选择提供快速可靠的 Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)以及出色覆盖范围的无线路由器(wireless router)并非易事,尤其是如果您是初学者。为了让事情变得更难,制造商使用许多与您获得的现实生活体验几乎没有联系的首字母缩略词和营销术语来描述他们的路由器。(acronyms and marketing terms)此外,产品名称(product name)并没有告诉您路由器有多好,您支付的价格也没有。为了帮助您选择最适合您的需求和预算的路由器,请阅读本指南,并了解在路由器中寻找什么:
1. 你的路由器应该有一个多核处理器(multi-core processor)和至少 128MB 的 RAM
路由器内部的硬件很重要,尤其是处理器和RAM的数量。人们将 Wi-Fi 用于视频流(video streaming)、文件下载、数据备份、在线游戏(online gaming)和其他活动,在这些活动中,大量数据在互联网之间传输。因此,无线路由器需要比以往更多的处理能力。
当你挑选下一个路由器时,你必须知道它是单核、双核还是四核处理器(quad-core processor),以及它的工作频率(operating frequency)。如果您想要一个可以同时应对多个网络客户端的快速网络,我们建议您停止购买单核处理器的路由器。你的下一个路由器应该至少有一个双核处理器(Your next router should have at least a dual-core processor),可以处理比单核处理器更多的数据和更多的客户端。以 900 MHz运行的处理器不如 1.2 GHz的处理器强大,而内核数量越多,路由器的性能就越好。与计算机、智能手机和其他计算设备相同的规则适用。
此外,您的路由器的 RAM 不应少于 128MB。理想的情况是 256 MB 的 RAM 或更多。(your router should not have less than 128MB of RAM. The ideal would be 256 MB of RAM or more.)这是为了确保它可以尽可能快地处理所有内容。如果钱不是问题,您应该寻找具有 512 MB RAM或 1 GB的无线路由器。(wireless router)
单频路由器已成为过去。您的新路由器至少应该是双频的。这是什么意思?这意味着路由器在两个频率(如果是双频)或更多(如果是三频或更多)上广播无线信号。(the router broadcasts the wireless signal on two frequencies (if it is dual-band) or more (if it is tri-band or more).)其中一个频率始终是 2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band),它适用于旧的无线标准,如Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) 或新的无线标准,如Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) - 如果您有一个适用于Wi-Fi的路由器6(Wi-Fi 6) .
2.4 GHz 频段(GHz band)的好处是它与旧的网络设备兼容,并且覆盖范围(coverage area)广。但是,它也很慢,而且拥堵总是一个问题,尤其是在公寓楼和办公楼中,每个人都有这个GHz 频段(GHz band)的 Wi-Fi 。
双频或三频路由器也在 5GHz 频率上发射无线信号。它比 2.4 GHz 快得多,并且受益于(GHz and benefits)Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) 或 Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax)等现代标准的使用。由于 5 GHz 频段(GHz band)的使用量少于 2.4 GHz 频段,因此(GHz one)拥塞(Congestion)问题往往较小,而且覆盖范围(coverage area)更短(bit shorter)。如果您想要一个具有用于全高清(Full HD)或 4K 流媒体的快速无线网络的现代智能家居,请购买(wireless network)双频或三频无线路由器(dual-band or tri-band wireless router)。
另一个好处是您可以使用两种或多种标准连接到Wi-Fi,使用不同的网络名称和密码。要了解有关此主题的更多信息,请阅读:为每个Wi-Fi 频段(Wi-Fi band)使用不同网络名称的优势!
3.做出购买决定时(buying decision)不应(NOT)考虑路由器(Router)命名约定
无线路由器在其型号名称(model name)中吹嘘其理论上的最大总带宽(maximum bandwidth)。您有AC1200、AC1900甚至AC5400路由器。支持Wi-Fi 6 的(Wi-Fi 6)新一代(New generation)路由器的名称中有 AX,后跟更大的数字,例如ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000。问题是当你问“我需要什么样的路由器?” ("What kind of router do I need?"),这些命名约定是没有意义的。
那是因为他们没有告诉你你要达到的速度。在现实生活中,由于硬件配置(hardware configuration)、制造时间、制造商、Wi-Fi技术、固件更新以及使用空间的差异, AC1900 无线(AC1900 wireless)路由器有时会胜过AC2500 路由器。(AC2500 router)我们在本文中解释了为什么命名约定没有太大帮助:AC1200、AC1750、AC1900或更多,是什么意思,有什么区别?
不要仅仅因为其命名约定而购买AC1750 无线(AC1750 wireless)路由器而不是AC1200 路由器。(AC1200 router)其他因素更重要,你应该做一些研究。但是,无论您选择什么,都不要购买低于 AC1200 的路由器(DO NOT BUY A ROUTER BELOW AC1200)。如果您看到AC750、AC900 或任何(AC900 or anything)低于AC1200的路由器,这意味着您正在处理的是旧路由器,技术过时(you are dealing with an old router, with dated technology)。对于越来越多的连接设备需要速度、稳定性和安全性的现代家庭,这样的路由器不是一个好的选择。
当您阅读无线路由器(wireless router)的规格时,您不会被告知使用它时获得的实际速度。您会看到在具有理想网络设备的专业实验室中测量的理论数字。
这就是您应该阅读评论(read reviews)的原因:用户评论和专家发表的评论,例如我们在Digital Citizen的团队。寻找人们使用现实生活中的计算机和设备进行测量的评论,而不是“类似实验室”的设备。(Look for reviews where people use real-life computers and devices to make measurements, not "lab-like" equipment.)例如,一些出版物使用其他路由器来测量他们正在测试的路由器的速度。他们这样做是因为制造商希望在产品评论中看起来不错。您想阅读使用日常计算机的出版物,例如您网络中的那些。这是在决定购买之前了解购买无线路由器(wireless router)时获得什么的唯一方法。
5. 你的路由器应该有一个智能手机应用程序(smartphone app),最好是你可以在互联网上的任何地方使用的应用程序
十年前,用户只能通过连接到路由器的计算机上的网络浏览器访问他们的固件来管理他们的无线路由器。许多人被这样的用户界面吓倒了,想要更容易使用的东西。因此,路由器制造商开发了人们可以用来设置无线路由器的智能手机应用程序。(smartphone apps)如果您想要方便,您应该检查您购买的路由器是否有智能手机应用程序(smartphone app)。您应该能够在需要时使用它来查看路由器的工作状态并管理主要功能。
不幸的是,路由器制造商在移动应用程序方面有不同的方法:一些提供基本应用程序,您只能在其中设置Wi-Fi 密码(Wi-Fi password)等简单的东西,而另一些提供高级应用程序,您可以在其中配置大多数功能。
另一个问题是,一些无线路由器的移动应用程序只有在智能手机连接到路由器广播的 Wi-Fi 时才能工作。(some mobile apps for wireless routers work only when the smartphone is connected to the Wi-Fi that is broadcast by the router.)这意味着您只有在您不在路由器附近时才能使用移动应用程序。如果互联网上任何地方的远程管理对您很重要,您应该检查您要选择的路由器是否存在远程管理。根据经验,为中档和高级路由器提供来自互联网的远程管理。低端路由器通常不具备此功能。(As a rule of thumb, remote management from the internet is offered for mid-range and premium routers. Low-end routers do not usually get this feature.)
6.路由器要有USB接口(USB port),最好是USB 3.0
在现代家庭中,至少有一个USB 端口(USB port)可用。我们有各种需要连接到无线路由器的USB设备:外置硬盘、打印机、USB调制解调器等。您新购买的路由器应该至少有一个 USB 端口,最好是 USB 3.0 端口。(Your newly purchased router should have at least one USB port, preferably one that is USB 3.0.)TP-Link Archer AX6000等更昂贵的路由器还捆绑了一个 USB-Type C 端口(C port),用于连接现代移动设备。
7.高级QoS(Advanced QoS)而不是普通QoS(服务(Service)质量(Quality))
在描述他们的无线路由器时,制造商使用许多首字母缩略词来表示“高级”功能。有时他们甚至不使用与市场其他人相同的术语,而是发明了他们的术语版本。但是,其中一些无关紧要,因为它们毫无意义。例如,所有现代路由器都具有 QoS 或服务质量。但是,在大多数路由器上,此功能毫无意义(all modern routers feature QoS or Quality of Service. However, on most routers, this feature is pointless),因为它是一种手动工具,用于设置有关您为网络中的每个设备提供多少带宽的规则。普通用户从不配置此功能。工作量太大,他们不懂其中的原理,得到的结果也很差。但是,某些无线路由器具有自适应 QoS、(Adaptive QoS,) 智能 QoS(Intelligent QoS)或动态 QoS(Dynamic QoS). 制造商命名的方式并不重要。重要的是它不是普通的QoS。这些高级形式的QoS非常有用,因为它们根据智能算法管理带宽的自动分配方式,几乎不需要用户参与。此外,您从中获得的结果也很棒,尤其是在同时处理许多大型网络传输时。高级 QoS 服务是您希望路由器具备的一项积极功能(Advanced QoS services are a positive feature that you want on your router)。
8. 智能家居整合
许多人家中都有智能设备和传感器。为了更好地管理它们,最好购买与亚马逊(Amazon)的Alexa 智能(Alexa smart)助手集成的路由器,或者与IFTT(If This, Then That)等任务自动化服务集成的路由器。这有助于您的应用程序和设备(apps and devices)以新的方式协同工作。例如,如果您的路由器具有此类集成,您可以通过发送到Alexa的语音命令来控制它,并执行诸如启用或禁用访客 Wi-Fi(Guest Wi-Fi) 、在夜间关闭路由器上的LED或优先处理(LEDs)游戏流量(gaming traffic)等操作。
一些供应商已经将这种与Alexa的集成提升到了极致,并将其内置到路由器中。一个令人兴奋的例子是华硕 Lyra Voice 路由器(ASUS Lyra Voice router)。
9. 支持Mesh Wi-Fi
Mesh Wi-Fi 系统越来越受欢迎,所有路由器供应商也销售 Mesh Wi-Fi 系统。但是,该方法因供应商而异。一些制造商,如Netgear,更喜欢将事物分开并将网状 Wi-Fi 系统和路由器作为不同的产品进行销售。其他公司,如ASUS的AiMesh和 TP-Link 的OneMesh,更喜欢在他们的许多路由器中添加网状 Wi-Fi 功能,让您可以将它们与他们生态系统中的其他产品一起使用,以创建网状 Wi-Fi 系统。
10. VPN、杀毒、防火墙等高级功能
许多路由器提供有用的高级功能,如VPN 服务器(VPN server)、防病毒和其他安全功能,可以保护您的 Wi-Fi 网络免受恶意软件和外部攻击。问题在于,这些功能也存在于硬件较弱且无法正常运行的路由器上。如果您希望VPN 服务器(VPN server)等高级功能运行良好,请不要购买价格实惠且配备低端硬件的AC1200 无线路由器。(AC1200 wireless)寻找更昂贵的路由器,具有强大的硬件和大量(hardware and lots)RAM ,(RAM)具有运行高级服务的资源,以及标准的Wi-Fi 广播(Wi-Fi broadcasting)。
通常,如果您想要高级功能,您的路由器应该至少有一个双核处理器(dual-core processor)和 256 MB 的RAM - 最好是 512 MB 或更多。
购买无线路由器(wireless router)时,您最看重的是什么?
How to choose a wireless router: 10 things to consider!
Picking a wireless router that dеlivers fаst and reliable Wi-Fi, as well as excellеnt coverage, is not an easy task, especially if you are a beginner. To make thingѕ harder, manufacturers describe their routers using lotѕ of acronymѕ and marketіng terms that have little connection to the rеal-life еxperience you get. Also, the product name doeѕn't tell you much about how good a router іs, аnd neither does the price yoυ pay. To help you pick the best router for your needs and budget, read this guide, and learn what to look for in a router:
1. Your router should have a multi-core processor and at least 128MB of RAM
The hardware inside your router matters a lot, especially the processor and the quantity of RAM. People use Wi-Fi for video streaming, file downloads, data backups, online gaming, and other activities during which lots of data is transferred to and from the internet. Because of that, wireless routers need a lot more processing power than they used to.
When you pick your next router, you must know whether it has a single-core, dual-core, or quad-core processor and its operating frequency. If you want a fast network that can cope with several network clients at the same time, we recommend that you stop buying routers with single-core processors. Your next router should have at least a dual-core processor that can deal with more data and more clients than a single-core processor. A processor running at 900 MHz is less potent than one at 1.2 GHz, while the bigger the number of cores, the better the router performs. The same rules apply as is the case with computers, smartphones, and other computing devices.
Also, your router should not have less than 128MB of RAM. The ideal would be 256 MB of RAM or more. This is to make sure that it can process everything as fast as possible. If money is not an issue, you should seek a wireless router with 512 MB of RAM or 1 GB.
2. The router that you choose should be dual-band or more
Single-band routers are a thing of the past. Your new router should be at least dual-band. What does this mean? It means that the router broadcasts the wireless signal on two frequencies (if it is dual-band) or more (if it is tri-band or more). One of these frequencies is always the 2.4 GHz band, which works with old wireless standards like Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) or new ones like Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) - if you have a router that works with Wi-Fi 6.
The benefit of the 2.4 GHz band is that it is compatible with old networking devices and that it has a wide coverage area. However, it is also slow, and congestion is always a problem, especially in blocks of flats and office buildings, where everyone has Wi-Fi on this GHz band.
Dual-band or tri-band routers also emit their wireless signal on the 5GHz frequency. It is a lot faster than 2.4 GHz and benefits from the use of modern standards like Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac) or Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax). Congestion tends to be less of a problem because the 5 GHz band is used less than the 2.4 GHz one, and the coverage area is a bit shorter. If you want a modern smart home with a fast wireless network for Full HD or 4K streaming, get a dual-band or tri-band wireless router.
Another benefit is that you can connect to Wi-Fi using two or more standards, with different network names and passwords. To learn more on this subject, read: The advantages of using different network names for each Wi-Fi band!
3. Router naming conventions should NOT be taken into account when making your buying decision
Wireless routers brag about their total theoretical maximum bandwidth in their model name. You have AC1200, AC1900, or even AC5400 routers. New generation routers with support for Wi-Fi 6 have AX in their name followed by even larger numbers, like this ASUS ROG Rapture GT-AX11000. The problem is that when you ask "What kind of router do I need?", these naming conventions are meaningless.
That's because they don't tell you the speed that you are going to get. In real life, there are cases when an AC1900 wireless router can outmatch an AC2500 router, because of differences in hardware configuration, when it was manufactured, by whom, Wi-Fi technologies, firmware updates, and the space where you use it. We explain why naming conventions don't help much in this article: What does AC1200, AC1750, AC1900 or more, mean and what's the difference?
Don't buy an AC1750 wireless router instead of an AC1200 router just because of its naming convention. Other factors are more important, and you should do some research. However, no matter what you choose, DO NOT BUY A ROUTER BELOW AC1200. If you see a router with AC750, AC900 or anything lower than AC1200, it means that you are dealing with an old router, with dated technology. Such a router is not a good pick for a modern home where you need speed, stability, and security for an increasing number of connected devices.
4. Verify online the real-life speed of the router that you buy
When you read the specifications of a wireless router, you are not told the real-life speed you get when you use it. You are shown theoretical numbers that are measured in specialized labs with the ideal networking equipment.
That's why you should read reviews: user reviews and reviews made by specialists, like our team at Digital Citizen. Look for reviews where people use real-life computers and devices to make measurements, not "lab-like" equipment. For example, some publications use other routers to measure the speed of the routers they are testing. They do this because manufacturers want to look good in product reviews. You want to read publications that use everyday computers, like those you have in your network. This is the only way to know what you get when buying a wireless router, before deciding to buy it.
5. Your router should have a smartphone app, preferably one that you can use from anywhere on the internet
A decade ago, users could manage their wireless routers only by accessing their firmware through a web browser on a computer that was connected to the router. Many people are intimidated by such user interfaces and want something easier to use. As a result, router manufacturers have developed smartphone apps that people can use to set their wireless routers. If you want convenience, you should check that the router you are buying has a smartphone app. You should be able to use it to view the working state of the router and manage the main features when you need to.
Unfortunately, router manufacturers have different approaches when it comes to mobile apps: some offer basic apps where you can set only simple things like the Wi-Fi password, while others offer advanced apps where you can configure most features.
Another issue is that some mobile apps for wireless routers work only when the smartphone is connected to the Wi-Fi that is broadcast by the router. This means that you can use the mobile app only when you are not near the router. If remote management from anywhere on the internet is important to you, you should check whether it exists for the router that you want to choose. As a rule of thumb, remote management from the internet is offered for mid-range and premium routers. Low-end routers do not usually get this feature.
6. The router should have a USB port, preferably USB 3.0
Having at least one USB port available is a must in modern homes. We have all kinds of USB devices that we need to connect to our wireless router: external hard disks, printers, USB modems, etc. Your newly purchased router should have at least one USB port, preferably one that is USB 3.0. More expensive routers like the TP-Link Archer AX6000 also bundle a USB-Type C port for connecting modern mobile devices.
7. Advanced QoS instead of plain QoS (Quality of Service)
When describing their wireless routers, manufacturers use lots of acronyms for "advanced" features. Sometimes they don't even use the same terms as the rest of the market, and they invent their version of a term. However, some of them don't matter because they are meaningless. For example, all modern routers feature QoS or Quality of Service. However, on most routers, this feature is pointless, because it is a manual tool to set rules regarding how much bandwidth you give to each device in your network. Average users never configure this feature. It's too much work, they don't understand the principles involved, and the results they get are poor. However, some wireless routers have Adaptive QoS, Intelligent QoS, or Dynamic QoS. The way manufacturers name it doesn't matter. What is important is that it is not plain QoS. These advanced forms of QoS are useful because they manage how the bandwidth is split automatically, based on smart algorithms, with little to no user involvement. Also, the results you get from them are great, especially when dealing with many large network transfers at once. Advanced QoS services are a positive feature that you want on your router.
8. Smart-home integration
Many people have smart devices and sensors in their homes. To manage them better, it is a good idea to purchase a router that is integrated with Amazon's Alexa smart assistant, or with task automation services like IFTT (If This, Then That). This helps your apps and devices work together in new ways. For example, if your router has such integration, you can control it through voice commands sent to Alexa and do things like enable or disable the Guest Wi-Fi, turn off the LEDs on the router during the night, or prioritize gaming traffic.
Some vendors have taken this integration with Alexa to the ultimate level and built it into the router themselves. An exciting example of this is the ASUS Lyra Voice router.
9. Support for Mesh Wi-Fi
Mesh Wi-Fi systems are getting popular, and all router vendors also sell mesh Wi-Fi systems. However, the approach differs from vendor to vendor. Some manufacturers, like Netgear, prefer to keep things separate and sell mesh Wi-Fi systems and routers as different products. Others, like ASUS with its AiMesh and TP-Link with OneMesh, prefer to add mesh Wi-Fi capabilities to many of their routers, letting you use them together with other products in their ecosystem to create mesh Wi-Fi systems.
10. VPN, antivirus, firewall, and other advanced features
Many routers offer useful advanced features like VPN servers, antivirus, and other security features that can protect your Wi-Fi network from malware and outside attacks. The problem is that such features are also found on routers with weak hardware that can't run them well. If you want advanced features like the VPN server to work well, don't buy an affordable AC1200 wireless router with low-end hardware. Look for a more expensive router, with powerful hardware and lots of RAM, that has the resources to run advanced services well, alongside the standard Wi-Fi broadcasting.
As a rule, if you want advanced features, your router should have at least a dual-core processor and 256 MB of RAM - preferably 512 MB or more.
What matters to you the most when buying a wireless router?
Now that you know the basics about how to choose a router, please share your questions and opinions with us: What is important to you when purchasing a router? What kind of router do you need? How do you get information before buying a router? Do you normally take the time to consult product reviews? Use the comments form below and let's start a conversation.