但是,有时我们最终会在此过程中删除重要通知。它可以是购物应用的(shopping app)优惠券代码(coupon code)、重要消息、系统故障通知(system malfunction notification)、帐户激活链接(activation link)等。幸运的是,这个问题是有解决方案的。所有使用Jelly Bean或更高版本的(Jelly Bean)Android智能手机都会保留详细的通知日志(notification log)。它包含您收到的所有通知的历史记录。在本文中,我们将讨论如何访问此日志并恢复已删除的通知。

如何在 Android 上恢复已删除的通知(How to Recover Deleted Notifications on Android)
方法一:借助内置通知日志恢复已删除的通知(Method 1: Recover Deleted Notifications with the Help of Built-In Notification log)
大多数Android智能手机,尤其是那些使用普通Android的智能手机(如Google Pixel),都有内置的通知日志(notification log)。您可以轻松访问它以恢复已删除的通知。最好的部分是通知日志(notification log)可以作为小部件使用,并且可以添加到主屏幕(home screen)的任何位置。您需要做的就是添加此小部件,然后在必要时使用它。执行此操作的确切过程可能因设备和制造商而异。但是,我们将提供一般的分步指南来恢复您的(step-wise guide)Android 手机(Android phone)上已删除的通知:
- 您需要做的第一件事是点击并按住主屏幕(home screen),直到主屏幕菜单(home screen menu)出现在屏幕上。
- 现在点击小部件选项。( Widget option.)
- 您将看到几个不同的小部件,您可以将它们添加到您的主屏幕上(home screen)。滚动(Scroll)列表并选择设置(Settings)选项。
- 在某些设备上,您可能需要将“设置”小部件(Settings widget)拖到主屏幕上(home screen),而对于其他设备,您需要在主屏幕(home screen)上选择一个位置,然后将添加“设置”小部件。(Settings widget)
- 添加设置小部件(Settings widget)后,它将自动打开设置快捷(Settings shortcut)菜单。
- 在这里,您需要向下滚动并点击通知日志(Notification log)。
- 现在,通知日志小部件(Notification log widget)将添加到您的主屏幕上(home screen),正是您放置设置小部件(Setting widget)的位置。
- 要访问已删除的通知,您需要点击此小部件,您将看到您在设备上收到的所有通知的列表。(list of all notification)
- 活动通知为白色,您已关闭的通知为灰色。您可以点击任何通知,它会将您带到通知的来源,就像它通常会做的那样。

方法 2:使用第三方应用程序恢复已删除的通知(Method 2: Recover Deleted Notifications Using Third-Party Apps)
一些拥有自己 UI 的Android智能手机没有内置此功能(feature built-in)。这取决于OEM,他们可能不希望包含此功能。可能有另一种访问已删除通知的方法,最好的确定方法是搜索手机型号并查看如何访问已删除通知。但是,如果这不起作用(t work),那么您可以随时使用第三方应用程序查看通知日志(notification log)。在本节中,我们将讨论一些可用于恢复Android 设备(Android device)上已删除通知的第三方应用程序。
1.通知历史日志(1. Notification History Log)
顾名思义,这个应用程序服务于简单而重要的目的,即保持记录和维护您的通知日志。没有内置通知日志的(notification log)Android设备可以在其设备上轻松有效地使用此应用程序。无论使用何种自定义 UI,它都适用于所有Android智能手机。(Android)
通知历史日志(Notification History Log)是一种有效的解决方案,并努力执行其工作。它维护在一天内收到的所有通知的日志。如果您想在更多天数内保持记录,则需要购买该应用程序的付费高级版本(paid premium version)。有一个高级历史记录设置(History Settings),可让您查看每天向您发送通知的应用程序列表。您可以删除通知不重要的某些应用程序,并且您不想保留这些通知的记录。通过这种方式,您可以自定义通知日志(notification log)并仅记录来自基本应用程序的重要通知。
2. 名声(2. Notistory)
Notistory是(Notistory)Play Store上提供的另一个免费通知历史应用程序(notification history app)。它具有许多有用的功能,例如访问已关闭或已删除通知的能力。该应用程序还提供了一个浮动通知气泡,可用作一键式按钮来查看您的所有通知。如果您点击这些通知,您将被定向到相关应用程序,即生成通知的应用程序。
该应用程序适用于所有应用程序。它还兼容所有Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)品牌和自定义UI(UIs)。如果您没有内置的通知日志(notification log)功能,可以尝试一下。
3. 不通知(3. Unnotification)
这个应用程序与我们之前讨论过的应用程序有些不同。虽然其他应用程序允许您恢复已删除或关闭的通知,但取消通知可防止(Unnotification)您意外关闭或删除重要通知。它可在Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)免费获得。该应用程序具有简单的界面,易于设置和操作。下面给出了使用取消通知的分步指南:
1. 您需要做的第一件事是从Play 商店(Play Store)下载并安装该应用程序。

2. 首次打开应用时,会要求访问通知(Notifications)。授予这一点,因为它只有在首先有权访问通知(access to notifications)时才能恢复已删除的通知。

3. 一旦你给了Unnotification所有必要的权限,它就会立即运行。

4. 要查看应用程序的工作原理,请尝试关闭您收到的任何通知。
5. 您将看到一个新通知已取而代之,要求您确认取消通知的决定。

6. 这样,您就有机会仔细检查您的决定,这可以防止您意外删除任何重要通知。
7. 但是,如果你真的要删除一个通知,忽略Unnotification中的第二个通知,它会在 5 秒后消失。

8. 该应用程序还允许您将磁贴添加到“快速设置”菜单(Quick Settings menu)中,只需点击它即可恢复上次删除的通知。即使经过上述 5 秒,它也会恢复通知。
9. 如前所述,有些应用程序的通知是垃圾邮件,在任何情况下您都不想恢复它们。通知允许您将这些应用程序列入黑名单,但对它们不起作用。
10. 要将应用程序添加到黑名单(Blacklist),只需启动取消通知应用程序并点击(Unnotification app and tap)加号按钮(Plus button)。您现在将看到已安装应用程序(Installed apps)的列表。您可以选择要添加到黑名单(Blacklist)的应用程序。

11.除此之外,您可以转到应用程序的设置并根据您的选择更改几个参数。例如,您可以设置您希望取消通知在关闭任何通知后保留的持续时间。(time duration)
12. 由Unnotification(Unnotification)带回的任何通知都将与原始通知以相同的方式工作。您点击它,您将被带到生成它的应用程序。
4. 新星发射器(4. Nova Launcher)
这不是恢复已删除通知的特定专用解决方案,但它工作得非常好。如果您的默认 UI 没有通知日志功能(notification log feature),那么您可以选择更改 UI。自定义第三方启动器(third-party launcher)为您的手机添加了许多自定义功能。
Nova Launcher是最好和最常用的第三方启动器之一。除了所有有用的功能和易于定制的选项外,它还允许您恢复已删除的通知。与现有Android(Android)上的内置小部件类似,Nova Launcher有自己的小部件,可让您访问通知日志(Notification log)。要添加此小部件,请点击主屏幕上的空白区域并滚动(home screen and scroll)到“活动”页面。点击(Tap)并按住此小部件并将其放置在(widget and place)主屏幕(home screen)上的空间中。它现在将打开一个可供选择的选项列表。选择设置(Select Settings),在那里,您将找到“通知日志”选项。点击(Tap)它,小部件将添加到主屏幕上(home screen)。

但是,Nova Launcher提供的通知日志(notification log)功能有限。它只会显示通知的主题或标题,不会提供任何其他信息。通知也不会将您带到最初生成它的原始应用程序。在某些情况下,您可能必须启用开发人员(Developer)选项,否则通知日志(Notification log)将无法在您的设备上运行。
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我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助(information helpful),并且您能够在 Android 上恢复已删除的通知(recover deleted notifications on Android)。通知(Notifications)有一个重要的目的;但是,并非所有通知都值得关注。偶尔忽略或删除它们是很自然的。值得庆幸的是,Android允许您访问这些已删除的通知,以防您最终删除重要的内容。您可以使用内置的通知日志小部件(notification log widget),也可以使用本文中讨论的第三方应用程序。
How to Recover Deleted Notifications on Android
Notifications play a crυcial role in our daily lives. It provides important information like incoming messages, emails, missed calls, app notifications, reminders, etc. However, throughout the day, we also receivе a lot of ѕpam and unneceѕsarу notifications. These are maіnly promotions and ads from varioυs apps that we use. Αs a result, it becomes a common tendency to clear all notifications every once in a while. All Android smartphoneѕ have a dedicated one tap dismiss button to clear all notifications. This makes our јob easier.
However, sometimes we end up deleting important notifications in the process. It could be a coupon code for a shopping app, an important message, system malfunction notification, account activation link, etc. Thankfully, there exists a solution to this problem. All Android smartphones using Jelly Bean or higher maintain a detailed notification log. It contains the history of all the notifications that you received. In this article, we are going to discuss how you can access this log and recover your deleted notifications.

How to Recover Deleted Notifications on Android
Method 1: Recover Deleted Notifications with the Help of Built-In Notification log
Most of the Android smartphones, especially the ones using stock Android (like Google Pixel), have a built-in notification log. You can easily access this to recover your deleted notifications. The best part is that the notification log is available as a widget and can be added anywhere on the home screen. All that you need to do is add this widget and then use it as and when necessary. The exact process to do this might vary from device to device and on the manufacturer. However, we will provide a general step-wise guide to recover deleted notifications on your Android phone:
- The first thing that you need to do is tap and hold on your home screen until the home screen menu appears on the screen.
- Now tap on the Widget option.
- You will be presented with several different widgets that you can add on your home screen. Scroll through the list and select the Settings option.
- On some devices, you might have to drag the Settings widget to the home screen while for others, you need to select a place on the home screen and the Settings widget will be added.
- Once the Settings widget has been added, it will automatically open the Settings shortcut menu.
- Here, you need to scroll down and tap on the Notification log.
- Now a Notification log widget will be added on your home screen exactly where you placed the Setting widget.
- To access your deleted notifications, you need to tap on this widget, and you will see the list of all notifications that you received on your device.
- The active notifications would be in white, and the ones that you have closed are in grey. You can tap on any notification, and it will take you to the source of the notification just it would normally do.

Method 2: Recover Deleted Notifications Using Third-Party Apps
Some Android smartphones that have their own UI do not have this feature built-in. It depends on the OEM, who might have preferred not to include this feature. There might be an alternate way to access deleted notifications and the best way to know for sure is to search for your phone’s model and see how to access deleted notifications. However, if that doesn’t work, then you can always use a third-party app to view the notification log. In this section, we are going to discuss some of the third-party apps that you can use to recover deleted notifications on your Android device.
1. Notification History Log
As the name suggests, this app serves the simple yet important purpose of keeping a record and maintaining a log of your notifications. Android devices that do not have the built-in notification log can easily and effectively use this app on their device. It works on all Android smartphones irrespective of whatever custom UI is being used.
Notification History Log is an effective solution and carries out its job diligently. It maintains a log of all the notifications received in a single day. If you want to maintain a record for a greater number of days, then you need to purchase the paid premium version of the app. There is an Advanced History Settings that allows you to see the list of apps that send you notifications daily. You can remove certain apps whose notifications are not important, and you do not want to keep a record of these notifications. In this way, you can customize your notification log and keep a record of only the important notifications from the essential apps.
2. Notistory
Notistory is another free notification history app that is available on the Play Store. It has a lot of useful features, like the ability to access dismissed or deleted notifications. The app also provides a floating notification bubble that can be used as a one-tap button to view all your notifications. If you tap on these notifications, you will be directed to the concerned app, the one that generated the notification.
The app works perfectly for all apps. It is also compatible with all Android smartphone brands and custom UIs. You can give it a try if you do not have a built-in feature for the notification log.
3. Unnotification
This app is a little different than the ones we discussed until now. While other apps allow you to recover deleted or dismissed notifications, Unnotification prevents you from accidentally dismissing or deleting important notifications. It is available for free on Google Play Store. The app has a simple interface and is easy to set up and operate. Given below is a step-wise guide to using Unnotification:
1. The first thing that you need to do is download and install the app from the Play Store.

2. When you open the app for the first time, it will ask for access to Notifications. Grant that as it would only be able to recover deleted notifications if it has access to notifications in the first place.

3. Once you have given Unnotification all the required permission, it will be operational instantly.

4. To see how the app works, try dismissing any notification that you have received.
5. You will see that a new notification has taken its place asking you to confirm your decision to dismiss the notification.

6. This way, you get a chance to double-check your decision, and this prevents you from accidentally deleting any important notification.
7. However, if you actually want to delete a notification, ignore the second notification from Unnotification, and it will disappear after 5 seconds.

8. The app also allows you to add tile to your Quick Settings menu that can bring back the last deleted notification by simply tapping on it. It will restore the notification even after the above-mentioned 5 seconds have passed.
9. As mentioned earlier, there are some apps whose notifications are spam, and under no circumstances would you like to restore them. A notification allows you to blacklist these apps, and it won’t work for them.
10. To add an app to the Blacklist, simply launch the Unnotification app and tap on the Plus button. You will now be presented with a list of Installed apps. You can select which app you would like to add to the Blacklist.

11. In addition to that, you can go to the settings of the app and change several parameters as per your choice. For example, you can set the time duration for which you would like the Unnotification to stay after dismissing any notification.
12. Any notification that is brought back by Unnotification, will work in the same way as the original notification. You tap on it, and you will be taken to the app that generated it.
4. Nova Launcher
This is not a specific dedicated solution to recover deleted notifications, but it works perfectly fine. In case your default UI does not have the notification log feature, then you can opt for a change in UI. A custom third-party launcher adds a lot of customized features to your phone.
Nova Launcher is one of the best and most popularly used third-party launchers. In addition to all its useful features and ease of customization options, it allows you to bring back your deleted notifications. Similar to the built-in widget on stock Android, Nova Launcher has its own widget that allows you to access the Notification log. To add this widget, tap on a blank space on the home screen and scroll to the “Activities” page. Tap and hold this widget and place it on a space on the home screen. It will now open a list of options to choose from. Select Settings, and in there, you will find the “Notification Log” option. Tap on it, and the widget will be added on the home screen.

However, the notification log provided by Nova Launcher has limited functionality. It will only show the subject or the header of the notification and will not provide any additional information. Neither will the notifications take you to the original app that generated it in the first place. In some cases, you might have to enable Developer options, or else the Notification log will not work on your device.
We hope that you find this information helpful and you were able to recover deleted notifications on Android. Notifications serve an important purpose; however, not all notifications are worth paying attention to. Dismissing or deleting them once in a while is quite natural. Thankfully, Android allows you to access these deleted notifications, in case you end up deleting something important. You can either use the built-in notification log widget or use a third-party app like the ones discussed in this article.