Mac上的信息应用程序(Messages app)是与朋友和家人交流的有效方式,无需使用任何第三方信息应用程序。在本文中,我们将讨论为什么消息无法在Mac 上运行 ie(Mac i.e)。未在 Mac 上接收消息,(Mac)并且发生在 Mac 上未发送SMS消息错误(Mac error)。然后,我们将继续讨论这个问题的解决方案。

如何修复(Fix)iMessages 无法在Mac上运行(Mac)
Mac上的消息应用程序允许您发送或接收 iMessage 以及常规SMS消息。
- iMessage 在蓝色气泡(blue bubble)中显示为文本,并且只能在 iOS 设备之间发送。
- 虽然可以将普通短信发送给任何用户,但这些短信显示为绿色气泡内的文本。(green bubble.)
什么是 iMessages 无法解决 Mac 问题?(What is the iMessages not working on the Mac issue?)
一些用户报告说,在尝试发送消息时,消息旁边会出现一个红色感叹号(red exclamation) 。(mark)此外,它没有被传递给预期的接收者。相反,用户也抱怨他们没有收到联系人发送的消息。下图描述了在Mac 错误(Mac error)上未发送SMS消息。

当您无法在Mac上发送或接收消息时会很麻烦,因为您可能会错过一些发送给您的重要信息。此外,您将无法向家人或同事(family or colleagues)传达紧急信息。
如何从 Mac 发送文本(How to Send a Text from your Mac)
- 在Spotlight(Spotlight)搜索中搜索消息(Messages)应用程序并从那里启动它。
- 键入所需的文本。(text.)
- 将其发送给您的任何联系人。(contacts.)
让我们看看如何在下面列出的指南的帮助下 解决在Mac上不发送/不接收消息的问题。(Mac)
方法 1:检查您的 Internet 连接(Method 1: Check your Internet Connection)
大多数情况下,不稳定或弱的互联网连接(internet connection)是罪魁祸首。信息(Messages)需要 Wi-Fi 或蜂窝数据连接才能在Mac上发送和接收信息。因此(Hence),在实施任何方法之前,请确保您的Mac以良好的速度连接到稳定的互联网连接。(internet connection)
单击此处(Click here)运行在线速度测试。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复(Fix)无法向一个人(Person)发送短信(Send Text Message)
(Method 2: Reboot Mac
最基本的、必须尝试的故障排除方法(troubleshooting method)是简单地重新启动您的Mac。这个简单的练习有助于修复操作系统(operating system)中的小错误和小故障。通常,它有助于解决在 Mac 上无法接收消息和在Mac上无法发送SMS 消息(Mac and SMS messages)的问题。
1. 点击苹果菜单。(Apple Menu.)
2. 然后,单击重新启动(Restart)。
3. 取消选中标记为重新登录时重新打开 Windows(Reopen Windows when logging back in)的框。
4. 然后,单击重新启动(Restart)按钮,突出显示。

检查您是否能够修复无法解决Mac 问题(Mac problem)的消息,如果不能,则继续使用下一种方法。
方法 3:强制退出消息应用程序(Method 3: Force Quit Messages App)
而不是重新启动整个系统,强制退出(force quitting)并重新加载消息应用程序(Messages app)也可能会有所帮助。请按照给定的步骤执行此操作:
1. 如果您的Messages 应用程序(Messages app)已经打开,请单击 Mac 上的Apple 图标(Apple Icon )。
2. 然后,点击Force Quit,如下图所示。

3.从显示的列表中选择消息。(Messages )
4. 最后,点击Force Quit,如下图所示。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何使用键盘(Keyboard)强制退出 Mac 应用程序(Force Quit Mac Applications)
方法四:重新登录苹果账号(Method 4: Re-login to Apple Account)
您的Apple ID(Apple ID)出现故障可能是您无法在Mac上发送或接收消息的原因。注销然后重新登录可以解决问题。
以下是在 macOS 设备上重新登录Apple 帐户的方法:(Apple account)
1. 单击屏幕左上角的消息选项。(Messages )
2. 然后,点击Preferences,如下图所示。

3. 然后,单击 Your Account > 退出。 (Sign Out. )
5. 现在,使用您的 Apple ID登录。(sign in)
检查在Mac 错误(Mac error)上未收到消息是否已纠正。如果没有,请尝试下一个修复。
方法 5:设置正确的日期和时间
(Method 5: Set Correct Date and Time
不正确的日期和时间设置(date and time settings)可能会导致信息应用无法在您的(Messages app)Mac上发送或接收信息。请按照(Follow)下面列出的步骤在 Mac 上设置正确的(Mac)日期和时间(correct date & time),以修复无法在 Mac 上发送的SMS消息问题(Mac issue)。
1. 转到系统偏好设置(System Preferences)。
2. 点击日期和时间(Date & Time),如图所示。

3A。要么选择手动(manually)设置日期和时间(Set date and time)
3B。或者,在选择您的时区后,选中(Time Zone)自动设置日期和时间(Set date and time automatically)选项旁边的框。

另请阅读:(Also Read:)为什么我的 iPhone 不充电?
方法6:解决钥匙串访问问题(Method 6: Resolve problems with Keychain access)
由于Keychain Access的问题,您可能无法从Mac发送文本。请按照(Follow)以下步骤解决此内置密码管理器(password manager)的访问问题:
1.在Spotlight Search 中搜索(Spotlight)Keychain Access,或从Launchpad中打开。
2. 然后,点击Preferences > Reset Default Keychains。
3. 单击Apple 菜单(Apple menu),然后单击注销(Log Out)。
4. 最后,点击Login,并在出现提示时输入您的管理员密码(Admin password)。

这会将钥匙串访问(Keychain access)重置为默认值,并可能修复消息无法在 Mac 上运行的问题。( fix messages not working on Mac problem.)
方法 7:使用相同的发送和接收帐户(Method 7: Use the Same Send & Receive Accounts )
如果您的消息应用程序(Messages app)设置为您的消息从一个帐户发送并由另一个帐户接收,则可能会导致无法在您的Mac 上发送或接收消息的问题(Mac issue)。确保(Make)您的发送和接收帐户相同,如下所示:
1. 启动消息(Messages)应用程序。
2. 单击位于左上角的消息。(Messages )
3. 现在,单击首选项。(Preferences.)

4. 转到帐户(Account )并确保发送和接收(Send and Receive )帐户详细信息相同。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ))
Q1。为什么我的 SMS 消息无法在 Mac 上发送?(Q1. Why are my SMS messages not sending on Mac?)
由于互联网连接(internet connection)不佳或设备日期和时间问题,无法在(device date and time)Mac上发送消息。或者,您可以尝试重新启动Mac,强制退出(Force Quit)消息应用程序(Messages App),然后检查您的发送和接收(Send & Receive)帐户设置。
Q2。为什么我在 Mac 上收不到 iMessage?(Q2. Why am I not receiving iMessages on Mac?)
由于互联网连接(internet connection)不佳或设备日期和时间问题, (device date and time)Mac上的消息可能无法接收。您需要确保发送消息和接收消息的帐户相同。
- 修复 iPhone 无法发送短信
- 修复 iCloud 照片不同步到 PC
- Mac Fusion Drive Vs SSD Vs 硬盘(Mac Fusion Drive Vs SSD Vs Hard Drive)
- 如何联系 Apple 实时聊天团队
我们希望您能够修复无法解决 Mac 问题的 imessages(fix imessages not working on Mac issue)。让我们知道哪种方法适合您。如果您有任何疑问或建议,请将它们放在评论部分(comment section)。
How to Fix Messages Not Working on Mac
The Messages app on Mac is an efficient way to communicate with friends and family, without having to use any third-party meѕsaging applications. Іn this artiсle, we shall discuss why messages not wоrking on Mаc i.e. not receiving meѕsageѕ on Mac, and SMS messages not sending on Mac error occurs. Then, we will рroceed to discuss the solutions for this issue.

How to Fix iMessages Not Working on Mac
Messages app on Mac allows you to send or receive iMessages as well as regular SMS messages.
- iMessages appear as text within a blue bubble and can be sent only between iOS devices.
- While normal text messages can be sent to any user and these appear as texts within a green bubble.
What is the iMessages not working on the Mac issue?
Several users reported that while trying to send messages, a red exclamation mark was visible next to the message. Moreover, it did not get delivered to the intended receiver. Conversely, users also complained that they did not receive the messages sent by their contacts. The pic below depicts SMS messages not sending on Mac error.

It would be bothersome when you cannot send or receive messages on your Mac, as you may miss out on some important information that was sent to you. Also, you will not be able to convey urgent info to your family or colleagues.
How to Send a Text from your Mac
- Search for Messages app in the Spotlight search and launch it from there.
- Type the desired text.
- Send it to any of your contacts.
Let’s see how to fix not sending/not receiving messages on Mac with the help of the below-listed guide.
Method 1: Check your Internet Connection
Most of the time, an unstable or weak internet connection is to blame. Messages require a Wi-Fi or cellular data connection to send and receive messages on your Mac. Hence, before implementing any methods, make sure that your Mac is connected to a stable internet connection with good speed.
Click here to run an Online Speed Test.

Also Read: Fix Can’t Send Text Message to One Person
Method 2: Reboot Mac
The most basic, must-try troubleshooting method is to simply reboot your Mac. This simple exercise helps fix minor bugs & glitches in your operating system. Often, it helps to fix not receiving messages on Mac and SMS messages not sending on Mac issues too.
1. Click on the Apple Menu.
2. Then, click Restart.
3. Uncheck the box marked Reopen Windows when logging back in.
4. Then, click on the Restart button, as highlighted.

Check if you’re able to fix messages not working on Mac problem, if not, then continue with the next method.
Method 3: Force Quit Messages App
Instead of rebooting your entire system, force quitting and reloading the Messages app might also help. Follow the given steps to do so:
1. If your Messages app is already open, click the Apple Icon on your Mac.
2. Then, click on Force Quit, as shown below.

3. Select Messages from the displayed list.
4. Lastly, click Force Quit, as depicted below.

Also Read: How to Force Quit Mac Applications With the Keyboard
Method 4: Re-login to Apple Account
A glitch with your Apple ID could be the reason why you cannot send or receive messages on your Mac. Signing out and then, signing back in could resolve the problem.
Here’s how to re-login to your Apple account on your macOS device:
1. Click on the Messages option from the top-left corner of the screen.
2. Then, click on Preferences, as depicted below.

3. Then, click on Your Account > Sign Out.
4. Exit the Messages App and re-open it.
5. Now, sign in with your Apple ID.
Check if not receiving messages on Mac error is rectified. If not, try the next fix.
Method 5: Set Correct Date and Time
Incorrect date and time settings could be disallowing the Messages app to send or receive messages on your Mac. Follow the steps listed below to set the correct date & time on your Mac to fix SMS messages not sending on Mac issue.
1. Go to System Preferences.
2. Click on Date & Time, as shown.

3A. Either choose to Set date and time manually
3B. Or, check the box next to Set date and time automatically option, after selecting your Time Zone.

Also Read: Why Won’t My iPhone Charge?
Method 6: Resolve problems with Keychain access
You may not be able to send a text from your Mac because of problems with Keychain Access. Follow these steps to resolve access issues with this in-built password manager:
1. Search for Keychain Access in Spotlight Search, or open it from the Launchpad.
2. Then, click on Preferences > Reset Default Keychains.
3. Click on Apple menu and then, click Log Out.
4. Finally, click on Login, and enter your Admin password when prompted.

This will reset Keychain access to default and might fix messages not working on Mac problem.
Method 7: Use the Same Send & Receive Accounts
If your Messages app is set up such that your messages are sent from one account, and received by another, it may cause cannot send or receive messages on your Mac issue. Make sure your Send and Receive accounts are the same, as instructed below:
1. Launch the Messages app.
2. Click on Messages located in the top left corner.
3. Now, click on Preferences.

4. Go to Account and make sure the Send and Receive account details are identical.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q1. Why are my SMS messages not sending on Mac?
Messages on Mac are not being sent because of a poor internet connection, or a problem with device date and time. Alternatively, you can attempt to reboot your Mac, Force Quit the Messages App, and check your Send & Receive accounts settings.
Q2. Why am I not receiving iMessages on Mac?
Messages on Mac may not be received because of a poor internet connection, or a problem with device date and time. You need to make sure that the account from which you send messages and receive messages are the same.
We hope you were able to fix imessages not working on Mac issue. Let us know which method worked for you. If you have any queries or suggestions, drop them in the comment section.