Android是全球数百万用户的流行操作系统平台。(operating system platform)用户可以从Google Play(Google play)商店在他们的手机上安装不同的应用程序。这些安卓应用程序中的大多数都增强了安卓手机(Android phone)用户的体验。但是,有时,当您尝试在Android 手机(Android phone)上安装应用程序时,您会收到一条消息提示(message prompt)“未安装应用(App)程序”或“未安装应用(Application)程序”。这是大多数Android用户在手机上安装某些应用程序时都会遇到的错误。如果你面对这个 '应用(App)未安装”错误,则该特定应用程序将不会安装在您的手机上。因此,为了帮助您修复 Android 上未安装应用程序的错误( fix app not installed error on Android),我们提供了一份指南,您可以阅读该指南以了解此错误背后的原因。
修复(Fix App)Android上未安装应用程序错误(Installed Error)
Android上未安装应用程序错误的原因(Reasons for App not installed Error on Android)
a) 损坏的文件(a) Corrupted files)
您正在从未知来源下载文件,那么您很可能正在下载损坏的文件。这些损坏的文件可能是您在Android 手机(Android phone)上遇到应用程序未安装错误的原因。这就是为什么从受信任的来源下载文件很重要的原因。因此,在您在计算机上下载任何文件之前,请确保您阅读了评论部分中人们的评论(comment section)。此外,文件也可能因为一些未知的病毒攻击(virus attack)而损坏。要识别损坏的文件,您可以查看用于检查文件大小的属性,因为与原始文件相比,损坏的文件将具有较小的大小。
b) 存储空间不足(b) Low on storage)
c) 系统权限不足 (c) Inadequate system permissions )
系统权限不足可能是在(Inadequate system)Android上遇到应用未安装错误的主要原因。您可能会在手机屏幕(phone screen)上弹出错误消息。
d) 未签名的申请(d) Unsigned application)
应用程序通常需要由Keystore签名。Keystore基本上是一个二进制文件,其中包含一组应用程序的私钥。因此,如果您不是从Google Play 官方商店下载文件,则(official Google play store)Keystore中的签名可能会丢失。此缺少签名会导致Android(Android)上的应用未安装错误。
e) 不兼容的版本(e) Incompatible version)
您应确保下载与您的Android版本兼容的正确应用程序,例如棒棒糖、棉花糖、Kitkat或其他。因此,如果您尝试在Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)上安装不兼容版本的文件,您可能会遇到未安装应用程序错误。
修复 Android 上未安装应用程序错误的 7 种方法(7 Ways to Fix App Not Installed Error on Android)
我们提到了一些方法,您可以尝试在Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)上修复此错误,然后您就可以轻松地在手机上安装该应用程序:
方法 1:更改应用程序代码以解决问题(Method 1: Change App Codes to Fix the Problem)
您可以借助名为“APK Parser”的应用程序更改应用程序代码 来修复Android上的应用程序未安装错误。
1. 第一步是打开Google Play Store并搜索“ APK Parser ”。
2. 点击安装(Install)将应用程序下载到您的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)上。
3. 在手机(phone and tap)上启动应用程序,然后点击“从应用程序中选择 Apk(Select Apk from app) ”或“选择 Apk 文件(Select an Apk file)”。您可以根据要编辑的应用程序点击合适的选项。
4. 浏览应用程序列表并点击您想要的应用程序(tap on your desired application)。将弹出一些选项,您可以根据需要轻松编辑应用程序。
5. 现在您必须更改所选应用程序的安装位置(install location)。点击“仅限内部(Internal only)”或(‘ or whichever location)适用于您手机的任何位置。此外,您还可以更改应用程序的版本代码(version code)。因此,尝试自己探索事物。
6. 完成所有必需的编辑后,您必须应用新的更改。为此,您必须点击“保存(Save)”以应用新更改。
7. 最后,在您的Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)上安装应用程序的编辑版本。但是,请确保在从“ APK 解析器(APK parser)”安装修改后的版本之前,从Android 智能手机(Android smartphone)中删除应用程序的先前版本。
方法 2:重置应用偏好(Method 2: Reset App Preferences)
您可以尝试重置应用首选项以修复 Android 上未安装应用的错误: (You can try to reset the App preferences to fix app not installed error on Android: )
1.在您的 Android 智能手机上打开设置。(Settings)
2. 现在从“设置(Settings)”转到“应用程序(Apps)”选项卡,然后点击“管理应用程序(Manage apps)”以查看所有已安装的应用程序。
3. 在管理应用程序(Apps)中,您必须点击屏幕右上角的 三个垂直点。(three vertical dots)
4. 现在从弹出的几个选项中点击“重置应用偏好”。(Reset App preferences)将弹出一个对话框,您可以在其中点击“(dialog box)重置应用程序(Reset Apps)”。
5. 最后,在您重置应用(App)偏好后,您可以安装您想要的应用。
但是,如果此方法无法 修复 Android 上的应用未安装错误,您可以尝试下一种方法。(fix the app not installed error on Android, you can try the next method.)
方法 3:禁用 Google Play 保护(Method 3: Disable Google Play Protect)
Android上未安装应用程序错误的另一个原因可能是您的Google Play商店。Play 商店(play store)可能会检测到Play 商店中不可用的应用程序,因此(Play store and thereby)不允许用户在您的手机上安装它们。因此,如果您尝试安装Google Play商店中不可用的应用程序,那么您可能会在手机上遇到应用程序未安装错误。但是,如果您禁用 google playprotect ,您可以安装任何应用程序(play protect)。请按照以下步骤操作此方法。
1. 在您的智能手机上打开Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)。
2. 点击屏幕左上角的三个水平线(three horizontal lines)或汉堡图标(hamburger icon)。
3. 找到并打开“ Play Protect ”。
4. 在“ Play Protect ”部分,通过点击屏幕右上角 的齿轮图标打开(Gear icon)设置。(Settings)
5. 现在您必须禁用“(disable)使用播放保护扫描应用程序(Scan apps with play protect)”选项。要禁用,您可以关闭选项旁边 的切换。(toggle off)
6. 最后,您可以安装所需的应用程序而不会出现任何错误。
但是,请确保在安装应用程序后 打开“使用播放保护扫描应用程序”的开关。(Scan apps with play protect)
方法 4:避免从 SD 卡安装应用程序(Method 4: Avoid installing Apps from SD-cards)
您的SD 卡(SD card)可能包含多个受污染的文件,这可能对您的智能手机造成危险。您必须避免从SD 卡(SD card)安装应用程序,因为您的手机安装程序(phone installer)可能无法完全解析应用程序包(application package)。因此,您始终可以选择另一个选项,即在内部存储上安装文件。此方法适用于使用旧版安卓(Android)手机的用户。
方法 5:使用第三方应用程序签署应用程序(Method 5: Sign an Application using a Third-Party app)
应用程序通常需要由Keystore签名。Keystore基本上是一个二进制文件,其中包含一组应用程序的私钥。但是,如果您正在安装的应用程序没有Keystore 签名(Keystore signature),您可以使用“ APK 签名者(APK signer)”应用程序对应用程序进行签名。
1.在您的手机上 打开Google Play 商店。(Google Play Store)
2. 搜索“ APK 签名者(APK signer)(APK signer)”并从Play 商店(play store)安装。
3.安装后,启动应用程序并进入应用程序的仪表板(App’s dashboard)。
4. 在仪表板中,您将看到三个选项签名、验证和密钥库(Signing, Verifying, and Keystores)。您必须点击“签名(Signing)”选项卡。
5. 现在,点击屏幕右下角的“签署文件”以打开(Sign a File)文件管理器(File Manager)。
6.打开文件管理器(file manager)后,您必须选择(select the application)您面临未安装应用程序错误的应用程序。
7. 选择您想要的应用程序后,点击屏幕底部的 “保存”。(Save)
8. 当您点击“保存(Save)”时,APK 应用程序(APK app)将自动为您的应用程序签名,您可以在手机上安装已签名的应用程序。(you can install the signed application on your phone.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何修复(Fix Google)无法在Android上运行的 Google 应用(Android)
方法6:清除数据和缓存(Method 6: Clear Data and Cache)
要修复 Android 上的 App not installed 错误(To fix App not installed error on Android),您可以尝试清除软件包安装程序(package installer)的数据和缓存(data and cache)。但是,在某些旧手机上可以使用清除软件包安装程序的(package installer)数据和缓存(data and cache)的选项。
2. 向下滚动并打开“应用程序(Apps)”部分。
3. 找到包安装程序(Package Installer)。
4. 在包安装程序(package installer)中,您可以轻松找到清除数据和缓存(Clear Data and Cache)的选项。
5. 最后,您可以运行应用程序(run the application)以检查应用程序未安装错误。
方法七:开启未知来源安装(Method 7: Turn on the Unknown Source Installation)
默认情况下,公司通常会禁用未知来源安装(source installation)。因此,如果您在Android上遇到应用程序未安装错误,则可能是因为您必须启用未知源安装。(source installation)因此(Therefore),在安装来自未知来源的应用程序之前,请确保您打开了未知来源安装(source installation)。根据您的手机版本,按照该部分下的步骤进行操作。
Android Oreo 或更高版本(Android Oreo or higher)
如果您有 Oreo 作为您的操作系统(operating system),那么您可以按照以下步骤操作:
1. 正常从未知来源(Unknown Source)安装您想要的应用程序。在我们的例子中,我们正在从Chrome下载一个应用程序。
2. 下载完成后,点击应用程序,(tap on the application)弹出未知来源应用程序 (Unknown Source application will pop up, where you have to tap on Settings. )对话框,点击设置。
3. 最后,在“设置”中,打开(turn on)“允许来自此来源(Allow from this source)”的开关。
Android Nougat 或更低版本(Android Nougat or lower)
如果您将 Nougat 作为您的操作系统(operating system),那么您可以按照以下步骤操作:
2. 从列表中找到并打开“安全(Security)”或其他安全选项(security option)。此选项可能因您的手机而异。
3. 不安全,打开(turn on)选项“未知来源(Unknown sources)”的切换开关以启用它。
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我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复 Android 上的未安装应用程序错误。(fix app not installed error on Android. )但是,如果上述方法都不起作用,那么问题可能是您尝试安装的应用程序已损坏,或者您的手机操作系统可能存在一些问题。因此,最后一个解决方案可能是从专业人士那里获得一些技术帮助。如果您喜欢该指南,可以在下面的评论中告诉我们。
How to Fix App Not Installed Error On Android
Android is a popular operating system platform for millions of users around the world. The users can install diffеrent applications on their phones from the Google play store. Most of these android applications enhance the experience for Android phonе users. However, some of the times, when you try to install an applicаtіon on your Android phone, you gеt а message prompt that ѕays ‘App not installed’ or ‘Apрlication not installed.’ This is an error thаt most Android users face while installing some applications on their phones. If you face this ‘Apр not installed’ error, then that specific аppliсation will not install on your phone. Therefore, to help you fix app not installed error on Android, we have a guide that you can read to know the reasons behind this error.
Fix App Not Installed Error On Android
Reasons for App not installed Error on Android
There could be several reasons behind the app not installed error on Android. Therefore, it is important to know the reason behind this problem before we start mentioning the methods to fix it. Here are some of the possible reasons for this error:
a) Corrupted files
You are downloading files from unknown sources, then there are chances that you are downloading corrupted files. These corrupted files could be the reason that you are facing the app not installed error on your Android phone. That is why it is important to download the files from trusted sources. Therefore, before you download any file on your computer, make sure you read the reviews of people from the comment section. Moreover, the file can also get corrupted because of some unknown virus attack. To identify a corrupted file, you can see the properties to check the file’s size as a corrupted file will have a small size compared to an original one.
b) Low on storage
There are chances that you may have low storage on your phone, and that is why you are facing the app not installed error on Android. There are different types of files in an Android package. Therefore, if you have low storage on your phone, the installer will have problems installing all the files from the package, which leads to the app not installed error on Android.
c) Inadequate system permissions
Inadequate system permissions could be the main reason for encountering the app not installed error on Android. You may get a pop up with the error on your phone screen.
d) Unsigned application
The apps usually need to be signed by a Keystore. A Keystore is basically a binary file that includes a set of private keys for applications. Therefore, if you are not downloading the files from the official Google play store, there are chances that the signature from Keystore will be missing. This missing signature causes the app not installed error on Android.
e) Incompatible version
You should ensure that you are downloading the right application that is compatible with your Android versions, such as lollipop, marshmallow, Kitkat, or others. Therefore, if you try to install an incompatible version of the file on your Android smartphone, you will likely face the app not installed error.
7 Ways to Fix App Not Installed Error on Android
We are mentioning some methods that you can try to fix this error on your Android smartphone, and then you will be able to install the app on your phone easily:
Method 1: Change App Codes to Fix the Problem
You can fix the app not installed error on Android by changing the app codes with the help of an app called ‘APK Parser.’
1. The first step is to open the Google Play Store and search for ‘APK Parser.’
2. Tap on Install to download the application on your Android smartphone.
3. Launch the application on your phone and tap on ‘Select Apk from app‘ or ‘Select an Apk file.’ You can tap on a suitable option according to the application that you want to edit.
4. Go through the list of applications and tap on your desired application. Some options will pop up where you can easily edit the app as you like.
5. Now you have to change the install location for your chosen application. Tap on ‘Internal only‘ or whichever location is applicable for your phone. Moreover, you can also change the version code of the app. Therefore, try to explore things for yourself.
6. After you have done all the required editing, you have to apply the new changes. For this, you have to tap on ‘Save‘ for applying the new changes.
7. Finally, install the edited version of the app on your Android smartphone. However, make sure you are deleting the previous version of the app from your Android smartphone before installing the modified version from ‘APK parser.’
Method 2: Reset App Preferences
You can try to reset the App preferences to fix app not installed error on Android:
1. Open Settings on your Android smartphone.
2. Now go to the ‘Apps‘ tab from the Settings then tap on ‘Manage apps‘ to view all of your installed apps.
3. In manage Apps, you have to tap on three vertical dots at the screen’s top right corner.
4. Now tap on ‘Reset App preferences‘ from the few options that pop up. A dialog box will pop up, where you have you tap on ‘Reset Apps.’
5. Finally, after you reset the App preferences, you can install your desired app.
However, if this method could not fix the app not installed error on Android, you can try the next method.
Method 3: Disable Google Play Protect
Another reason for the app not installed error on Android could be because of your Google play store. The play store may detect the apps that are not available on the Play store and thereby does not allow the users to install them on your phone. Therefore, if you are trying to install an application that is not available on the Google play store, then you may face the app not installed error on your phone. However, you can install any application if you disable google play protect. Follow these steps for this method.
1. Open Google Play Store on your smartphone.
2. Tap on the three horizontal lines or the hamburger icon that you see at the screen’s top left.
3. Locate and open ‘Play Protect.’
4. In the ‘Play Protect‘ section, open Settings by tapping on the Gear icon at the screen’s top right corner.
5. Now you have to disable the option ‘Scan apps with play protect.’ For disabling, you can turn the toggle off next to the option.
6. Finally, you can install your desired application without any error.
However, make sure that you turn the toggle on for ‘Scan apps with play protect‘ after installing your application.
Method 4: Avoid installing Apps from SD-cards
There are chances that your SD card may contain several contaminated files, which can be dangerous for your smartphone. You must avoid installing apps from your SD card as your phone installer may not completely parse the application package. Therefore, you can always choose another option, which is installing the files on your internal storage. This method is for users who are using the old versions of Android phones.
Method 5: Sign an Application using a Third-Party app
The apps usually need to be signed by a Keystore. A Keystore is basically a binary file that includes a set of private keys for applications. However, if the app you are installing does not have a Keystore signature, you can use the ‘APK signer‘ app to sign the application.
1. Open the Google Play Store on your phone.
2. Search for ‘APK signer‘ and install it from the play store.
3. After installing, launch the app and go to the App’s dashboard.
4. In the dashboard, you will see three options Signing, Verifying, and Keystores. You have to tap on the Signing tab.
5. Now, tap on ‘Sign a File’ at the right bottom of the screen to open your File Manager.
6. Once your file manager opens, you have to select the application in which you are facing the app not installed error.
7. After selecting your desired application, tap on ‘Save‘ at the bottom of the screen.
8. When you tap on ‘Save,’ the APK app will automatically sign your application, and you can install the signed application on your phone.
Also Read: How to Fix Google app not working on Android
Method 6: Clear Data and Cache
To fix App not installed error on Android, you can try to clear your package installer’s data and cache. However, the option of clearing the data and cache of the package installer is available on some old phones.
1. Open your phone Settings.
2. Scroll down and open the ‘Apps‘ section.
3. Locate the Package Installer.
4. In the package installer, you can easily find the option to Clear Data and Cache.
5. Finally, you can run the application to check for the app not installed error.
Method 7: Turn on the Unknown Source Installation
By default, the companies usually disable the unknown source installation. So if you are facing the app not installed error on Android, then it is probably because of the unknown source installation that you have to enable. Therefore, before installing an application from an unknown source, make sure that you are turning on the unknown source installation. Follow the steps under the section as per the version of your phone.
Android Oreo or higher
If you have Oreo as your operating system, then you may follow these steps:
1. Install your desired application from an Unknown Source normally. In our case, we are downloading an application from Chrome.
2. After the downloading completes, tap on the application, and a dialogue box regarding the Unknown Source application will pop up, where you have to tap on Settings.
3. Finally, in Settings, turn on the toggle for ‘Allow from this source.’
Android Nougat or lower
If you have Nougat as your operating system, then you may follow these steps:
1. Open your phone Settings on your phone.
2. Locate and open ‘Security‘ or other security option from the list. This option may vary depending upon your phone.
3. Insecurity, turn on the toggle for the option ‘Unknown sources‘ to enable it.
4. Finally, you can install any third-party apps without facing app not installed error on your phone.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix app not installed error on Android. However, if none of the above-mentioned methods work, then the problem could be that the application you are trying to install is corrupt, or there could be some problems with your phone’s operating system. Therefore, one last solution could be to take some technical help from a professional. If you liked the guide, you may let us know in the comments below.