由于Windows 11仍处于起步阶段,因此经常会遇到可能损害您的操作系统(operating system)的错误和错误。只有两个选择:一是(First)等待微软(Microsoft)发布补丁修复这些错误,二(Second)是自己动手。幸运的是,解决小问题比您想象的要容易得多。我们为困扰您的错误制作了一个简单的修复列表,包括这个有用的指南,它将教您如何在有和没有SFC 和 DISM 扫描帮助的情况下修复(SFC and DISM scans)Windows 11。

如何修复 Windows 11(How to Repair Windows 11)
修复Windows 11的修复程序范围从简单的解决方案(如运行故障排除程序)到高级方法(如重置 PC)。
如果您没有安装它,请检查您的设备与 Windows 11 的兼容性(check for the Compatibility of your device with Windows 11)。
方法 1:运行 Windows 疑难解答(Method 1: Run Windows Troubleshooter)
Windows 11 具有针对几乎所有硬件和服务异常(hardware and service abnormalities)的内置故障排除程序。按照给定的步骤运行Windows 疑难解答(Windows Troubleshooter):
1. 同时按下Windows + I keys打开设置(Settings)窗口。
2. 在系统(System)选项卡中,单击突出显示的故障排除选项。(Troubleshoot)

3. 然后,点击其他疑难解答(Other troubleshooters),如图所示。

4. 在这里,单击对应于Windows Update组件的(Windows Update)运行(Run),如下图所示。疑难解答程序将自动扫描并修复与Windows更新有关的问题,并应修复Windows 11。

方法 2:更新过时的驱动程序(Method 2: Update Outdated Drivers)
设备管理器(Device Manager)可以帮助您解决由过时或不兼容的驱动程序引起的问题。以下是通过更新过时的驱动程序来修复Windows 11的方法:(Windows 11)
1. 单击任务栏中的搜索(Taskbar )图标并(Search icon)输入设备管理器(Device Manager)。然后,单击Open,如图所示。

2. 双击旁边带有yellow question/exclamation mark 设备(Device) 类型。(type)
注意:(Note:)黄色question/exclamation mark icon表示驱动程序有问题。
3. 右键单击驱动程序(driver),例如HID 兼容鼠标( HID-compliant mouse),然后选择更新驱动程序(Update driver)选项。

4A。选择自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers)选项。

4B。如果您已经在计算机上下载了最新的驱动程序,请单击浏览我的计算机以查找驱动程序(Browse my computer for drivers)并安装它们。

5. 安装驱动程序后,单击关闭(Close)并重新启动您的 PC。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)什么是设备管理器?
方法 3:运行 DISM 和 SFC 扫描(Method 3: Run DISM & SFC Scan)
DISM 和 SFC(DISM and SFC)是两个实用工具,可以帮助查找和修复损坏的系统文件。
选项 1:通过命令提示符(Option 1: Through Command Prompt)
以下是使用命令提示符(Command Prompt)通过DISM 和 SFC 扫描(DISM and SFC scans)修复Windows 11的方法:
1. 单击搜索图标(Search icon)并输入命令提示符(command prompt)。
2. 然后,单击以管理员身份运行(Run as administrator)选项,如图所示。

3. 一一键入给定的命令,然后按Enter键:
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

4. 接下来,输入SFC /scannow并按Enter。

5. 扫描完成后,重新启动(restart)您的 Windows PC。
选项 2:通过 Windows PowerShell(Option 2: Through Windows PowerShell)
以下是使用Windows PowerShell通过DISM 和 SFC 扫描(DISM and SFC scans)修复Windows 11的方法:
1. 同时按下Windows + X 键(keys)打开快速链接(Quick Link)菜单。
2.从列表中选择Windows 终端(管理员) 。(Windows Terminal (Admin))

3.在用户帐户控制(User Account Control)提示中单击是。(Yes)
4. 在这里,执行与前面解释的相同的命令:
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
SFC /scannow

5.完成这些扫描后重新启动您的 PC 。(Restart your PC)这应该已经解决了操作系统(operating system)的问题。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何以安全模式启动 Windows 11
方法 4:卸载损坏的系统更新(Method 4: Uninstall Corrupt System Updates)
1. 单击开始(Start)并键入设置(Settings)。然后,单击打开(Open)。

2. 在这里,单击Windows 更新(Update) > 更新(Update) 历史记录(history),如下所示。

3. 在相关设置(Related settings)部分,点击卸载(Uninstall) 更新(updates),如图所示。

4. 选择最近的/引起问题的更新并点击(update and click)卸载(Uninstall),如下图所示。


6. 最后,重新启动计算机以检查是否可以解决此问题。
方法 5:恢复以前的系统设置(Method 5: Restore Previous System Settings)
系统还原点(System Restore point)可以将系统还原到先前设置的还原点,(restore point)从而消除错误和错误的原因。
1. 同时按下Windows + R keys启动运行(Run)对话框。
2.输入 control(control)并点击OK打开Control Panel。

3. 设置View by > Large icons,然后点击恢复(Recovery)。

4. 现在,点击Open System Restore,如图所示。

5.在系统还原(System Restore)窗口中单击下一步。(Next)

6. 从列表中,选择您没有遇到问题时的自动还原点。(Automatic Restore Point)单击(Click)下一步(Next. )。

注意:(Note:)此外,单击扫描受影响的程序以查看将计算机还原到之前设置的(Scan for affected programs)还原点(restore point)将受到影响的应用程序列表。单击(Click)关闭(Close)以关闭新打开的窗口。
7. 最后,点击完成(Finish)。

另请阅读:修复(Also Read:) Windows 10/8/7上的启动修复无限循环(Fix Startup Repair Infinite Loop)
方法6:运行启动修复(Method 6: Run Startup Repair)
如果你连电脑都登不上去,上面的方法就没用了。以下是通过运行启动修复来修复(Startup Repair)Windows 11的方法:
1.完全关闭(Shut down)计算机,等待 2 分钟(wait for 2 minutes)。
2. 按电源按钮(Power button)打开您的 Windows 11 PC。

3.当您看到计算机启动时,按住电源按钮(press-hold Power button)将其强制关闭。重复此过程两次。(Repeat this process twice.)
4. 让电脑第三次正常开机,进入Windows Recovery Environment (RE)。
5. 单击Troubleshoot > Advanced options。

6. 然后,选择Startup Repair,如下所示。

方法 7:重置 Windows PC
(Method 7: Reset Windows PC
如果没有其他方法对您有用,您应该考虑重置您的 PC。这是一个过程,它会在系统第一次启动时剥离系统中的所有东西。幸运的是,您可以选择保持文件完好无损,但您安装的所有应用程序都将被卸载。因此,请谨慎执行修复Windows 11的给定步骤:
1. 同时按下Windows + X keys ,调出快速链接(Quick Link )菜单。
2.从列表中选择设置。(Settings )

3. 在系统(System )选项卡中,向下滚动并单击恢复(Recovery)。

4. 在Recovery options下,单击Reset PC按钮,如图所示。

5. 在重置(Reset)此PC 窗口(PC window)中,单击保留我的文件选项并继续。(Keep my files option and proceed.)

6. 在您想如何重新安装 Windows? 中选择云下载(How would you like to reinstall Windows?)或(Cloud) 本地(download)重新安装(Local) 。(reinstall)屏幕。
注意:(Note:) 云下载(Cloud download)需要有效的互联网连接(internet connection)。它比本地重新安装选项(reinstall option)更可靠,因为有可能损坏本地文件。

注意:(Note:)在附加设置(Additional settings)屏幕上,如果您希望更改之前所做的选择,请选择更改设置(Change settings)
7. 单击下一步(Next)。

8. 最后,单击重置(Reset)以重置您的 PC。

在重置过程中(Reset process),您的计算机可能会重新启动多次。这是正常的,完成此过程可能需要数小时,因为它取决于计算机和您选择的设置。
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我们希望您能够学习如何修复 Windows 11(how to repair Windows 11)。让我们知道您发现哪种方法最好。此外,您可以在下面的评论部分(comment section)发送您的建议和查询。
How to Repair Windows 11
Since Windows 11 is still in its infancy, it is common to come across bugs and errors that might harm уour operating system. There are only two options: Firѕt is to wait for Microsoft to release patcheѕ to fix those bugs, or Second іs to tаke matters into your оwn hands. Fortunately, fixіng small issues is much easier than you might think. We have made a list of easy fixes for the errors that are bоthering you including, this helpful guide that will teach you how to repair Windows 11 both, with and without the help of SFC аnd DISM scans.

How to Repair Windows 11
The fixes to repair Windows 11 range from simple solutions like running troubleshooters to advanced methods such as resetting your PC.
Note: It is recommended you make a backup of your files before moving forward.
If you don’t have it installed, check for the Compatibility of your device with Windows 11.
Method 1: Run Windows Troubleshooter
Windows 11 has an inbuilt troubleshooter for almost all hardware and service abnormalities. Follow the given steps to run Windows Troubleshooter:
1. Press Windows + I keys together to open the Settings window.
2. In the System tab, click on Troubleshoot option as highlighted.

3. Then, click on Other troubleshooters, as shown.

4. Here, click on Run corresponding to Windows Update component, as depicted below. The troubleshooter will automatically scan & fix issues pertaining to Windows updates and should repair Windows 11.

Method 2: Update Outdated Drivers
Device Manager can help you fix issues caused by outdated or incompatible drivers. Here’s how to repair Windows 11 by updating outdated drivers:
1. Click on the Search icon in the Taskbar and type Device Manager. Then, click on Open, as shown.

2. Double click on the Device type with yellow question/exclamation mark next to it.
Note: Yellow question/exclamation mark icon represents that the driver has issues.
3. Right-click on the driver such as HID-compliant mouse and select Update driver option.

4A. Select Search automatically for drivers option.

4B. If you already have the latest drivers downloaded on the computer, click on Browse my computer for drivers and install them.

5. After installing the drivers, click on Close and restart your PC.

Also Read: What is Device Manager?
Method 3: Run DISM & SFC Scan
DISM and SFC are two utility tools that could help find and fix corrupt system files.
Option 1: Through Command Prompt
Here’s how to repair Windows 11 with DISM and SFC scans using Command Prompt:
1. Click on the Search icon and type command prompt.
2. Then, click on Run as administrator option, as shown.

3. Type the given commands one by one and press the Enter key:
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
Note: Your computer must be connected to the internet in order to execute this command properly.

4. Next, type SFC /scannow and hit Enter.

5. When the scan is completed, restart your Windows PC.
Option 2: Through Windows PowerShell
Here’s how to repair Windows 11 with DISM and SFC scans using Windows PowerShell:
1. Press Windows + X keys together to open the Quick Link menu.
2. Select Windows Terminal (Admin) from the list.

3. Click on Yes in the User Account Control prompt.
4. Here, execute the same commands as explained earlier:
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
SFC /scannow

5. Restart your PC after these scans are completed. This should have solved issues with the operating system. If not, try the next fix.
Also Read: How to Boot Windows 11 in Safe Mode
Method 4: Uninstall Corrupt System Updates
Some errors are caused by corrupt updates which can be uninstalled if needed, as follows:
1. Click on Start and type Settings. Then, click on Open.

2. Here, click Windows Update > Update history as highlighted below.

3. Under Related settings section, click on Uninstall updates, as shown.

4. Select the most recent/trouble-causing update and click on Uninstall, as depicted below.

5. Click on Yes in the confirmation prompt.

6. Finally, restart your computer to check if it resolves this issue.
Method 5: Restore Previous System Settings
A System Restore point can revert the system to a previously set restore point thereby, removing the cause of errors and bugs.
1. Press Windows + R keys together to launch the Run dialog box.
2. Type control and click on OK to open Control Panel.

3. Set View by > Large icons, and click on Recovery.

4. Now, click on Open System Restore, as shown.

5. Click on Next in the System Restore window.

6. From the list, select the Automatic Restore Point when you were not facing the issue. Click on Next.

Note: Moreover, click on Scan for affected programs to see the list of applications that will be affected by restoring the computer to the previously set restore point. Click on Close to close the newly opened window.
7. Lastly, click on Finish.

Also Read: Fix Startup Repair Infinite Loop on Windows 10/8/7
Method 6: Run Startup Repair
If you are not able to even log in to your computer, the above methods will be of no use. Here’s how to repair Windows 11 by running a Startup Repair instead:
1. Shut down your computer completely and wait for 2 minutes.
2. Press the Power button to turn on your Windows 11 PC.

3. When you see the computer booting up, press-hold Power button to turn it off forcefully. Repeat this process twice.
4. Let the computer boot up normally the third time to let it enter into Windows Recovery Environment (RE).
5. Click on Troubleshoot > Advanced options.

6. Then, select Startup Repair, as highlighted below.

Method 7: Reset Windows PC
Resetting your PC is an option you should consider if nothing else has worked for you. It is a process that would strip the system of all things to the point when it was booted for the first time. Luckily, you can choose to keep your files intact but all the applications you installed will be uninstalled. So, cautiously implement the given steps to repair Windows 11:
1. Press the Windows + X keys together to bring up the Quick Link menu.
2. Select Settings from the list.

3. In the System tab, scroll down and click on Recovery.

4. Under Recovery options, click the Reset PC button, as shown.

5. In the Reset this PC window, click on the Keep my files option and proceed.

6. Choose either Cloud download or Local reinstall on the How would you like to reinstall Windows? screen.
Note: Cloud download requires an active internet connection. It is more reliable than Local reinstall option as there is a chance of corrupt local files.

Note: On the Additional settings screen, select Change settings if you wish to change previously made choice
7. Click Next.

8. Finally, click on Reset to reset your PC.

During the Reset process, your computer may restart several times. This is normal and it may take hours to complete this process as it is dependent on the computer and the settings you choose.
We hope you were able to learn how to repair Windows 11. Let us know which method you found the best. Also, you can send your suggestions and queries in the comment section below.