如果您收到Instagram的“我们限制您在Instagram上执行某些操作的(Certain Things)频率(Limit How Often)”错误消息,则意味着您的帐户已受到限制。Instagram实施此规则是为了防止机器人和垃圾邮件帐户,但它偶尔也会影响无辜用户。
如果您收到此消息,则意味着您的Instagram帐户已被标记为可疑活动,或者您已经超出了Instagram的某些限制。您必须等待 24 到 48 小时才能再次发帖。过了该时间后,您的帐户将恢复正常。
在这种情况下,您将收到消息:“您的帐户因违反我们的条款而被禁用。” 然后,您必须等待 48 小时到一周才能重新获得访问权限。
Instagram 可能会出于多种原因限制您的帐户。(restrict your account)尽管许多操作没有明确的限制,但Instagram会监控您每天执行的操作数量。如果您发帖或评论过多,Instagram可能会将您标记为机器人或垃圾邮件发送者,并阻止您再发帖。
- 过于频繁地喜欢帖子
- 超出评论限制(特别是如果评论非常相似,例如表情符号或相同的短语)
- 关注或取消关注太多人
- 看太多故事
但是,如果您违反了 Instagram 的社区准则,您也可能会收到此消息。在这种情况下,您可能有:
- 访问或分享您的Instagram帖子、故事或视频中的禁止内容。
- 发送不适当的直接消息(direct messages)(DM)。
- 在一篇文章中使用了禁止的主题标签或过多的主题标签。
- 超出了标题和评论的字符数。
1. 刷新应用程序
首先要尝试的是刷新您的应用程序 - Instagram可能已通过您的 IP 地址或您正在使用的设备阻止了您的帐户。请尝试以下操作:
- 关闭Wi-Fi并连接到您的移动数据
- 使用不同设备登录
- 退出并重新登录
- 卸载该应用程序并重新安装
2. 向 Instagram 报告错误
如果您收到“我们限制Instagram 的(Instagram)频率”消息,但认为这是一个小故障,您可以向Instagram报告该情况。然后, Instagram(Instagram)团队将审查您的活动并检查是否取消禁令。
要向 Instagram 报告错误:
- 在 iPhone、Android或网络浏览器
- 点击屏幕右下角的
Instagram 个人资料图标。(Instagram Profile)
- 选择设置。
- 点击帮助。
- 点击报告(Tap Report)问题。您可能需要再次
- 简要描述(Describe)您的技术问题并附上消息的屏幕截图(如果有)。然后,点击发送(Send)。您可能需要等待一天左右才能得到Instagram支持团队的回复。
- 新(New)帐户似乎有更严格的限制
- 拥有更多 Instagram 关注者的帐户(以及关注的帐户)的限制更宽松
- 拥有许多优质且有吸引力的帖子的帐户的限制更宽松
4. 创建备份帐户
为此,只需注销您的帐户并按应用程序中的“创建新帐户”即可。(Create New Account)然后,添加必要的详细信息,包括您的姓名、电话号码和新密码,并完成注册。
许多影响者使用这些来节省时间,这样他们就不必考虑发帖的最佳时间或如何避免 Instagram 的限制。
How to Fix “We Limit How Often You Can Do Certain Things on Instagram” Error
If you’ve received Instagram’s “We Limіt How Often You Can Do Certaіn Things on Instagram” error message, it means your account has been restricted. Instagram has implemented this rule to prevent bots and spam accounts, but it also occasionally affects innocent users.
In this article, we’ll explain why you received this error message and how to fix the problem.
What Does the Error Mean?
Like all social media platforms, Instagram has a massive problem with bots and spammers. To prevent these malicious Instagram accounts from taking over, they’ve implemented community guidelines restricting how many actions Instagram users can take in a specific time frame.
If you go against these guidelines, the following message might pop up:
“Try again later. We limit how often you can do certain things on Instagram to protect our community. Tell us if you think we made a mistake.”
If you receive this message, it means that your Instagram account has been flagged for suspicious activity or you’ve surpassed some of Instagram’s limits. You’ll have to wait between 24 and 48 hours to be able to post again. After that time has passed, your account will return to normal.
If Instagram keeps sending you the “We limit how often” message, it means you’re in violation of Instagram’s rules. You will receive an Instagram ban if you continue with your current practices,
In this case, you’ll receive the message: “Your account has been disabled for violating our terms.” You’ll then have to wait 48 hours to a week to regain access.
What Causes the Error?
Instagram may restrict your account for many reasons. Although there are no clearly defined limits for many actions, Instagram monitors how many actions you take per day. If you post or comment too much, Instagram might flag you as a bot or spammer and prevent you from posting anymore.
The daily limits are different, depending on your date of registration, daily average activity, and the number of followers. It seems like larger, more active accounts are allowed to follow and unfollow more people than smaller accounts.
If you’re receiving this Instagram error, it could be for:
- Liking posts too often
- Surpassing the comment limit (especially if the comments are very similar, like emojis or the same phrase)
- Following or unfollowing too many people
- Viewing too many stories
However, you may also receive this message if you’ve violated Instagram’s community guidelines. In this case, you might have:
- Accessed or shared forbidden content in your Instagram posts, stories, or reels.
- Send inappropriate direct messages (DMs).
- Used banned hashtags or too many hashtags in one post.
- Surpassed the character count in captions and comments.
In this case, you might also receive the “Your Post Goes Against Our Community Guidelines” message.
How to Fix the Error
Here are five ways you can fix the “We limit how often” error message:
1. Refresh the App
The first thing to try is to refresh your app — Instagram may have blocked your account via your IP address or by the device you’re using. Try the following:
- Turn off Wi-Fi and connect to your mobile data
- Log in using a different device
- Sign out and back in again
- Uninstall the app and reinstall it
This might help you to bypass the ban. If they don’t, try the next step.
2. Report the Error to Instagram
If you’ve received the “we limit how often Instagram message” but think it was a glitch, you can report the occurrence to Instagram. The Instagram team will then review your activity and check whether or not to remove the ban.
To report the error to Instagram:
- Open the Instagram app on your iPhone, Android, or web browser.
- Tap the Instagram Profile icon at the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- Select Settings.
- Tap Help.
- Tap Report a problem. You may have to tap Report a problem a second time.
- Describe your technical problem briefly and attach a screenshot of the message (if you have one). Then, tap Send. You might have to wait a day or so for the Instagram support team to reply.
3. Grow Your Account Organically
Instagram seems to give special conditions to accounts that meet certain criteria, like:
- New accounts appear to have stricter limits
- Accounts with more Instagram followers (and followed accounts) have looser limits
- Accounts with many good quality and engaging posts have looser restrictions
To increase the number of activities you can do before Instagram sends you the “We limit how often” message, gradually increase the number of actions you take every day.
Slowly follow more people and comment more often. Then, Instagram will recognize that your actions are normal and your account is legitimate, and might loosen your restrictions.
Just ensure you don’t comment the same thing on multiple posts. Instagram will consider these as spam — especially if you comment multiple times on a single post.
4. Create a Backup Account
Creating a new Instagram account can let you continue to like and comment on your favorite content if your primary account gets blocked. While this doesn’t solve the problem, it gives you a quick workaround to bypass the Instagram algorithms and continue to enjoy the app.
To do this, simply sign out of your account and press Create New Account in the app. Then, add the necessary details, including your name, phone number, and the new password, and complete the signup.
5. Use Instagram Automation Tools
If you keep getting an action block because of your activity on Instagram, there are plenty of tools that can help. These solutions have been developed to automate and optimize your Instagram stories, posts, comments, and likes.
Many influencers use these to save time so they don’t have to think about the best times to post or how to avoid Instagram’s limits.
These tools act within restrictions like character limits and story limits and maintain as much engagement as possible with your followers.
Examples include SocialPilot and Kicksta.
Keep in mind that Instagram is trying to reduce the number of third-party apps being used, so this may backfire in the future.
Get Back to Influencing
Hopefully, the fixes we’ve provided in this article help you get past the Instagram ban so that you can continue to post, comment, and like as much as you need to. If not, you can always switch to TikTok or Facebook until your Instagram ban is lifted!