您在使用Windows 10时是否不断收到“Windows 主机进程 ( (Windows 10)Rundll32 ) 已停止工作”错误?当您尝试打开计算机上的特定程序(本机或第三方)或与之交互时,通常会出现此错误。但它也可以无缘无故地随意纠缠你。为什么会这样?
Windows 10 使用Rundll32进程来执行 32 位DLL(动态链接库(dynamic-link library))文件。这些文件包含跨多个应用程序共享的功能。但是,冲突的软件、不正确的配置设置或损坏的系统文件可能会导致Rundll32崩溃,从而导致错误的原因。

“Rundll32 已停止工作”错误多年来一直困扰Windows用户,但有几个修复程序可以帮助您摆脱它。我们建议按照出现的顺序完成以下故障排除方法。随意(Feel)跳过那些不适用的。
您在使用文件资源管理器(File Explorer)时是否一直遇到“Rundll32 已停止工作”错误?关闭缩略图预览会有所帮助。
1. 打开文件资源管理器。
2. 选择查看(View )选项卡。然后,选择选项(Options)以打开文件夹选项(Folder Options)对话框。

3. 切换到查看(View )选项卡。
4. 选中始终显示图标,从不缩略图(Always show icons, never thumbnails)旁边的框。

5. 选择应用(Apply),然后选择确定(OK),保存更改。
如果文件资源管理器(File Explorer)在禁用缩略图预览的情况下仍然抛出“ Rundll32已停止工作”错误消息,请尝试运行文件(File)和文件夹疑难解答(Folder Troubleshooter)。
1.从 Microsoft下载文件和文件夹疑难解答。(File and Folder Troubleshooter)
2. 打开文件(File)和文件夹疑难解答——您(Folder Troubleshooter—you)不必安装它。
3. 选择Advanced ,选中(Advanced)Apply repairs automatically旁边的框(如果尚未选中),然后选择Next。

4. 选择您遇到什么样的问题(What kind of problems are you experiencing )屏幕中的所有选项,然后选择下一步(Next)。

5. 按照屏幕上的提示修复文件(File)和文件夹疑难解答(Folder Troubleshooter)检测到的任何问题。
(Did)在您的计算机上安装特定应用程序后是否出现此问题?例如,Nero和K-Lite Codec Pack等程序有导致“ Rundll32已停止工作”错误的历史记录。
如果是这样,请尝试更新或重新安装程序。如果这不起作用,您可能需要考虑将其从计算机(removing it from your computer)中完全删除。
禁用服务和启动程序(Startup Programs)
禁用第三方服务 - 系统配置(Disable Third-Party Services – System Configuration)
1. 按Windows+R打开运行框。然后,键入msconfig并选择OK。
2. 切换到服务(Services )选项卡。然后,选中隐藏所有 Microsoft 服务(Hide all Microsoft services )(然后仅显示第三方服务)旁边的框并选择全部禁用(Disable all)。

3. 选择应用(Apply),然后选择确定(OK),保存更改。出现提示时选择退出而不重新启动。(Exit without restart )
禁用启动程序 - 任务管理器(Disable Startup Programs – Task Manager)
1. 右键单击任务栏并选择任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 选择更多详情(More Details)。
3. 切换到启动(Startup)选项卡。
4. 选择每个第三方启动程序并选择禁用(Disable)。

5. 关闭任务管理器。
更新音频或视频驱动程序后,可能会出现“Rundll32 已停止工作”错误。例如,Realtek、Sound Blaster和NVIDIA的驱动程序在极少数情况下会导致这种情况。使用Windows 10中的设备管理器(Device Manager)将它们回滚。
1. 右键单击开始(Start )按钮并选择设备管理器(Device Manager)。
2. 展开声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video and game controllers)。
3. 右键单击声音驱动程序并选择属性(Properties)。

4. 切换到驱动程序(Driver )选项卡并选择回滚驱动程序(Roll Back Driver)。对列表中的任何其他驱动程序重复此操作。

5. 展开设备管理器中的(Device Manager)显示适配器(Display Adapters )部分并重复步骤3和4。
1. 打开设备管理器。
2. 展开声音、视频和游戏控制器(Sound, video and game controllers)。
3. 右键单击声音驱动程序并选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver)。

4. 选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)以扫描并自动应用最新的驱动程序。对列表中的任何其他驱动程序重复此操作。(Repeat)
5. 展开显示适配器(Display Adapters)部分并重复步骤3和4。
更新 Windows 10
过时的Windows 10版本可能会导致各种问题。如果您有一段时间没有更新计算机,请立即尝试更新。
1. 打开开始(Start)菜单,键入windows update,然后选择打开(Open)。
2. 选择检查更新(Check for updates)。

3. 安装任何更新(如果有)。
数据执行保护(Data Execution Prevention)( DEP ) 是 Windows 10 的一项功能,可监控和保护系统内存免受恶意攻击。但是,它可以阻止Rundll32进程正常工作。检查禁用DEP是否有帮助。
1. 打开开始(Start )菜单,输入命令提示符(command prompt),然后选择以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 将以下命令复制并粘贴到提升的命令提示符(Command Prompt)控制台中:
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff

3. 按Enter禁用 DEP。
这是否(Did)修复了“ Rundll32已停止工作”错误?如果是,您可能仍希望继续进行其余修复,因为禁用DEP会带来安全风险。
注意:(Note:)要稍后启用数据执行保护(Data Execution Prevention),请在提升的命令提示符(Command Prompt)控制台中运行以下命令:
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOn
恶意程序可以伪装成DLL文件并最终导致“Rundll32 已停止工作”错误。尝试使用Windows 安全(Windows Security)中心扫描您的计算机以查找恶意软件。
1. 打开开始(Start )菜单,键入windows security,然后选择打开(Open)。
2. 选择病毒和威胁防护(Virus & threat protection)。
3. 选择扫描选项(Scan options)。
4. 选择全盘扫描(Full scan)。然后,选择立即扫描(Scan now)。

如果Windows 安全(Windows Security)中心无法挖掘任何内容,我们建议使用专门的恶意软件清除程序(例如Malwarebytes)进行彻底的计算机清理。
运行 SFC 扫描
SFC(系统文件检查器(System File Checker))扫描允许您检测和修复损坏的系统文件,这些文件会阻止Rundll32进程正常运行。
1. 打开开始(Start )菜单,输入命令提示符(command prompt),然后选择以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 输入以下命令:
sfc /scannow

3. 按回车(Enter)。
运行 DISM 扫描
如果SFC扫描未能找到并修复任何问题,请改为运行DISM(部署映像服务和管理(Deployment Image Servicing and Management))扫描。
1. 打开开始(Start )菜单,键入命令提示符(command prompt),然后选择以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)。
2. 运行以下命令:
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

3. 如果DISM最终在您的计算机上检测到问题,请依次运行以下命令。
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
如果上述修复均未解决“Windows 主机进程 ( Rundll32 ) 已停止工作”错误,您可能需要转到开始(Start )>设置(Settings )>更新和安全(Update & Security)>恢复(Recovery)来执行Windows 10 出厂重置(Windows 10 factory reset)。您可以在重置过程中选择保留或删除您的文件和程序。
您也可以尝试重新安装 Windows 10(re-installing Windows 10)。可能存在一个深层次的问题,只有完全重新安装操作系统才能解决。请(Just)记住事先创建完整的数据备份。(complete backup of your data)
How to Fix Rundll32 Has Stopped Working Error
Do yоu kеep recеіving a “Windows host proсess (Rundll32) has stopped working” error whilе using Windows 10? Thіs error mostly shows up when you attеmpt tо оpen or іnteract with specific programs—native or third-partу—on your computer. But it can also pester you randomly for no obvious reason. Why does this happen?
Windows 10 uses the Rundll32 process to execute 32-bit DLL (dynamic-link library) files. These files contain functions that are shared across multiple applications. However, conflicting software, improperly configured settings, or corrupted system files can cause Rundll32 to break down, hence the reason for the error.

The “Rundll32 has stopped working” error has been plaguing Windows users for years, but there are several fixes that can help you get rid of it. We recommend working through the troubleshooting methods below in the order that they appear. Feel free to skip those that don’t apply.
Disable Thumbnail Previews
Do you keep running into the “Rundll32 has stopped working” error while using File Explorer? Turning off thumbnail previews can help.
1. Open File Explorer.
2. Select the View tab. Then, pick Options to bring up the Folder Options dialog box.

3. Switch to the View tab.
4. Check the box next to Always show icons, never thumbnails.

5. Select Apply, then OK, to save the changes.
Run File and Folder Troubleshooter
If File Explorer still keeps throwing out the “Rundll32 has stopped working” error message despite disabling thumbnail previews, try running the File and Folder Troubleshooter.
1. Download the File and Folder Troubleshooter from Microsoft.
2. Open the File and Folder Troubleshooter—you don’t have to install it.
3. Select Advanced, check the box next to Apply repairs automatically (if it isn’t already checked), and select Next.

4. Select all options within the What kind of problems are you experiencing screen and select Next.

5. Follow the onscreen prompts to fix any issues detected by the File and Folder Troubleshooter.
Update, Reinstall, or Uninstall Programs
Did the issue occur after installing a particular application on your computer? For example, programs such as Nero and the K-Lite Codec Pack have a history of causing the “Rundll32 has stopped working” error.
If so, try updating or reinstalling the program. In case that doesn’t work, you may want to consider removing it from your computer entirely.
Disable Services and Startup Programs
Third-party background services and startup programs can also result in the Rundll32 error. Check if disabling these helps. You can then go through a process of elimination to figure out the exact item causing the issue.
Disable Third-Party Services – System Configuration
1. Press Windows+R to open the Run box. Then, type msconfig and select OK.
2. Switch to the Services tab. Then, check the box next to Hide all Microsoft services (which then reveals only third-party services) and select Disable all.

3. Select Apply, then OK, to save the changes. Select Exit without restart when prompted.
Disable Startup Programs – Task Manager
1. Right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager.
2. Select More Details.
3. Switch to the Startup tab.
4. Pick each third-party startup program and select Disable.

5. Close the Task Manager.
Restart your computer. If the Rundll32 error doesn’t show up anymore, start re-enabling a few services and startup programs at a time. That should help you pinpoint the problematic item. You can then update the relevant program or remove it from your computer.
Roll Back Audio/Video Drivers
The “Rundll32 has stopped working” error can crop up after updating audio or video drivers. For example, drivers by Realtek, Sound Blaster, and NVIDIA can cause that in rare instances. Use the Device Manager in Windows 10 to roll them back.
1. Right-click the Start button and select Device Manager.
2. Expand Sound, video and game controllers.
3. Right-click the sound driver and select Properties.

4. Switch to the Driver tab and select Roll Back Driver. Repeat for any other drivers within the list.

5. Expand the Display Adapters section within the Device Manager and repeat steps 3 and 4.
Update Audio/Video Drivers
If rolling back the audio and video drivers didn’t help (or if you couldn’t roll them back earlier), try updating them instead.
1. Open the Device Manager.
2. Expand Sound, video and game controllers.
3. Right-click the sound driver and select Update Driver.

4. Select Search automatically for drivers to scan for and apply the latest drivers automatically. Repeat for any other drivers within the list.
5. Expand the Display Adapters section and repeat steps 3 and 4.
Alternatively, you can download the latest audio or video drivers directly from the manufacturer’s website and update them manually.
Update Windows 10
An outdated version of Windows 10 can result in all sorts of issues. If you haven’t updated your computer in a while, try doing that now.
1. Open the Start menu, type windows update, and select Open.
2. Select Check for updates.

3. Install any updates, if available.
Disable Data Execution Prevention
Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a Windows 10 feature that monitors and protects the system memory from malicious attacks. However, it can stop the Rundll32 process from working properly. Check if disabling DEP helps.
1. Open the Start menu, type command prompt, and select Run as administrator.
2. Copy and paste the following command into the elevated Command Prompt console:
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff

3. Press Enter to disable DEP.
Did that fix the “Rundll32 has stopped working” error? If yes, you may still want to continue with the rest of the fixes since keeping DEP disabled is a security risk.
Note: To enable Data Execution Prevention at a later time, run the following command in an elevated Command Prompt console:
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOn
Scan for Malware
Malicious programs can masquerade as DLL files and end up causing “Rundll32 has stopped working” errors. Try using Windows Security to scan your computer for malware.
1. Open the Start menu, type windows security, and select Open.
2. Select Virus & threat protection.
3. Select Scan options.
4. Select Full scan. Then, select Scan now.

If Windows Security failed to dig up anything, we recommend using a dedicated malware remover such as Malwarebytes for a thorough computer cleanup.
Run an SFC Scan
An SFC (System File Checker) scan allows you to detect and repair corrupted system files that prevent the Rundll32 process from running properly.
1. Open the Start menu, type command prompt, and select Run as administrator.
2. Enter the following command:
sfc /scannow

3. Press Enter.
The SFC scan may take several minutes to complete.
Run a DISM Scan
If the SFC scan failed to find and fix any issues, run a DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) scan instead.
1. Open the Start menu, type command prompt, and then select Run as administrator.
2. Run the following command:
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth

3. If DISM ended up detecting issues on your computer, run the following commands one after the other.
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
What Else Can You Do?
If none of the fixes above resolved the “Windows host process (Rundll32) has stopped working” error, you may want to perform a Windows 10 factory reset by heading over to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery. You can choose between keeping or removing your files and programs during the reset procedure.
You can also try re-installing Windows 10. There could be a deep underlying issue that only a complete reinstallation of the operating system can fix. Just remember to create a complete backup of your data beforehand.