阿拉伯联合酋长国(United Arab Emirates)拥有出色的互联网基础设施,但对您可以访问哪些网站以及不能访问哪些网站存在一系列限制。它甚至限制访问用于工作、交流和其他活动的网站和在线平台。在世界许多地方,使用互联网的权利受到威胁(Right to use the internet is under threat)。在阿拉伯联合酋长国(United Arab Emirates),情况尤其如此。如果您出于任何原因访问阿联酋(UAE),您可能会发现由于政府当局的意外缩减而难以访问各种网站和服务。它导致旅行者和当地人在逗留或访问阿联酋(UAE)时寻求其他措施来解除对网站的封锁。Instagram例如,与WhatsApp 和 Skype一起在(WhatsApp and Skype)阿联酋(UAE)不可用。因此,在本文中,您将学习如何在阿联酋(UAE)访问被屏蔽的网站。
如何在阿联酋访问被屏蔽的网站(How to Access Blocked Sites in UAE)
有资源可以帮助您享受互联网冲浪和其他活动,就像阿拉伯联合酋长国(United Arab Emirates)以外的其他人一样。最著名的工具是VPN或虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)。它是保护您的隐私和访问(privacy and access)阿联酋(UAE)或其他地方被阻止的网站的绝佳工具。您可以在所有设备上安装可靠的VPN,并使用它来解锁您通常无法使用的网站和服务。
但是,使用VPN(VPN isn)访问被阻止的站点并不像安装和连接它们那么简单。您需要首先了解在阿联酋(UAE)解锁网站所需的特征。
在阿联酋解锁网站所需(Required )的 VPN 特性
(VPN Characteristics to Unblock Websites in UAE
某些VPN(VPNs)在解锁内容方面比其他 VPN 更有效。一些服务提供更好的加密和隐私保护(encryption and privacy protection),而另一些服务则旨在提高移动设备和平台上的速度和可访问性。在选择VPN 客户端(VPN client)之前,您应该了解哪些特征对于保护您的身份和访问阿联酋(UAE)的被禁站点最为重要。
无记录政策:(No-logging Policy: )VPN(VPNs)可以跟踪您的在线行为。VPN提供商没有义务跟踪您的数据,包括您在连接时访问的网站。选择具有独立验证的无日志政策的VPN 服务(VPN service)至关重要。
RAM-Only 服务器:(RAM-Only Servers: )VPN服务器不应将任何数据保存到其硬盘。当服务器重新启动时,保存在RAM中的任何内容都会被永久销毁。虽然并非绝对必要,但此功能为已经证明的无日志政策增加了很大的可信度。
无 IP 或 DNS 泄漏:(No IP or DNS Leaks: )即使您使用VPN,IP 和 DNS 泄漏(IP and DNS leaks)也可用于监控您的在线活动。这意味着即使您的提供商似乎掩盖了您的连接,当局仍可能监控您的活动。确保(Make)在购买之前测试虚拟专用网络是否存在泄漏。(Virtual Private Network)
Internet Kill Switch:如果您在浏览 Internet 时与VPN 服务器(VPN server)的连接丢失,您的 IP 和在线活动仍可能会被泄露。如果发生这种情况,终止开关会迅速断开您的互联网连接,以保护您的历史不受ISP 和政府(ISP and government)的影响。
VoIP 和流媒体功能:(VoIP and Streaming Feature: )由于Skype 和 WhatsApp等(Skype and WhatsApp)VoIP(互联网协议语音(Voice Over Internet Protocol))程序受到限制,您的VPN必须允许您使用和取消阻止它们。Netflix和其他流媒体网站也是如此。(Netflix)
混淆(VPN 伪装):(Obfuscation (VPN Disguising): )通过将连接伪装成普通HTTPS 流量(HTTPS traffic)来隐藏您使用VPN的事实。因为您的ISP 和政府(ISP and government)不会检测到您正在使用VPN ,所以这对于(VPN)阿联酋或迪拜(UAE or Dubai)的消费者来说尤其重要。
速度快:(Quick Speed:)您的VPN越快,就越容易解锁阿联酋(UAE)的网站;否则,这将是一个可怕的过程。即使使用该服务会降低互联网速度(internet speed),也应该是最低限度。
低成本 –(Low Cost –)并非所有VPN(VPNs)的价格都相似。因此(Hence),您需要验证以确定VPN 定价(VPN pricing)是否适合其功能。
必读:(Must Read:)如何在 Windows 10 上设置 VPN
在阿联酋解锁网站的最佳 VPN(Best VPNs to Unblock Websites in UAE)
以下VPN工具将帮助您控制您的数字自由,并(freedom and place)再次将您置于社交网络的地图上,享受您想要拥有的任何虚拟体验:
NordVPN是一种著名的、快速且安全的VPN,被全球数百万人使用。它是市场上访问阿联酋和迪拜被封锁网站的最佳(UAE and Dubai)VPN之一。无论(Regardless)您身在何处,该组织都运营着庞大的服务器网络,以提供出色的畅通服务。它的一些特点是:
- NordVPN 包括一个DNS 泄漏解析器(DNS leak resolver)以及一个特定于进程的 Internet 终止开关(process-specific internet kill switch),以防服务失败或任何正在运行的程序开始泄漏数据。
- 它包含一个混淆服务器功能(obfuscated server capability),可帮助您避免互联网审查。它还可以防止您的 ISP 发现您正在使用VPN。
- 消费者可以在Netflix、Hulu、Hotstar和Disney+上无缝播放电影。(stream movies)
- NordVPN将其服务与Tor集成,这是最安全的上网方式之一,以提供高度安全和加密的在线上网体验(highly secure & encrypted online surfing experience)。
- 在任何设备上使用它也非常简单。(simple to use)
- 它为PC、Mac、Linux、iOS(PC, Mac, Linux, iOS,)和其他平台提供了各种轻量级但功能强大的程序。
- 它可以解锁 VoIP 呼叫(unblock VoIP calls)以及Skype 和 Whatsapp(Skype and Whatsapp)等应用程序。
- NordVPN 使用AES-256-GCM 加密算法(AES-256-GCM encryption algorithm)来保护您的虚拟连接。
- 他们的网站有一个分步教程(step-by-step tutorial),用于使用他们的服务进行设置。
加入NordVPN后,您将可以完全不受限制地访问58 个国家/地区的 5,500 多台服务器(5,500 servers in 58 countries),使其成为市场上最大的网络之一。这种多样性使NordVPN能够为用户提供强大的隐私保护,同时以极快的速度解锁阿联酋(UAE)和其他几个国家的网站。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)访问被阻止站点(Access Blocked Sites)的 15 个最佳 VPN
2.冲浪鲨(2. Surfshark)
Surfshark是一款注重隐私的VPN,具有绕过阿拉伯联合酋长国和迪拜(United Arab Emirates and Dubai)的网站禁令所需的所有功能。主要产品是遍布(spread over)50 多个国家/地区的(50 countries)800+ servers 的信誉良好的网络。由于以下功能,他们赢得了这一声誉:
- SurfShark 遵循经过认证的无日志政策(certified no-logs policy),并使用仅 RAM 的服务器(RAM-only servers)来满足极快的带宽需求。
- 它提供了解锁 VoIP(unblock VoIP)和流媒体服务(streaming services)的选项。
- 您可以将无限数量的设备连接到同一个帐户(infinite number of devices to the same account)。
- 在Windows 设备(Windows device)上,您可以使用OpenVPN、IKEv2/IPSec、WireGuard甚至 Shadowsocks 进行隧道(tunneling)传输。
- 它具有内置(protection built-in)病毒保护的广告拦截(ad-blocker)器以及拆分隧道(split tunneling)。
- 此VPN 服务提供了(VPN service)伪造外国 IP 地址(faking a foreign IP address)和解锁被(unblocking websites)阿拉伯联合酋长国(United Arab Emirates)阻止的网站的强大组合。
- Surfshark的用户有两个混淆选项:伪装模式(Camouflage Mode)(在使用OpenVPN 协议(OpenVPN protocol)时自动应用)和无边界模式(NoBorders Mode)。
- 适用于Windows、macOS、Linux、iOS、Android和Amazon Fire TV的应用程序均可用。
- 您只能为网络浏览器活动安装Chrome 或 Firefox 插件( Chrome or Firefox plugin )。
- 此 VPN 连接到位于世界各地的15 个 Netflix 图书馆。(15 Netflix libraries )
- 它还具有流媒体功能(streaming capabilities),例如Hulu、BBC iPlayer、Disney+和Hotstar。
Surfshark的唯一缺点是您必须手动激活终止开关(manually activate the kill switch)。幸运的是,您只需在第一次(the first time)在任何设备上使用该应用程序时执行此操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)访问被阻止站点(Access Blocked Sites)的 15 个最佳 VPN
3. ExpressVPN
ExpressVPN是可用的用户最友好的VPN(VPNs)之一,非常适合访问阿联酋(UAE)和世界各地的被封锁站点。在隐私权倡导者中,它享有盛誉。ExpressVPN覆盖94 个国家/(94 countries)地区,拥有最大的3000+ server网络(networks)之一,并提供以下功能:
- 为了掩饰您连接到VPN的事实,该服务采用了其独特的混淆方式(unique kind of obfuscation)。因此,即使是对 VPN 最不友好的国家也可以使用该服务。
- VPN 采用AES-256 加密(AES-256 encryption),被广泛认为是最伟大的加密技术之一。
- ExpressVPN 不会保留用户在线行为、DNS 查询(DNS queries)或IP 地址的(IP addresses.)识别日志。(no identifying logs)
- 用户受到自动终止开关(automated kill switch)和DNS 泄漏保护工具(DNS leak protection tool)的保护。
- 它可以在PC、Mac、iOS、Android、Linux(PCs, Macs, iOS, Android, Linux)和其他平台上完美运行。
- 大多数主要受地理限制的流媒体服务(major geo-restricted streaming services),包括Netflix、BBC iPlayer和HBO GO,以及Skype等(Skype)VoIP服务,都与ExpressVPN兼容。
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- 该公司有无日志政策(no-logs policy)。
- 您可以选择使用128 位(128-bit)或256 位 AES 加密(256-bit AES encryption),它们都提供完全的前向保密。
- 服务包括终止开关(kill switch),以及IPv6和DNS 泄漏预防(DNS leak prevention)。
- 连接到安全服务器(simple to connect to a secure server)很简单,确保您的在线隐私永远不会受到损害。
- 在一个帐户上,您最多可以同时连接六台设备(six devices at the same time)。
- PrivateVPN 可以解锁受地理限制的互联网(unblock geo-restricted internet)内容,例如来自多个国家的Netflix收藏。Hulu、Amazon Prime Video和BBC iPlayer等等。
- PrivateVPN 可在PC、iOS、Android、Mac、Linux、Fire TV和各种其他设备上使用,您将能够以完全匿名的方式上网和流式传输。
- 它接受信用卡、Stripe、PayPal(credit cards, Stripe, PayPal)和比特币(Bitcoin)作为付款方式。
PrivateVPN是一个小型但稳固的网络,由 60 多个国家/地区的150多(60 countries)台服务器(150 servers)组成,足以在不牺牲质量的情况下为您提供各种位置和速度。
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5. VyprVPN
- VyprVPN对其用户的在线隐私有更多的控制权,这些隐私受到强大的加密(robust encryption)和无用户日志政策的(policy of no user logs)保护。
- 它擅长绕过(adept at getting around regulations)阿拉伯联合酋长国和中国(United Arab Emirates and China)等地的法规。
- 它在美国支持Skype和Facetime等VoIP 服务(VoIP services),以及Netflix等一些流媒体服务。
- 如果您有任何问题,可以每周 7 天、每天 24 小时提供实时聊天帮助。(live chat help )
- 有适用于Windows、macOS、iOS 和 Android(Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android)的应用程序和软件。
- 在任何给定时刻,您最多可以连接五台设备(connect up to five devices)。
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常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。我是否需要来自阿拉伯联合酋长国的 IP 地址才能访问被阻止的网站?(Q1. Do I need an IP address from the United Arab Emirates to access blocked sites?)
答:(Ans: )迪拜(Dubai)的用户在大多数情况下,使用他们想要的任何IP 地址(IP address)访问被阻止的站点都不会遇到问题。实际上,如果某个网站在阿联酋(UAE)被禁止,您可能需要通过其他国家的IP 地址访问它。(IP address)因此,用户可能会选择最快的可用服务器,即使它在世界的另一端来解锁阿联酋(UAE)的网站。
Q2。在迪拜使用 VPN 是否合法?(Q2. Is it legal in Dubai to use a VPN?)
回答:在(Ans: )阿联酋(UAE),使用VPN浏览、流式传输、聊天、连接到私人网络或访问被阻止的站点在技术上是不被禁止的。只要您不试图用它做非法的事情,使用VPN就没有危险。只要您不使用虚假IP 地址进行犯罪,您就可以使用它。(IP address)
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- 90 多个隐藏的 Android 密码
- 如何在Android上(Android)访问被阻止的站点(Access Blocked Sites)
我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助(information helpful),并且您能够访问阿联酋被封锁的网站(access blocked sites in UAE)。请让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。并在下面的空白处留下任何问题或意见。
How to Access Blocked Sites in UAE
The United Arab Emіrates boastѕ excellеnt internet infrastrυcture but with a slew of limitations on which websites you can access and which you can’t. It even restricts access to websites and online platforms used for work, cоmmunication, and other activities. Right to use the internet is under threat in many parts of the world. In the case of the United Arab Emirates, this is particularly true. If you visit the UAE for any reason, you may find it difficult to access a variety of websites and services due to unexpected curtailment by their government authorities. It causes travelers and locals to seek alternative measures to unblock websites while staying in or visiting UAE. Instagram, for example, is unavailable in the UAE, along with WhatsApp and Skype. So, in this article, you will learn how to access blocked sites in UAE.
How to Access Blocked Sites in UAE
There are resources for your help to enjoy internet surfing and other activities as everyone else does outside of the United Arab Emirates. The best-known tool is VPN or Virtual Private Network. It is a fantastic tool to protect your privacy and access blocked sites in UAE or elsewhere. You can install a reliable VPN on all of your devices and use it to unblock websites and services that are normally unavailable to you.
However, accessing blocked sites with a VPN isn’t as simple as installing and connecting to them. You need to first understand the characteristics required to unblock websites in UAE.
Required VPN Characteristics to Unblock Websites in UAE
Some VPNs are more effective than others in unblocking content. Some services provide greater encryption and privacy protection, while others are designed for quicker speeds and accessibility on mobile devices and platforms. Before you choose a VPN client, you should understand which characteristics are most crucial for protecting your identity and accessing prohibited sites in the UAE.
No-logging Policy: VPNs can keep track of your online behavior. VPN providers are under no obligation to keep track of your data, including the websites you visit while connected. It’s critical to pick a VPN service that has a no-logs policy with independent verification.
RAM-Only Servers: VPN servers shouldn’t save any data to their hard disks. When the server is restarted, anything saved in RAM is permanently destroyed. While not strictly necessary, this feature adds a great deal of credibility to an already-proven no-logs policy.
No IP or DNS Leaks: Even if you’re using a VPN, IP and DNS leaks can be used to monitor your online activities. This means that even when your provider appears to disguise your connection, authorities might still monitor your activities. Make sure you test the Virtual Private Network for leaks before you buy it.
Internet Kill Switch: Your IP and online activities may still be disclosed if your connection to the VPN server is lost while browsing the internet. If this occurs, the kill switch disconnects your internet connection quickly to safeguard your history from your ISP and government.
VoIP and Streaming Feature: Because VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) programs such as Skype and WhatsApp are restricted, your VPN must allow you to use and unblock them. Similarly for Netflix and other streaming sites.
Obfuscation (VPN Disguising): The fact that you’re using a VPN is hidden by masquerading the connection as ordinary HTTPS traffic. Because your ISP and government will not detect that you’re using a VPN, this is especially essential for consumers in the UAE or Dubai.
Quick Speed: The faster your VPN is, the easier it will be to unblock websites in UAE; otherwise, it will be a terrible process. Even if using the service reduces the internet speed, it should be a bare minimum.
Low Cost – Not all VPNs are priced similarly. Hence, you need to verify to determine if the VPN pricing is appropriate for its features.
Must Read: How to set up a VPN on Windows 10
Best VPNs to Unblock Websites in UAE
The following VPN tools will help you control your digital freedom and place you on the map of the social networks once again to enjoy any virtual experience you want to have:
1. NordVPN
NordVPN is a well-known, fast, and secure VPN that is used by millions of people worldwide. It is one of the best VPNs on the market to access blocked sites in UAE and Dubai. Regardless of your location, the organization operates a huge network of servers to provide fantastic unblocking services. Some of its features are:
- NordVPN includes a DNS leak resolver as well as a process-specific internet kill switch in case the service fails or any of the running programs begin leaking data.
- It contains an obfuscated server capability that helps you to avoid censorship on the internet. It also keeps your ISP from discovering that you’re using a VPN.
- Consumers can stream movies on Netflix, Hulu, Hotstar, and Disney+ seamlessly.
- NordVPN integrates its service with Tor, which is one of the safest ways to surf the internet, to provide a highly secure & encrypted online surfing experience.
- It’s also incredibly simple to use on any device.
- It offers a variety of lightweight yet powerful programs for PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, and other platforms.
- It can unblock VoIP calls as well as applications like Skype and Whatsapp.
- NordVPN uses the AES-256-GCM encryption algorithm to secure your virtual connection.
- Their website has a step-by-step tutorial for putting this up using their service.
You’ll get total and unrestricted access to over 5,500 servers in 58 countries as soon as you join NordVPN, making it one of the largest networks on the market. This diversity allows NordVPN to offer robust privacy safeguards to users while delivering great speeds to unblock websites in UAE and several other countries.
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2. Surfshark
Surfshark is a privacy-focused VPN with all of the features needed to bypass website bans in the United Arab Emirates and Dubai. The main product is a reputable network of 800+ servers spread over 50 countries. They earned this reputation due to the following features:
- SurfShark follows a certified no-logs policy and uses RAM-only servers to cater to blazing-fast bandwidth.
- It offers the option to unblock VoIP and streaming services.
- You can connect an infinite number of devices to the same account.
- On a Windows device, you may use OpenVPN, IKEv2/IPSec, WireGuard, or even Shadowsocks for tunneling.
- It features an ad-blocker with virus protection built-in, as well as split tunneling.
- This VPN service provides a powerful combo of faking a foreign IP address and unblocking websites blocked by the United Arab Emirates.
- Users of Surfshark have two obfuscation options: Camouflage Mode, which is applied automatically while using the OpenVPN protocol, and NoBorders Mode.
- Apps for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and Amazon Fire TV are all available.
- You can install the Chrome or Firefox plugin for web browser activity only.
- This VPN connects to 15 Netflix libraries located all around the world.
- It also has streaming capabilities, such as Hulu, BBC iPlayer, Disney+, and Hotstar.
The sole disadvantage of Surfshark is that you must manually activate the kill switch. Fortunately, you only have to do this the first time you use the app on any device.
Also Read: 15 Best VPN for Google Chrome To Access Blocked Sites
3. ExpressVPN
ExpressVPN is one of the most user-friendly VPNs available, making it ideal to access blocked sites in UAE and all around the world. Among privacy advocates, it has a good reputation. With 94 countries covered, ExpressVPN boasts one of the biggest, 3000+ server networks with these features at hand:
- To disguise the fact that you’re connected to a VPN, this service employs its unique kind of obfuscation. As a result, even the most VPN-unfriendly nations can use the service.
- The VPN employs AES-256 encryption, which is widely recognized as one of the greatest encryption techniques.
- ExpressVPN keeps no identifying logs of what users do online, DNS queries, or IP addresses.
- Users are safeguarded by an automated kill switch and DNS leak protection tool.
- It works flawlessly on PCs, Macs, iOS, Android, Linux, and other platforms.
- Most major geo-restricted streaming services, including Netflix, BBC iPlayer, and HBO GO, as well as VoIP services like Skype, are compatible with ExpressVPN.
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4. PrivateVPN
PrivateVPN places a premium on security, speed, and simplicity, allowing customers to unblock websites in UAE and stay secure online with only a few clicks. The features of this tool are:
- The firm has a no-logs policy.
- You have the option of using 128-bit or 256-bit AES encryption, which both provide complete forward secrecy.
- Service includes a kill switch, as well as IPv6 and DNS leak prevention.
- It is simple to connect to a secure server, ensuring that your online privacy is never jeopardized.
- On a single account, you may connect up to six devices at the same time.
- PrivateVPN can unblock geo-restricted internet content such as Netflix collections from several countries. Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and BBC iPlayer, to name a few.
- PrivateVPN is available on PC, iOS, Android, Mac, Linux, Fire TV, and a variety of other devices, you’ll be able to surf and stream in perfect anonymity.
- It accepts credit cards, Stripe, PayPal, and Bitcoin as payment methods.
PrivateVPN is a small but solid network of over 150 servers in over 60 countries, enough to give you a diverse variety of locations and speeds without sacrificing quality.
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5. VyprVPN
VyprVPN is a Swiss company that owns and runs a global network of servers. Most other services just rent servers from third-party data centers, which is in stark contrast to this.
- VyprVPN has more control over its users’ online privacy, which is safeguarded by robust encryption and a policy of no user logs.
- It is adept at getting around regulations in locations like the United Arab Emirates and China.
- It supports VoIP services like Skype and Facetime, as well as some streaming services like Netflix, in the United States.
- If you have any problems, live chat help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- There are apps and software for Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android.
- At any given moment, you can connect up to five devices.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Do I need an IP address from the United Arab Emirates to access blocked sites?
Ans: Users in Dubai, for the most part, will have no trouble accessing blocked sites using any IP address they want. In actuality, if a website is prohibited in the UAE, you may need to access it via an IP address from another country. As a result, users may pick the fastest server available, even if it’s on the other side of the world to unblock websites in UAE.
Q2. Is it legal in Dubai to use a VPN?
Ans: Using a VPN to browse, stream, chat, connect to private networks, or access blocked sites in UAE is technically not prohibited. There’s no danger in using a VPN as long as you’re not attempting to do something unlawful with it. You are allowed to use a false IP address as long as you do not use it to conduct crimes.
We hope you found this information helpful and that you were able to access blocked sites in UAE. Please let us know which method worked best for you. And leave any questions or comments in the space below.