(Windows 11)微软于(Microsoft)10 月(October)向Windows 10用户提供了新的Windows版本Windows 11。大多数拥有非旧 PC 的用户都可以运行Windows 11,因此此时许多 PC 都运行Windows 11。这是一个相当稳定的操作系统,但与所有版本的Windows一样,您可能偶尔会遇到一两个问题。
本指南将帮助您使用内置工具修复 Windows 11 问题。如果您已经知道是什么导致了您的 Windows 11 问题,那么您可能可以跳过麻烦并选择最佳解决方案。但是,即使您不确定原因,也只需按顺序逐步阅读本指南。
大多数修复程序都要求您启动操作系统。如果您无法启动到Windows,则需要启动到安全模式(Mode)。如果这是您的第一次,我们提供了有关以安全模式启动 Windows 11(starting Windows 11 in Safe Mode)的快速指南。理想情况下,您应该启动到带网络的安全(Networking)模式(Mode)以使用DISM等工具。
使用内置的 Windows 疑难解答(Use Built-In Windows Troubleshooters)
较新(Newer)版本的Windows配备了一系列针对各种问题的内置疑难解答程序。在早期版本的Windows中需要使用命令提示符(Command Prompt)进行故障排除现在可以使用用户友好的GUI来完成。
当您不知道原因时,疑难解答程序是解决Windows 11问题的好方法。(Windows 11)例如,如果您的相机无法正常工作并且您不知道原因,您可以使用相机(Camera)疑难解答来查看 Windows 是否可以自动识别并修复问题。
- 首先按Win + I并导航到System > Troubleshoot > Other(Other troubleshooters) Troubleshooters 。
- 您将看到此处列出的所有内置疑难解答。通过选择旁边的“运行”(Run)按钮,根据您的问题选择相关的疑难解答。
- 按照提示操作,让疑难解答人员完成该过程。
卸载 Windows 更新
- 按Win + I并导航到Windows Update > Update history。
- 选择卸载更新(Uninstall updates )以启动控制面板。
- (Sort)单击“安装日期”(Installed On )列标签,按安装日期对更新进行排序。选择最近安装的更新,然后从顶部选择卸载按钮。(Uninstall)或者,您可以右键单击更新并选择Uninstall。
如果您没有看到某个更新的“卸载”选项,那是因为(Uninstall )Windows认为它对安全性或正常运行Windows很重要。
系统文件检查器 (SFC) 扫描
系统文件检查器(System File Checker)( SFC ) 是一个Windows实用程序,可帮助查找和恢复损坏的系统文件。系统文件是Windows正常运行所需的核心文件。
- 按Win + R,键入cmd,然后按Ctrl + Shift + Enter以使用管理权限启动命令提示符。(Command Prompt)
- 执行以下命令:
sfc /scannow
- 让扫描完成。
扫描完成后,您将在命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口中看到一条消息,告诉您扫描是否发现任何文件完整性违规。SFC还将通过自动恢复相关文件来修复这些违规行为。
检查磁盘 (CHKDSK) 扫描
Chkdsk 是一个内置实用程序,它通过扫描文件系统元数据来检查和修复文件系统错误。(checks and fixes file system errors)它会在您的硬盘驱动器上查找逻辑和物理问题,并尝试自动修复它们。
- 首先(Start)启动提升的命令提示符(Command Prompt)。从任务栏打开开始(Start)菜单,键入cmd ,然后从右窗格中选择以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator)
- 在命令提示符(Command Prompt)中键入以下命令,然后按Enter:
chkdsk e: /f /r /x
- 当被问到问题Would you like to force a dismount on the volume> (Y/N)时,键入 Y 并按Enter。
让扫描完成。完成后,重新启动 PC 以检查一切是否恢复正常。
部署映像服务(Deployment Image Servicing)和管理(Management)( DISM )扫描(Scan)
DISM是另一个可以帮助您修复 Windows 11 的内置命令行实用程序。它比SFC和CHKDSK更强大,只有在您无法使用SFC或CHKDSK工具解决问题或无法解决问题时才应使用它根本不运行SFC。
DISM通过从 Internet 下载(DISM)Windows映像并将其部署到您的 PC 上来帮助您修复损坏的系统组件,而无需从头开始 安装Windows 。
如果您在安全模式下使用(Safe Mode)DISM,请确保您已在启用网络的情况下启动到安全模式(Safe Mode)并具有有效的 Internet 连接。DISM需要 Internet 访问权限,因为它会从Windows 更新(Windows Update)中提取文件以修复错误。
- 按Ctrl + R,键入cmd,然后按Ctrl + Shift + Enter启动提升的命令提示符(Command Prompt)。
- 执行以下命令以扫描组件存储的运行状况而不更改任何内容:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
- 如果DISM发现系统映像存在问题,请运行以下命令进行修复:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
该过程可能需要一段时间。让该过程完成,然后重新启动您的 PC 以查看是否一切正常。
系统还原(System Restore)是Windows的时间旅行机器。您可以使用系统还原(System Restore)将您的 PC 恢复到以前的工作状态 - 您创建还原点的时间点。
但是,您首先需要检查您的 PC 上是否有任何还原点,因为默认情况下Windows不会创建它们。如果您希望 Windows 每隔一段时间自动创建一个还原点,则需要手动创建还原点(create a restore point manually)或启用系统还原。(enable System Restore)
- 从任务栏打开开始(Start)菜单并搜索恢复(recovery)。从结果中选择恢复。(Recovery)
- 选择打开系统还原(Open System Restore)。
- 应该会弹出一个系统还原窗口。(System Restore)如果您看到推荐的还原点,则表示您的 PC 确实有一个还原点,您可以将您的 PC 还原到之前的工作状态。
如果您想选择不同的还原点,请选择推荐的还原点(Recommended restore)或选择不同的还原点,然后选择(Choose a different restore point )下一步(Next)。请注意,您在创建还原点之后安装的任何应用程序都将被删除。
- 选择完成(Finish )以开始还原过程。
此时 Windows 将重新启动并开始恢复您的 PC。该过程完成后,检查一切是否正常。
Windows 11 启动修复
如果您无法使用之前的方法修复Windows 11,请尝试使用Windows 11启动修复。启动(Startup)修复仅专门查找启动问题,因此如果您的问题与启动无关,请跳过此方法。
- 从任务栏打开“开始(Start)”菜单,然后选择电源按钮。按住Shift键并选择重新启动(Restart)选项。计算机将重新启动并进入Windows 恢复环境(Windows Recovery Environment)(RE)。
- 导航到疑难解答(Troubleshoot)>高级选项(Advanced options)>启动修复(Startup Repair)。
- 系统可能会要求您选择一个帐户并输入密码。输入(Enter)它们,Windows应该会启动该过程。
如果Windows发现问题,它将尝试自动修复问题。但是,如果Windows没有发现问题,或者无法修复它发现的问题,您将看到一条消息,显示“启动修复无法修复您的电脑”(Startup Repair couldn’t repair your PC)。在这种情况下,您需要尝试不同的方法。
使用 Bootrec 修复引导加载程序
如果您的问题是无法启动到Windows,您可以使用Bootrec实用程序。Bootrec是一种修复工具,可修复主引导记录(fixes the master boot record)和引导配置数据 (BCD)。
- 打开开始(Start)菜单并选择电源按钮。按住Shift键并选择重新启动(Restart)。重新启动后,您将进入Windows RE。
如果您也无法启动到安全模式(Safe Mode),请在 PC 开启时按住 PC 上的电源按钮以进行硬重启。这样做两次,第三次,您将自动进入Windows RE。
- 导航到疑难解答(Troubleshoot )>高级选项(Advanced options )>命令提示符(Command Prompt)。
- 一个接一个地运行(Run)以下每个命令(即,键入命令,按Enter并重复):
- bootrec /fixmbr
- bootrec /fixboot
- bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup
- attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
- ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
- bootrec /rebuildbcd
此时,您会看到一个问题,询问是否将安装添加到引导列表?(Add installation to boot list?)键入Y并按Enter。此外,如果在 bootrec /fixboot 命令后出现Access is denied错误,请执行此命令,然后再次执行 bootrec /fixboot:
bootsect /nt60 sys
完成后,退出命令提示符(Command Prompt)并重新启动 PC。
重置 Windows 11
只有在您尝试了以前的方法后才能重置您的 PC,因为您需要在重置后重新安装 PC 上的所有程序。不过,您可以选择保留个人文件。如果其他修复均无效,或者您希望您的 Windows 11 像新的一样好,您应该考虑重置。
- 退出所有打开的窗口,按Win + I,然后导航到System > Recovery。
- 选择重置 PC(Reset PC)按钮。
- 如果您想保留任何个人数据或文件的完整性,请选择保留我的文件选项。(Keep my files)或者,如果要擦除硬盘上的所有内容,请选择删除所有内容。(Remove everything)请注意,使用这两个选项,您将丢失所有已安装的应用程序和设置,因此您需要在重置后重新安装它们。
按照提示完成重置过程。在大多数情况下,重置 Windows 11 应该可以解决所有与软件相关的问题。如果没有,则可能是硬件问题,可能需要技术人员的帮助。
重新安装 Windows 11
全新安装的Windows 11几乎可以解决您面临的任何问题,除非它是硬件问题。但是,您将丢失所有已安装的程序。如果设置要求您对其进行格式化,您还将丢失存储在您正在安装Windows的驱动器上的文件。(Windows)
与重置不同,全新安装需要您使用可引导的 USB 或Windows媒体创建工具。您可以下载 Windows(作为 ISO 文件)或媒体创建工具(download Windows (as an ISO file) or the media creation tool)(作为 EXE 文件)并创建可启动的 USB 驱动器(create a bootable USB drive)。创建可启动 USB 后,在您的 PC 上安装新的 Windows 11 副本。(install the new copy of Windows 11)
已修复的 Windows 11 问题
您应该能够使用上述方法解决大多数特定于您的Windows 11(Windows 11)操作系统的非硬件问题。但是,如果您对自己进行故障排除和修复问题的想法不太感兴趣,您应该尝试免费的第三方工具(free third-party tools)来修复 Windows 11。
How to Repair Windows 11 to Fix Problems
Windows 11, the new Windows version, was made available by Microsoft to Windows 10 users back in October. Most users with PCs that aren’t ancіent can run Windows 11, so many PCs run Windоws 11 at this point. It’s a fairly ѕtable operating system, but like with all versions of Wіndows, уоu might fаce an occasional problem or two.
This guide will help you repair Windows 11 problems using built-in tools. If you already know what caused your Windows 11 problem, you might be able to skip jumping through hoops and choose the best solution. However, even if you’re not sure about the reason, just step through this guide in order.
Start by Entering Safe Mode
Most fixes require you to boot into your operating system. If you can’t boot into Windows, you’ll need to boot into Safe Mode. If it’s your first time, we have a quick guide on starting Windows 11 in Safe Mode. Ideally, you should boot into Safe Mode with Networking to use tools like DISM.
Use Built-In Windows Troubleshooters
Newer versions of Windows come armed with a line-up of built-in troubleshooters for various problems. Troubleshooting that would have required using the Command Prompt in earlier versions of Windows can now be done with a user-friendly GUI.
Troubleshooters are a great way to fix Windows 11 problems when you don’t know the cause. For instance, if your camera isn’t functioning correctly and you don’t know why, you can use the Camera troubleshooter to see if Windows can automatically identify and fix the problem.
- Start by pressing Win + I and navigate to System > Troubleshoot > Other troubleshooters.
- You’ll see all built-in troubleshooters listed here. Select a relevant troubleshooter based on your problem by selecting the Run button next to it.
- Follow the prompts and let the troubleshooter complete the process.
If the troubleshooter identifies the issue, it will try to fix the problem automatically. However, if it can’t identify the problem or is unable to fix a problem that it was able to identify, it will simply notify you, and you’ll need to try a different fix.
Uninstall Windows Update
Windows frequently updates drivers and installs other security updates to keep your computer safe and up-to-date. However, updates can sometimes cause problems. If your Windows started glitching after a recent update, you can try uninstalling recently installed updates.
- Press Win + I and navigate to Windows Update > Update history.
- Select Uninstall updates to launch the Control Panel.
- Sort the updates by install date by clicking on the Installed On column label. Select the recently installed updates and select the Uninstall button from the top. Alternatively, you can right-click on an update and select Uninstall.
If you don’t see the Uninstall option for a certain update, it’s because Windows deems it important for security or running Windows properly.
When prompted, confirm the uninstallation. Once you’ve uninstalled all recently installed updates, try to reboot Windows and see if everything works as it should.
System File Checker (SFC) Scan
System File Checker (SFC) is a Windows utility that helps find and restore corrupted system files. System files are core files that Windows requires for operating correctly.
If you’re experiencing unexpected errors with your Windows operating system, and can’t think of any particular reason that could have caused it, a missing or corrupted file could be the problem.
- Press Win + R, type cmd, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to launch the Command Prompt with administrative privileges.
- Execute the following command:
sfc /scannow
- Let the scan complete.
Once the scan completes, you’ll see a message in the Command Prompt window that will tell you if the scan found any file integrity violations. SFC will also fix those violations by restoring the relevant files automatically.
Check Disk (CHKDSK) Scan
Chkdsk is a built-in utility that checks and fixes file system errors by scanning the file system metadata. It looks for both logical and physical problems on your hard drive and tries to fix them automatically.
- Start by launching an elevated Command Prompt. Open the Start menu from the taskbar, type cmd, and select Run as administrator from the right pane.
- Type the following command into the Command Prompt and press Enter:
chkdsk e: /f /r /x
- When asked the question Would you like to force a dismount on the volume> (Y/N), type Y and press Enter.
Let the scan finish. Once done, restart your PC to check if everything is back to normal.
Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) Scan
DISM is another built-in command-line utility that can help you repair Windows 11. It’s more powerful than the SFC and CHKDSK, and should be used only if you couldn’t fix your problem using the SFC or CHKDSK tools, or couldn’t run SFC at all.
DISM helps you fix corrupted system components by downloading a Windows image from the internet and deploying it on your PC, without having to install Windows from scratch.
If you use DISM in Safe Mode, make sure you’ve booted into Safe Mode with networking enabled and have a working internet connection. DISM needs internet access because it will pull files from Windows Update to fix errors.
- Press Ctrl + R, type cmd, and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to launch an elevated Command Prompt.
- Execute the following command to scan your component store’s health without changing anything:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
- If DISM finds issues with the system image, run the following command to repair them:
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
The process can take a while. Let the process complete and then restart your PC to see if everything works as it should.
Use System Restore
System Restore is a time travel machine for Windows. You can use System Restore to bring your PC back into a previous working state—a point in time when you created the restore point.
However, you’ll first need to check if you have any restore points on your PC because Windows doesn’t create them by default. You’ll either need to create a restore point manually or enable System Restore if you want Windows to create one automatically every once in a while.
- Open the Start menu from your taskbar and search for recovery. Select Recovery from the results.
- Select Open System Restore.
- A System Restore window should pop up. If you see a recommended restore point, it means your PC does have a restore point, and you’ll be able to restore your PC to its previous working condition.
Select the Recommended restore point or Choose a different restore point if you’d like to select a different restore point, and select Next. Note that any apps you installed after the date of creation of the restore point will be removed.
- Select Finish to start the restore process.
Windows will restart at this point and begin restoring your PC. Once the process is complete, check if everything works fine.
Windows 11 Startup Repair
If you couldn’t repair Windows 11 with the previous methods, try using Windows 11 startup repair. Startup repair specifically looks for startup problems only, so skip this method if your problem isn’t related to startup.
- Open the Start menu from the taskbar and select the power button. Press-hold the Shift key and select the Restart option. The computer will restart and enter Windows Recovery Environment (RE).
- Navigate to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Repair.
- You might be asked to select an account and enter the password. Enter them and Windows should start the process.
If Windows finds a problem, it will try to fix the problem automatically. However, if Windows doesn’t identify a problem, or can’t fix a problem it has identified, you’ll see a message that reads Startup Repair couldn’t repair your PC. In that case, you’ll need to try a different method.
Fix Boot Loader with Bootrec
If your problem is that you cannot boot into Windows, you can use the Bootrec utility. Bootrec is a repair tool that fixes the master boot record and boot configuration data (BCD).
- Open the Start menu and select the power button. Press-hold the Shift key and select Restart. Upon reboot, you’ll enter the Windows RE.
If you can’t boot into Safe Mode either, hold-press the power button on your PC while the PC is on for a hard reboot. Do this twice, and the third time, you’ll automatically enter the Windows RE.
- Navigate to Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Command Prompt.
- Run each of the following commands one-by-one (i.e., type a command, press Enter, and repeat):
- bootrec /fixmbr
- bootrec /fixboot
- bcdedit /export c:\bcdbackup
- attrib c:\boot\bcd -h -r -s
- ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
- bootrec /rebuildbcd
At this point, you’ll see a question that asks Add installation to boot list? Type Y and press Enter. Also, if you get an Access is denied error after the bootrec /fixboot command, execute this command and then execute bootrec /fixboot again:
bootsect /nt60 sys
Once done, exit the Command Prompt and restart your PC.
Reset Windows 11
Reset your PC only after you’ve tried the previous methods because you’ll need to reinstall all programs on your PC after the reset. You will have the option to preserve personal files, though. If none of the other fixes worked or if you want your Windows 11 good as new, you should consider a reset.
- Exit all open windows, press Win + I, and navigate to System > Recovery.
- Select the Reset PC button.
- Select the Keep my files option if you’d like to keep any personal data or files intact. Alternatively, choose Remove everything if you want to erase everything on your hard disk. Note that with both options, you’ll lose all installed apps and settings, so you’ll need to reinstall them after the reset.
Follow the prompts and let the reset process complete. In most cases, resetting Windows 11 should fix all your software-related problems. If it doesn’t, it’s likely a hardware problem that might require a technician’s help.
Reinstall Windows 11
A clean install of Windows 11 will take care of pretty much any problem you’re facing unless it’s a hardware issue. However, you’ll lose all installed programs. You’ll also lose your files stored on the drive on which you’re installing Windows, if the setup requires you to format it.
Unlike resetting, a clean install requires you to use a bootable USB or the Windows media creation tool. You can download Windows (as an ISO file) or the media creation tool (as an EXE file) and create a bootable USB drive. Once you’ve created a bootable USB, install the new copy of Windows 11 on your PC.
Windows 11 Problems Fixed
You should be able to resolve most non-hardware issues specific to your Windows 11 operating system with the methods discussed above. However, if you’re not too excited about the idea of troubleshooting and fixing problems yourself, you should try free third-party tools for repairing Windows 11.