
如何修复 Wi-Fi 不能在手机上工作但在其他设备上工作(How to Fix Wi-Fi Not Working on Phone but Working on Other Devices)
移动设备上出现此 Wi-Fi连接问题(connectivity issue)的原因有很多,例如:
- 启用省电模式
- 网络设置不正确
- 连接到不同的网络
- 超出范围的 Wi-Fi 网络
注意:(Note:)由于智能手机没有相同的设置(Settings)选项,并且它们因制造商而异,因此(manufacturer hence)在更改任何设置之前,请确保设置正确。这些步骤是在Redmi note 8上执行的。
方法一:基本故障排除(Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting)
执行这些基本故障排除检查以修复Wi-Fi无法解决手机问题(phone issue):
1.重启(Restart) 手机(your phone)。长期使用有时会导致手机停止正常工作,需要重新启动才能让它们重回正轨。
2. 将路由器的网络频率设置为(Network Frequency)2.4GHz 或 5GHz(2.4GHz or 5GHz),根据您的智能手机支持。
注意:(Note:)由于许多较旧的Android手机无法连接到 5GHz 网络并且不支持WPA2,因此请务必检查手机规格。
3. 确保手机在信号范围内(phone is in range)以获得良好的信号。
方法二:开启 Wi-Fi(Method 2: Turn On Wi-Fi)
由于Wi-Fi 连接(Wi-Fi connectivity)可能很容易被意外关闭,因此请确保手机中的Wi-Fi 检测器(Wi-Fi detector)已打开并且能够找到附近的网络。
1. 打开设置(Settings)应用程序,如图所示。

2. 点击Wi-Fi选项。

3. 然后,点击Wi-Fi 开关(Wi-Fi toggle)将其打开(turn it on)。

方法3:关闭蓝牙(Method 3: Turn Off Bluetooth)
有时,蓝牙(Bluetooth)会与您手机上的Wi-Fi连接发生冲突。当从这两个波长发送的信号都超过 2.4 GHz时,尤其会发生这种情况。请按照(Follow)以下步骤通过关闭蓝牙(Bluetooth)来修复Wi-Fi在手机上无法正常工作:
1. 从屏幕顶部向下滑动,打开通知面板(Notification panel)。
2. 在这里,点击突出显示的蓝牙(Bluetooth)选项以禁用它。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Android上查看(Android)蓝牙(Bluetooth) 设备的(Devices) 电池电量(Battery Level)
智能手机具有这种称为省电模式(battery saver mode)的功能,可以限制过度消耗并延长电池寿命。但此功能允许手机仅执行基本功能,例如消息和通话。它会禁用Wi-Fi 和蓝牙等功能(Wi-Fi and Bluetooth)。因此,要修复Wi-Fi无法解决手机问题(phone issue),请按如下方式关闭省电模式:(Battery Saver)
1. 向下滑动以在您的设备上启动通知面板。(Notification panel )
2. 点击省电(Battery Saver)选项将其禁用。

方法 5:重新连接到 Wi-Fi 网络(Method 5: Reconnect to Wi-Fi network)
忘记(Forget)并将手机重新连接到最近的 Wi-Fi 网络,如下所述:
1. 进入Settings > Wi-Fi > Wif-Fi Settings,如方法二(Method 2)所示。
2. 点击Wi-Fi 开关(Wi-Fi toggle)将其关闭 10-20 秒(10-20 seconds),然后再重新打开。

3. 现在,打开切换(Toggle)开关并点击所需的Wi-Fi 网络(network)以重新连接。

4. 现在,再次点击已连接的Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi network)以打开网络设置。

5. 向下滑动并点击忘记网络(Forget network),如下图所示。

6.如果提示断开手机与Wi-Fi 网络的连接,请点击(Wi-Fi network)确定(OK)。

7. 最后,再次点击您的Wi-Fi 网络(network)并输入您的密码(password)以重新连接。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix WiFi Authentication Error)Android上的WiFi 身份验证错误
方法 6:连接到不同的 Wi-Fi 网络(Method 6: Connect to Different Wi-Fi Network)
尝试连接到不同的Wi-Fi网络,因为它可能会帮助您解决Wi-Fi无法解决手机问题(phone issue)。
1.按照方法二(Method 2)的说明,前往Settings > Wi-Fi > Wif-Fi Settings。
2.应出现可用 Wi-Fi 网络列表。(available Wi-Fi networks)如果没有,只需点击可用网络(Available networks)。

3. 点击您要连接的Wi-Fi 网络。(Wi-Fi network)

4. 输入密码(Password),然后点击连接(Connect)。

5.提供正确的登录凭据后,您的网络将在Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi network)名称下方显示已连接。(Connected)
要测试互联网连接(internet connection)是否正常,请尝试重新加载网页或刷新任何社交媒体帐户。
方法 7:将 Wi-Fi 的 SSID 和 IP 地址与路由器匹配(Method 7: Match SSID & IP Address of Wi-Fi with Router)
- 通过匹配SSID 和 IP 地址(SSID and IP address)来检查您是否已连接到正确的网络(correct network)。SSID只不过是您的网络的名称,它可以扩展为服务集标识符(Service Set Identifier)。要查看SSID,请检查手机上显示的网络名称是否与路由器名称相同( network name displayed on your mobile is the same as the router name)。
- 您可以在路由器(router)底部找到粘贴的IP 地址(IP address)。然后,按照给定的步骤在您的Android 手机(Android phone)上快速检查它:
1. 打开设置(Settings)并点击Wi-Fi & Network,如图所示。

2. 现在,点击Wi-Fi 开关(Wi-Fi toggle)将其打开。

3.接下来,点击连接的网络连接(network connection )的名称,导致手机出现问题。
4. 然后,点击屏幕底部的高级(Advanced)。

5.找到IP地址(IP address)。确保它与您的路由器匹配(matches your router)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)修复连接到WiFi但没有互联网(WiFi But No Internet)的 Android 的(Fix Android Connected)10种方法(Ways)
方法 8:重置网络设置(Method 8: Reset Network Settings)
如果上述步骤都没有帮助您解决 Wi-Fi 无法解决手机问题(phone issue),那么重置网络设置可能会很有效。
注意:(Note:)这只会删除您的 Wi-Fi 凭据,不会重置您的手机。
1. 打开设置(Settings)并点击连接和共享(Connection & sharing)。

2. 点击屏幕底部的重置 Wi-Fi、移动网络和蓝牙(Reset Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and Bluetooth)。

3. 最后,点击重置设置(Reset Settings),如图所示。

4. 要继续,请输入您的密码(password)、pin或图案(pattern)(如果有)。
5. 点击下一步(Next)。
6. 在尝试重新加入之前,请重新启动(restart)您的手机。
7. 现在按照方法 5(Method 5)中提到的步骤连接到Wi-Fi网络。
专业提示:(Pro Tip:)如果您已按照上述步骤操作,但仍面临Wi-Fi无法在手机上运行的问题(phone issue),则可能是您的Wi-Fi无法正常运行。如果您使用公共Wi-Fi 网络(Wi-Fi network),例如在咖啡店,问题可能是由于使用(coffee shop)网络带宽(network bandwidth)的用户过多。但是,如果调制解调器或路由器(modem or router)位于您的家中或工作场所(house or workplace),请重新启动或重置它。
- 修复 Instagram 可疑登录尝试(Fix Instagram Suspicious Login Attempt)
- 如何在Android上(Android)访问被阻止的站点(Access Blocked Sites)
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我们希望您发现本指南有助于解决Wi-Fi 无法在手机上工作(Wi-Fi not working on phone) 但在其他设备(but working on other devices)上工作的问题。请(Please)让我们知道哪种技术最适合您。请(Please)使用评论部分提出任何问题或提出建议。
How to Fix Wi-Fi Not Working on Phone
Despite its shоrtcomings in terms of stability, Wi-Fi is unquеstionably the most popular means to асcess the internet without being physically linked to the router. Іn comparіson to a desktоp/laptop, a phone is a great handy asset. Even though wireless allows you to move aroυnd frеely, it is more рrone to connectivity troubles. Mаny users have complained about Wi-Fi not working on phonе. It is аlѕo possible that it works on othеr devices and just not your smartрhone. Іt might be aggravating trying to figure out the reason bеhind the same. Fortunatеly, the methods liѕted in this gυide will assist you tо fix Wi-Fi not working on phone but working on other devices рroblem.

How to Fix Wi-Fi Not Working on Phone but Working on Other Devices
There are many reasons for this Wi-Fi connectivity issue on mobile, such as:
- Battery saver mode enabled
- Incorrect network settings
- Connected to a different network
- Out of range Wi-Fi network
Note: Since smartphones do not have the same Settings options, and they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer hence, ensure the correct settings before changing any. These steps were performed on Redmi note 8.
Method 1: Basic Troubleshooting
Perform these basic troubleshooting checks to fix Wi-Fi not working on phone issue:
1. Restart your phone. Long-term usage can sometimes lead phones to stop working properly, necessitating a reboot to get them back on track.
2. Set Network Frequency of the router to 2.4GHz or 5GHz, as supported by your smartphone.
Note: Since many older Android phones cannot connect to 5GHz networks and do not support WPA2,make sure to check phone specifications.
3. Make sure that the phone is in range to obtain a good signal.
Method 2: Turn On Wi-Fi
Since Wi-Fi connectivity may easily be switched off by accident, make sure that the Wi-Fi detector in your phone is turned on and capable of finding nearby networks.
1. Open Settings app, as shown.

2. Tap on Wi-Fi option.

3. Then, tap on the Wi-Fi toggle to turn it on.

Method 3: Turn Off Bluetooth
Sometimes, Bluetooth conflicts with the Wi-Fi connection on your mobile. This happens especially when the signals sent from both these wavelengths exceed 2.4 GHz. Follow these steps to fix Wi-Fi not working on phone by turning off Bluetooth:
1. Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Notification panel.
2. Here, tap on the Bluetooth option, shown highlighted, to disable it.

Also Read: How to View Bluetooth Devices Battery Level on Android
Method 4: Disable Battery Saver Mode
Smartphones have this feature called battery saver mode, which constraints excessive drains and extends battery life. But this feature allows the phone to perform only the basic features such as messaging and calls. It disable features such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. So, to fix Wi-Fi not working on phone issue, turn off Battery Saver as follows:
1. Swipe down to launch the Notification panel on your device.
2. Tap on the Battery Saver option to disable it.

Method 5: Reconnect to Wi-Fi network
Forget and reconnect your phone to the nearest Wi-Fi network, as explained below:
1. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi > Wif-Fi Settings as shown in Method 2.
2. Tap on the Wi-Fi toggle to turn it off for 10-20 seconds before turning it back on.

3. Now, turn on the Toggle switch and tap on the desired Wi-Fi network to reconnect.

4. Now, tap on the connected Wi-Fi network again to open network settings.

5. Swipe down and tap on Forget network, as illustrated below.

6. Tap on OK, if prompted to disconnect phone from the Wi-Fi network.

7. Finally, tap on your Wi-Fi network again and input your password to reconnect.
Also Read: Fix WiFi Authentication Error on Android
Method 6: Connect to Different Wi-Fi Network
Try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network as it might help you fix Wi-Fi not working on phone issue.
1. Navigate to Settings > Wi-Fi > Wif-Fi Settings as instructed in Method 2.
2. A list of available Wi-Fi networks should appear. If not, simply tap on Available networks.

3. Tap on the Wi-Fi network that you wish to connect to.

4. Enter the Password and then, tap Connect.

5. Your network will display Connected beneath the Wi-Fi network name once you have provided the correct login credentials.
To test if the internet connection is working, try to reload a webpage or refresh any social media account.
Method 7: Match SSID & IP Address of Wi-Fi with Router
- Check whether you have been connected to the correct network by matching the SSID and IP address. SSID is nothing but the name of your network, and it can be expanded as Service Set Identifier. To check the SSID, check whether the network name displayed on your mobile is the same as the router name.
- You can find IP address pasted at the bottom of the router. Then, follow the given steps to quickly check for it on your Android phone:
1. Open Settings and tap on Wi-Fi & Network, as shown.

2. Now, tap on the Wi-Fi toggle to turn it on.

3. Next, tap on the name of the connected network connection causing issues on your phone.
4. Then, tap Advanced from the bottom of the screen.

5. Find the IP address. Ensure that it matches your router.
Also Read: 10 Ways To Fix Android Connected To WiFi But No Internet
Method 8: Reset Network Settings
If none of the above steps have helped you fix Wi-Fi not working on phone issue, then resetting the network settings might work like a charm.
Note: This will simply remove your Wi-Fi credentials and will not reset your phone.
1. Open Settings and tap on Connection & sharing.

2. Tap on Reset Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and Bluetooth from the bottom of the screen.

3. Finally, tap on Reset Settings, as shown.

4. To proceed, enter your password, pin, or pattern if any.
5. Tap on Next.
6. Before attempting to rejoin, restart your phone.
7. Now connect to the Wi-Fi network by following the steps mentioned in Method 5.
This will fix Wi-Fi not working on phone but working on other devices problem.
Pro Tip: If you have followed the above procedures but still face Wi-Fi not working on phone issue, it is possible that your Wi-Fi is not operating properly. If you are using a public Wi-Fi network, such as one at a coffee shop, the issue could be due to too many users using the network bandwidth. However, if the modem or router is located in your house or workplace, then restart or reset it.
We hope you found this guide useful to resolve Wi-Fi not working on phone but working on other devices problem. Please let us know which technique worked best for you. Please use the comments section to ask any questions or make suggestions.