现故障, (Mac account)MacBook 麦克风可能会停止工作。通过创建一个新帐户并检查(account and checking)麦克风是否在那里工作来测试这个概念很简单。
1. 转到系统偏好设置(System Preferences)>用户和(Users &) 组。(Groups.)
2. 要进行修改,请单击挂锁(padlock)并输入您的管理员密码(Administrator password)。
3. 要创建新用户帐户(user account),请单击左下角的+ symbol并填写表格(fill out the form)。
4. 建立新帐户后,退出(log out)当前帐户。
5. 点击左上角的苹果标志退出。(Apple symbol)
注意:(Note: )您必须注销而不是切换用户才能使用此功能。
6、打开新账号(new account),再次登录(log in)进行麦克风测试播放(test playback)。
7A。如果您的新帐户麦克风(account microphone)有效,您有两个可行的选择:
- 将所有数据(move all data)移至新帐户并删除旧帐户。
- 或者,将您的 Macbook 恢复(restore your Macbook)为出厂设置并从备份中检索您的数据。
7B。如果Mac 麦克风(Mac microphone) 测试播放(test playback)失败,请尝试后续解决方案。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 MacBook 充电器(Fix MacBook Charger)不工作问题(Working Issue)
方法 8:重新安装故障应用程序(Method 8: Reinstall Malfunctioning App)
1. 转到Finder中的(Finder)Applications文件夹。
2. 将麻烦的应用程序图标((troubling app icon )例如Skype)拖到废纸篓(Trash)。
3. 点击垃圾箱(Trash),然后点击清空箱(Empty Bin),如下图所示。
4.重新启动您的 MacBook(Restart your MacBook )以确保所有应用程序数据(app data)已被擦除。
5. 从Mac App Store 重新安装应用程序。(Mac App Store.)
方法 9:联系 Apple 支持(Method 9: Contact Apple Support)
如果上述技术均无效,则您的MacBook 麦克风(MacBook microphone)可能已被物理损坏。如需更全面的故障排除信息或与授权服务提供商(Authorized Service Provider)预约,或联系Apple 支持。(Apple support.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复 AirPods 不充电问题
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。为什么我的 Mac 没有拿起我的麦克风?(Q1. Why isn’t my Mac picking up my microphone?)
答。(Ans. )不匹配的声音输入(sound input)是麦克风问题的典型来源。System Preferences > Sound的 Input 选项卡中选择Input。您应该会看到一个发声设备列表,包括您想要使用的麦克风。如果滑块设置得太低,您的Mac将不会检测到任何声音。(Mac)
Q2。是否可以将电容麦克风连接到我的 MAC?(Q2. Is it possible to attach a condenser microphone to my MAC?)
答。(Ans. )几乎所有 PC 都包含一个麦克风端口,现在通常与耳机端口(headphone port)配对。如果您有合适的插座插孔,您应该能够直接连接动态麦克风( dynamic mic)。此外,电容式麦克风(condenser microphone)不能直接连接到 PC 麦克风端口;它不会起作用。
Q3。如何使用带有耳机的 Mac 内置麦克风?(Q3. How can I utilize my Mac internal microphone with headphones?)
答。(Ans. )如果您搜索耳机分配器(headphone splitter),您会发现数十种价格低于 5 美元的选择。双击内部麦克风以在声音输入首(Sound Input Preference)选项选项卡中选择它,然后插入耳机。您应该能够跳过耳机麦克风(headset mic)并使用Mac内置麦克风。
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我们希望此信息有助于修复您的麦克风无法解决 Mac(microphone not working on Mac)问题。让我们知道您认为哪种策略最有效。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/建议,请随时将它们放在下面的评论部分。
How to Fix Microphone not Working on Mac
All Mac models include a built-in microphone. All the mоre, you may add an external microphone to any Mac model. That’s how you can use FaceTime tо talk, makе phone calls, record videos, and аsk Siri questions on a macOS device. Built-in microphones are found on Apрle MacBooks and many desktop Macs. Headsets and microphones can be connected by USB, 3.5mm audio connector, or Bluetooth. A mic, like other audio equipment, will be plug-and-play. But, what should you do if you face the issue of your microphone not working on Mac? Do not worry, we bring to you a helpful guide that will teach you how to fix this issue and how to perform microphone test playback.
How to Fix Microphone Not Working on Mac
Setting up an external microphone on a Mac is easier than doing so on a Windows 10 PC, where the correct audio driver may need to be loaded. However, it is critical to know which microphone your PC is utilizing to successfully diagnose microphone issues.
Internal Microphone: Any MacBook or iMac comes with an internal microphone.
External USB Microphone: An external USB microphone is self-powered and connects straight to a USB port.
External 3.5mm microphone: It is connected to the microphone input on your PC or to a separate audio interface, which may require more power.
AirPods or any Bluetooth headset: These can be wirelessly connected to your Mac via Bluetooth.
Reasons Why Mac Mic is Not Working
Some of the reasons which caused your mic to stop working are:
- Your microphone might be misconfigured.
- It might be because of PRAM issues.
- Third-party apps might be conflicting.
- Certain games or apps might be causing this problem.
Pro Tip: Perform Microphone Test Playback Online
You can test Mac microphone sound by running a mic test from your web browser.
- Close any other apps that may be utilizing your microphone, such as Skype, Zoom, Facetime etc., if the microphone fails the equipment test or if you can’t hear yourself.
- Also, make sure you produce noise while the equipment is being tested.
Follow the steps mentioned below to perform microphone test playback:
1. Visit this Microphone test app on your web browser.
2. To begin, click on the Play button, as shown.
3. Your browser will prompt you for permission to use the microphone. Click on Allow to grant it.
4. Speak into the mic after the browser has gained access to it.
5. The sound input will be shown by a small Window underneath the test area, with the line changing to reflect the loudness of the sound.
Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting
The microphone on your Mac is not always obviously visible and might be difficult to locate, especially if you don’t know where to look! PC internal built-in microphones are nearly imperceptible since they are so tiny. Examine the technical specs and schematics for your MacBook, iMac, or Mac desktop model to find your Mac microphone.
- On Macs, microphones are generally small pinholes on the sides of your MacBook, under the speaker grill near the keyboard.
- They could also be found next to the FaceTime or iSight camera on your iMac.
- Once you’ve found it, clean it with a microfiber or lint-free cloth to remove any dirt that could be obstructing it.
- You may also gently blow out any lint or dust that is interfering with the microphone’s ability to pick up sound with compressed air.
- Some readers suggest brushing away any lint, grime, or dust using a very soft toothbrush.
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Method 2: Reset PRAM
The PRAM, or Parameter Random Access Memory, as the name suggests, holds a variety of small parameters in your MacBook such as brightness, loudness, startup-disk, and several microphone settings. All of these settings will be reset when you reset the PRAM on your MacBook, perhaps addressing your MacBook microphone troubles. Follow the given steps to fix your microphone not working on Mac issue by resetting PRAM:
1. Click on the Apple icon in the top left corner
2. Select Shut Down… to turn Off your PC, as shown. Wait for the MacBook to completely shut down before proceeding.
3. Hold the power button and press Command + Alt + P + R keys simultaneously.
Note: Hold the buttons down for 20 seconds or until you hear chime sounds.
4. Wait for your MacBook to restart normally when you release the buttons.
Method 3: Troubleshoot Sound Input Settings
The system native mic volume settings can be found in System Preferences to perform microphone test playback. To check your microphone settings & rectify them to fix microphone not working on Mac, follow these steps:
1. Launch the System Preferences application after clicking Apple icon, as depicted.
2. Go to Sound preferences.
3. Here, switch to the Input tab, as shown.
4. Choose the input device viz microphone under Select a device for sound input.
5. Adjust the Input volume using the given slider.
6. Talk into your microphone and see if there is any changes in the Input level: field.
Note: The bars will light up to show which inputs have been detected. If they aren’t lit up, your microphone isn’t picking up any input.
Also Read: How To Fix Mac Camera Not Working
Method 4: Allow Microphone Access
Because a microphone is an input device, access to it is granted by the user. When you perform microphone test playback and find that your Mac can detect mic input through the System Preferences app, but an app can’t, it might be a permissions issue or a problem with the program itself. So, follow these steps to give microphone access to a particular app to fix microphone not working on Mac issue:
1. Go to System Preferences, as shown.
2. Select Security and Privacy.
3. Click on Privacy and select Microphone from the sidebar.
4. Here, you will see a list of apps. Check the box besides the particular apps to Allow the apps below to access your microphone.
Note: Similarly, you can grant permission for Camera app to desired apps, as illustrated below.
Method 5: Reset Permissions
We’ve noticed a one-of-a-kind bug in the beta versions of macOS Mojave and Catalina. Except in a few programs, the microphone on the MacBook performs admirably. Users that utilize the microphone with game applications have reported this issue of microphone not working on Mac. Here’s how to reset permissions to and force the apps to request mic permissions all over again:
1. Open the Terminal application from the Utility folder, as shown.
2. Type the following command and hit Enter key.
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.apple.TCC
3. When asked, enter your credentials.
4. Finally, restart your MacBook.
Note: If the preceding terminal command did not work for you, try it again with the word sudo in front of it.
Also Read: How to Use Utilities Folder on Mac
Method 6: Turn On Dictation
Turning on Dictation will not only allow you to dictate to your MacBook and have it type for you, but also download necessary drivers, which may help you repair any microphone difficulties. Here are the steps to fix microphone not working on Mac issue by turning On Dictation feature on your MacBook or MacBook Pro:
1. Open System Preferences, as earlier.
2. Select Keyboard option, as shown.
3. Click on the Dictation tab on the right corner.
4. In the Dictation: field, select the On option. Your Mac will automatically look for necessary language packs and drivers to download.
5. When the downloads are finished, a whirling box appears beneath the Dictation option. Try using your microphone again to determine whether the problem with the microphone is resolved or not.
Method 7: Create New Account
MacBook microphone might cease to operate due to malfunction of your Mac account. It’s simple to test this notion by making a new account and checking if the microphone functions there.
1. Go to System Preferences > Users & Groups.
2. To make modifications, click the padlock and enter your Administrator password.
3. To create a new user account, click the + symbol in the bottom left corner and fill out the form.
4. Once the new account has been established, log out of your current account.
5. Click on the Apple symbol in the top left corner to log out.
Note: You must log out rather than switch users for this to function.
6. Open the new account and log in to perform microphone test playback once more.
7A. If your new account microphone works, you have two viable options:
- Either move all data to the new account and delete the old one.
- Or, restore your Macbook to factory settings and retrieve your data from a backup.
7B. If the Mac microphone test playback fails, try the subsequent solutions instead.
Also Read: Fix MacBook Charger Not Working Issue
Method 8: Reinstall Malfunctioning App
If the microphone on your MacBook is working but it isn’t functioning for only one specific program, this issue is most likely due to bugs in the app. You should uninstall and reinstall the software.
1. Go to Applications folder in Finder.
2. Drag the troubling app icon e.g. Skype to the Trash.
3. Click on Trash and click Empty Bin, as illustrated below.
4. Restart your MacBook to ensure that all of the app data has been wiped.
5. Reinstall the app from Mac App Store.
Method 9: Contact Apple Support
If none of the techniques above have worked, it’s possible that your MacBook microphone has been physically destroyed. For more extensive troubleshooting information or to schedule an appointment with an Authorized Service Provider or, contact Apple support.
Also Read: Fix AirPods Not Charging Issue
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Why isn’t my Mac picking up my microphone?
Ans. Mismatched sound input is a typical source of microphone issues. Select Input from the Input tab in System Preferences > Sound. You should see a list of sound-producing devices, including hopefully, the microphone you want to use. Your Mac will not detect any sound if the slider is set too low.
Q2. Is it possible to attach a condenser microphone to my MAC?
Ans. Nearly all PCs include a mic port, which is now commonly paired with a headphone port. Provided you have the suitable jack for the socket, you should be able to attach a dynamic mic directly. Also, a condenser microphone cannot be connected directly to a PC mic port; it will not function.
Q3. How can I utilize my Mac internal microphone with headphones?
Ans. If you search for a headphone splitter, you’ll discover dozens of options for less than $5. Double click internal mic to select it in the Sound Input Preference tab and then plug in your headset. You should be able to skip the headset mic and use the Mac internal mic.
We hope that this information was useful in fixing your microphone not working on Mac issue. Let us know which of the strategies you found to be the most effective. Also, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section below.